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League of Legends uPick AWH **** ITS OVER


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Second post - Ehhhhhhhh, I don't like that at all. An action being beneficial to scum, even if it could be benefiial to town, is oftentimes valid reason to call someone scum. If not, then how do you catch anyone? Need to read it again.

On the whole, I don't get how you could possibly call that a scum slip.

You call people scum by figuring out what they would do as scum versus what they would do as town. Or by forcing them to take a stance they would have to violate as scum Not using a scenario where you assume them scum to prove them scum.

I'll do more than skim later, gotta go work out and job hunt for the Winter.
You're correct, but keep in mind that chainsaw defense only really provides connections so it's not that useful prior to a flip. Chainsawing provides connections if one is scum, it doesn't provide a scumread in and of itself, and both slots are likely town at this point.

Doing something in the ware house at work, relegated to my iPod.

@First post - Pleasantly surprised and wish you would be clear with what you want done. Do you want Gova lynched based on his current stand off play or do you possibly want him lynched based on his response to you?
If gova continues this I intend to lynch him, if he doesn't it depends on what he does. Currently trying to prod him into activity so I can get a clear read on him rather then being vaguely uncomfortable.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Delita said:
If gova continues this I intend to lynch him, if he doesn't it depends on what he does. Currently trying to prod him into activity so I can get a clear read on him rather then being vaguely uncomfortable.
If we're lucky Ryker will do it for us and it'll give us more options to choose from with that out of the way.

KevinM said:
Inferno also a slot worth lynching btw.
Bravery level: So Brave.

Please contribute something of value. No one currently cares if Inferno lives or dies, but we're not going to drop everything and lynch him now.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Prods and replacements will be handled tonight.


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Don't care. Quit dodging my request. If you're going to refuse it, outright say so.
If you're going to tell me that you are going to intentionally try to stay an enigma and want me to both ask you direct questions and not talk to you and instead talk to two slots I'm not at all interested in, then yes, I am going to ignore your requests. I would much rather let either of those slots go into inaction as I find that to be telling for either player dependent on how it is done.

What exactly was your read on Kevin?


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Responses and etc. later. Busy. Skimmed a couple of posts, got some things to say.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Meh my lynch pool right now kinda small

but really its just like


Not necessarily but complete necessarily in that order.
Ewww. This is awful. Way too safe of a lynchpool imo. All people who haven't posted much or really done anything.

Inferno, get at my #189 while you are at it.
A couple reasons that I failed to move RVS forward:

  • I have been very busy recently with school and performances (music major) and I haven't had enough time to look at this game. I think I'm gonna prioritize this game more.
  • I honestly didn't want to deal with people throwing walls at each other. They're annoying and doesn't always take that much time to explain a point.

Forget mafia 101, it's time for some mafia kindergarten.

"Hello class. Today we are going to learn about mafia. Let's assume for now that OS is scum, since that is the stance I am taking at this time. We are also assuming that soup =/= OS in terms of alignment, since that is another stance I am taking. While not necessarily true statements by any means, we will operate under the assumption that they are for the purpose of this class. Now that we have that established with reasoning that could be either totally valid or completely arbitrary, we will move on to what this lesson is actually about."

"But sir, why can't soup be scum and OS town?"

"That could very well be the case. However, as I stated, we are going off the presumption that the inverse is true for the purpose of this lesson because that is my current theory. Now then: When a town player in mafia is lynched, this is known as a mislynch. Since OS is scum, soup must not be scum since they are not aligned."

"But sir, soup could be an independent faction! Or a separate mafia!"

"Ahh, good point. While it is true that soup could still be an anti-town faction with OS mafia in mind, we are not taking that into account when talking about OS's mindset. Perhaps 'mislynch' isn't the best term to use in this scenario, but the point herein lies with the fact that OS is scum and someone who is not scum with OS is getting lynched. Rather than saying 'mislynch', I could've said 'lynch on a player not aligned with OS so as to protect OS's scum mates and let them all survive for another Day', but that was too difficult to say and I honestly didn't think of it at the time. The wording of it may change, but the point remains the same. The point is, OS is scum. soup is getting lynched. From OS's point of view, he is pulling off a successful mislynch, deterring the lynch away from his faction. Does everyone understand? Yes? Good."

Not sure if needed clarification on semantics or really just didn't get it, but I hope it makes sense now.
What is the point of this? You are going with these assumptions and treating them as if they're fact. On top of that you are literally taking out any possibility that you can be wrong on this. You acted somewhat frantic to what Delita first called a scum slip and honestly it sounded pretty scummy to me. However I also know that sometimes you flail as town so I'm not sure atm. Consider you a slight scum lean.

@Ryker - Read on KevinM?
@Raz - Read on Kantrip?
@Kevin - Read on Delita?


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Hey inferno are you only going to post when you're brought up as a lynch option? Just curious that way we can get you talking all day



TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Also can't read Delta I inherently think ill just let OS do his thing until I know more of his slot. Besides if OS is willing to work with me and he's townie we'll be set all day erry day.



TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Pretty sure Raziek has talked multiple times about Kantrip btw but I didn't expect you to read since you're just playing defensive and posting when brought up. However I really like your openended questions that aren't accomplishing much on your end.



Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
If you're going to tell me that you are going to intentionally try to stay an enigma and want me to both ask you direct questions and not talk to you and instead talk to two slots I'm not at all interested in, then yes, I am going to ignore your requests. I would much rather let either of those slots go into inaction as I find that to be telling for either player dependent on how it is done.
Intentionally stay an enigma? Others seem to have some opinion of me and I've hardly been silent. If you can't read me when I'm posting, the failing is on your part, not mine. I'd again suggest to ask me direct questions if you'd like to have a better read on me.

However, given your disdain for potentially talking to me, I gave you an alternative to talk to Gova or Rainbow. You expressed interest in both slots previously and are now stating you don't have any interest in either of them.

What changed?

Why aren't they good choices for you to question?

What exactly was your read on Kevin?

My read is "needs to post more". He hasn't done anything particularly telling either way imo; he's playing very safe, but at this point in the game that isn't inherently scummy, just suspicious.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I don't think him using the word mislynch is a scumslip. It's possible, but doubtful.

I think the premise of him thinking I was scum hinged on him assuming I was scum in the first place, which is idiotic and faulty. You'll note that Kantrip agrees with me, calling it an assumption, reaching, a weak stance, and not a 100% read back to back in several posts.

Him using the word "mislynch" was a question I asked earlier and Kantrip panicked on it.

The point is, Kantrip was using circular logic to argue that my intentions were scummy. Simply by the actions being beneficial for scum to do if I was scum and Soup was town was enough for him to assume I was scum. You can use the same logic for anyone doing anything; if you start off an argument by assuming someone's alignment and then decide you're right simply because the actions add up, you're setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy.

"Ryker threatened to Dayvig UTDZac. I'm going to assume Ryker is scum. If Ryker is scum, then UTDZac must be town if he uses his dayvig on him, so why would Ryker want to dayvig a town UTDZac? He must be scum."

He has since stated that his assuming I was scum wasn't part of his argument, but reading the thread you can see his initial vote was placed on me because he assumed Soup was town and I was scum looking to make Soup get mislynched.
This slot continues to be ********. I'm not going to outline it again, but I do recommend you drop the whole deal for your own sake.

@Raziek: What is your read on my slot? Still slight town or did the Kantrip vs Delitard debacle affect that?

@Inferno: That's the thing. NEVER did I take the phrase as fact. NEVER did I intend to go on using it for ANY way. The only reason I even had to talk about it was because people were all "omg kantrip y u sey mislynch u dont kno". It was a non-issue and should have continued to be a non-issue but then *********** ensued and Delita started to think I was using "let's assume he's scum" as reasoning for why he is scum. What the actual ****? Also I believe I had some questions directed towards you earlier. Something about telling me the differences and similarities between Raziek and UTDZac's early play and a read on someone?

Disagree with Delita saying connections only matter after flips. You can start to link players together with conditionals like "if player A is X then player B is Y" before you get either variable confirmed. Doesn't really matter though.

@Delita: Raziek likely town? Does the siding with me play a part in this read, or what is it based off of?

@KevinM: Is Inferno above Raz on the to-lynch list now?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I don't really like Inferno's last post. There's words that go alongside reasons, but it feels disingenuous in the sense where his heart's not really in what he's saying. Like it's all an act, y'know?

@Rainbro Fingers: What I'm saying about Inferno. Do you dig it, or think his post was fine?

@Gova: I want to see your shining face in the thread, but I'm not sure what to ask you. Could you maybe get at that reads list Ryker asked of you every ten pages? Please? Thanks. :gova:

@Kryst: If you had control of my vote where would you have it go? With UTDZac replacing out I'm feeling I should wait to see who comes in and what they do in his place, do you agree?


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
To make it clear, my Town read on Kantrip has strengthened as a result of KantripvDelita.

Didn't get any bad feels while I was defending.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
First of all, unvote.[b/]

Kantrip's temper tantrum with Delita makes me lean town on him than before, and I believe that Kantrip is being Kantrip with some situations. I find it completely ironic how I dislike Delita more from their interaction but it meshes into that whole 'they're just being themselves.' I feel there are some things I want to lay out though so I'm going to respond anyways.

wut? What do you mean by saying the magenta'd? Is that supposed to be the opposite of what you meant?

No I cannot prove you wrong. About my low confidence in my reads you are correct. Probably low confidence in general. I feign my confidence because being all "I guess" or "maybe" is just asking to be manipulated/jumped on or, at the very least, ignored. Obviously this backfires every time since no one sees that this is how I play and I get people jumping on me every D1 if I'm town. The only games that I haven't had early pressure are my scum/indy games. To this day this holds true. Why? Because as town I feign confidence, whereas when I'm scum I don't need to act sure-footed in my reads because I'm not worried about the same things. As scum I'm just worried about looking proactive so my stuff never holds weight.
I think it's high time I try playing proactive as town rather than playing reactively. My reactive playstyle has never spelled good news for me as town. Even when I do it as I intended, I tend to overplay it and get super abrasive and that's just not fun.

But I want to stop talking about this and get back to the game. If you have no further questions, soup, I'd like to kindly ask a third time for your read on Raziek.
You're an easier read based on how you respond to pressure and someone giving you a hard time. It's not about the instance of posting in a way I want you to, it's about the reaction you give off. See my reasoning on why I'm town leaning you, I was really cautious of how you were playing things but in the end you're just ending up as regular Kantrip. I'm not going to lecture and armchair you like Delita but I'd love it if you didn't have to get so damn emotional with everyone.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip said:
But I want to stop talking about this and get back to the game. If you have no further questions, soup, I'd like to kindly ask a third time for your read on Raziek.
He's town for me. Don't care for the recent vote on Delita but I'm not going to blame his reasoning. I'd put myself there too if I didn't look at it being an OS/Adum hydra and half of their posting going to be filled with pointless armchair. Don't feel he's just trying to lurk on baseless content either and I see him doing things on his own. I like it, simple as.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ryker said:
Ugh, I wanted to post that I liked Soup, then I read this sequence. On the whole, I still like him.

That logic is so terribly faulty. He doesn't have to set-up a mislynch as hypothetical scum. That would help him, but all he needs is to be seen starting things up and to possibly get something to stick so that you get held at arm's length later in the game. If he doesn't get it, fine, but he can still fish.

Why WOULDN'T scum try and set-up a mislynch that early? They just don't have to go all-in.
I suppose. I don't feel it's that way for this case and I think it's more of that Armchair crap they've been spouting. I would care about it more if it continues and I agree that the Gova vote sucked. If they're still kicking and you've got a bullet and it's close to mylo, shoot them in the head.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ryker said:
Arbitrary reads that are not substantiated.
Doesn't seem out there for a player like UTD. Hopefully someone more readable replaces him and I'll get back to him, he literally doesn't matter for me right now.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ryker said:
Okay, you're stubborn. There's more than enough out there at the moment to have reasonable reads on SOMETHING.
Once you play two games with players like Badwolf you start giving people benefit of the doubt. We'll talk depending on his replacement as I said.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ryker said:
Rainbow Fingers needs to play the game. I don't know where you get a sense that he's done anything. I really don't give Xonar anywhere near as much leash as I would give Gova. If I'm interpreting your question right, I want an analysis of your slot (read: a read and why it is there and why it is however strong it is) and to know why they aren't voting UTDZack.
Agreed. Thought about moving my vote over there as I feel they could be more active than what we give. I was lurking this thread a bit and I was thinking "Damn I should post" but I look at this game, I look at the playerlist, and I look at who is posting. Kevin seems town. Don't know. Raz reasoning is *shrug* but I'm already battling uphill about him. Then it really does delve down into inactives. Inferno/LAK/RainbowFingers/Krys mostly haven't got any spotlight and everyone else has basically said their peace. I'm feeling the inactive route for this reason, or at least going that route.

Pick your poison, gents.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Delita said:
LAK has a strong town read for the moment. This could change down the road but he's near the bottom of who I want to hear from. Adumb may feel differently, we haven't had this slot as a discussion point.

LAK has been present and observant, and despite being prominent or visible has had a bead on you all game, which I can agree with. Questions have been to the point with no drama and while LAK could be entirely out of the limelight, instead they come in posting pictures of a chainsaw (and accurately so).
You lost me. I don't see anything that is telling of them and if anything I wouldn't mind for more substantiated reasoning besides just posting and trying to look pretty, e.g his post with the funny chainsaw picture.

How does everyone feel about MSF?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I had a dream that I posted about something once too. I was disappointed when that actually wasn't the case.

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
Had a larger post, Smashboards ate it.


long story short, I don't like him defending Kantrip who was clearly tunneling a huge reach. I like Raziek's response to the pic and his unvote later.

The later is stronger than the former.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
@soup: So you disagree with UTDZac's opinion here, then:
@Rykey, since you're interested.

MSF #206 talking about proactive/reactive gave me the impression he's town.

Raz is scummy because of #246 (and neighboring posts), shows his unwillingness to commit to anything. I don't like this.
Raz's "pot, meet kettle" comment is naturally warranted, as UTDZac hasn't committed to anything while calling Raziek out on that.

So, UTDZac is being a hypocrite and displaying qualms with a townread of yours that (from what you've told me) you disagree with. Do you find UTDZac scummy for this or can you see a townie perspective from him despite all these problems?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Had a larger post, Smashboards ate it.


long story short, I don't like him defending Kantrip who was clearly tunneling a huge reach. I like Raziek's response to the pic and his unvote later.

The later is stronger than the former.
Clearly tunneling a huge reach?

Let's say I was, that's not what matters, Raziek was defending me for something unrelated. He took my side in the stupid as **** semantics argument that ensued. This has nothing to do with defending me in a DelitavKantrip on actual relevant stuff, and pertained more to siding with me against Delita's inability to grasp what I was saying.

Did you actually read the Delita vs Kantrip? How about the early game soup/Delita stuff? If yes, read on Delita please.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
So dislike Raziek's (chainsaw?) defense of me but like some other aspects of his play for an overall townread. Have an overall town read on Delita (do you side with him in the interactions he's been in too?). What's your read on me then, again?

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
Town Raz right now, I just like his flip off because it shows he's thinking about why he is voting more. It lines up more with his rebuttal to my pic. I think what he says in there is that voting Delita wasn't worth it there. And he learned reads from his hops in, I can see that thought process a bit, He's higher on the totem pole.

I do side with Delita on most issues, Soup interaction was fine, there was no spinning him into mafia there. He is doing a lot of airchair critic, people are being distracted by it and just need too ignore it more when they don't wanna read that and just read the actual content. I haven't seen much if anything I had a problem with. He's the highest, but I retain caution. RykervDelita got me thinking more with possible conflicts with how they handled some of their reads like Rainbow. Town lean, scale wise they are at the top, this point I could call them full town and can give them my trust.

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
Then Kantrip part got clipped off....:/

I think your leaning to town, but the Delita tunneling really wasn't help, especially earlier one when you picked up on it more and made it worse.

Your rage at the end...frustration, anger, disgust. No one is listening to you when you believe you are right, that I can put more over to town than scum. John doesn't agree, but that's my take on it.
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