here's a match against the sheik player. i know bair and nair. i have problems doing things OoS effectively..
Overall... In MY opinion...
Aerial game: I see you like both dair and nair. I'll take this moment to tell you to
tone down on them. They're ok attacks, but there are better options.
Bair gets refreshed easily during the match, so don't be afraid to use it "too much".
Fair is like a bair, except divided into 3 attacks and with less knockback, so use it when your opponent is going to airdodge/spotdodge/drop his shield unaware.
Uair is great for when your opponent is on top of you, and you don't know what else to do. Its hitbox seems small, but it's bigger than that.
DownB shouldn't be used when you're aimed at the stage and you don't have the time to follow-up, so use it for edgeguarding when they're near the bottom side of the stage (forces them to airdodge, making them fall even lower towards their doom, possibly out of the ledge's reach).
SideB is strong and all, but there are times when a simple bair can do the same thing, and is not as punisheable.
Ground game: You
shielded a lot in the start of the first match, but then you adjusted and you stopped shielding excessively. I'm guessing you're trying to shieldgrab your opponent, and trying to powershield everything (get hit and accidentally shield afterwards).
When your opponent is in front of you, try to shieldgrab him whenever he hits your shield and is in range.
When he's behind you, either utilt or bair, those should be the most effective OoS options. I saw lots of shorthopped
dairs, bad idea. If he shields one hit, he can just wait until you land to take advantage of your landing lag and do whatever he wants to you. A huge lack of
utilt, it's a great attack for clashing with things (not recommended), and also combos into a bair when your opponent starts DI'ing out of your utilt chains. Plus punishes his excessive shielding or his failed grab attempts/spotdodge mindgames.
Ftilt is the ground attack that
has the best combination of reach/lag (lots of reach, small lag) of all of Kirby's options for attacking directly ahead. It can combo from lagless aerial landings (nair, bair, fair after all hits) if the opponent is at a low enough %.
Dtilt can be a good attack, but tey not to depend on it too much. until recently, I never used to use it, now I use it to space my opponent away from me, on the count that
it has less range and less lag than ftilt. It can lead to a trip in your opponent's part, where we can follow up with fsmashes (i never do it) or grabs (I always do it). Save
Fsmashes for when your opponent is landing from high up, and for killing (and angle it up by moving the cstick in a diagonal position towards your opponent... Makes it stronger).
Dsmashes and
usmashes are good, but it'd be better for you to use them in situations where you KNOW they will hit: don't just charge them and hope your opponent flies into them.
Grab game: Grabs are one of kirby's fortés, he has a great hidden range, and low grab speed.
Dthrows are your favorite choices, since they do 11-12% (forgot which) and throws them upwards, setting up for any follow-up.
Uthrows are great for sending them away from you, and killing if they're at very high %s and you know they'll be shielding all of your attacks. throws and bthrows are all for comboing, try and use them as less as possible BUT DON'T COMPLETELY ELIMINATE THEM FROM YOUR GAME! As with every move, there are times where we'll want to use them for some reason we can't see right now. OH and... Try to pummel all the time, even if you're going for a gran release (the 2nd match, you tried to ftilt the shiek after a grab release, so you stayed still for the longest time).
Don't use upBs from high up, bad idea... Your opponent will see them coming a mile away. If you upB from very high up and aim for ledges, your opponent will probably edgehog you. Keep that in mind!
Dtilt comes out slow in my opinion. When would be the best time to use it. i try to use it after d-airs.
Try dtilting after a single jab, or randomly every once in a while. OH! Jab reminds me... Try doing this every once in a while too: jab>grab. Works more than it should, which is something good.
Thats all I can say for now... Don't know what else to add. Everything else you'll need to know, is gained from experience. Just keep using Kirby only for a couple of months, and learn how far his attacks reach, how long they last, how strong they are... And before you know it, you'll be a badass Kirby player! :D
PS: Kirby doesn't have to be played defensively... But you DO have to start out somehow in order to learn all of Kirby's limits! Once you have his attacks mastered, you can go aggressive as much as you desire! Don't let them breathe or think of anything, just keep chaining attacks!