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Last duke biweekly! Online prereg! $20 venue $0 entry|m2k, armada, pp, ally attending

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Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i liked this tournament. i did more than just...lose. whoo hoo for getting better.

shorthop waveland and more consistent L canceled dair combos. ah, knowing what to do to get better makes things so much easier...


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
sharp stick my ***, that thing is just bald haha

good to see you on the boards, TJ. and yeah, i'm here in ashleys room doing homework...or something like that...


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
yeah, thanks for coming out guys. unfortunately a lot of people couldn't make it, but hopefully next year we can get some really nice biweeklies going. 13 is good for a small crowd actually :)

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
Found my ****. it was in my bag. IN A DIFFERENT POCKET!!!!
The stick is actually sharp, as in if you **** up a movement or some DI, you will be rewarded with a sharp stab in the thumb. It helps me focus.

Ha. . haa. . . funny.
anyways, yeah. . . .that subscription thing you showed me, chris. . .Its not workin for me.

It's a bit less cumbersome to do things the way I did them.

anywaaaaaaaaays. Moomoo. I really hope you post our Pika vs. GW. . that was just too epic.

*DK Taunt*

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
DJ- Don't know if anyone tells you, but it's mad cool of you to host these. When your matches go up, we'll talk about them, okay?

Crystalnite- I saw your face when I made that comment about the math model. =p It's okay since I'm sure you feel the same way about the traditional way to do things haha. Annnyway, get offa dat flute so you can come out, get recorded, and I can help you get better. I shoulda told you more Marth stuff. My bad.

Roberto- Do you even get on here? Oh well, someone relay it to him. I saw you getting better man, good shiz. If you stop getting frustrated and think about why things work and why you get punished things will go well for you. Stop worrying so much haha. =p

Cam- Dude you're so much fun. =p We need to talk Falco more. Hit me uuuuuuuuup

Raggy bro- Beastly hat haha.

DUB- I probably forgot some important Falcon stuff to talk about, but I guess there's always the Falcon boards if you want help. If you want to ask me a question or just whatever hit me up bro.

Rohan- Don't give me that look, boi. =p


Moophobia- <3 We'll get you over the smash hump, but JFE is forever.

TJ- You're pretty smart man. If you train with these bros you'll be ****. I know it.

Chris- Hope you had fun and learned man. I can't wait to see how much you improve.

Ashley- I really hope you had fun. If you wanna insert something to talk about on a car ride just do it and I'll talk about it if I have anything good to say.

Bill- f*ck you squished me

Karn- PRs are fun bro. Don't get too frustrated with yourself man. I'll take a look at the videos and I promise to give you a critique. Promise.

ph00t- u mad?

mullins- we coulda won risk if i didnt have to roll against that **** country siberia

Seven- yeeee niggy good shiz taking a gay marth ditto set off of robert. =p See you Thursday or something.

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
So, i need opinions. . . .
as for where I have potential and where I dont.

I'm thinking either DK, Mario, or Peach for my main. Thing is, I haven't trained on advanced peach techs at all, my DK is still unpolished, but he has all the techniques I can put into him, and my mario is about as polished as I can make him right now.

I guess I should talk about how I did a load of friendlies against Karn's fox and my DK did best *say hello to only getting 3 stocked!*

If you played me this weekend, say somethin.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i'm with fiz, when you switched to mario i know i had a tougher time beating you. idk if your dk is just plain easier to hit because he's big or what, but i remember when you switched to mario on friday night, i felt like you were sandbagging by playing dk.

i see what you're saying though, but even though you feel like you've plateau'd with mario, there are still tons of ways to get better with him. peepee has said some things involving full jump dair and some other stuff. also if you sh nair'd more, it'd give me quite a few more problems than just your get close, upB, reset the stage and repeat tactic.

and i don't even know about your peach.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
Ganon is a tough match-up for DK though. DK's upB, although a great move with good priority, gets completely and utterly ***** by ganon's dair spike.... GL meteor canceling it(and getting back to the edge..) Like DK seriously can't do anything against it basically. Then there's ganon, with awesome aerial approaches against a char like DK, and DK only having ONE good aerial approach on ganon. Sheik v. DK is no picnic either. Easy to fall victim to the match-up unless the DK is very good.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
yeah dorsey, you pretty much just summed up all of mine and TJs matches last weekend. i approach with aerial and dair. he approaches with bair, which worked (quite well, in fact), but not well enough to take all four stocks.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2008
Castle Doomstadt
TJ I don't think I played your mario at all. If I did I don't remember it, I remember lots of DK though and it was pretty good. You would start spacing those bbs's and bairs I had a hard time approaching.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
learn how to play Peach, TJ. that ***** fits you the best.
I think cam might be right with this. I really was starting to think of you as a peach main, mario secondary, and DK for kicks and giggles.

ultimately its your choice though. but picking any one of them would be good, i think.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
you could do the one you like best, but unless it's a complete, overwhelming love for one character over any other (which is not how it seems at all), then you should learn Peach, imo. she's good.

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
i see what you're saying though, but even though you feel like you've plateau'd with mario, there are still tons of ways to get better with him. peepee has said some things involving full jump dair and some other stuff. also if you sh nair'd more, it'd give me quite a few more problems than just your get close, upB, reset the stage and repeat tactic.
. . . .? I take back what I said about being as good as I'll get with mario, most def

Oh, I could def use the dair, most def. But I don't upB all the time, I just do it when I'm getting ***** by a falco or I want to hit someone in that range and thing I'll get away untouched. It works for getting out of combos. I find a lot of times that my SH nairs turn into uairs or fairs. Muscle memory for the win. I know I spammed upB a lot this weekend. . . .*smirk* I'ma try to stop.

Ganon is a tough match-up for DK though. DK's upB, although a great move with good priority, gets completely and utterly ***** by ganon's dair spike.... GL meteor canceling it(and getting back to the edge..) Like DK seriously can't do anything against it basically. Then there's ganon, with awesome aerial approaches against a char like DK, and DK only having ONE good aerial approach on ganon. Sheik v. DK is no picnic either. Easy to fall victim to the match-up unless the DK is very good.
I play differently against different people. Like, I'll try and get the Fair to grab against Cam's falco but will try and get bair to ***** Slap combo (dtilt, ftilt, dtilt, ftilt . . . which isnt even a combo to begin with) against moo's falco. I find that Chris ****s up his spacing when I'm coming back to stage a lot, so I'll jump at the last moment and upB a the apex, right before he hits me, so I'm coptering ganon back into the middle of the stage for like 20 damage.

I played ganon ditto against him . . .3 times? And I won twice *just putting that out there* Also, I need to play more sheiks, period. . . . .

I can tell you a few Mario things. =p

anyways. . .I feel like I did better in the tournament with DK, I played both DK and Mario against Dub's falcon. The DK felt. . .better. I notice that a lot of the time I lose matches because. . .Idk, maybe because I'm just not mean enough. Cam, Jason, and Sam have all said that I'm the type of guy who will let you take 2 stocks and then start playing better all of the sudden. Being able to turn focus from the start of a match is a skill that can't be taught.

anyways, When I train, I will not forsake peach.

My Mario CAN and WILL get better
Is it better to play against people or their characters?
My fighting spirit is lazy
I will try peach


Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
LOL @ who is plur

Edit: I've been meaning to tell you guys I took an amazing dump on the way back to Wake from this. It was one loooooooooooooooong turd, but it looked exactly like a fishing hook. You know, if a fishing hook was wide and sort of meaty-looking.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
Cam, Jason, and Sam have all said that I'm the type of guy who will let you take 2 stocks and then start playing better all of the sudden. Being able to turn focus from the start of a match is a skill that can't be taught.
lol i did? pretty sure i was the guy who said you'll let me take two stocks and then two more without you taking any. :bee:

lol seriously though i don't remember saying that... maybe sam and jason. i only say this cause i don't like words bein put in my mouth, otherwise good ish lol.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Yeah, if I wasn't in such a hurry I would've taken a picture on my phone. I did consider that someone might see the picture on my phone later and wonder why I took one of my dump, but it would've been worth it.

Long story short: eat cheese pizza at franklin street pizza/pasta. It will give you a good story, whether you like it or not.

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
PP. . .I will risk sounding gay.
You need to come and see my turds.
You're **** will get ***** by my ****.
Your **** fills most of the toilet? I get two logs, every time. They both come out of the water. . .
every time.
Its okay, though. You can totally beast me at smash. *nod*


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
pssst tj. theres a little edit button to use whenever you wanna post twice.

PP, i approve of your turds. i will make sure to eat cheese pizza next time. Alternatively, TJ that was way too much information.

Cam i will play you whenever you want to come to greensboro.

And TJ, you are the type of guy to let someone take two stocks and then start playing. maybe eventually you'll get beat enough/find a reason to want to play hard from the beginning? beating you is generally enough incentive for me *shrug*

Edit: (see, cool ain't it), if you want to main ganon feel free to. and i will ganon ditto you as often as you want to, TJ. i bet both those wins were on either FoD or Dreamland. Respect my Ganon.

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
one on battle field, one on yoshi's story

and. . . *Sigh*
Hey, I'm New. I'll get it, eventually.

Idk, chris. I've never really tried for anything. Never had to. Maybe smash will be the first thing I'll ever care about. *shrug*

Plus, I can't delete **** after I post it. . I've tried.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
PP. . .I will risk sounding gay.
You need to come and see my turds.
You're **** will get ***** by my ****.
Your **** fills most of the toilet? I get two logs, every time. They both come out of the water. . .
every time.
Its okay, though. You can totally beast me at smash. *nod*
Send me a picture sometime. I'd like to see this art.

Edit: Chris, the other part of my shoutout I forgot to add was that I need to finish my tangents I started with you in the car sometime lol. Car trips are too good.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
one on battle field, one on yoshi's story

and. . . *Sigh*
Hey, I'm New. I'll get it, eventually.

Idk, chris. I've never really tried for anything. Never had to. Maybe smash will be the first thing I'll ever care about. *shrug*

Plus, I can't delete **** after I post it. . I've tried.
you make me want to MM you. i feel somehow disrespected by the fact that you supposedly beat me in a ganon ditto at battlefield. i don't approve.

and find a female to care about bro. it may do you some good. how about that chick you watched that movie with?

edit @pp: heck yeah. it would've been easier if i didn't have a chill convo with my mom for like the last 20 minutes, but that was a pretty awesome ride. Gotta love the dude jammin in that pontiac hahaha. wish i could go to RoM2 dude
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