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"IT'S UP TIEM!" The Dayton, OH social, strategical, and sometimes empty thread


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal
Right, for many of those moves I listed to KO they have to be spaced properly. Spacing doesn't seem to be a problem for me, though - I was quite good at spacing in Melee and it carried over cleanly.

Also I agree that Marth has downsides, like when he's on the ledge. I was just, iuno, surprised at how many KO options he had (assuming you can space and predict well). If I have trouble KOing its because I have trouble spacing a move or just landing ANY move (other than DB) - it's not that my only KO moves are stale as it was with previous characters I've tried to main. Like Samus - her dtilt is both her best KO move (when fresh) and her best back-the-****-off move. It's a tough choice with her at times whether or not to dtilt to get the opponent off you or try something else so you can get the KO earlier. With Marth you can do whatever you'll always have another KO option.

And iuno, maybe I'm playing noobs but I've been quite happy with DS and counter gimps. Counter works brilliantly on certain characters like Ike - nothing he can do if you just drop from the edge and counter his up-b. Others it may not be as good but it's still an option. DS stage spikes soooo well, and even if they tech you've got the edge and invincibility frames.

Oh, and the thing about my tippers: it was a joke of sorts since obviously if it's landing so well it's not spam. The guy who said it was getting frustrated because I was tippering quite consistently - the only times I didn't tipper were when I was comboing into something else like falling uairs (ie, purposefully). For the first few hours of playing easily 80% of my fsmashes were tippers (and I fsmash way to much). I kinda crashed and played horribly after that, but still I tipper like a beast d:

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
No he does get alot of tippers and its not due to us being *******, he knows the spacing. He also does a good job at not being above people and he gets ko's because his f-smash tippers 80% of the time and moves like d-smash is saved for killing. also lots of mixed up DB keeps kill moves fresh.
counter ***** ike. if he has to use up-b hes screwed.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
i have trouble vs ike for some reason LOL but that might be because i don't play aggressive enough vs. infern + he's played lotsa marths. if they space it right countering the up b is difficult, especially since going offstage w/ counter is annoyingly risky.
i'm still not used to the spacing on the tipper...it's so inconsistent >__> (it like changes for each move, was the same for each one in melee)

dsmash is super risky, i don't use it often b/c if i whiff i have like ages of lag XD
DB can't be used as approach, only punishment which is why at higher percents you're hard pressed to get the DB for refresh b/c ppl will be playing more conservatively (which at that point unless they're MK you can start getting them with more grabs or dtilts b/c they use more shields =D )

not being above ppl with marth is pretty easy against most ppl...except for mk where unless you're real conservative with the shield and spacing outside of nair range roughly you're going to find yourself above mk a lot :(


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal
i have trouble vs ike for some reason LOL but that might be because i don't play aggressive enough vs. infern + he's played lotsa marths. if they space it right countering the up b is difficult, especially since going offstage w/ counter is annoyingly risky.
Last time I played infern I didn't play Marf and he did in fact beat me. Maybe on the stage he has other options that local Marfs don't use and he'll give me more of a hard time. However, I have a real hard time seeing him able to do anything at all to avoid the countered up-b. It doesn't matter how well he spaces it. Either he doesn't up-b and falls to his death (in which case you should have plenty of time to DS to the ledge after the counter ends) or he does up-b and gets countered and you DS to the ledge, then if he's not to far away to try again you drop and repeat.

i'm still not used to the spacing on the tipper...it's so inconsistent >__> (it like changes for each move, was the same for each one in melee)
*shrug* I am <3

dsmash is super risky, i don't use it often b/c if i whiff i have like ages of lag XD
Well don't miss, silly. Marth can juggle like mad with his upair if people don't airdodge - and if they do they're vulnerable right afterward. It's so great. My favorite place to use the dsmash ATM is to punish an airdodge that ends right above the ground. Punishing sidesteps is also a great place to use it. In either situation it's a guaranteed hit if you time it properly, and if they have enough damage and it's fresh it's a guaranteed KO.

DB can't be used as approach, only punishment
From what I can tell the safest approach is an empty SH, spaced properly to allow you to tipper fair. If your opponent just stands there you fair, if he does anything else you can punish. Your approach should basically be a punishment for your opponent's response. This often means a lot of DB. Yes, if you hit a shield you're in trouble - so don't hit a shield with the DB. If he shields either stay in tipper fair range or grab or wait for the shield to end (drop shield, jump out of shield, sidestep, roll) and punish with DB.

which is why at higher percents you're hard pressed to get the DB for refresh b/c ppl will be playing more conservatively
When I'm playing someone who is playing conservatively, I end up using MORE DB then any other move. By playing conservatively they keep themselves from being within range (with time to be hit by) a KOing move, and honestly the DB seems to be the most used non-KOing move. Unless by "conservatively" you mean they plank the edge or something, which is a whole different ordeal.

Even IF you can't get a DB for a refresh, if you can land almost any of his other moves properly one of them is fresh for a KO anyways. Lately I've been RARing tippered bairs for KOs if all else fails me. If nothing else they're not tippers and they refresh whatever other move I'd find easier to land.

(which at that point unless they're MK you can start getting them with more grabs or dtilts b/c they use more shields =D )
If they shield the DB is still a great option. In fact I think it's safer then grabs. Your opponent can't stay in the shield forever. When he drops it or sidesteps or jumps or rolls - you can DB. It takes, what, 4 frames to come out? There's nothing they can do. With a grab you have to get relatively close to your opponent (negating Marth's advantage over nearly everyone), and grabbing a shield leaves the possibility of a sidestep. Unlike Melee a dropped shield has almost no lag - attacking out of a shield with something like a pika dsmash is an option. I'd prefer to keep my distance. Don't get me wrong, I use Marth's grab quite a bit - probably more then I should - it's just the DB seems a lot safer.

not being above ppl with marth is pretty easy against most ppl...except for mk where unless you're real conservative with the shield and spacing outside of nair range roughly you're going to find yourself above mk a lot :(
The best opponent I've played with my Marth mains MK. The matchup isn't as easy as some other but being above the opponent in a punishable position hasn't been a huge issue thus far. If he tries to shuttleloop you from below you have plenty of time to counter. If he tries to bait the counter be patient and fall comfortably to the ground :D The biggest problems for me when above seem to be rapid MK uairs - not sure how to deal with it yet. Anything else while still well above the ground, fastfall an airdodge. If he's just below you on the ground, counter seems like a viable option. I've countered quite a number of MK fsmashes (which hit above him).

I know my Marth is still very new and inexperienced, but that's the way I see it right now. Maybe your perspective will change when you learn to space consistently, or maybe I'm a huge nub and have yet to learn why the things I've mentioned are wrong.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
Last time I played infern I didn't play Marf and he did in fact beat me. Maybe on the stage he has other options that local Marfs don't use and he'll give me more of a hard time. However, I have a real hard time seeing him able to do anything at all to avoid the countered up-b. It doesn't matter how well he spaces it. Either he doesn't up-b and falls to his death (in which case you should have plenty of time to DS to the ledge after the counter ends) or he does up-b and gets countered and you DS to the ledge, then if he's not to far away to try again you drop and repeat.
It's possible to whiff the counter, Ike's hitbox is pretty large and has good priority so you have to have consistent timing. I've FINALLY learned to do a quickhog with Marth so it's much easier than trying to Counter. Once you GET the counter off it's not an issue for me at ALL since Ike's recovery sucks but the problem is ACTUALLY getting it because Aether comes out pretty fast and reaches out slightly farther than the sword to the ledge.

*shrug* I am <3
Wait until you play in tourney...I used to score tippers left and right too XD; In tourney it's more difficult, it seems.

Well don't miss, silly. Marth can juggle like mad with his upair if people don't airdodge - and if they do they're vulnerable right afterward. It's so great. My favorite place to use the dsmash ATM is to punish an airdodge that ends right above the ground. Punishing sidesteps is also a great place to use it. In either situation it's a guaranteed hit if you time it properly, and if they have enough damage and it's fresh it's a guaranteed KO.
UAir is great, I agree...I like FSmash for my airdodge endings though but that may be because I like the move in general since 9000 other Marths use it + the first time I saw juggle trap and actually recognized that it was a juggle trap I saw it ended w/ tipper FSmash. DSmash would be pretty good though, but since it lags for 58 frames on the front end of the smash and 43 off the second hit with 4 frame difference from FSmash the tradeoff for me is obvious. I should probably be going 50% FSmash/50% DSmash.
Of COURSE anything is a guaranteed KO at high enough damage >___>; but how often are you going to juggle trap the opponent in a situation where they're at killing %s? For me that's rather difficult since they bounce really high above BF platforms and I don't really like to juggle too far above the ground, though I could use the platforms to my advantage more for the juggle...

From what I can tell the safest approach is an empty SH, spaced properly to allow you to tipper fair. If your opponent just stands there you fair, if he does anything else you can punish. Your approach should basically be a punishment for your opponent's response. This often means a lot of DB. Yes, if you hit a shield you're in trouble - so don't hit a shield with the DB. If he shields either stay in tipper fair range or grab or wait for the shield to end (drop shield, jump out of shield, sidestep, roll) and punish with DB.
Stands there - they're ***** for free. Marth is good at beating this which is why ppl MOVE against Marth.
Uses an attack -> hopefully it's a 1- or 2- frame jab, because otherwise they're gone
Tornadoes -> Dammit. DI inwards a bit then UpB
Spotdodges - can be beaten if they're NOT DDD in most situations.
Run away - if they have pretty good running speeds this works quite well.
Does a standing aerial - depends on whether they outrange you or trade or get owned.
Does a cross up aerial - you've committed to a standing aerial range, this is clearly the best option seeing as how they can beat out your aerial potentially but more importantly get away from the tipper range
Sits in shield - not a bad option...but Marth can DTilt frame trap the shield, grab, DB or just walk away a bit -> FSmash and other things
Jumps twice - Juggle trap
Rolls Away - you should be fast enough to DB
Rolls Towards - Marth can't beat this if the opponent has a good roll since they can buffer the shield...but in most cases DB works
Dash Attack - works if you have a good DA

So right here we have good options like running away, dash attack, shielding to cover any options and using Brawl's 0-shieldstun policy and jumping OOS while running like a pro. Crossup works well too. Spacing just OUTSIDE tipper fair in my experience covers the running away option like a charm because you have more room to react to any sort of dumb stuff they might pull, though spacing at tipper range allows you to reset the position faster. The cross up option also then becomes more annoying to space for them seeing as they have less margin for error.

When I'm playing someone who is playing conservatively, I end up using MORE DB then any other move. By playing conservatively they keep themselves from being within range (with time to be hit by) a KOing move, and honestly the DB seems to be the most used non-KOing move. Unless by "conservatively" you mean they plank the edge or something, which is a whole different ordeal.
Even IF you can't get a DB for a refresh, if you can land almost any of his other moves properly one of them is fresh for a KO anyways. Lately I've been RARing tippered bairs for KOs if all else fails me. If nothing else they're not tippers and they refresh whatever other move I'd find easier to land.
By conservatively I mean using shield more, being more tricky with their footsies/spacing more (running away, floating out of ranges, etc.) Marth has to be really patient if he wants the kill...DB will tack damage onto them and make them more nervous but I start using it less than say...DTilt, or grab. I have no trouble with getting the kill moves to kill, it's getting them to land that's the problem. Against certain characters it's rather difficult to get them to the ledge or in a juggle when they start playing evasively and using a lot of shield...but Shieldbreaker'ing those people is rather easy. RAR tipper BAir is ridiculously unsafe on block.

This game's shield is BROKEN. It comes out on frame 1, and chances are they will be shielding a LOT. Shield degeneration is faster but shield drop and shield drop punishments are FAST, and with Marth you can't really afford as much damage as say...GW on the horizontal scale and Snake on the vertical scale.

If they shield the DB is still a great option. In fact I think it's safer then grabs. Your opponent can't stay in the shield forever. When he drops it or sidesteps or jumps or rolls - you can DB. It takes, what, 4 frames to come out? There's nothing they can do. With a grab you have to get relatively close to your opponent (negating Marth's advantage over nearly everyone), and grabbing a shield leaves the possibility of a sidestep. Unlike Melee a dropped shield has almost no lag - attacking out of a shield with something like a pika dsmash is an option. I'd prefer to keep my distance. Don't get me wrong, I use Marth's grab quite a bit - probably more then I should - it's just the DB seems a lot safer.
Spacing at DB Tip means they can DI out at most percents
Therefore you space closer to Marth with DB.
Unless they have a pathetic grab range, you shield hit one, the Marth you're playing gets grabbed. In Marth dittos or vs. MK the option is also to UpB OOS.
I say that I use grabs and dtilts more but it's like...70% dtilts 30% grabs. Grab priority is broken in this game...so long as you have P4 slot you're A-OKay on the pressing Z close to them thing. If they spotdodge or roll then you're booped but that's why you mixup Grab, DTilt, SB and DB, works like a charm.

The best opponent I've played with my Marth mains MK. The matchup isn't as easy as some other but being above the opponent in a punishable position hasn't been a huge issue thus far. If he tries to shuttleloop you from below you have plenty of time to counter. If he tries to bait the counter be patient and fall comfortably to the ground :D The biggest problems for me when above seem to be rapid MK uairs - not sure how to deal with it yet. Anything else while still well above the ground, fastfall an airdodge. If he's just below you on the ground, counter seems like a viable option. I've countered quite a number of MK fsmashes (which hit above him).
Shuttle Loop from DIRECTLY below is not smart, I don't believe I've encountered an MK yet that uses this.
MK can get you in the air real easy with hit 3 of ftilt, his fantastic grab punishments, Tornado, Dsmash...
Also if he tries to bait the counter fall comfortably to the ground...LOL they'll just grab you instead, there is no comfort above MK.
Rapid UAirs you just have to take the damage and just...try and get away XD Fastfalling airdodges doesn't work w/ anybody vs. Marth, why would it work vs. MK? >__> MK is a speedier, shorter version of Marth with a slightly different set of tools.

I know my Marth is still very new and inexperienced, but that's the way I see it right now. Maybe your perspective will change when you learn to space consistently, or maybe I'm a huge nub and have yet to learn why the things I've mentioned are wrong.
"Spacing consistently" implies that spacing is all there is to killing w/ Marth.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2006
Columbus, OH
Well don't miss, silly. Marth can juggle like mad with his upair if people don't airdodge - and if they do they're vulnerable right afterward.
I'd like to see you try and juggle my Cario. Marf+Ike<D-Air<Roy (Hurray for Algebra 1!)

I respect the fact you guys are turning this thread into an extension of the marth boards. But I do not plan on reading 90% of these marth-related posts unless they mention an aurasphere to the face or Lucario's F-smash of love.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal
Clowsui's post is a reply to a long list of misunderstandings. Not his fault - maybe I didn't explain myself properly. Iuno, I may get back to it later. No time/patience to try to re-explain myself now on all of those things.

I'd like to see you try and juggle my Cario.
My point was most characters have little choice but to airdodge to deal with the uair juggle - which is punishable if read. If it's near enough to the ground, it can be punished with a dsmash. I didn't mean to say that there was no way around the juggle for anyone - quite the opposite. The *threat* of a uair can give an opportunity to slower/riskier KO move.

Also the fsmash of love is the main reason I forgave Luke for replacing M2, who did nothing with love. Either that or the interesting damage-increase-strength mechanic.

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
My Ike > your Meta ohhhhh no he didnt!
XD that was soooo long ago and we went even (plus didnt know match-up) when i didnt play trash or had to leave for work >_>
and i was just about to add "well i can see how it can be avoided" to that post but now..... =p

its sad i didnt get to play you at c4 i was doing soooo well that day, too bad i got the death bracket XD

i still hate you guys for your crew saying that always makes me wanna yell too

<3 GodKais


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2008
Huber Heights, Ohio
Right now, beyond more experience, the only thing I need help with is dealing with the tornado. I know a number of things that are supposed to work, I just need to experiment with them.
There are things that deal with the tornado?!?!?!? O_O

</oblivious Ike mainer>

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
up-b really ***** tornado, you dont use it near enough, even when your caught in it it is possible to up be me out of it but im not sure how its done.
...i dont even use tornado that much in our matches either >_<


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Arg! Go to tournies guys! I wanna play you all again!
Anyone going to WnB III? (I'm trying to make it... I 'm not working that day, but I don't get a paycheck till the week after, so it depends on my financial situation. You guys should show up and represent Dayton so Cinci and Cbus don't end up taking everything again :laugh: )


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal
When/where is WnB III? With Iska have a car by then? The usual people I ride with have been less and less interested in Brawl... unless Skwibz can give me a ride I don't see myself going to any tournaments in the near future >.<

Also wtf Canada beat the USA at Quake Live GGL by one frag sadfaceeeeee


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Cbus on Sat.
Tyr/Cinci may be able to drop by this time.Maybe even some Sfield people, but I kind of doubt that...
Might as well ask, right?

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
lol its way too early i prolly wont have a ride till july or early august, plus i work on sats i gotta request it off like 4 weeks in advance. im starting to wonder if i can even make it to the fields next event as the cars i need at are about $2000 about my current cash atm,

Flawless Fan

Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2009
I really hate driving downtown. Too many one way streets. But I really need practice, so I'll try to make it to one of these sometime soon.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal
Yay! The more the merrier.

Also Yay! there's smash tomorrow!

I intend to kick my Marf up a notch. I'm not gunna overtake Scribble any time soon, but starting tomorrow I'ma make him earn it. When there's a line no longer will Scribble be able to confidently just go MK to ensure I don't knock him out - he's gunna have to work for it.

Flawless Fan

Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2009
I don't home from school until 3:30, so unless I plan on brawling for an hour and a half, I'll probably show up on the 25th since I don't have any school that day.
No one minds me showing up super late if I do go this or next week, right?

And I'm bringing cookies if I go tomorrow/wednesday

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
I always stay until 6pm so if you show up at like 4 or so its fine
I really hope i can start playing well again. Ive been really disappointed in my playing recently. I really need to get back into my singles groove ive been playing way to much teams, i like it and all but sometime i wish alot of those noobs wouldnt show up so i could do 1v1s

Flawless Fan

Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2009
I looked up directions when I got home today.
Yeah I think I'll ask my stepdad to give me a ride wednesday.

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
ill MM you for $5 if thats enough XD i dont think others wanna pay to get ***** by me para and fizzle when we always do any other time.
course if you dont win then your out extra XD

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
we always play on monday and wednesday, we cant do a tourney though, the place isnt set for it, theres one setup. But yes we will be there wednesday if anyone wants to come down
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