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Last duke biweekly! Online prereg! $20 venue $0 entry|m2k, armada, pp, ally attending

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TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
can't peach just like..... float over the lasers? O_o i was under the impression that she beat falco, or at least gave him a hard time.
First of all, Nice to meet you, Plur.

Apparently I'm the laughing stock of the NC smash scene for not having met you.

Anyways, I can float, over lazers. Most falcos just adjust their jump and hit me with a lazer.

And, after I get to them, then what? What can I hit falco with from a float.
Whatever I do, it always ends up with me getting spiked to shined.


Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Reidsville, NC (Not anywhere)
When close to Falco, Peach can
Instant Float cancelled Nair/Dair (preferred option)
Roll back
Triangle Jump --> Dsmash (Sexy)

At mid-range, SH height floating Fair/Dair while bobbing in and out makes for great pressure. You should be just above his SHL. Nair if he jumps at you, it's the fastest aerial in the game so you can punish easily on reaction.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
First of all, Nice to meet you, Plur.

Nice to meet you too.

Apparently I'm the laughing stock of the NC smash scene for not having met you.

Eh, I'm alright, I guess.

Anyways, I can float, over lazers. Most falcos just adjust their jump and hit me with a lazer.

Can't you just float pretty much over the highest point he can laser in a SH so that he has to Fulljump, which is a poor option anyways?

And, after I get to them, then what? What can I hit falco with from a float.
Whatever I do, it always ends up with me getting spiked to shined.

look down
Farther down

When close to Falco, Peach can
Instant Float cancelled Nair/Dair (preferred option)
Roll back
Triangle Jump --> Dsmash (Sexy)

At mid-range, SH height floating Fair/Dair while bobbing in and out makes for great pressure. You should be just above his SHL. Nair if he jumps at you, it's the fastest aerial in the game so you can punish easily on reaction.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2008
Castle Doomstadt
that is unfortunate...

myself is one word...

not that it matters :(

peace out?
Uh oh we got the spelling police on the mad irritated kid who won't spell check all of his posts because he's typing so fast LOOK OUT.

Edit: I'm gonna go smoke lots of pot to make all my problems disappear! =(


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
i think for the next one, i'm going to do pools for top 5 and then do a small 5 man bracket

like 1 and 4/5 one one side and 2 and 3 on the other half.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Alright, that's fair. People should post their opinions on that to be sure.

I still don't like the top 5 thing though. Why can't we just use pool results for seeding? That seems best.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
we have the prs for seeding. idk why we would use pools to seed.

u guys should tell me if my idea is okay or if we should stick to normal way.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
pools are cool cuz then you get to play lots of people. use those for seeding

then run a normal bracket after so ppl can see how far they get

these dont normally get many ppl so you should have time for all that...if theres a lot of people then just do pools to cut down to 16 man or something

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
no. then pools are useless.
This is a good reason to not want to argue.

If everyone is just friendlying after they get knocked out anyway, why would you not just let them play more serious matches by letting them get seeded? PRs are only for 10 people, and I don't think all 10 have ever been at a bi-weekly.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
yeah more than two serious matches would be good. i think i spent about 60 dollars this weekend to lose four matches (of course, friendly experience was a huge bonus but, if i was okay with bill owning me for dropping out, i couldve saved 15 of those dollars). though the fact stands that yes, every tournament match i would, more likely than not, lose, getting more than 2 doubles and 2 singles matches in a tournament type pressure setting would be beneficial to new players like myself.

to those who are experienced/aren't worried about just getting more tournament matches to lose, pools wouldn't really seem all that nice or useful. pools to seed for a final 5 just seems complicated. pools to seed a whole bracket seems time consuming.

i would say that pools --> whole brackets would be nice though. if i get significantly better between now and the next biweekly (which i plan to) but i get seeded at the bottom (which i currently would be) i could still get bracket owned. pools --> full brackets allows me to earn my seeding, whatever it may be, and then deal with it. Time allowing.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
then again, the pr right now had to earn their pr through the same way i.e. get bracket ****ed vs previous pr and then beat those seeds.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
tough thing is, is that if, by chance, i'm better than the other non pr'd people but i still end up facing karn and then you in losers theres no way to know because i'm still gonna be that guy who lost all his tournament matches. theres just no way to seed non pr'd people but this way. that is, if non pr'd people even matter in such tournament settings. surely to earn a pr (or at least one above them), i'd have to get good enough to beat those guys.

unless there is an overall goal to seed non pr'd people rightfully (which there very well may be, i don't know), pools --> full brackets seems like a fun and succesfull idea.

but i'm just a scrub; pp, back me up

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Chris, you don't really need to be backed up. DJ hasn't said anything in response to what you said last. From what I can see he doesn't really have a good reason to do just a 5 man bracket. Your analogy was pretty good too.

In response to DJ's last serious post, obviously the only way to get on the PRs is to beat people who already are PR'd. By having pools and getting the fairest possible seeds among the non-PR'd people, we give the non-PR'd the best chance to beat a PR'd player that they might not have gotten to play in tournament otherwise. I'm basically saying that like, say, BEHR had to play vs like a higher end player if we just did this normally. But let's say BEHR gets off hardcore in pools so he gets a decent seed. Now he's playing like a middle or lower PR seed and has a better chance of beating them and making the PRs than if we never did pools and didn't give him the chance in the first place.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
if he was going to get off hardcore in pools, he should have just done that in bracket, not have to do it in bracket as well. and if he did so in pools, that would bump possibly pr'ed people out of the 5 man bracket

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
DJ there is no way you believe that.

Think about my analogy and my REASONING, read it carefully, and then tell me that what you said works.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
lol, why does everyone think i should defer to reasoning. . .

you said, if a non pr should become pr, he must beat a pr. this is irrefutable.

now, should pool sets count? or are they only for seeding?

in normal format, if a non pr beats a pr, the data is for that person to become pr'ed

in pools, you essentially have the potential for 3 sets but only have 2 matter, id est the bracket sets potentially. unfortunately, that means i could win the set count 2-1 and still lose the tournament first and place lower. that doesn't make sense to me.

my concern is, if non pr is to become pr, results must exist for such assertion.

1, if stakes are irrelevant in pools to pr, then they are not good data, in which case they should be ignored

2, if pools are to exist, and non pr wins vs pr, that already is enough basis for pr consideration. so what if his seeding is slightly better now? if he wants sufficient pr data, he should have to have beaten them either way for pr consideration, whether in bracket or in pools.

3, the seeding for non pr is also irrelevant other than for kicks bc non pr beating non pr has no bearing on prs proper.

4. my supposition is that if non pr beats pr in pools, it should have equal weight, which is to also imply that pools should have stakes. in this case, if non pr beats pr, there is a consequence to the pr who loses rather than maintaining a bracket anyways wherein the format of double elimination already exists.

just look empirically at the data. the first biweekly ran in this fashion of pools for bracket seeding. ultimately, the bracket is the final decider and thus made the pools relatively insignificant.

my format specifically is to have pools, then 4/5 play one ultimate set for bracket, which is also the same way with ties at 4/5, which avoids another issue. then, top 3 + 4/5 winner will play the 4 man bracket. 1+4/5 plays winner of 2/3. the losers of the 2 play for 3rd and the winners play for 1 2 places.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Your first bi-weekly had terrible pools.

1. You want a good seeding, so you play hard in pools matches. That's why everyone wants more pools matches, so they can have more serious matches.

2. You're really going to be that vague? There are people that aren't PR'd that have more potential to be PR'd than others. Obviously, the converse is true. This leads into-

3. the need to show that the best of the non-PRs gets seeded appropriately(especially if they surprise people and do better than other non-PRs that day) so that they have a better chance at making the PRs by playing vs a lower seed PR'd player in brackets rather than the higher seed they would have been given initially.

4. I agree


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
given the size of the biweeklies, your 3 will still exist under the top 5 system. of course, i am using 5 at my discretion given the size of the biweeklies. the top x is always based on attendance.

this means that whatever non prs do well in pools, they will be retained in the bracket later. and if they beat the pr in pools, then yeah, they're bracket seed will reflect this.

you're saying that if non pr ***** all other non pr in pools but still loses to pr, they should get another chance to beat the lower prs. that's basically promoting the idea of if at first you don't succeed, try again. that's already considered in the double elimination setting and is redundant.

the fact that pools matter and the streaking non pr did not win in pools should not imply that they should get another chance. that seems rather silly.

that non pr beat pr is the only relevant data for prs and if that doesn't happen in pools, which the 5 man bracket will make sure is important, that is the end of the data. the only reason double elim exists is to prevent getting bracket f'ed, and with pools, that is not really plausible.
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