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League of Legends uPick AWH **** ITS OVER


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Did some re-reading, and MSF's 299 left a rustling in my jimmies.

MSF, I'd like clear stances from you on Kantrip and Delita, and I want to know why.

Walk me through how those reads evolved for you, if they've changed from 299.



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Oh, and Gova, I want to know your current read in MSF, and I want you to specifically read at least his 299 before you give me your opinion on it.

And don't spit me back a null, I want at least a lean in one direction or another.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip said:
So, UTDZac is being a hypocrite and displaying qualms with a townread of yours that (from what you've told me) you disagree with. Do you find UTDZac scummy for this or can you see a townie perspective from him despite all these problems?
If UTD is replacing out and considering I've already said I'm more or less null on him and don't see the scumreads from people, then I'm going to disclose my comments about it. I'd rather read the slot that's going to replace in.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
@Inferno: That's the thing. NEVER did I take the phrase as fact. NEVER did I intend to go on using it for ANY way. The only reason I even had to talk about it was because people were all "omg kantrip y u sey mislynch u dont kno". It was a non-issue and should have continued to be a non-issue but then *********** ensued and Delita started to think I was using "let's assume he's scum" as reasoning for why he is scum. What the actual ****? Also I believe I had some questions directed towards you earlier. Something about telling me the differences and similarities between Raziek and UTDZac's early play and a read on someone?
If there is no point to what you said then what was the point in saying it? That's what I don't understand.


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
KevMo, after Inferno, talk to me about Raz. Level with me on that slot, I want the WtT breakdown.

Vote Inferno

May vote Kantrip after reading him. I have noticed that I have no opinion on him despite having the material to obtain one. I usually just skim his posts and get distracted arguing with Delita.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Looking for a replacement for UTDZac.
Krystedez has been prodded!

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline 10/15, 11:59 PM EST

RainbowFingers [0]
Gova [1] Delita
Lovably Adorable Kanine [1] Krystedez
Raziek [2] UTDZac, KevinM
Delita [0]
Ryker [0]
Inferno3044 [1] Ryker
Soup [0]
Potassium [2] Soup, Mastermind Super Fiend
Mastermind Super Fiend [0]
UTDZac [2] RainbowFingers, Potassium
Krystedez [0]
KevinM [1] Lovably Adorable Kanine

Not voting: Gova, Inferno3044, Raziek

Mastermind Super Fiend

Oct 2, 2012
Post #305

I don't like that soup mentions he'll unvote Kantrip before even getting a response from him. It shows he already has a read on Kantrip in mind before Kanty can ever respond, and this means that there argument was going on for nothing.

Post #317

Here Delita votes Kantrip for being stupid. I don't see the point of this vote, and want Delita to clarify that.

Post #318

Kantrip, why did you re-vote UTDzac there? You state you are getting walls and anger from Delita, yet I don't see anger anywhere. Where exactly do you see it [hint: link it], and why do you feel he is angry at you? I'm also wondering why you are letting your 'obv scum' read go? How are you reading Delita now? How does your read erase your past reasoning for DelitaScum?

Post #322

I don't like this, because their votes never really were going anywhere in the first place. Why did you unvote Kantrip? It's not like you were voting scumreads.

Post #325

Not liking this vote. This vote isn't consistent with how they were voting. I don't understand the soup or kantrip vote, but this one just seems out of place.

Post #356

Raz, how exactly is OS making you hate his slot less, how does that belittle your original reasoning when voting him?

Post #373

You are being an enigma because you aren't doing anything scumhunting wise. RVS you vote soup for clouding the waters with red-herrings and a zen playstyle. So you were only arguing with him to argue, and got no where with it. You then vote Kantrip for being stupid, and move your vote towards Gova for being wishy washy suddenly out of no where. I also feel you did that so you could 'make use' of your vote while unvoting Kantrip. Long story short, you are being very neutral and I can't see where you really want to go in the day, all I see is that you want to make pointless arguments just to vote a player you aren't interested in. Being loud doesn't help others read you, it's being transparent with your thought process/actions.

I also want to know what your opinion of my slot is.

Post #376

I don't get it. Can you actually substantiate how Kantrip v Delita strengthened your townread? Do you think his hasty vote on Delita was town mindsided? Can you explain a town mindset with a 'hasty' vote?

Post #377

What? Kantrip is town for a temper tantrum, why? Also Kantrip being Kantrip doesn't cut it yo. Do you agree with my reasoning on Kantrip in my #299?

Post #383

How about you give your opinion on me, first.

Mastermind Super Fiend

Oct 2, 2012
Stance Update:

Ryker Town. I agree with his sentiments about the Delita slot, and like his interactions with him and Kevin. I can see that he is trying to understand their motivations, such as KevinM's Inferno Read.

Everyone else null. Where are Kryst/Rainbow/Gova at.

Raz Scum. I don't like that he is also pushing away from Delita due to OS making him like his slot better, without really substantiating the claims. He also does this with his strengthening of his Kantrip town read. He is the slightest scumread I have. I wouldn't look at him until after Kantrip/Delita/Soup.

Soup scum. He isn't as erratic as I would expect him to be as scum, yet I have a feeling that this is because his scumteam is a bit more organized than usual. (I'll go into this in the Delita Aisle) The reason why I feel he is scum is that his push and pull on Kantrip doesn't seem genuine to me. He states his opinion of Kantrip as a player and even tells him that he is going to unvote him, and encourages him to prove him wrong on his scumread. This shows he already has no scumread in mind because he's already changing his own mind without the need of an argument to convince him. He asks others their opinion on my slot yet he never even states his own on mine, and never gives a conclusion to his 'why did you ignore my list, Ran' interaction. That is the only reason for my scumread on Soup at this time. This is not usual ScumSoup, which is why I feel it's due to him being branched with a stronger scumplayer orchestrating the plays. He is a lower priority to me yet makes sense in association to Kantrip and Delita.

Kantrip Scum, it seemed like he was trying really hard to be town from early RVS into the exit of RVS. At the time of his wall, I just liked that he didn't back track from it, yet I can see him being told to bus OS and be the 'townie' one, which is why I can see why he would try so hard to be proactive when usually, he wouldn't do so. I also didn't like him trying to rush the Delita wagon, as if he saw ALOT more than meets the eye. His rush and over confidence is what made me re-evaluate my read on him again. He seemed to have a really strong scumread on Delita early on in RVS, yet drops it after Delita's constant walling of calling him stupid and bad town. I also don't like this, it doesn't seem genuine of him to drop it so suddenly. To me it seems manufactured. He then re-votes UTDzac for no reason, and I feel it's just like Delita's Gova vote, a backburner vote to make it seem like he's going to make use of it.

Delita Scum, I feel his gameplan as scum would be to give his team some town credit early on. How would he do this? He would attack soup (his buddy) for doing something anti-town, while Kantrip (other buddy) attacks Delita to gain town cred. I can see this as a possiblity since Kantrip was really trying to run people down as the hall monitor. Raz is a possiblity, he did defend soup but to me it's not as telling. I found his vote on Delita logically sound, yet don't see why exactly he felt Delita (OS) made him feel better. Yet again, I feel the 'push away' was manufactured. Now that's just why I feel some of the most active players may be scum. Now then, I feel Delita as an individual has been very neutral and not doing anything so people can't really see him going in a scum or town direction. I feel this would give his buddies ammo to bus him, yet I feel this backfired, due to Kantrip being really over confident of Delita and even trying to rush it with an obvious sneer that he knows too much. I stated before that Delita stated they felt that Soup was doing what he was doing so he could attack Kantrip for the same thing. I don't get what Delita felt what Soup was doing and never did he explain, it just felt disgusting because it seemed like he was attributing an evil nature to that statement. Like before, I feel OS has been very comforting when interacting with me. Some people might not understand why I find this to be a scumtell of OS, yet do remember I replaced in to FireEmblem, and his interactions here feel the same there. I would ask him questions and he would be 'understanding' "You have to start somewhere, Ran" , "You have to understand, Ran, it's not like this, it's just that... [cushion talk]" which is a very drastic attitude to "Why are you buddying me?" out of no where when I wasn't even buddying, but just agreeing with a statement he made. I also didn't like his #373, it seemed like he was trying to paint Ryker as scum for 'not being interested in Gova or Rainbow Fingers' anymore, when I can see it's that Kantrip/Delita was what caught his attention away [from gova/rain] in the first place.

Essentially, I see that Raz, Kantrip, and Soup made pushes, and all three fell back from them and then didn't do anything else. This is another reason why I feel they are scum, because it seemed like they were doing something but something messed up their plans and just had to go into passive mode. Delita didn't really do this, since he hasn't been making pushes, the only thing that seems like a back track was his unvote of Kantrip, even though there wasn't a point to voting him in the first place. I also don't like that Soup and Raz haven't really interacted with me nor commented on me, yet when they push away from their attacks, they then ask/comment on me.

I feel Kantrip is our very best lynch option today. Then goes Delita, then Soup, then Raz. Kantrip/Delita are my strongest scumreads, while Soup is medicore and Raz is a slight read.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
And Delita is also a member of the Illuminati.

That's a conspiracy theorist paragraph wrapped around an initial idea. Taking away the connections and master plan, what do you have?


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
J replaces UTDZac! Please welcome him to the game!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Kay, sounds like it should be easy to do. I am happy I actually know this champion.

Gimme a bit to finish this match of LoL and then I will get to reading.

Mastermind Super Fiend

Oct 2, 2012
On Delita, I have explained that I didn't like his vote patterns, especially his Gova vote. It seemed misplaced, and his unvote didn't really HAVE to happen since he was voting others without having a read on them in the first place. Also I have some slight meta on him too. Anyways, I don't see much else scum intent, since he's being so neutral in the first place. I just don't like that he hasn't given a direction at all, and has really been wasting space with coaching Kantrip, to talking about a town read. So that, is all that I have on Delita.

The thing is it's mostly a vibe thing, in Celeb Rehab he had the vibe as lazy town, but here he seems to be purposely being neutral. That, is why I don't like it.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum

Want to hear what J has to say.

Don't know about Adumb but I am not willing to lynch (in decreasing order):

J (because we have heard nothing yet)

Soup I'm fairly null on, but he posts so I can deal with him for now and learn more later. Inferno is also dead null but there are worse contenders and he is at least making an attempt, plus I've caught him before as scum and think I can do it again as the game goes on.

Raziek is more of a slight town lean only in that he seems genuine and has no major connections to anyone and no one helping him out.

Kantrip is kantrip. In all his games as town he folds and flails under pressure and in one post I made him crumble and he received no legitimate backup. This could change down the line but I am not interested in pursuing this slot further for now. Just panicky town that is a bit too aggressive and forward and doesn't quite know how to throw his weight around efficiently.

MSF I have a stronger town read on after his consipracy post. I don't want to give the scum team too much credit, but there's not a chance in hell they would have told him to post that or allowed it to happen. He literally posted "I think the four most active posters that have all been bickering with one another are all scum together" which would be one hell of a ****ing gambit. MSF also has no connections whatsoever in that no one has backed him up.

LAK I already explained earlier, he's my buddeh.

Am willing to lynch (in no order):

Preferrably RainbowFingers, Gova, or Krystedez.

Rainbow Fingers has gone AWOL, Gova has done absolutely nothing and deliberately avoided the game, and Krystedez has gone AWOL.

I'm perplexed by Ryker's stance on this game as it seems incredibly not Ryker. Normally I'd have to butt heads with him but I pretty much have had the ability to choose what Town talks about all Day even after asking Ryker to take the lead after noticing this. Would be interested in going this route.

KevinM has also been weird. Not necessarily in a scummy way, I guess? But just not normal KevinM.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Now that all said:

We need to get a lynch going on tonight. As in over this 24 hour period. The deadline is on MONDAY, the worst day ever for a deadline, and it is 10/15 meaning it is the monday coming up.

If someone has a case I'd love to hear it, but I don't have any reads strong enough to throw a train at yet and have enough town reads to where I'm more interested in whittling down the nulls.

Does anyone have a problem going after Gova, RainbowFingers, or Krystedez? Inferno could technically be on this list too, but I feel he's a bit above the other three.

If you've got a problem with lynching on of these today, say it. If you've got one that you want to get rid of, say it. I'm going to re-read their very few posts.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Beyond the conspiracy theories MSF, you're applying OS meta to actions obviously initiated by me.

Anyway, we're of pretty much the same mind as far as our reads atm.

So lets lynch gova.

I had a dream that I posted about something once too. I was disappointed when that actually wasn't the case.
This was disgusting from somebody who literally hadn't posted anything of substance.

His 261 and 263 just read like straddling the fence, hence me classifying it as wishy washy earlier. He hasn't given anything of substance and I'm profoundly uncomfortable with his mode of play so far, he needs to die.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I'm not deliberately avoiding the game. If I was, I'd just not post like in Gigabots lol.



I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I also agree that I should die eventually as a bad thing could happen if I make it to Lylo.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
@Raz, the million dollar question right. I'm going to use my 50/50 lifeline.

so that leaves...

A. Scum
C. Town

Well that didn't help any.

Screw it, I'm gonna guess true #yolo style.

A Regis, final answer. I've never seen Scumaru anyways so I don't know what it looks like.

Back to ARAMs. Latas.



I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Woops. I meant C whatevers I didn't plan that Regis bit very well.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Finished my read through.

I am going to play a game of League to think this over.

Very odd. I have polarizing reads than some people.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I'm perplexed by Ryker's stance on this game as it seems incredibly not Ryker. Normally I'd have to butt heads with him but I pretty much have had the ability to choose what Town talks about all Day even after asking Ryker to take the lead after noticing this. Would be interested in going this route.
You have butted heads with me. I've said you're wrong, detrimental to the game, playing in a way that is intentionally anti-town, and I am going to shoot you before the day ends if I have to do it from a phone while I'm carrying a casket.

That being said, regardless of your alignment, the directions you are pushing have been fine by me until now when you have Gova on top of your lynch list when I think UTDJ, Kevin, and Inferno should be there.

As for me, I HAVE been snooping around. However, the main thing I saw was overlooked replaced out of the game, you apparently don't want to work with me, and Kevin elaboration requests like Morello dodges forum questions.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Don't know about Adumb but I am not willing to lynch (in decreasing order):

J (because we have heard nothing yet)
This is so lame. Inferno, J, and Kantrip all on this while I am not. What did you think of UTDZack's response to me (not the original post I voted him for)?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Inferno is also dead null but there are worse contenders and he is at least making an attempt, plus I've caught him before as scum and think I can do it again as the game goes on.


Rainbow Fingers has gone AWOL, Gova has done absolutely nothing and deliberately avoided the game, and Krystedez has gone AWOL.
Out of curiosity, what is it that makes you think that the three you mentioned are better lynches than Inferno? In particular, Rainbow and Krys. I seem to remember you liking Rainbow Fingers more than certain people at the time of that chart.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Kantrip is kantrip. In all his games as town he folds and flails under pressure and in one post I made him crumble and he received no legitimate backup. This could change down the line but I am not interested in pursuing this slot further for now. Just panicky town that is a bit too aggressive and forward and doesn't quite know how to throw his weight around efficiently.
This seems so terribly arbitrary to me. Your lynchpool includes me, Kevin, and three slots that are not around at the moment and the main reason you want to call him town enough is because he didn't get any legitimate backup? The same thing is there with Raz as well, although not as much because I'd throw Raz a rope in all likelihood. Of that group of five, three were not here to help and there are two that I do not believe that you would think wouldn't let him flounder.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
MSF I have a stronger town read on after his consipracy post. I don't want to give the scum team too much credit, but there's not a chance in hell they would have told him to post that or allowed it to happen. He literally posted "I think the four most active posters that have all been bickering with one another are all scum together" which would be one hell of a ****ing gambit. MSF also has no connections whatsoever in that no one has backed him up.
Honestly, I would back this up.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
MSF has FOUR Scum reads?

THIS *****.

Ugh. Need more time to read, gonna have to get to this tonight, as I'm helping with a Charity Fundraiser on Sat/Sun.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Now that all said:

We need to get a lynch going on tonight. As in over this 24 hour period. The deadline is on MONDAY, the worst day ever for a deadline, and it is 10/15 meaning it is the monday coming up.

Fair enough. If Delita is scum, check Kantrip and Inferno.

If someone has a case I'd love to hear it, but I don't have any reads strong enough to throw a train at yet and have enough town reads to where I'm more interested in whittling down the nulls.
No, that's cool.

Does anyone have a problem going after Gova, RainbowFingers, or Krystedez? Inferno could technically be on this list too, but I feel he's a bit above the other three.
Okay, there's Inferno, so you know it's there. Still want you to identify why, but why aren't Kevin and J on that list?

If you've got a problem with lynching on of these today, say it. If you've got one that you want to get rid of, say it. I'm going to re-read their very few posts.
I'd rather have Kevin, tbh.


That's my list in order from favorite lynch to least favorite.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Beyond the conspiracy theories MSF, you're applying OS meta to actions obviously initiated by me.

Anyway, we're of pretty much the same mind as far as our reads atm.

So lets lynch gova.

This was disgusting from somebody who literally hadn't posted anything of substance.

His 261 and 263 just read like straddling the fence, hence me classifying it as wishy washy earlier. He hasn't given anything of substance and I'm profoundly uncomfortable with his mode of play so far, he needs to die.
I'm profoundly uncomfortable with your mode of play right now. I'll make a post about it tonight.

261 is lame, noncommital. 263 doesn't read badly at all. It reads as questioning a possible contradiction and is the primary reason outside of simple meta that I want to keep him around over any other null read.

Did you ever ask him for something specific as opposed to simply pointing at it him and commanding him to speak?
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