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League of Legends uPick AWH **** ITS OVER


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Deltia town lean.

Soup null.

Vote: Raziek

Do you find Delita's behavior scummy or just poor reasoning to look at something?
This is gonna depend on where he goes with it, as either motivation could potentially work. (Motivation could depend on which head it is, which is irksome)


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Actually, better question: Why are you getting a Town lean on Delita?

What about his approach so far has suggested that. I've found (as Kantrip later echoed), that he largely took a discrediting approach to what Soup had posted, attacking his credibility more than his stances.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Slight town lean.

His hyper-defensive tone rubs me the wrong way, specifically in his interactions with Soup, but that's meta enough for Kantrip not for it to seriously indicate alignment.

I like the questions he's choosing to ask Delita, and look forward to the answers to those. The vote may be a bit hasty.
What makes your obviously baseless reads any more meaningful than my RVS content? At least I didn't back down immediately when questioned and say "yeah this is all baseless", thereby nullifying it all. That's what you did as soon as Delita began to question you: you popped your flash and ghost and tried to run as far away as you could from your own content. How is that meaningful, again?

Stop trying to emulate other people and do what soup does. It's obvious you're uncomfortable with the style of play you tried to put on in RVS. Again, I don't see the difference between your garbage reads and my more-than-garbage vote/FoS/questions. Both seem like pretty standard RVS content to me, and I don't think you have any reason to be on me for mine.

@soup: Are you just pressuring me early with garbage reasoning to see how I respond to it? I'm going to assume it's this because your reasoning is very blatantly hypocritical and ****ty.

It's null if that's your reasoning, scummy if you're going to maintain you have legit points against me.

Good answer. Slight town read on MSF.

Struggling to produce legitimate content? Maybe, because no one else is posting and I'm not going to bull**** a reads list on the entire cast because that's literally full ****** and no one's gonna buy it. Could you tell me more about this "completely different attitude"? I don't quite see what you're getting at there.

I like this as in I agree with it. Doesn't say anything about Delita's alignment for me.

More agreement.

As far as the Delita/soup exchange goes.... I do agree with the things you said regarding his qualms with me being things he himself is guilty of. I find it off, however, that you are discrediting everything soup is trying to say, shutting him down and stopping possible content in its tracks. You are white-knighting MY slot more than Raz white-knighted soup. What I dislike is that you're doing this without even making a comment as to any of our alignments. What is your read on soup after this? What do you make of Raz defending him? If I'm being honest, I think you are completely in the right with what you're saying to soup, but you're not doing anything townie about it and you're scummier overall in the exchange. Especially if soup was going for reactions from me, which you essentially ruined by shutting him down before I could respond.

What are you hoping to get from this?

While cute and manipulative and all, why do you need to defend me? You're not hunting for scum, you're hunting for a way to make soup slip up and look like scum.

Vote: Delita

tl;dr of this entire post: You're accusing Kantrip of stuff you're doing too, so I'm going to defend him and halt all possible reactions that could have come from this.

Can other people tell me I'm wrong, or is Delita really obviously scum here?

Continued town lean on MSF. However, I'd like an explanation on how I'm "trying really hard to seem town." I think you and soup aren't even on the same page, because he was talking about a difference between two of my posts and you seem to be talking about a difference between my other games, presumably?
Oh no all the walls. :c

I hated Soup's RVS crap but don't think it's scummy.

I agreed with Delita's attacks on Soup's logic but don't think he's doing anything townie with it. I think it's scummy because he is discrediting soup and making it so anything soup uses in his defense is hypocritical and looks bad. He's asking questions that can only serve to make that happen, and I don't feel he was ever really delving into finding soup's alignment, nor has he stated one. This is scummy. Possible town intent is that he is... getting reactions? Possible scum intent is making soup contradict himself which will lead to a blunder that can form the basis of a mislynch, as well as creating false connections (such as Delita/Kantrip due to his chainsaw on soup, defending me). False connections is something I know that Overswarm likes to employ as scum. If there's some town intent I'm missing to calling soup's **** out without actually going into the alignments of any involved players (with statements or questions), could someone share it with me?

Since I hated soup's RVS crap, I got how I did as a response to him. Doesn't mean I find him scummy, but I would love to see a playstyle change.

Since I find Delita's attack to have very little town intent and lots that it can accomplish for scum, I'm voting him. I would like more people to vote with him, unless they disagree with my reasoning. In that case, please say why.
231 here lines up very well with how I feel about the Delita-Soup interaction.
On Delita scum, soup and Super aren't mates.
Kantrip, elaborate on this for me?


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Because if I were he, I'd be holding my vote until after I got at least a few of those questions answered.

Right now, Delita scum is a feel for me, not enough to lay a vote on yet. The responses are reasonably likely to swing the feel in one direction or the other.

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
This is gonna depend on where he goes with it, as either motivation could potentially work. (Motivation could depend on which head it is, which is irksome)
Tell me more about each head off meta and which ones is which for town and scum motivation.

This is rather new to me.

Actually, better question: Why are you getting a Town lean on Delita?

What about his approach so far has suggested that. I've found (as Kantrip later echoed), that he largely took a discrediting approach to what Soup had posted, attacking his credibility more than his stances.
OS and Adumb will do armchair critic, but with a purpose. I think he is trying to develop intent from what Soup is posting along with the acting, hypocritical or not along with others.

Is he attacking credibility a bit, perhaps, but in the grand scheme of it he is trying to use it to find links and actions from Soup as a result along with what others like yourself Kantrip and KevinM have done, though more briefly.

I think it is better than what anyone else has done thus far. I think he is trying to find links rather than create them with what he is doing.


Gonna talk to John later, we got to discuss somethings.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
So far my initial thoughts post-walls are:

MSF - town
Kantrip - town
Raziek - scummy
Soup - null

MSF and Kantrip both seem honest in their discussion on early game stances. I can't point a finger on it, but Raziek's replies don't feel in place. Soup is interacting way to much for me to get a solid read on.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Not until they respond, that defeats the whole point.
i.e., you have nothing. You're blowing smoke. You don't have any meta on Overswarm for certain, none that would be appropriate anyway.

More importantly, our description of intent is irrelevant. Our ACTUAL intent is relevant, but if we're scum you couldn't get that just by asking. If your basis on how you think our slot is town/scum is based solely on how we word our intent with no direct questioning you will be hard pressed to find scum that way. I'd love to hear some pointed questions from you specifically though, rather than you sitting on the sidelines and avoiding direct conflict.

What questions are you waiting to hear me respond on, by the way? There don't seem to be too many question marks headed my direction.

I mean, I could respond to his post as a whole but there really isn't much to respond to. It's just his thoughts rather than any actual questions. He's voting me because he believes I'm trying to trick Soup into talking himself into a corner; if he wants to think that there isn't much I can do other than say "I obviously haven't done this".

I mean really... Kantrip's post is "I agree with everything Delita said, but I don't think he did it for good reasons" and "He's asking questions that could make Soup bad", with the intent of "making soup contradict himself which will lead to a blunder that can form the basis of a mislynch".

I'm done with my questioning of Soup and all my statements were true enough to be agreed with by Kantrip. Soup was able to answer just fine and had no issues with them and I've publicly stated I don't currently think Soup is scum or town either way. There isn't much more to say on the matter.

Actually, something did come up that caught my eye.

Kantrip, why do you assume that my questioning to catch Soup is going to make him contradict himself, thus leading to a mislynch

How, exactly, were you sure that Soup is town?

But moving on, I didn't know scum hunting required softball questioning. News to me, never thought catching someone in a contradiction would be a bad thing. Regardless, Soup answered just fine so I'm not sure Kantrip's statement holds much weight. If you have issues with Soup's responses to my questions, by all means throw them out there, but they are satisfactory enough for me for now.

Others don't really agree, at least not enough to consider me scum for it.

I don't think Kantrip's scum for his actions or read, just standard Kantrip. Not someone I would trust in finding scum. I won't get anything from him by debating the merits of my actions. The only reason he's involved in the first place is that he was the one Soup was attacking; if his name hadn't been brought up he would have been quiet as a mouse.

It's quite possible that Kantrip is panicking at any focus on him and is in a desperate downward spiral as he attempts to throw attention on someone that is not him, but I don't see it. He was attacked by Soup for something mostly baseless and he responded by making Soup's read legitimate, followed by attacking me for attacking Soup.

Standard play by both scum and town. Strong town don't like to be buddied arbitrarily because it results in a potential buddy by scum and Scum have an easy way to earn town points by emulating that. Both town and scum can have overzealous responses to a claim and both can make stupid mistakes. Null.

Discourse with Kantrip over what he's said so far will reveal nothing related to his current actions unless he straight up makes a mistake and Soup's answered my questions to a satisfactory degree, so I've only got one other thing on my plate that I'm waiting on at the moment.

soup said:
Why is Overswarm so special?
Fear, I'd imagine. I wouldn't trust anyone here to have any meta on me other than Ryu and Adumbrodeus, and Adumb is in my hydra. Ryu is the only one that has actually gone past the spinner and found the connecting factor with my scum play.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum

Ryker and Inferno have been completely absent to my knowledge.

Gova acknowledged my discussion with Soup but didn't directly comment on it.

UTDZac was actually actively posting content but did not comment.

Krystedez and KevinM both popped their heads in and had no content.


List of dead weight by early D1 standards
in order of the amount of content they provide
KevinM (kind of even with Krys)

I'd like to hear something from the bottom four and I'd like to hear UTDZac's explanation on why he didn't feel the need to comment on my discussion with Soup as well as his thoughts on the Soup/Delita/Kantrip triangle discussion that has been going on.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
You guys are all Anivia walling so bad you look like trolls. She's not a real support, gawd, quit acting like she is.

I'll slow down and read each post sometime after tonight; I have an important project due at midnight tonight so please consider that my single haitus per this thread. Then I'll get a move on.

What did I say about not obviously crumbing characters whose abilities lead to only a select few mafia roles? Why are you shoehorning such an obvious anivia crumb?

The rest of you, stop with character claiming until you're call upon to fullclaim.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What did I say about not obviously crumbing characters whose abilities lead to only a select few mafia roles? Why are you shoehorning such an obvious anivia crumb?

The rest of you, stop with character claiming until you're call upon to fullclaim.

"Don't you trust me?"

"why so serious?"



Still waiting on John on something atm.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
What did I say about not obviously crumbing characters whose abilities lead to only a select few mafia roles? Why are you shoehorning such an obvious anivia crumb?

The rest of you, stop with character claiming until you're call upon to fullclaim.
Really? I didn't see this as a crumb. several people mentioned "walls" prior to this anivia wall post.

Also I dont understand your chart. I guess it looks pretty.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
i think i got it right

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline 10/15, 11:59 PM EST

RainbowFingers [0]
Gova [0]
Lovably Adorable Kanine [2] Krystedez, Ryker
Raziek [3] UTDZac, KevinM, Lovably Adorable Kanine
Delita [1] Potassium
Ryker [0]
Inferno3044 [1] Mastermind Super Fiend
Soup [1] Delita
Potassium [1] Soup
Mastermind Super Fiend [0]
UTDZac [1] RainbowFingers
Krystedez [0]
KevinM [0]

Not voting: Gova, Raziek, Inferno3044


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Really? I didn't see this as a crumb. several people mentioned "walls" prior to this anivia wall post.
Wall is a common internet term, but then he added anivia's name to it and shoehorned the reference. That made it something different entirely.

Also I dont understand your chart. I guess it looks pretty.
OS's chart, but since the only major discussion has been the soup/kantrip/Delita discussion, it's just saying who commented on it, who posted after but didn't comment (or comment with substance) and who simply hasn't posted since the discussion.

Now, feel free to answer OS' question.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
More like raz is terrible at reading me. :awesome:
This still stand?

Drew, baby, glad to see you again. You want to win this game? Let's win together.
Sure, just don't feed.

Others have already commented, so I guess everyone can join in. I'd like to hear what everyone thinks. If you don't have an opinion, just say you find it null, that's perfectly fine. It's having a statement on the matter I'm looking for.

Are you aware that Ryker has been having activity issues lately? Both he and KevinM hydra'd in Overswarm's Wall mafia and were modkilled for inactivity.
Didn't care about the exchange, so null.

Activity issues should not persist. I'm not going to be super crazy active ancient Ryker, but I have internet access in the afternoons again like I did at the start of The Wall.

What makes your obviously baseless reads any more meaningful than my RVS content? At least I didn't back down immediately when questioned and say "yeah this is all baseless", thereby nullifying it all. That's what you did as soon as Delita began to question you: you popped your flash and ghost and tried to run as far away as you could from your own content. How is that meaningful, again?

Stop trying to emulate other people and do what soup does. It's obvious you're uncomfortable with the style of play you tried to put on in RVS. Again, I don't see the difference between your garbage reads and my more-than-garbage vote/FoS/questions. Both seem like pretty standard RVS content to me, and I don't think you have any reason to be on me for mine.

@soup: Are you just pressuring me early with garbage reasoning to see how I respond to it? I'm going to assume it's this because your reasoning is very blatantly hypocritical and ****ty.

It's null if that's your reasoning, scummy if you're going to maintain you have legit points against me.

Good answer. Slight town read on MSF.

Struggling to produce legitimate content? Maybe, because no one else is posting and I'm not going to bull**** a reads list on the entire cast because that's literally full ****** and no one's gonna buy it. Could you tell me more about this "completely different attitude"? I don't quite see what you're getting at there.

I like this as in I agree with it. Doesn't say anything about Delita's alignment for me.

More agreement.

As far as the Delita/soup exchange goes.... I do agree with the things you said regarding his qualms with me being things he himself is guilty of. I find it off, however, that you are discrediting everything soup is trying to say, shutting him down and stopping possible content in its tracks. You are white-knighting MY slot more than Raz white-knighted soup. What I dislike is that you're doing this without even making a comment as to any of our alignments. What is your read on soup after this? What do you make of Raz defending him? If I'm being honest, I think you are completely in the right with what you're saying to soup, but you're not doing anything townie about it and you're scummier overall in the exchange. Especially if soup was going for reactions from me, which you essentially ruined by shutting him down before I could respond.

What are you hoping to get from this?

While cute and manipulative and all, why do you need to defend me? You're not hunting for scum, you're hunting for a way to make soup slip up and look like scum.

Vote: Delita

tl;dr of this entire post: You're accusing Kantrip of stuff you're doing too, so I'm going to defend him and halt all possible reactions that could have come from this.

Can other people tell me I'm wrong, or is Delita really obviously scum here?

Continued town lean on MSF. However, I'd like an explanation on how I'm "trying really hard to seem town." I think you and soup aren't even on the same page, because he was talking about a difference between two of my posts and you seem to be talking about a difference between my other games, presumably?
I hate your reaching to call MSF town and your super defensive tone. As of right now, you're my number one lynch option.

Yes, hmm. Uh-huh.

I understand a few of these walls.

All I got was that some people are accusing each other of doing the same things.

Can I get a read list from you every 10 pages? Would make the game much easier than having to drag you away from bot lane.

Deltia town lean.

Soup null.

Vote: Raziek

Do you find Delita's behavior scummy or just poor reasoning to look at something?
This is why I voted you. I hate this post much for the same reason I hate Kantrip's town read on MSF. The rest of your posts in that series were better though.

soup's next two posts were addressed in my #231 already.

Ryker, I can dig your LAK vote, but please comment on why Delita isn't more important.
Because he's probably not scum.

Damn. You tease.
So far my initial thoughts post-walls are:

MSF - town
Kantrip - town
Raziek - scummy
Soup - null

MSF and Kantrip both seem honest in their discussion on early game stances. I can't point a finger on it, but Raziek's replies don't feel in place. Soup is interacting way to much for me to get a solid read on.
What did I say about not obviously crumbing characters whose abilities lead to only a select few mafia roles? Why are you shoehorning such an obvious anivia crumb?

The rest of you, stop with character claiming until you're call upon to fullclaim.

Ryker and Inferno have been completely absent to my knowledge.

Gova acknowledged my discussion with Soup but didn't directly comment on it.

UTDZac was actually actively posting content but did not comment.

Krystedez and KevinM both popped their heads in and had no content.


List of dead weight by early D1 standards
in order of the amount of content they provide
KevinM (kind of even with Krys)

I'd like to hear something from the bottom four and I'd like to hear UTDZac's explanation on why he didn't feel the need to comment on my discussion with Soup as well as his thoughts on the Soup/Delita/Kantrip triangle discussion that has been going on.

Finish in a minute.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
@Ryker, I'll try, no promises though.

I don't get what the big deal is about trying to contribute content. I think it is difficult so when someone like Soup tries to get discussion started, is that really so bad? I don't really see what would have happened differently if he just randomly accused someone of being scum.



I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Then what is the answer to getting the ball rolling?

If he tried to get the ball rolling the wrong way, what does that mean for his alignment? You said you had no opinion or that it was null iirc. But how can that be if it caused such a uproar?



Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum
Then what is the answer to getting the ball rolling?

If he tried to get the ball rolling the wrong way, what does that mean for his alignment? You said you had no opinion or that it was null iirc. But how can that be if it caused such a uproar?

What uproar? You're mistaking content for importance.

The right way to get the ball rolling is how I did it; picking something, asking questions that demand an answer, and gauging reactions off the scenario.

We now know that Raziek is willing to defend Soup prior to soup responding to an attack if he thinks the attack is unjustified. This is important information later.

We know that Kantrip felt the need to not only disagree with Soup, but to agree with me and then attack me for his view that I was defending him. This is important information later as well, as it shows Kantrip is not against someone agreeing with a concept but disagreeing with the format or motive of that player.

We know that Kantrip has a more intense focus on this game than in past games and that Soup's hunch was correct for whatever reason.

We know who is active, who is inactive, and how people comment on prominent scenarios.

You guys know a bit more about how Delita is playing this game.

We've had people's mentalities on how I approached it go on both sides of the fence, good and bad.

We've learned that both Soup and Raziek are willing to play the "I can't explain my reasons yet" card, and can expect the answer to that from both of them very soon.

We've learned lots of things. From here we can move forward either by observing someone else taking the wheel or by doing the same thing again.

Prominent targets right now are inactive players that haven't posted much, or players that have posted some but are completely in the dark on where they stand.

Remember, if Town says someone is town/scum they'll have to change their mind with new information. If Scum calls someone town/scum, they'll only change their mind if it suits their preferences and the easiest way to catch scum is by them "sticking to their guns" on a bad read or just going towards whatever is easiest at the time.

Can't do that if people don't post their reads. Their real reads.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Which would be why I'd like reads from Gova over the course of the game.

While that post is great mafia theory, it also doesn't tell me much. Who do you think falls into that active but no info category, Delita?

Going to finish that post now, had to do something.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2010
Don't blame us blame yourself or God - OS/Adum

Ryker and Inferno have been completely absent to my knowledge.

Gova acknowledged my discussion with Soup but didn't directly comment on it.

UTDZac was actually actively posting content but did not comment.

Krystedez and KevinM both popped their heads in and had no content.


List of dead weight by early D1 standards
in order of the amount of content they provide
KevinM (kind of even with Krys)

I'd like to hear something from the bottom four and I'd like to hear UTDZac's explanation on why he didn't feel the need to comment on my discussion with Soup as well as his thoughts on the Soup/Delita/Kantrip triangle discussion that has been going on.
Which would be why I'd like reads from Gova over the course of the game.

While that post is great mafia theory, it also doesn't tell me much. Who do you think falls into that active but no info category, Delita?

Going to finish that post now, had to do something.
+Gova in the post after the one I quoted.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Damn. You tease.

So far my initial thoughts post-walls are:

MSF - town
Kantrip - town
Raziek - scummy
Soup - null

MSF and Kantrip both seem honest in their discussion on early game stances. I can't point a finger on it, but Raziek's replies don't feel in place. Soup is interacting way to much for me to get a solid read on.
So, put a finger on it for me, because I hate that line. Where's the differentiation between your Kantrip and Raz reads and why is honesty a town tell at this stage. What has MSF stuck his neck out on that makes you think he probably isn't scum?

What did I say about not obviously crumbing characters whose abilities lead to only a select few mafia roles? Why are you shoehorning such an obvious anivia crumb?

The rest of you, stop with character claiming until you're call upon to fullclaim.
So, if you thought it was more than a pun, why in the world would you bring it up? What possible gain do you net?

Ryker and Inferno have been completely absent to my knowledge.

Gova acknowledged my discussion with Soup but didn't directly comment on it.

UTDZac was actually actively posting content but did not comment.

Krystedez and KevinM both popped their heads in and had no content.


List of dead weight by early D1 standards
in order of the amount of content they provide
KevinM (kind of even with Krys)

I'd like to hear something from the bottom four and I'd like to hear UTDZac's explanation on why he didn't feel the need to comment on my discussion with Soup as well as his thoughts on the Soup/Delita/Kantrip triangle discussion that has been going on.
So, either tell me what you intend to do with this chart or stop acting like it's adding something. Also, modkill for screenshot, imo.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Vote UTDZack

His reads post is weak. I don't think any of them have an identifiable basis which makes them easy to segue out of and laaaaaaaame. Make him fix it, imo.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
mfw I come in on Gova not giving content and Delita accepting a drawn-out discussion on mafia theory. Seriously? Anyway, I'll leave some notes and tell BSL to post.
Haha, you have a real hard-on for me don't you? It's okay though, everyone does.



Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Kantrip, looking at your case doesn't convince me of your stance on him. You're giving Delita this huge persona in your eyes that he's a mastermind of mafia and he's trying to make me slip up. Why isn't he just questioning me for the sake of questioning? Your #231 states that he isn't trying to discern to my alignment. Why? What makes him different from anyone else who would question me? Think about the allusion I stated before you answer this. Why is Overswarm so special?
This is untrue. I'm giving Delita a regular-sized persona in which he isn't QUESTIONING you at all. Maybe I'm wrong, but I see more pointing out double standards and telling you that you're wrong from him than any questioning. What he is doing is not trying to discern your alignment because he's just shutting down everything you're trying to do. The things you're trying to do may deserve to be shut down, but that doesn't mean doing so is finding scum.

The one redeeming point is that he is telling every other player slot to comment on the whole ordeal, which is something he has been very adamantly pushing for. This is working towards getting opinions out there to find scum, trading walls with you wasn't.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I mean really... Kantrip's post is "I agree with everything Delita said, but I don't think he did it for good reasons" and "He's asking questions that could make Soup bad", with the intent of "making soup contradict himself which will lead to a blunder that can form the basis of a mislynch".

I'm done with my questioning of Soup and all my statements were true enough to be agreed with by Kantrip. Soup was able to answer just fine and had no issues with them and I've publicly stated I don't currently think Soup is scum or town either way. There isn't much more to say on the matter.
Oh, awesome. You're done with your pursuit of Soup? What did you discern about his alignment as a result of completing your line of questioning on him? What did you get about other player's alignments by keeping track of who did or didn't respond? Is this stuff going to come up again later, or are you clogging the drain with wads of statistic hair?

Actually, something did come up that caught my eye.

Kantrip, why do you assume that my questioning to catch Soup is going to make him contradict himself, thus leading to a mislynch

How, exactly, were you sure that Soup is town?
In the case of you being scum, soup is not a partner. This I have stated. So, for this scenario, your push on him would be a push for a mislynch. When I am talking about a scenario, I don't dance around with "maybes" and "if x then y's". If you are scum and are trying to make soup slip up, then he is town and it's for the purpose of a mislynch.

To clarify, that doesn't mean you are 100% scum and he is 100% town, by any means.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
@Rykey, since you're interested.

MSF #206 talking about proactive/reactive gave me the impression he's town.

Raz is scummy because of #246 (and neighboring posts), shows his unwillingness to commit to anything. I don't like this.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Raz is scummy because of #246 (and neighboring posts), shows his unwillingness to commit to anything. I don't like this.
Pot, meet Kettle.

Substantial posts later if I'm not roped into League or something.
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