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League of Legends uPick AWH **** ITS OVER


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Yes it's a reasonable vote. I've been mostly quite during the early part of Day 1. I've thrown out a few reads, ignored some discussion. Seems reasonable to me. I'm not gonna get my panties in a wad cause someone is throwing their vote at me; that's expected eventually.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
UTDZac said:
MSF and Kantrip both seem honest in their discussion on early game stances. I can't point a finger on it, but Raziek's replies don't feel in place. Soup is interacting way to much for me to get a solid read on.
I looked at this line, rubbed my eyes for a bit, and then stared it again. What do you mean I'm interacting way too much to get a solid read on?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip said:
This is untrue. I'm giving Delita a regular-sized persona in which he isn't QUESTIONING you at all. Maybe I'm wrong, but I see more pointing out double standards and telling you that you're wrong from him than any questioning. What he is doing is not trying to discern your alignment because he's just shutting down everything you're trying to do. The things you're trying to do may deserve to be shut down, but that doesn't mean doing so is finding scum.

The one redeeming point is that he is telling every other player slot to comment on the whole ordeal, which is something he has been very adamantly pushing for. This is working towards getting opinions out there to find scum, trading walls with you wasn't.
Just because something isn't presented in a way of a question, doesn't mean he's not looking for an answer or a response. What other reason would Delita have, besides what you think, to question or to interact with me in the way he did? This is rhetorical, I'm only looking for a response. I disagree. I wouldn't think I'm being biased towards him but I see him putting up my argument to his and comparing it to his own logic, if he disagrees, then he disagrees. I don't believe he has shut me down in any form, if anything, he brought up conclusions as to why he provoked me in the first place. Bolded, I don't understand this line at all. Wasn't your reasoning for Delita scum that he's shutting down any progression that I'm trying to do, not that what I did deserved to be shut down? Rethink this.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I don't understand your last paragraph either, how is presenting information and trading walls not trying to find scum? Perhaps this is your mafia mentality but tell me why you believe that it wasn't.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Allow me to but into your argument with Delita for a moment.

Kantrip said:
In the case of you being scum, soup is not a partner. This I have stated. So, for this scenario, your push on him would be a push for a mislynch. When I am talking about a scenario, I don't dance around with "maybes" and "if x then y's". If you are scum and are trying to make soup slip up, then he is town and it's for the purpose of a mislynch.

To clarify, that doesn't mean you are 100% scum and he is 100% town, by any means.
Do you really think that Delita was setting up a mislynch so early? Do you really think I would go down this easy? I want you to look at my points I made, and then consider your own. This isn't about having the wrong logic, it's about you making something faulty and grasping on oeverexaggerated ideals based on god knows what.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I want someone who's not scumreading Kantrip to tell me a reason that doesn't involve the word "Meta."

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I want anyone who's reading UTDZac as scum to give me reason that doesn't involve the words "Noob." I don't see anything specifically telling.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Is me answering your questions going to have any effect on your read of me, or can I ignore them? I feel like they've all either already been answered or they are easy enough for you to figure out on your own. I would rather spend my time being proactive than having to use all my mafia time responding to you.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010

My heartstrings are being tugged, Ryker.

Vote UTDZack

His reads post is weak. I don't think any of them have an identifiable basis which makes them easy to segue out of and laaaaaaaame. Make him fix it, imo.
Not seeing it. Call me stubborn but I've dealt with worse players and worse situations. Maybe if he keeps it up and doesn't come to conclusions.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Is me answering your questions going to have any effect on your read of me, or can I ignore them? I feel like they've all either already been answered or they are easy enough for you to figure out on your own. I would rather spend my time being proactive than having to use all my mafia time responding to you.
Or you could suck it up and respond like every other mafia player. Bury your own grave though, fine by me.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Just because something isn't presented in a way of a question, doesn't mean he's not looking for an answer or a response. What other reason would Delita have, besides what you think, to question or to interact with me in the way he did? This is rhetorical, I'm only looking for a response. I disagree. I wouldn't think I'm being biased towards him but I see him putting up my argument to his and comparing it to his own logic, if he disagrees, then he disagrees. I don't believe he has shut me down in any form, if anything, he brought up conclusions as to why he provoked me in the first place. Bolded, I don't understand this line at all. Wasn't your reasoning for Delita scum that he's shutting down any progression that I'm trying to do, not that what I did deserved to be shut down? Rethink this.
Reasoning for Delita scum was primarily because I didn't see his motives being pro-town. I didn't see any way where saying "soup what you're accusing Kantrip of is something you're doing" is helping discern your alignment or anything. What it's doing is saving me the trouble of responding to your pressure against me (even though I did anyways).

This was already stated and you're just asking me to repeat myself.

I don't understand your last paragraph either, how is presenting information and trading walls not trying to find scum? Perhaps this is your mafia mentality but tell me why you believe that it wasn't.
This ties in with what I just told you. You're either not reading or just making me repeat myself. Trading walls is fine. Trading walls full of fluff, empty statistics, armchair critic, and reasons why your push is a double standard is not. This is because it seriously has no bearing on finding scum.

Allow me to but into your argument with Delita for a moment.

Do you really think that Delita was setting up a mislynch so early? Do you really think I would go down this easy? I want you to look at my points I made, and then consider your own. This isn't about having the wrong logic, it's about you making something faulty and grasping on oeverexaggerated ideals based on god knows what.
I said he was setting up for a mislynch. I did not say it was a quick mislynch, an early mislynch, or even that it would be employed D1. It's not that you'd go down from that alone, it's that making your Kantrip push look hypocritical can be the first step in planting seeds of contradictions in your play. Don't tell me I'm painting some god-like persona of Overswarm in suggesting this, because it really isn't all that hard. I'd do it as scum if I wanted to think for endgame, there's no reason he can't be.

Seriously your jumping to conclusions and putting words in my mouth is just sickening.

What is your read on Raziek, again?


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
What did I say about not obviously crumbing characters whose abilities lead to only a select few mafia roles? Why are you shoehorning such an obvious anivia crumb?

The rest of you, stop with character claiming until you're call upon to fullclaim.
You took my obvious flavor joke as a crumb of any sort? LOLWAT. I was making fun of how people are already posting walls of junk, not trying to crumb anything.

Hell, I might have crumbed in earlier posts, I might have not, who are you to say what's important to pay attention to crumb wise, for any of us? Why are you on this note so handily? That's what I'll be more concerned with when I DO read you later.

My post in general wasn't anything serious, it was essentially a post to show I'm alive and that I have an assignment due tonight and won't be reading every single thing until after it's done. I just find it funny that you of all people would analyze it like such to continue with crumb-police antic I've never seen in any game. Hence this post, since I just decided to pop in and read up.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'd be content with your response by now but you're still being defensive towards me. What's your stance on me? You're so aggressive yet so willing to make Delita scum of the month despite not looking at my own arguments.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Just an FYI, none of my stances are strong. Everyone seems to be clinging to things I say: "reachy strong town read on MSF" -Ryker and "making Delita scum of the month" -soup

Neither of those stances are concrete. I never even claimed the MSF read was anything more than a slight town read (always subject to change, and this goes without saying). The Delita scum read I have been pushing a lot more strongly, it IS reaching, but I feel like that's an effective way of getting people to pay attention to stances.

My stance on you, soup, is that I don't like your play. It's grating on me, but it's null. Every time I play with you is the same ****, and it's just something about the way you like to latch onto my early D1 playstyle and either try to armchair critic it or tunnel it into the ground.

Distracting as ****, and I'm going to be focusing on other things than answering the same questions multiple times. What is your stance on Raziek?


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Pot, meet Kettle.

Substantial posts later if I'm not roped into League or something.
Two people sharing the same base characteristic does not mean that they share similar alignments. Viewing UTDZac's statement in the context of the game also gives a vastly different meaning depending on the context of both he and the accused.

Whether this is accurate or means anything is another question, but an inactive can call someone else inactive with no special consideration required on our part. The same is true for any similar pair, with the differences solely in the contextual details.

So please, don't brush someone off by simply saying "Well, you do it too". It is irrelevant and is an incredibly weak defense.

This is untrue. I'm giving Delita a regular-sized persona in which he isn't QUESTIONING you at all. Maybe I'm wrong, but I see more pointing out double standards and telling you that you're wrong from him than any questioning. What he is doing is not trying to discern your alignment because he's just shutting down everything you're trying to do. The things you're trying to do may deserve to be shut down, but that doesn't mean doing so is finding scum.

The one redeeming point is that he is telling every other player slot to comment on the whole ordeal, which is something he has been very adamantly pushing for. This is working towards getting opinions out there to find scum, trading walls with you wasn't.
Listen here pipsqueak, I'm going to continue assuming you know what you're doing. But if you spout off non-truths and merely parrot other people's already-stated meanings as to the motive behind posts you are worse than dead weight. You are a liability.

Right now I'm trying to find out if you're just bad town or flailing scum. If you were scum, it'd mean your partners didn't know how to be scum either, or were inactive and weren't able to help you much.

I'm not questioning soup at all, you say?

Delita said:
Soup, you listed 4 people as "dark green", which I assume means more town on your scale. Assuming that two of those were scum, how would you feel about your ability to read people in the early RVS mode of a mafia game?

Would this change your behavior in future games?

Adding to this, did those four (Raziek, Soup, UTDZac, KevinM) earn their placement or did others simply fall out of that color group by their actions?

And the final question, why do you consider us and Inferno so special? We are the only orange and Inferno the only white; what is different about these two slots?
Delita said:
You said you were pretty serious about a Ryker lynch if he didn't post and listed him as red, same as Kantrip, and then said you weren't serious about the list save for Kantrip.

How are we supposed to interpret this?
Delita said:
You have a grand total of one reaction and that is from Delita. What did you learn from this? Is it something you couldn't have learned in another fashion?
Delita said:
You seem especially eager to play the game while simultaneously willing to cloud the waters with non-information and red herrings. This is inherently anti-town by its very nature; town needs legitimate reads to follow.

Do you not find that you are chomping at the bit to simply post, but not provide content, a bit unusual?
Oh, awesome. You're done with your pursuit of Soup? What did you discern about his alignment as a result of completing your line of questioning on him? What did you get about other player's alignments by keeping track of who did or didn't respond? Is this stuff going to come up again later, or are you clogging the drain with wads of statistic hair?
Definitely leaning more towards bad town.

I've already stated I don't know if Soup is scum or town. If you think Soup was going to give himself away that early then you are a fool. Reality does play a part in mafia. Soup has received little to no backup save from you and he has made several concrete statements that he should, if he is town, continue to abide by. That is what we have learned.

As for what I've learned about other people's alignments, I'll make that notable when I'm good and ready. As for activity, you'll notice the activity of the bad side of the chart instantly popped up save for Inferno after I posted it. Gauging those players activity outside of this game in comparison to their activity in-game is telling, in addition to the obvious benefits. Those being we know who is actually inactive (like Inferno) and who is being strategically absent from prime conversations (UTDZac) and people with curious behavior patterns like KevinM and Gova.

These are all important elements of behavior that were previously absent from the game. I made them visible to everyone; there is no hiding with me in the game.

In the case of you being scum, soup is not a partner. This I have stated. So, for this scenario, your push on him would be a push for a mislynch. When I am talking about a scenario, I don't dance around with "maybes" and "if x then y's". If you are scum and are trying to make soup slip up, then he is town and it's for the purpose of a mislynch.

To clarify, that doesn't mean you are 100% scum and he is 100% town, by any means.
And why should we trust your reads? Why should we give them any consideration whatsoever?

Your main contribution to this game is being the subject of a conversation between myself and soup, where actual progress has been made. You have been little more than a distraction and have aided town in no significant way.

You don't know the variables. You do not know my alignment, nor do you know Soup's. The motivation for our actions are tied to what we say and to what our alignments are. Off the top of your head, do you even remember what we have said about our motivations, or are you merely putting the cart before the horse again and deciding that the pieces fit if you imagine I'm scum and he's town?

To put this in perspective for you:

Overswarm is a prolific enough scum player to apparently earn special consideration immediately on the exit of RVS, despite that it is known he hates RVS and exits it quickly each opportunity he has of any alignment.

Soup publicly stated he was emulating Zen to get out of RVS and that he felt he had more of a solid read on you.

Your scenario involves the first player being scum and starting the game off with a direct attack on soup for the purpose of a mislynch, as soup is town.

In what world does a single scum player attack a town player at the start of day one with the intent of a mislynch only to follow up his initial questioning with "I don't find him either scum or town" and "his answers to my questions were satisfactory."

When I asked you specifically why you assumed that Soup was town and that I was scum, you said "I don't dance around with maybes and if x then y" and in the same post you say "this doesn't mean you are 100% scum and he is 100% town".

Well it sure as hell sounds like it when you say I'm pushing for a mislynch, as the only scenario that is possible in is if Soup is town and you are confident of his alignment.

Your grand contributions to this game have been incredibly shallow. One of your recent posts is:

K said:
Ryker feels off.

As if this is somehow helpful to anyone, and when you're questioned by Soup?

K said:
Is me answering your questions going to have any effect on your read of me, or can I ignore them? I feel like they've all either already been answered or they are easy enough for you to figure out on your own. I would rather spend my time being proactive than having to use all my mafia time responding to you.
You say "what's in it for me, are you going to think I'm more town if I answer?"

Hardly a town mentality.

Your play is embarrassing, Kantrip.

You have provided no relevant information that people haven't voluntarily given you and your attempt at scumhunting is open-ended questions like "What do you think of Ryker" and "What is your stance on Raziek". When the pressure finally comes down on you, what do you say? "none of my stances are strong". Panicking, flailing, openly stating that everything you've said so far has been hollow, worthless, and without planning or a point just so people get off your back. The one read you said is strong, on me, you openly state is "reaching" but it's totally cool because it's an effective way of getting people to "pay attention to stances".

What stances should they be paying attention to? What is it that they are missing?

Embarrassing. Complaining about people holding you to your word because they assume you aren't just spewing BS 24/7.

Here's a little mafia 101.

If you tell town that you think someone is scum or someone is town or even if someone is acting fishy, they totally expect you not to be blowing smoke out of your ***. To not be legitimate with your reads is inherently anti-town save for a few rare plays in which you know someone's alignment and pretend you do not to lead them on.

If you ask scum an open-ended question, they get to respond however they want. They can respond "null" like UTDZac has and there's not a thing you can, or will, do about it. They can give a shaky statement and then flip flop on it the following Day. Nothing you can do about it.

Your questions have been completely hollow and pointless, your reads unsubstantiated, your attacks lack any resemblance of a bite, and town as a whole has absolutely no reason to trust your judgement over their own.

If you want to be helpful, I'd suggest letting the inactives post or goading them into activity rather than professing shallow reads related to the two most open posters in the game and refusing to answer questions directed at you because you personally don't see the point.

Just a suggestion.

Mastermind Super Fiend

Oct 2, 2012
Vote: Kantrip

Initially, I felt his wall post was townie, and him just noticing something off about Delita. Now though, I feel his insistence on getting everyone on 'obvscum delita' concerning. For example, in Kantrip's #233, he asks Ryker why Delita isn't more important than his vote on LAK. I find this scummy because it seems like he is running around with inside information trying to rush a wagon that may indeed be scum. I also feel it isn't a town mindset because he doesn't consider that it is beneficial for town to do their own thing to be able to garner reactions from everyone, to have solid leads on everyone. I also find it scummy that Kantrip is still pushing the 'possible mislynch' avenue without looking at it from a neutral perspective. He states that Delita was questioning soup to make him slip up as scum, which was something possible, yet he didn't consider that he was trying to advance the RVS. He just jumped to the conclusion that Delita was obv scum, and I am not liking his over confidence of DelitaScum.

Now on Delita, I don't like that he really isn't pushing for a scum read, and I do see that Delita was being manipulative. I asked him about a quote in my #206. He stated that he thought Soup did that purposely to attack Kantrip, which is definetly a nasty attack, and I don't like it one bit. I find it telling Delita didn't actually go into why he felt soup did that. I don't see the reason for his vote to stay on Soup, either. I think he is done with his questioning towards soup yet doesn't move on. I have said I would have commented on Delita much earlier but I was expecting him to actually do something, which he hasn't really. Nothing he has done has helped me gain a read on his alignment, which I find disturbing. Also meta wise, I feel Delita hasn't been as abrasive I would feel he would be with me interaction wise. In Celeb Rehab Mafia I'd ask him questions and he's just snap on me, but here he is a little bit more 'comforting' and seems to be trying to seem neutral. I also do see the idea of OS/Adum letting Kantrip bus them for town cred, and which is why I'm thinking Kantrip is scum. I do see the possibility of Delitascum.

Inferno should be vigged because he really is trying to lurk his way out of the spotlight because he is constantly posting in other games. I would expect him to at least react by now, yet he hasn't. It's suspicious to me.

Soup is town to me because his thoughts on Kantrip sort of lined up with what I was thinking, and he was instantly picking up things and addressing things that popped up to him instead of being opportunistic and looking for easy wagons to hop like in Simpson's Mafia.

Ryker, talk to me about me not 'putting my neck out'. I also think you should explain why you think Delita may possibly not be scum.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Delita is probably not scum purely for numbers and a smartass reaction. I haven't seen anything that makes me want to lynch him.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Delita is probably not scum purely for numbers and a smartass reaction. I haven't seen anything that makes me want to lynch him.
Thought about making a huge post but would rather quote Ryker here.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
One thing I want to say though is that I don't like Delita's style and I find myself annoyed by him playing armchair in 50% of his posts. This is just a gripe, not a concern. A lot of your walls conclude with you lecturing the player instead of objectively questioning them, it's really unnecessary and your opinion isn't law.

Just a suggestion?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip said:
Just an FYI, none of my stances are strong. Everyone seems to be clinging to things I say: "reachy strong town read on MSF" -Ryker and "making Delita scum of the month" -soup

Neither of those stances are concrete. I never even claimed the MSF read was anything more than a slight town read (always subject to change, and this goes without saying). The Delita scum read I have been pushing a lot more strongly, it IS reaching, but I feel like that's an effective way of getting people to pay attention to stances.

My stance on you, soup, is that I don't like your play. It's grating on me, but it's null. Every time I play with you is the same ****, and it's just something about the way you like to latch onto my early D1 playstyle and either try to armchair critic it or tunnel it into the ground.

Distracting as ****, and I'm going to be focusing on other things than answering the same questions multiple times. What is your stance on Raziek?
Something I don't understand about you is that I feel you're scared of being wrong. You remind of a couple of newbies I've armchaired in my IC days and a couple of them I've given the same pointers I'm going to right now. I understand it's irony calling Delita out on this, but it has purpose. Don't be scared of lynching your scumreads, you should be confident in your reads and even if you're just feigning things for a reaction, then have a reason. The only conclusion of how you've handled UTDZac is what I stated in the previous line. I don't think you're being genuine with it but it's an old matter. You yourself said you're reaching a bit but I don't want you to feel like you need to back down from Overswarm because he makes a lengthy post or two and criticizes you. Chin up.

By the way, you're absolutely right. You're a player who I feel reacts well to reactions and early pressure, this meshes into your mentality of having to be right everytime. Right now I feel that's the only thing I would reconsider and you're feigning your own confidence while not being certain yourself. Can you prove me wrong on this?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I might unvote. Respond to me Kantrip and we'll go from there. Not interested in anyone who has been posting really.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
You took my obvious flavor joke as a crumb of any sort? LOLWAT. I was making fun of how people are already posting walls of junk, not trying to crumb anything.

Hell, I might have crumbed in earlier posts, I might have not, who are you to say what's important to pay attention to crumb wise, for any of us? Why are you on this note so handily? That's what I'll be more concerned with when I DO read you later.

My post in general wasn't anything serious, it was essentially a post to show I'm alive and that I have an assignment due tonight and won't be reading every single thing until after it's done. I just find it funny that you of all people would analyze it like such to continue with crumb-police antic I've never seen in any game. Hence this post, since I just decided to pop in and read up.
I assume because previous examples of shoehorning in champ references have been character claims. Also, I wanted to get you talking.

You're incredibly defensive.

Now that you're done with your assignment, what did you take from the Delita/soup/kantrip discussion?

People being quiet,

KevinM, why is Raz scum?

Raziek, you still think our slot is scum? Why or why not?


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I've got one of those little nagging feelings Mr. OSBro. I really like going with those, it's the spammaster gut minus the always being wrong.

Also I'm now finally off my ridiculous work schedule so I can dedicate more time to this finally. Going to reread the last three pages and do a little thunkinating again.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Soup Kantrip seems to be two walls with no real substance if I may be frank. Two sides of the same coin both of them not really advancing the town

Inherently anti-town but not exactly something I can yell scum over.

Rereading the last two pages just makes me still think Raz is scum

I want Raz gone plz OSBro :D

UTD hasn't been very helpful but I have no idea of his playstyle in mafia at all so I don't know if he's just just unhelpful town or really timid scum. The whole I'm going to just throw nulls down all game is super scum though, I see newbie mafia players do that all the time..


Meh my lynch pool right now kinda small

but really its just like


Not necessarily but complete necessarily in that order.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
My bad on inactivity. I'm reading up and waiting for the walls to die down. However I do want to point that, as Delita stated, I find it odd that Kantrip called Soup a mislynch. Honestly don't have too many reads. Feel free to ask me questions as I catch up.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Something I don't understand about you is that I feel you're scared of being wrong. You remind of a couple of newbies I've armchaired in my IC days and a couple of them I've given the same pointers I'm going to right now. I understand it's irony calling Delita out on this, but it has purpose. Don't be scared of lynching your scumreads, you should be confident in your reads and even if you're just feigning things for a reaction, then have a reason. The only conclusion of how you've handled UTDZac is what I stated in the previous line. I don't think you're being genuine with it but it's an old matter. You yourself said you're reaching a bit but I don't want you to feel like you need to back down from Overswarm because he makes a lengthy post or two and criticizes you. Chin up.

By the way, you're absolutely right. You're a player who I feel reacts well to reactions and early pressure, this meshes into your mentality of having to be right everytime. Right now I feel that's the only thing I would reconsider and you're feigning your own confidence while not being certain yourself. Can you prove me wrong on this?
wut? What do you mean by saying the magenta'd? Is that supposed to be the opposite of what you meant?

No I cannot prove you wrong. About my low confidence in my reads you are correct. Probably low confidence in general. I feign my confidence because being all "I guess" or "maybe" is just asking to be manipulated/jumped on or, at the very least, ignored. Obviously this backfires every time since no one sees that this is how I play and I get people jumping on me every D1 if I'm town. The only games that I haven't had early pressure are my scum/indy games. To this day this holds true. Why? Because as town I feign confidence, whereas when I'm scum I don't need to act sure-footed in my reads because I'm not worried about the same things. As scum I'm just worried about looking proactive so my stuff never holds weight.
I think it's high time I try playing proactive as town rather than playing reactively. My reactive playstyle has never spelled good news for me as town. Even when I do it as I intended, I tend to overplay it and get super abrasive and that's just not fun.

But I want to stop talking about this and get back to the game. If you have no further questions, soup, I'd like to kindly ask a third time for your read on Raziek.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I don't like that UTDZac acknowledged Ryker's vote on him when I asked him about it and said it was completely reasonable, but didn't make any attempt to remedy it. Ryker made a clear statement of "someone make him fix [his reads post]" and UTDZac has ignored that.

@Ryker: What does this do for your bad feels on UTDZac? Change them, reinforce them, or nothing?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
My bad on inactivity. I'm reading up and waiting for the walls to die down. However I do want to point that, as Delita stated, I find it odd that Kantrip called Soup a mislynch. Honestly don't have too many reads. Feel free to ask me questions as I catch up.
Called soup a mislynch because in the context of OS scum, which is the scenario I was detailing, that is what it would be. I don't scumslips like that, I think far too much about what I'm doing when I'm scum. Not that you can take my word on that or anything.

Could you compare and contrast UTDZac's and Raziek's play? Also a read on KevinM if you please.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Called soup a mislynch because in the context of OS scum, which is the scenario I was detailing, that is what it would be. I don't scumslips like that, I think far too much about what I'm doing when I'm scum. Not that you can take my word on that or anything.

Could you compare and contrast UTDZac's and Raziek's play? Also a read on KevinM if you please.
This doesn't make any sense.

OS is scum because if he was scum then lynching Soup would be a mislynch?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Not even a little bit.

It is a theoretical scenario. For the purposes of what I am detailing, I am saying that Delita is scum. Therefore, since he is theoretically scum, soup is theoretically town. Ergo, Delita lynching soup would be a mislynch. Never was I using that as reasoning for OS scum. Like seriously how does that not make sense to you?


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Not even a little bit.

It is a theoretical scenario. For the purposes of what I am detailing, I am saying that Delita is scum. Therefore, since he is theoretically scum, soup is theoretically town. Ergo, Delita lynching soup would be a mislynch. Never was I using that as reasoning for OS scum. Like seriously how does that not make sense to you?
Vote: Kantrip

No one is this stupid.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm thinking the same thing about you right now holy ****. What part aren't you getting?

I'm just gonna leave this be. I'm not getting anything from Delita but walls and anger, so I'll come back to the slot later. Null until I do.

Vote: UTDZac


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Forget mafia 101, it's time for some mafia kindergarten.

"Hello class. Today we are going to learn about mafia. Let's assume for now that OS is scum, since that is the stance I am taking at this time. We are also assuming that soup =/= OS in terms of alignment, since that is another stance I am taking. While not necessarily true statements by any means, we will operate under the assumption that they are for the purpose of this class. Now that we have that established with reasoning that could be either totally valid or completely arbitrary, we will move on to what this lesson is actually about."

"But sir, why can't soup be scum and OS town?"

"That could very well be the case. However, as I stated, we are going off the presumption that the inverse is true for the purpose of this lesson because that is my current theory. Now then: When a town player in mafia is lynched, this is known as a mislynch. Since OS is scum, soup must not be scum since they are not aligned."

"But sir, soup could be an independent faction! Or a separate mafia!"

"Ahh, good point. While it is true that soup could still be an anti-town faction with OS mafia in mind, we are not taking that into account when talking about OS's mindset. Perhaps 'mislynch' isn't the best term to use in this scenario, but the point herein lies with the fact that OS is scum and someone who is not scum with OS is getting lynched. Rather than saying 'mislynch', I could've said 'lynch on a player not aligned with OS so as to protect OS's scum mates and let them all survive for another Day', but that was too difficult to say and I honestly didn't think of it at the time. The wording of it may change, but the point remains the same. The point is, OS is scum. soup is getting lynched. From OS's point of view, he is pulling off a successful mislynch, deterring the lynch away from his faction. Does everyone understand? Yes? Good."

Not sure if needed clarification on semantics or really just didn't get it, but I hope it makes sense now.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Forget mafia 101, it's time for some mafia kindergarten.

"Hello class. Today we are going to learn about mafia. Let's assume for now that OS is scum, since that is the stance I am taking at this time. We are also assuming that soup =/= OS in terms of alignment, since that is another stance I am taking. While not necessarily true statements by any means, we will operate under the assumption that they are for the purpose of this class. Now that we have that established with reasoning that could be either totally valid or completely arbitrary, we will move on to what this lesson is actually about."

"But sir, why can't soup be scum and OS town?"

"That could very well be the case. However, as I stated, we are going off the presumption that the inverse is true for the purpose of this lesson because that is my current theory. Now then: When a town player in mafia is lynched, this is known as a mislynch. Since OS is scum, soup must not be scum since they are not aligned."

"But sir, soup could be an independent faction! Or a separate mafia!"

"Ahh, good point. While it is true that soup could still be an anti-town faction with OS mafia in mind, we are not taking that into account when talking about OS's mindset. Perhaps 'mislynch' isn't the best term to use in this scenario, but the point herein lies with the fact that OS is scum and someone who is not scum with OS is getting lynched. Rather than saying 'mislynch', I could've said 'lynch on a player not aligned with OS so as to protect OS's scum mates and let them all survive for another Day', but that was too difficult to say and I honestly didn't think of it at the time. The wording of it may change, but the point remains the same. The point is, OS is scum. soup is getting lynched. From OS's point of view, he is pulling off a successful mislynch, deterring the lynch away from his faction. Does everyone understand? Yes? Good."

Not sure if needed clarification on semantics or really just didn't get it, but I hope it makes sense now.
You're hopeless.

<s>Hey, let's assume Kantrip is scum. Now that we're assuming Kantrip is scum, let's lynch kantrip because if he's scum we are lynching mafia! My logic is ****ing flawless</s>
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