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Kirby General Discussion


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
sometimes i like to wd forward

'cuz like

sometimes they attack moving forward or use their momentum to cover ground behind kirby

so then you can move kind of under them as they go over you

and then maybe punish


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
He can knee you, actually. That and bair are the only aerials that are problematic. You can utilt his dair most of the time, or at least trade with it 100% of the time.

The matchup is still not good, but it's definitely not like Fawks.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Also to play like Ryuu Seika, you have to never wavedash.
At all.
So I hope you can learn to space yourself by walking and then turning around.
Jumping, dashing and reverse Fsmashing all do that so much better but that is irrelevant.
I'm not asking him to drop all his high level techniques just because I can't Lcancel so I don't see why he needs to drop wave dashing just because I disagree with it. It's not as if I can't see the uses (which I honestly can't with throws, dodges and blocks).

Dtilt is ****.
In the context of Falcon, Ganon and Yoshi, definitely. Crouching Cstick Fsmash is pretty awesome too though, especially if he comes at you from behind.

I can trade with falcon's knee 100% of the time with my nair.
It's only useful to go HAHAHAHA YOU GOT DAMAGED
Told you Nair had its uses. It is just a shock tactic the rest of the time but the shear speed of it can be a surprise.

I just throw out inhale and go YOU TASTE DELICIOUS
I tend to prefer to crouch Fsmash but inhale does beat out a large amount of Falcons moves.

Crouch more?
Getting grabbed by falcon is like the worst thing you can let happen to yourself, you should probably not let it happen.
Words of wisdom here. You can expect a Doug Hug or two but never let yourself get regular grabbed. Crouch under everything, Fsmash Raptor Boost, Dsmash when necessary. Only leave crouch to Utilt/smash.

Final tip for aggressive Kirby: Always play yellow. Unless you're american, then play red.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
I'm not sure how known or how applicable this is but I've been comparing Kirby's copied specials to the originals and I've been seeing differences:
-If 2 Falcos are face to face and one shoots, the other gets shot. If Falco Kirby attacks a Falco at closest possible range, the laser appears behind Falco and he doesn't get hit.
-Kirby's Falcon/Warlock Punch's hitbox extends further backward than the real one. In Brawl this allows Kirby to hit people behind him but in Melee it only extends far enough to hit people if he lands on them during an aerial version. Either way, knockback is increased slightly if Kirby hits an enemy he isn't facing. With Gannondorf (he's wider than Falcon) there is a perfect spacing where the opponent receives no knockback.
-With Bowser's flame breath, Kirby can hit opponents with the back of his head, well after the actual attack has run out. I'm not sure but I don't think Bowser has this level of backward range.

All other moves appear to work the same.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Ftilt is pretty useful as as a quick changeup to break someone's momentum (especially when they're about to do something OoS, since it pops out so fast).

I'd say for ledgeguards you are almost universally better off with a dtilt or bair though.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
For entry above the stage it may be better than dtilt, but better than bair? I disagree sir.
Ftilt covers more vertical area without the threat of staling and being hit through it, and less chance of it reversing lol. Bair needs to be timed well for it to do the best option, while ftilt is very forgiving.

Also, nyahaha I'm coming to MO in a few weeks.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Geez, that was supposed to be a joke! You know, because it's Pink Reaper.
Wario recovers on a motorcycle and you counter it with a midair Final Cutter.
Thus you are "In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move on a Motorcycle".

I can't believe you people didn't get that.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
That was at least 4, maybe 5 levels of relation away from our conversation.
The only person who would get that "joke" is you.

BunBun does your trip coincide with event 52?
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