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League of Legends uPick AWH **** ITS OVER


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
hey man well that's just like you opinion, if someone wanted my vote they should have asked for it. its not like i was doing anything with it anyways.

im sona and my ability is hymn of valor which makes someone a double voter, i also take one less vote to lynch
A hated doublevoter?

I am perfectly okay with lynching that claim.

Do you make someone a permanent doublevoter, or just a one-time doublevoter?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
ok, well i'll get right on that but its probably just one time double voter since i have no restrictions on how many times i can use it. would be ridiculous to have perma double voters running around lol


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
also your pokemon metaphor is stupid considering i am awake and can move out of the path lol yet somehow im more of a problem than people who aren't playing. if that's the case i guess i should just quit dgames then. I guess i could see how someone who isn't playing would be more useful than i

not really.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Gova, that doesn't explain why have done nothing in terms of useful analysis.

Can you yourself vote?

Alright I see what you mean.

Is scummy with a lot of connections not stretching it just a little bit? I'd say lurky with one connection, but eh. What have you been seeing in him?
His stubborn lack of commitment rubs me the wrong way, it's like he doesn't wanna establish a paper trail. Just way too many non-posts.

I mean, look at this:

yep mmhmm, Raz. I don't know what to tell you. I like the way he thinks I guess? he seems to be analyzing anything that piques his interest and i especially like his latest wall or whatever even though i don't necessarily agree with it. im having a tough time swallowing that the scum team is contained within the "inactives" which i agree with him on that one of the "active" players is most likely scum. aint no scum team got time to be inactive and expect the game to be won. thats just dumb yo
"I like the way he thinks I guess?"

It wouldn't be an issue if this wasn't the most in terms of a substantial opinion and he hadn't already had a fair number of posts or if it wasn't just saying "null" in a way drawn-out way. It doesn't even give us useful insight into his thought process for it, it's just saying nothing while attempting to make it sound like something.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
They can become useful. Your statement earlier was that you wouldn't contribute until you saw something worth commenting on and, well, you went a whole Day phase without saying anything.

Really, what have you contributed? Did you expect to get a free pass by just posting nonsense from time to time?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
no i dont but you dont seem like the type of person to chance on maybes. maybe they'll become active, maybe they will contribue, you seem like you know all the inactives are going to contribute eventually even though you cant.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
So not lynching that claim.

Do I need to shoot Delita at this point or can he get lynched?

Is OS or Adum posting now?



Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
no i dont but you dont seem like the type of person to chance on maybes. maybe they'll become active, maybe they will contribue, you seem like you know all the inactives are going to contribute eventually even though you cant.
Here's the thing, you're useless AND scummy.

Scummy people are a lot more useful to lynch then nulls even if they're doing absolutely nothing.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
yeah but why the hell would i post then and risk becoming more "scummy" when i could have just lurked and banked on the fact that you would lynch one of the other nulls especially when i had ryker vouching for me lowering that likely hood.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
To respond to Gova *****ing about me having a null on MSF:
Did some re-reading, and MSF's 299 left a rustling in my jimmies.

MSF, I'd like clear stances from you on Kantrip and Delita, and I want to know why.

Walk me through how those reads evolved for you, if they've changed from 299.

Oh, and Gova, I want to know your current read in MSF, and I want you to specifically read at least his 299 before you give me your opinion on it.

And don't spit me back a null, I want at least a lean in one direction or another.

These questions were asked specifically with the intent of solving that problem.

I wanted Gova to produce some content that would help me read him, and I wanted (as I mentioned), someone to bounce ideas off of with respect to developing my MSF read. Failed on both counts.
Raz, I can do that. First I want you to explain what exactly you don't understand and why.
Hitting this in your following large post.
@raziek - is it safe to assume that Kantrip v. Delita also strengthened your scumDelita feel? Also how does OS play scum? I honestly don't know.

No. Elaborated on in my reads post. OS dies to set up his scumteam. He tried (and failed, hilariously) to do it in FE:poR when I first came to D-Games, and he has himself spoken of his own meta in postgame discussions.

Raz, how exactly is OS making you hate his slot less, how does that belittle your original reasoning when voting him?

Post #376

I don't get it. Can you actually substantiate how Kantrip v Delita strengthened your townread? Do you think his hasty vote on Delita was town mindsided? Can you explain a town mindset with a 'hasty' vote?
@ First Q: Should be covered in reads post. If you need more, ask, and I'll try my best to explain.

@ Second Q: Kantrip v Delita strengthened my Town read on Kantrip largely by meta means. Kantrip was clearly frustrated with Delita's badgering and nitpicking, and after having taken Kantrip's side on that issue, I did not find myself regretting the choice. As I mentioned before, that's part of how I build reads.

I do think his hasty vote was town-minded. Kantrip's been crucified in the past (and present) for crumbling under pressure, and he's fighting his way out. This is strange to say, but I can feel his emotions in the post. I see genuine frustration rather than a flailing scum. A vote on Delita serves little purpose if Kantrip were scum, as I don't see that wagon gaining significant traction without exposing his mates who would likely have to help get it rolling.
Stance Update:

Ryker Town. I agree with his sentiments about the Delita slot, and like his interactions with him and Kevin. I can see that he is trying to understand their motivations, such as KevinM's Inferno Read.

Everyone else null. Where are Kryst/Rainbow/Gova at.
I really don't see how you can be serious on having only one Town read. That's essentially saying the entirety of the active players are scum. No issues with Ryker as Town, but the rest I do have some issues with.
Raz Scum. I don't like that he is also pushing away from Delita due to OS making him like his slot better, without really substantiating the claims. He also does this with his strengthening of his Kantrip town read. He is the slightest scumread I have. I wouldn't look at him until after Kantrip/Delita/Soup.
I think I've covered some of the problems you had at this point. If I didn't, talk to me.
Soup scum. He isn't as erratic as I would expect him to be as scum, yet I have a feeling that this is because his scumteam is a bit more organized than usual. (I'll go into this in the Delita Aisle) The reason why I feel he is scum is that his push and pull on Kantrip doesn't seem genuine to me. He states his opinion of Kantrip as a player and even tells him that he is going to unvote him, and encourages him to prove him wrong on his scumread. This shows he already has no scumread in mind because he's already changing his own mind without the need of an argument to convince him.
This I really disagree with. This was very early on at a point where we lacked content, and it got people to take stances. I believe Soup explained his motivations to some extent later on.
He asks others their opinion on my slot yet he never even states his own on mine,
How is this scummy? There's no mafia law of Equivalent Exchange.
and never gives a conclusion to his 'why did you ignore my list, Ran' interaction. That is the only reason for my scumread on Soup at this time. This is not usual ScumSoup, which is why I feel it's due to him being branched with a stronger scumplayer orchestrating the plays. He is a lower priority to me yet makes sense in association to Kantrip and Delita.
Gonna agree with Delita that this seems very tinfoil hat. You've constructed a very elaborate scenario that forms the basis of all of your scumreads, and it's very reachy. Your entire substantiation falls apart if even one of them is Town.
Kantrip Scum, it seemed like he was trying really hard to be town from early RVS into the exit of RVS. At the time of his wall, I just liked that he didn't back track from it, yet I can see him being told to bus OS and be the 'townie' one, which is why I can see why he would try so hard to be proactive when usually, he wouldn't do so. I also didn't like him trying to rush the Delita wagon, as if he saw ALOT more than meets the eye. His rush and over confidence is what made me re-evaluate my read on him again. He seemed to have a really strong scumread on Delita early on in RVS, yet drops it after Delita's constant walling of calling him stupid and bad town. I also don't like this, it doesn't seem genuine of him to drop it so suddenly. To me it seems manufactured. He then re-votes UTDzac for no reason, and I feel it's just like Delita's Gova vote, a backburner vote to make it seem like he's going to make use of it.
This is probably better responded to by Kantrip himself.
Delita Scum, I feel his gameplan as scum would be to give his team some town credit early on. How would he do this? He would attack soup (his buddy) for doing something anti-town, while Kantrip (other buddy) attacks Delita to gain town cred. I can see this as a possiblity since Kantrip was really trying to run people down as the hall monitor. Raz is a possiblity, he did defend soup but to me it's not as telling. I found his vote on Delita logically sound, yet don't see why exactly he felt Delita (OS) made him feel better. Yet again, I feel the 'push away' was manufactured. Now that's just why I feel some of the most active players may be scum. Now then, I feel Delita as an individual has been very neutral and not doing anything so people can't really see him going in a scum or town direction. I feel this would give his buddies ammo to bus him, yet I feel this backfired, due to Kantrip being really over confident of Delita and even trying to rush it with an obvious sneer that he knows too much. I stated before that Delita stated they felt that Soup was doing what he was doing so he could attack Kantrip for the same thing. I don't get what Delita felt what Soup was doing and never did he explain, it just felt disgusting because it seemed like he was attributing an evil nature to that statement. Like before, I feel OS has been very comforting when interacting with me. Some people might not understand why I find this to be a scumtell of OS, yet do remember I replaced in to FireEmblem, and his interactions here feel the same there. I would ask him questions and he would be 'understanding' "You have to start somewhere, Ran" , "You have to understand, Ran, it's not like this, it's just that... [cushion talk]" which is a very drastic attitude to "Why are you buddying me?" out of no where when I wasn't even buddying, but just agreeing with a statement he made. I also didn't like his #373, it seemed like he was trying to paint Ryker as scum for 'not being interested in Gova or Rainbow Fingers' anymore, when I can see it's that Kantrip/Delita was what caught his attention away [from gova/rain] in the first place.

Essentially, I see that Raz, Kantrip, and Soup made pushes, and all three fell back from them and then didn't do anything else. This is another reason why I feel they are scum, because it seemed like they were doing something but something messed up their plans and just had to go into passive mode. Delita didn't really do this, since he hasn't been making pushes, the only thing that seems like a back track was his unvote of Kantrip, even though there wasn't a point to voting him in the first place. I also don't like that Soup and Raz haven't really interacted with me nor commented on me, yet when they push away from their attacks, they then ask/comment on me.

I feel Kantrip is our very best lynch option today. Then goes Delita, then Soup, then Raz. Kantrip/Delita are my strongest scumreads, while Soup is medicore and Raz is a slight read.
Altogether, your justification for most of your scumreads are very reachy and essentially consist of you thinking you've pinned the entire scumteam on Day 1. I don't see that being very likely, and that's why this post bothers me.

Vote: RainbowFingers
Yo hey! Talk about this vote. Why is it here?
yep mmhmm, Raz. I don't know what to tell you. I like the way he thinks I guess? he seems to be analyzing anything that piques his interest and i especially like his latest wall or whatever even though i don't necessarily agree with it. im having a tough time swallowing that the scum team is contained within the "inactives" which i agree with him on that one of the "active" players is most likely scum. aint no scum team got time to be inactive and expect the game to be won. thats just dumb yo
This is very vague, and yeah, one of the active players is probably scum, simply by numbers. That doesn't mean an inactive is a bad lynch at this stage in the game. Gova's opinions in general have been quite shallow and unsubstantiated.

That should be all I have to say for now.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Don't act hastily unless you want me to pull the trigger early.

I need to call people ******** and point out the problems I have with Delita, but I am sitting at the parking lot of a funeral home and need to go in. I'll be watching for votes until I get a chance to post tonight, so don't move Gova to L-3 (he claimed L-1 is death) unless you want to see my Mario Party 2 impression



Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
If we're assuming everyone has a role that can contribute to town, and we're probably going for an inactive lynch, I'm not sure if there is a lynch better than Gova.

That said, Delita's reason of "he seems fine with not taking stances" isn't really pulling the weight of a wagon on its own, and I don't really feel the connection stuff is too solid.

If Gova is scum he had his claim planned out in advance because his "you'll probably want to get rid of me before LyLo anyways" comment lines up with his hated restriction. Meh.

@Raziek: Is Gova the best lynch? If not, who is?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Ryker, if you're so sure gova is town, give a good reason. His claim makes sense, but it's stupid as both a town and a scum role for very similar reasons.

If he did make you a double-voter, confirmed role does not mean confirmed alignment.
Time. I'll do it when I'm out.



I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
i haven't made anyone a double voter yet it's a night action

also raz lynching an inactive is fine if sometimes necessary except im not inactive. and my main concern is that a majority of town is too busy circlejerking each other to see that basically anyone who is active has been labeled town and anyone that's inactive is labeled scum. your reads list is literally nulls and towns with me as a slight scum. thats it, i would think that warrents some heavy consideration especially considering if i had just afk farmed i'd still be null too lol i mean come on


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Kantrip Scum, it seemed like he was trying really hard to be town from early RVS into the exit of RVS. At the time of his wall, I just liked that he didn't back track from it, yet I can see him being told to bus OS and be the 'townie' one, which is why I can see why he would try so hard to be proactive when usually, he wouldn't do so. I also didn't like him trying to rush the Delita wagon, as if he saw ALOT more than meets the eye. His rush and over confidence is what made me re-evaluate my read on him again. He seemed to have a really strong scumread on Delita early on in RVS, yet drops it after Delita's constant walling of calling him stupid and bad town. I also don't like this, it doesn't seem genuine of him to drop it so suddenly. To me it seems manufactured. He then re-votes UTDzac for no reason, and I feel it's just like Delita's Gova vote, a backburner vote to make it seem like he's going to make use of it.
Unjustified crap (like seriously what does "trying to be townie" even mean in this context?), wild speculation about a Delita/Kantrip scum team where the veteran hydra tells Kantrip to bus while proceeding to pressure him back causing him to cave under pressure. Yeah, real sound scum plan. Your speculation is so bad I want to cry. I voted for UTDZac to have my vote serving the purpose of pressure SOMEWHERE, because I could have just unvoted Delita and done nothing with it but that doesn't do me any good.

Really hating your reads but I can't call you scum for them, I can only scratch my head.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
@Raziek: Is Gova the best lynch? If not, who is?
At the moment, yes.

Most of the other people I would lynch have very few connections, so they're not much better than a shot in the dark.

Gova lynch gives us information on Ryker, You, Delita, Myself just off the top of my head. That's already a lot of connections among the active players.

I only find myself hesitating a bit on this because the play right now is so..... Gova. At the same time, I've seen exactly the same **** from him in Ragnarok mafia when he was scum. So.... yeah, I'm ok with lynching him.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
this was nothing like my play in ragnarock lol what are you smoking


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
i haven't made anyone a double voter yet it's a night action

also raz lynching an inactive is fine if sometimes necessary except im not inactive. and my main concern is that a majority of town is too busy circlejerking each other to see that basically anyone who is active has been labeled town and anyone that's inactive is labeled scum. your reads list is literally nulls and towns with me as a slight scum. thats it, i would think that warrents some heavy consideration especially considering if i had just afk farmed i'd still be null too lol i mean come on
Active and useless is worse than inactive.

I'm scratching my head at you attacking my readlist as a means of defense. I don't have much in the way of a scumread right now. Why is that so surprising? I have Town reads or leans on most of the people who have provided content today, so it stands to reason that the nulls and scums are probably people who haven't posted much.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
yeah but why the hell would i post then and risk becoming more "scummy" when i could have just lurked and banked on the fact that you would lynch one of the other nulls especially when i had ryker vouching for me lowering that likely hood.
This is pure unadulterated survival motivation, I can think of nothing more scummy then this post.

If you were a townie, your motivation would be to find and kill scum, yes you risk people interpreting what you do as scummy, but if town just does that then scum never are found and we lose. And it's your fault.

That's why pretty much every scumtell comes from being more concerned with survival.


Don't act hastily unless you want me to pull the trigger early.
Then ****ing do it already if you can.

You can't can you? You know I'm town and you're either too stubborn to admit it to yourself or you're scum yourself.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
you didnt call us out, you just made one post saying you thought we were scum at the end of the day in twilight and we shot you for it. nothing about my play there is similar to how im playing here

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Then ****ing do it already if you can.

You can't can you? You know I'm town and you're either too stubborn to admit it to yourself or you're scum yourself.
People REALLY need to stop giving me day vig and other people REALLY need to stop taunting me when I draw it.

I'm Ezreal, Town Poisoner. Every odd day phase I can target a player with Trueshot Barrage. They die at the end of the next odd day phase.

Hope you have good reaction time on that flash, boy-o.

I am going to tear into you when I get home.



Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
People REALLY need to stop giving me day vig and other people REALLY need to stop taunting me when I draw it.

I'm Ezreal, Town Poisoner. Every odd day phase I can target a player with Trueshot Barrage. They die at the end of the next odd day phase.

Hope you have good reaction time on that flash, boy-o.

I am going to tear into you when I get home.

Uh huh...

Yeah not scared.

You've got the ability to harass any of the inactives or non-posters into posting, but instead, solely to protect Gova you do the following:

1) Claim
2) Say that you're going to kill us on N3 by using an action on N1, effectively ruining any plan you might have.
3) Claim you are going to do so before making a case against us
4) Do all of the above while simultaneously having a list of good D1 lynches that doesn't include us

Hell, you say "Why isn't Inferno on there", but choose to use your ability on us rather than him? Sounds a little disingenuous.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
pretty sure the only thing you noticed was inconsistent or low activity which is something im known for regardless of alignment if you're really going to use meta

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Yo hey! Talk about this vote. Why is it here?
Don't buy his activity and I've seen them post elsewhere consistently. I'll read this current barrage of posts.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
pretty sure the only thing you noticed was inconsistent or low activity which is something im known for regardless of alignment if you're really going to use meta
I'm not interested in you defending yourself by explaining the differences between this game and another. It made me feel more comfortable with lynching your slot, and that's that.

If you want to NOT be lynched I strongly suggest that you start throwing out some information.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
pretty sure the only thing you noticed was inconsistent or low activity which is something im known for regardless of alignment if you're really going to use meta
I'll back up this statement because it's true.

I need to catch up on the newly formed walls since they are from people of interest to me (mainly Raz) and then I will get to it.

Also Gova being lynched looks pretty damn dumb at this point. He isn't being scummy at all and nothing that anyone has used against him is incriminating or scummy. People are trying to force null-tells into scum-tells which looks terrible (moreso coming from Raz who is hopping onto the Gova wagon with Delita even after chainsawwing Delita earlier for his attack on Kantrip. I need to read more in-depth as to why changed his read on Delita from scum-lean to town-lean.)

Eh, while I'm here might as well type more. I'm not for lynching/shooting/whatever'ing MSF/Gova/LAK/maybe Ryker?. I'm okay with Raz/Krys/Kanty/RF dying toDay. My vote is already on Raz so I am going to keep it there for now.

A quick point against Raz I don't like that could also be semi-said for KevinM and Delita (a tad) is this.

Raz said:
His scum-picks are all the people who are inactive, not here and are very safe choices for the lynch which I find is terrible. All his reasoning for these guys are "Inactive, needs to post more." For Raz, it seems everyone who is "active" is alright with being kept around toDay.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Not finding the Gova lynch at all, especially with not how he responded. Not nearly the same how BSL/Xonar dodge this thread like a plague and Gova at least responds and claims. Don't even like the sheeps on him.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Given that you can justifiably make a list of 5 or more inactives, I don't think it's a possibility we won't have a lynch of someone that isn't going to be lynched primarily because of inactivity.

I mean, soup has some of the most posts in the game yet he's still as much an enigma as ever. People are actively avoiding contributing in any real way across the board.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I find myself in bizarro land for this game. I don't get the pushes and I don't understand why people are letting players like the one I'm voting get away with murder. Yes, inactivity is a factor but something I tell myself is that town usually wants to stay active and will have motive behind their posts, while scum would rather wait it out and not post if they have to. I suppose you can put that as reasoning for why I'm voting RainbowFingers. I don't have a solid basis but if he keeps dodging then he simply needs to go. I won't let myself end up like my newbie again and I will play hardball.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
"But soup, what's the difference between the other inactives?"

Inferno isn't much of an active poster, and Krys and the alike have more leeway simply because of who they are compared to RainbowFingers. This part is meta but I believe it has merit, I don't believe Krys will be super active on his own and even if he was scum he wouldn't boost his posting just for the sake of trying to fake town. Same argument with the others, Gova's inactivity is never a tell, Inferno is stretching it but I could lynch him too if you wanted my honest opinion.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I just get a weird feeling about KevMo too. Something about him seems genuine and if we were going to have this argument I'd use him as my base example. I want to make this clear and say that I don't think all inactives will be scum. It's not the case and I won't let myself believe that everyone posting is absolutely town and scum decided to throw this game away and let town converse with each other this easily. I'm aware of this but I'm also aware if that's the case then the town players who aren't posting need to start posting.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
I find myself in bizarro land for this game. I don't get the pushes and I don't understand why people are letting players like the one I'm voting get away with murder. Yes, inactivity is a factor but something I tell myself is that town usually wants to stay active and will have motive behind their posts, while scum would rather wait it out and not post if they have to.
Here's the thing, Gova admitted to this as his playstyle.

yeah but why the hell would i post then and risk becoming more "scummy" when i could have just lurked and banked on the fact that you would lynch one of the other nulls especially when i had ryker vouching for me lowering that likely hood.

Rainbow may be getting away with murder, but gova is trying just as hard.

Frankly, inactivity isn't a scumtell in and of itself, it's just something that scum likes to do that serves their purpose. There's no point in attacking people for inactivity if you don't act on the information they give when they actually start saying stuff.

An inactive null is a worse lynch then an actual scummy player.
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