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League of Legends uPick AWH **** ITS OVER


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm bored. time to force this game out of RVS.

Kantrip, you seem about as eager to play as I am. Maybe more so than me, but still very eager. What I don't understand is that you're still joking around however and letting RVS just linger for longer than it should. Sure, nobody else has given content worth looking at, but if you're going to post, make it meaningful.

I'm pretty serious about a Ryker lynch if he doesn't post.
What makes your obviously baseless reads any more meaningful than my RVS content? At least I didn't back down immediately when questioned and say "yeah this is all baseless", thereby nullifying it all. That's what you did as soon as Delita began to question you: you popped your flash and ghost and tried to run as far away as you could from your own content. How is that meaningful, again?


I was using something Zen does to try and force content, he posts a lot of random readslist without basis early in the game and they shift dramatically. While some of it is being serious (The read on Kantrip), the rest was just to get this game going.
Stop trying to emulate other people and do what soup does. It's obvious you're uncomfortable with the style of play you tried to put on in RVS. Again, I don't see the difference between your garbage reads and my more-than-garbage vote/FoS/questions. Both seem like pretty standard RVS content to me, and I don't think you have any reason to be on me for mine.

@soup: Are you just pressuring me early with garbage reasoning to see how I respond to it? I'm going to assume it's this because your reasoning is very blatantly hypocritical and ****ty.

It's null if that's your reasoning, scummy if you're going to maintain you have legit points against me.

Inferno agrees to 'advancing' from the RVS yet he doesn't put down his own vote. He is trying to seem town by saying that he wants to be out of RVS yet isn't even contributing.

Your wagon is null.
Good answer. Slight town read on MSF.

Quick responses then I gotta jet.

They were implied false? They're gut reads based on how I'm reading players intentions based off their posting or lack of posting. I'm jerking Ryker's chain but I'm pretty serious on how I'm reading Kantrip. I feel he's being eager but he's not putting it to use, I feel he's still trying to coast in RVS and when I see posts like this:

I see posts like this:

Completely different attitude, and it bothers me. I feel Kantrip is struggling to produce legitimate content on his own, (because he's scum).
Struggling to produce legitimate content? Maybe, because no one else is posting and I'm not going to bull**** a reads list on the entire cast because that's literally full ****** and no one's gonna buy it. Could you tell me more about this "completely different attitude"? I don't quite see what you're getting at there.

"Gut reads"? They either mean something to you or they're red herrings.

Which of those on the list are actual reads of yours? I don't expect you to post a colored list of names without a legend or reasons and then go back when it is convenient and say "oh that one was real, but this one wasn't". If the read is just a bull**** read, don't post it. If it's a legitimate read, make a case and run with it. If you've got both, don't combine them so we don't know which is which; that only helps you.
I like this as in I agree with it. Doesn't say anything about Delita's alignment for me.

More importantly, you think Kantrip is scum because he is "struggling to produce legitimate content on his own", yet you post a list of inconsequential reads for the sole purpose of other people providing content off of them? You are guilty of the same thing you accuse Kantrip of.

But let's say that your read on Kantrip is legitimate and logical from your standpoint for whatever reason; the truth of the read is irrelevant to his alignment and it's a good a place to start as any.

Kantrip, what do you think of the exchange between Soup and myself?

More agreement.

As far as the Delita/soup exchange goes.... I do agree with the things you said regarding his qualms with me being things he himself is guilty of. I find it off, however, that you are discrediting everything soup is trying to say, shutting him down and stopping possible content in its tracks. You are white-knighting MY slot more than Raz white-knighted soup. What I dislike is that you're doing this without even making a comment as to any of our alignments. What is your read on soup after this? What do you make of Raz defending him? If I'm being honest, I think you are completely in the right with what you're saying to soup, but you're not doing anything townie about it and you're scummier overall in the exchange. Especially if soup was going for reactions from me, which you essentially ruined by shutting him down before I could respond.

Others have already commented, so I guess everyone can join in. I'd like to hear what everyone thinks. If you don't have an opinion, just say you find it null, that's perfectly fine. It's having a statement on the matter I'm looking for.
Fair enough on the "what I learned", for now.

Are you aware that Ryker has been having activity issues lately? Both he and KevinM hydra'd in Overswarm's Wall mafia and were modkilled for inactivity.

Should that activity continue with the two of them, what do you propose we do about it?
What are you hoping to get from this?

Mafia is very much black and white. It's only grey when you don't know everyone's alignment, something scum don't have an issue with for the most part. Reading actions as black and white is an effective way of finding scum. If you didn't, everyone could get off the hook of anything by saying "oops, I was wrong" or "I misspoke, I really meant this..." or just "wasn't me". To determine if the action could be done by a townie, you have to find their motive. This is why reasoning is important.

But here's the thing: I figured you were doing exactly what you were going to accuse Kantrip of doing. It's the only thing you can accuse him of at this point.

That is why I worded my post in the way that I did, so that anything you posted to defend yourself related to Kantrip was in fact a defense for Kantrip.
While cute and manipulative and all, why do you need to defend me? You're not hunting for scum, you're hunting for a way to make soup slip up and look like scum.

Vote: Delita

For reference, all of Kantrip's posts:

All of these are fairly obvious RVS posts, but like I said before we are assuming that your scum read on Kantrip is logical.

You're accusation of Kantrip is that he can't produce legitimate content on his own and simultaneously that he has a different mentality between two RVS posts. I won't comment on those as I don't see them really being worth commenting on. Feel free to explain the difference in mentality later.

But the legtimate content?

Could he not have said:


Could he not have said this about UTD Zac:

You say you are serious about your read on Kantrip. I would like to know how this can be justified given that you have already said your content was designed specifically to garner reactions.

Raziek seems to believe that your content was crap too, as per his defense of you earlier.



Your actions and Kantrip's actions are two sides of the same coin. I'm not necessarily condemning or approving of either, but I am going to need some explanation of why your side of the coin is the shinier one.
tl;dr of this entire post: You're accusing Kantrip of stuff you're doing too, so I'm going to defend him and halt all possible reactions that could have come from this.

Can other people tell me I'm wrong, or is Delita really obviously scum here?

@Rainar: My penis. My vote. And the following:

I think Post #191 is legit and I agree that Kantrip has a different mentality this game. He is trying really hard to seem town here.

Delita I don't understand why you are arguing with soup if you don't even comment on Kantrip's actions. It just feels like you are arguing to argue [since you ask for him to convince you his side is shinier than Kantrip's side while not considering Kantrip's side] and I won't be able to get a read on you from that, since I'd just mock it up to null.

I want you to tell me why you haven't commented on Kantrip's actions before you approached soup.
Continued town lean on MSF. However, I'd like an explanation on how I'm "trying really hard to seem town." I think you and soup aren't even on the same page, because he was talking about a difference between two of my posts and you seem to be talking about a difference between my other games, presumably?

Mastermind Super Fiend

Oct 2, 2012
@Delita: It matters because you are approaching a 'pot calls kettle black' without really having an opinion on the kettle. I don't think Kantrip's actions would have been invalidated simply because they are RVS, everything in the game counts because we all know what our roles are since we confirmed.

@Kantrip: I just felt you were quick to jump to things, such as my vote on Inferno, and creating a wagon on UTD even though it was not that credible. I have never seen you this into a game [Necromaf, Celeb rehab maf, WL's maf, etc], but seeing your last post, makes me feel you are just very interested in this game. Your reasoning along with your Delita vote gives me a strong eager, town read. I was saying that I felt soup's post was legit, but I should have said that I could understand what he was seeing, and that I felt you were trying to seem town.

I'll comment on Delita once he responds.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Yes, hmm. Uh-huh.

I understand a few of these walls.

All I got was that some people are accusing each other of doing the same things.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
What are you hoping to get from this?
An answer, obviously. If I told you what I wanted to get before he answered it would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?

While cute and manipulative and all, why do you need to defend me? You're not hunting for scum, you're hunting for a way to make soup slip up and look like scum.
Hardly. I don't think Soup is scum. I'm not defending you either, by the way; you're just a part of the subject matter. Given your previous post I actually agree with Soup in that you've taken a different approach to this game compared to your normal approach, I just don't necessarily think you're scum for it. Definite possibility though.

Super said:
@Delita: It matters because you are approaching a 'pot calls kettle black' without really having an opinion on the kettle. I don't think Kantrip's actions would have been invalidated simply because they are RVS, everything in the game counts because we all know what our roles are since we confirmed
Why do I need an opinion on the kettle? You're assuming that I'm considering Kantrip town and Soup scum, or vice versa, when neither are the case.

Raziek came out and defended Soup on his own with no provocation; should Raziek later attack Ryker for defending KevinM from questioning, I don't need an opinion on Ryker or KevinM to know that Raziek is acting hypocritical in this circumstance.

Kantrip wasn't an aggressor; there was no reason to question him given his current contribution. He was just a part of the subject matter, not a person of interest.

Someone having baseless RVS content is not worth questioning seriously over. Someone having baseless RVS content as their mainstay and accusing someone else of being scum for having baseless RVS content IS worth questioning seriously over.

Yes, hmm. Uh-huh.

I understand a few of these walls.

All I got was that some people are accusing each other of doing the same things.
This is basically it.

So far Soup and Kantrip have both said a lot of overall nonsense in slightly different manners with little to back it up, although Soup has professed seriousness on his Kantrip read. I questioned Soup on it and Raziek defended Soup, Kantrip defended himself against soup and then attacked me for defending him by questioning Soup but agreed with my logic, and Super said he thinks Kantrip is town for the same reason Soup thinks Kantrip is scum but also said he agreed with what Soup said.

Also KevinM thinks Raziek is scum.

Lots of contradictions going on at the moment.

Super said:
@Kantrip: I just felt you were quick to jump to things, such as my vote on Inferno, and creating a wagon on UTD even though it was not that credible. I have never seen you this into a game [Necromaf, Celeb rehab maf, WL's maf, etc], but seeing your last post, makes me feel you are just very interested in this game. Your reasoning along with your Delita vote gives me a strong eager, town read. I was saying that I felt soup's post was legit, but I should have said that I could understand what he was seeing, and that I felt you were trying to seem town.
Super, where does your "I have never seen you this into a game" occur from? Any games in particular you are comparing it to, and what posts other than his previous one make you think he's more into this game than others?

Why does his attack on someone he feels is defending him make you feel he is town?

Do you feel that Kantrip is actively attempting to appear as town?

Mastermind Super Fiend

Oct 2, 2012
Fair enough on why you would want to question Soup, but there is something I want you to clarify: "But here's the thing: I figured you were doing exactly what you were going to accuse Kantrip of doing. It's the only thing you can accuse him of at this point." from your #194. So what I want to know is, why exactly did you feel Soup was doing that? My original point was that I felt you were arguing just to argue, and weren't really looking for scum in soup. How exactly is this helping you find scum?

The games I was referring to are: Necromaf, Celeb rehab maf, and WL's pokemaf. His early actions towards Utdzac, and his prodding to me to explain my vote (which I think Inferno should have done himself), felt like he was trying to be the hero. That's mostly it. In Necromaf he was really not into that game, yet in Celeb he was a bit passive and wasn't really in the forefront, and only pushed onto a few small leads and went into the shadows. I don't remember much from Pokemaf but his reactionary stances towards me and that's it. Yet still, he is being proactive here, not reactive. I mentioned that after seeing him post that huge wall, I saw some good points from him and like his push on you, even though I think it's null because I don't really know what you are doing. The reason why I feel he is town is because I can see that he is really eager even while some people have accused him of trying to be town. It shows he is putting his foot down and won't backtrack even when attacked. I also feel he is looking in the right places, and can understand why he may feel you are scum.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Fair enough on why you would want to question Soup, but there is something I want you to clarify: "But here's the thing: I figured you were doing exactly what you were going to accuse Kantrip of doing. It's the only thing you can accuse him of at this point." from your #194. So what I want to know is, why exactly did you feel Soup was doing that? My original point was that I felt you were arguing just to argue, and weren't really looking for scum in soup. How exactly is this helping you find scum?
You have to start somewhere, Super. Soup was an aggressor towards Kantrip; I had strong feelings on neither party, but that doesn't mean I can't learn something to change that.

Still waiting on everyone else's opinion though. I'm not really concerned about it being in-depth or even requesting a reply, would just like to see initial thoughts.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
wrong window

super said:
Fair enough on why you would want to question Soup, but there is something I want you to clarify: "But here's the thing: I figured you were doing exactly what you were going to accuse Kantrip of doing. It's the only thing you can accuse him of at this point." from your #194. So what I want to know is, why exactly did you feel Soup was doing that? My original point was that I felt you were arguing just to argue, and weren't really looking for scum in soup. How exactly is this helping you find scum?
You have to start somewhere, Super. Soup was an aggressor towards Kantrip; I had strong feelings on neither party, but that doesn't mean I can't learn something to change that.

Still waiting on everyone else's opinion though. I'm not really concerned about it being in-depth or even requesting a reply, would just like to see initial thoughts.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Response time.

RainbowFingers said:
Soup, Ryker is without internet. Even then, you played enough with him to know that he can be that super-town guy as soon as he comes back and he's town. Lynching him early is foolish. Ryker is a player good enough to decide how easy he is to read.
I wasn't advocating his lynch as seriously as I was Kantrip. I already explained my basis of the vote.

Soup, why policy Ryker but not Gova?
Different people, different reactions. Ryker would be more willing to give me something if I pressured him hard enough and Gova would probably lurk his way through it and end up responding way later than what I would want. Ryker isn't completely oblivious to the thread, but as scum he might not be as willing to look at it. I find reading Gova just comes with the legitimacy of his posting, not his activity.

Delita, my response in another post.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Delita said:
"Gut reads"? They either mean something to you or they're red herrings.
Both. I don't legitimately scumread players like Ryker yet. I have no reason to. Can I guess on intentions and based how he's treated the game to plausibly lean on scum? Maybe. I've delved into why I've pushed this slot however so there's no need to repeat myself. Other slots being highlighted are just players I presume would look at my list first hand and give me a credible reaction either way. I suppose I've laid some of hand out already but I feel I need to keep my mouth shut on anything else further, otherwise it would become pointless.

Which of those on the list are actual reads of yours? I don't expect you to post a colored list of names without a legend or reasons and then go back when it is convenient and say "oh that one was real, but this one wasn't". If the read is just a bull**** read, don't post it. If it's a legitimate read, make a case and run with it. If you've got both, don't combine them so we don't know which is which; that only helps you.
Legitimate feelings on KevinM and Raziek. I'm going to state right now that most of that list is meta, but still warranted in it's own way. I could tell you right now I'm definitely leaning on my feeling on Raziek based on his last post.

Fair enough on the "what I learned", for now.

Are you aware that Ryker has been having activity issues lately? Both he and KevinM hydra'd in Overswarm's Wall mafia and were modkilled for inactivity.

Should that activity continue with the two of them, what do you propose we do about it?
I'm well aware. Most of this explained in previous posts, however if they continue I would probably find myself conflicted. It all depends on what they do and how they respond really, I really don't believe Ryker is going to ignore me.

Mafia is very much black and white. It's only grey when you don't know everyone's alignment, something scum don't have an issue with for the most part. Reading actions as black and white is an effective way of finding scum. If you didn't, everyone could get off the hook of anything by saying "oops, I was wrong" or "I misspoke, I really meant this..." or just "wasn't me". To determine if the action could be done by a townie, you have to find their motive. This is why reasoning is important.

But here's the thing: I figured you were doing exactly what you were going to accuse Kantrip of doing. It's the only thing you can accuse him of at this point.

That is why I worded my post in the way that I did, so that anything you posted to defend yourself related to Kantrip was in fact a defense for Kantrip.
I agree completely. Finding motive is an important factor and one of the things I look for in games. Most of this is just opinionated however but I will say that I find your motive to be settling for the moment. I don't understand your argument. There's a difference being that I only started to play seriously and Kantrip more or less was still trying to joke around. The switch so abrasively striked odd to me, especially because I don't feel Kantrip is one to do things without purpose. He relates to some style that I use, and that I like reaction testing people early on to get a read on him, however, I don't feel there's purpose behind what he was doing and he's going to have to explain why he chose UTDZac as his target as that clearly wasn't an RVS intention. I know that your argument delves into the complete opposite however. Tell me why you think his motive was RVS? There's a difference between not providing enough information, and keeping things disclosed. If anything, what you highlighted and pointed out makes me lean towards what I said already, but there's the fact that bothers me above all else. I'm assuming Kantrip was responded already.

our actions and Kantrip's actions are two sides of the same coin. I'm not necessarily condemning or approving of either, but I am going to need some explanation of why your side of the coin is the shinier one.
Elaborated mostly in my responses, but the difference is that 1) we're different players and 2) we have different ways of handling things. There is a similarity on some things as already stated, but for now I have already pointed out what I feel is meritable. One thing I don't like about you is that you made something that wasn't an issue and turned it in a complete wall of freudian theory. I'm not going to pin Kantrip on two feelings I got from RVS, but I will pin him (if he's scum) on how he responds. The most important factor comes from this.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip said:
What makes your obviously baseless reads any more meaningful than my RVS content? At least I didn't back down immediately when questioned and say "yeah this is all baseless", thereby nullifying it all. That's what you did as soon as Delita began to question you: you popped your flash and ghost and tried to run as far away as you could from your own content. How is that meaningful, again?
Just because they were baseless, didn't mean I didn't have a reason to post it. Look at my argument against you, it's that I feel you're doing things without meaning while trying to coast and try and get in a comfortable position. The second post highlighted and change in mentality attributes to this. Why did you start something going with UTDZac and then completely switch direction into a more jokative manner in the first place? Where did I run from my content? I don't understand what you mean trying to run away from it, I tried to give it purpose in the first place.

Stop trying to emulate other people and do what soup does. It's obvious you're uncomfortable with the style of play you tried to put on in RVS. Again, I don't see the difference between your garbage reads and my more-than-garbage vote/FoS/questions. Both seem like pretty standard RVS content to me, and I don't think you have any reason to be on me for mine.

@soup: Are you just pressuring me early with garbage reasoning to see how I respond to it? I'm going to assume it's this because your reasoning is very blatantly hypocritical and ****ty.

It's null if that's your reasoning, scummy if you're going to maintain you have legit points against me.
I'm not trying to emulate Zen, I was doing something for my own gain and something I feel from observation works. I'm not going to play like Zen this game, but his style does produce content and that's what I was looking for. I already explained how it wasn't garbage. Regarding your question, no. This is how I'm reading you and I feel even if I'm not on the mark, I should get something out of it regardless. Right now I feel you're being quick to defense, but I know your emotions aren't always in check either. Talk to me objectively, what's the difference between Zen making something like this, and me making something like that? Your defense is that I bull****ted and I was trying to emulate Zen, so spill it.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip said:
Struggling to produce legitimate content? Maybe, because no one else is posting and I'm not going to bull**** a reads list on the entire cast because that's literally full ****** and no one's gonna buy it. Could you tell me more about this "completely different attitude"? I don't quite see what you're getting at there.
So do you admit with your first line that you had no reason to push UTDZac even though you stated that it was legitimate in the first place? You just gave me the excuse that nobody was posting, therefore you don't have do anything. It's been elaborated many times alreayd.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip, I find it really odd how you're defensive with me yet fend off my attacker.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip said:
While cute and manipulative and all, why do you need to defend me? You're not hunting for scum, you're hunting for a way to make soup slip up and look like scum.

Vote: Delita
Elaborate on this point further for me.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ran, or assuming it's ranmaru posting. Why did you ignore my readslist/post?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I thought you would be more interested on you getting highlighted red. It meshes into what I've been saying already.

Mastermind Super Fiend

Oct 2, 2012
I have seen Zen use the playstyle, so I didn't think I had to comment on it unless you actually mentioned anything of substance about me. (He always changes his reads around without really meaning it, and I don't know why)

And consider that you said Kantrip was your only 'serious' read, so I don't see why I should actually waste space when you are only serious about him.

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
~Hi My Name Is Zen I Like Posting A lot And Doing Gambits~


1. RainbowFingers (Xonar/BSL)
2. Gova
3. Lovably Adorable Kanine (Red Ruy/John2k4)
4. Raziek
5. Delita (adumbrodeus/Overswarm)
6. Ryker
7. Inferno3044
8. Soup
9. Kantrip
10. Mastermind Super Fiend (SummonerAU/Ranmaru)
11. UTDZac
12. Krystedez
13. KevinM
Are these early feels and not really substantiated? I don't see 3 town reads and 3 scum off what was posted.

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4

I was using something Zen does to try and force content, he posts a lot of random readslist without basis early in the game and they shift dramatically. While some of it is being serious (The read on Kantrip), the rest was just to get this game going.
...well this is gonna be a fun game.

I'll read on.

Mastermind Super Fiend

Oct 2, 2012
Maybe you should read the thread and add to one single post and post that once you finish instead of making a post any time something catches your fancy and messing up the thread with quad posts.

nah, that's dumb.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Oh no all the walls. :c

I hated Soup's RVS crap but don't think it's scummy.

I agreed with Delita's attacks on Soup's logic but don't think he's doing anything townie with it. I think it's scummy because he is discrediting soup and making it so anything soup uses in his defense is hypocritical and looks bad. He's asking questions that can only serve to make that happen, and I don't feel he was ever really delving into finding soup's alignment, nor has he stated one. This is scummy. Possible town intent is that he is... getting reactions? Possible scum intent is making soup contradict himself which will lead to a blunder that can form the basis of a mislynch, as well as creating false connections (such as Delita/Kantrip due to his chainsaw on soup, defending me). False connections is something I know that Overswarm likes to employ as scum. If there's some town intent I'm missing to calling soup's **** out without actually going into the alignments of any involved players (with statements or questions), could someone share it with me?

Since I hated soup's RVS crap, I got how I did as a response to him. Doesn't mean I find him scummy, but I would love to see a playstyle change.

Since I find Delita's attack to have very little town intent and lots that it can accomplish for scum, I'm voting him. I would like more people to vote with him, unless they disagree with my reasoning. In that case, please say why.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
On Delita scum, soup and Super aren't mates.

So do you admit with your first line that you had no reason to push UTDZac even though you stated that it was legitimate in the first place? You just gave me the excuse that nobody was posting, therefore you don't have do anything. It's been elaborated many times alreayd.
I had plenty of reason to push UTDZac. Despite what you may think, I was trying to progress the game. A stance that you seem to think was legitimate is better than your garbage reads that everyone knew were illegitimate. When did I give the excuse that "no one is posting therefore I don't have to do anything." I said since no one was posting, it was DIFFICULT to create good content. You've witnessed this first hand by trying to create a reads list containing people who've provided nothing. I at least only created relevant content in the form of a wagon on someone who'd actually posted and questions to things people were actually doing.

get real, bro


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
soup's next two posts were addressed in my #231 already.

Ryker, I can dig your LAK vote, but please comment on why Delita isn't more important.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
You guys are all Anivia walling so bad you look like trolls. She's not a real support, gawd, quit acting like she is.

I'll slow down and read each post sometime after tonight; I have an important project due at midnight tonight so please consider that my single haitus per this thread. Then I'll get a move on.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip, looking at your case doesn't convince me of your stance on him. You're giving Delita this huge persona in your eyes that he's a mastermind of mafia and he's trying to make me slip up. Why isn't he just questioning me for the sake of questioning? Your #231 states that he isn't trying to discern to my alignment. Why? What makes him different from anyone else who would question me? Think about the allusion I stated before you answer this. Why is Overswarm so special?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kantrip said:
I had plenty of reason to push UTDZac. Despite what you may think, I was trying to progress the game. A stance that you seem to think was legitimate is better than your garbage reads that everyone knew were illegitimate. When did I give the excuse that "no one is posting therefore I don't have to do anything." I said since no one was posting, it was DIFFICULT to create good content. You've witnessed this first hand by trying to create a reads list containing people who've provided nothing. I at least only created relevant content in the form of a wagon on someone who'd actually posted and questions to things people were actually doing.

get real, bro
Remember that chat I talked about you getting defensive? Look at the bold. What is this? Are you not even reading my posts? They were never illegitimate and the fact you want to use my own reads against me saying "Mine are legitimate urs aren't" doesn't make me let up on you. You followup sentence is fair, but that doesn't mean it excuses your change in attitude. Second bolded, one question constitutes this? I can't help myself to be a broken record here, why are you getting so defensive?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
[quote="MSF]Maybe you should read the thread and add to one single post and post that once you finish instead of making a post any time something catches your fancy and messing up the thread with quad posts.

nah, that's dumb.[/quote]

This. I'm not even going to bother with you Ruy until you actually read the thread. I'm assuming that's you at least. Why are you voting Raziek?
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