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"IT'S UP TIEM!" The Dayton, OH social, strategical, and sometimes empty thread

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
XD lol id only go that high against someone i knew was a scrub, at least right now anyway. i need a car so i can be the one who travels places. In a month or two its a very viable possibility

Flawless Fan

Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2009
I could totally sneak the wii with me tomorrow if you guys have a second tv.
I just don't have everything unlocked.

EDIT: Also, how many people are usually at these? I wanna know how many cookies I gotta make.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal
Sadly we don't have a second TV anymore, so there's no need to bring a wii.

The number of people there depends on the time of day. We usually top out around noon, usually with about 5~6 but have had as many as 8. If you come later in the day after 4:00PM we're usually down to 3~4 people, although occasionally we only have two (ie, Scribble and myself).


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2006
Columbus, OH
I'll probably be able to come at 3:30 tomorrow. If TFF is gone by then, I officially challenge her to a Cookie Match. Lucario dittos are the worst, but I'd probably go Ness anyway. If you beat my Ness with your current reputation, I don't think I deserve any cookies..... (save some for me anyway plz :p)

Scribbs, during English, in lue of paying attention, I decided to make a an Ohio Power Ranking. Even though I forgot to include Sliq, I think you were 5th on my list. I have to play the God Kais again to know exactly where I'm at. You guys (GKs) had better come to Springfield!


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
Kel is coming back in two months, hardly considered absentee when he's playing good people in Japan too -___-

Scribz couldn't beat them in tourney prolly...especially in bracket
I will MM scribz at the next tourney, if it's even close then he's not good. I am trash lol, if trash can touch a 5th ranked player then he's clearly not that good

Inui logic, but the point still stands =)


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal
Last time I saw Nope and Scribble play Scribble wasn't so confident that he could "handily" win. Additionally I believe Nope has been to way more tournaments lately and has probably improved more since that time then Scribble. He can catch up, though, once he gets his car so he can go tourny-ing more.

And Clowsui Scrible could easily destroy you. Heck, I beat you in friendlies pretty cleanly in Cinci back before I knew about things like glide tossing and RARing >.< You backed out of a MM with me then. I was going even-ish with you at C4 with Marth dittos before I actually picked him up. Keeping that in mind, understand that the only times I really get close to beating Scrible in friendlies is when he's experimenting hardcore and does silly things which cost him - he'd beat me cleanly if he was going all out. He'd crush you. Save your money, lol.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2006
Columbus, OH
Maybe I was mistaken.....I'm sure he'll clear this up later.

Chi, do you not remember him 3 stocking you in NexusLan crews (lulz).

Last off, Kel will count in 2 months, and I may be prone to overrate Scribbs because he wins too much (in Dayton I mean). After all Scribble, you did get beaten by Sliq, a bowser. A BOWSER!!! I can't bring that up often enough; I mean, it's no Shugo vs OS but come on. Even I'm (over)confident enough to MM Sliq who I admit would probably beat me, so no more than $3.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
@Fizzle: he 3-stocked, e_ not me.

And Clowsui Scrible could easily destroy you. Heck, I beat you in friendlies pretty cleanly in Cinci back before I knew about things like glide tossing and RARing >.< You backed out of a MM with me then. I was going even-ish with you at C4 with Marth dittos before I actually picked him up. Keeping that in mind, understand that the only times I really get close to beating Scrible in friendlies is when he's experimenting hardcore and does silly things which cost him - he'd beat me cleanly if he was going all out. He'd crush you. Save your money, lol.
Hey, did you ever notice the Falco symbol next to my username?
Don't forget I use both Marth and Falco in equal amounts, you just didn't see me use him that much @ C4.
Stop judging me off of friendlies from when I was trash in Cincy...I hadn't even learned to read people or effectively space/trap yet >_>
I backed out then because I knew I'd lose money, you were more experienced by far.
I was tired of Marth dittos at that point at C4 (I'd played 7 in a row, all against Xisin whose Marth is annoying to play against because it's too good), not to mention I don't ever play seriously in friendlies unless I actually feel like it (and in this case your Marth was just starting out so I didn't really feel like it). Moreover people play friendlies differently, just because Skribble destroys you in friendlies doesn't mean that I might take them as seriously lol.
If you still want to go the friendlies route I played 6 friendlies with Skribble at C4. He won all but two of them (SD'd for the loss) but all of them were to one stock high percent. I used Falco. If you STILL want to go the friendlies route I played SamuraiPanda in about 3-4 friendlies and he told me right after that my Falco had a lot of potential and if I improved on spacing, decision making and abusing Falco's great options all a LITTLE bit more I'd be pretty good.

Maybe I was mistaken.....I'm sure he'll clear this up later.

Chi, do you not remember him 3 stocking you in NexusLan crews (lulz).

Last off, Kel will count in 2 months, and I may be prone to overrate Scribbs because he wins too much (in Dayton I mean). After all Scribble, you did get beaten by Sliq, a bowser. A BOWSER!!! I can't bring that up often enough; I mean, it's no Shugo vs OS but come on. Even I'm (over)confident enough to MM Sliq who I admit would probably beat me, so no more than $3.
Then don't count Skribble at 5th place if he hasn't placed significantly in any tournaments recently.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2006
Columbus, OH
....I can't tell the 70 Cincy Marths apart.....oh well I still recommended you save your money or at least put it up against me (Marth vs Lucario is extremely winnable). If you're still as wet behind the ears as I hope, I might be able to go PT against you.

My ridiculous overconfidence never ceases to amaze. I'd only go PT if I trashed you in game 1 :p


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
If I ask my parents for 20$:
26$ total
- 5$ food
21$ tourney
-10$ singles
11$ MM + Controller
-10$ Controller
1$ MM
+2$ (I win against Oreo)
- 2$ (MM vs. Q's PT)
1$ (MM vs. Skribble)

Sorry. You should hope I forget to MM Q's PT.

Also it's only 3...and we all play different colors + look different
Steel Samurai looks like a skater kid and a ninja turtle kinda, plays black marth
e_ looks like the typical white dude except not fat, plays blue marth
I'm Asian, and I play red/green Marth

I also have a 2nd main and a secondary unlike those two...I play Falco as my second main and I second Sheik.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2007
Athens, OH
1.Nope has done nothing but improve and has somehow found himself a purple name
2.Sliq is amazing bowser or not(granted bowser v mk isnt a terrible matchup especially seeing as skribz doesnt have the experience with it like sliq does)
3.the topic is pretty irrelevant, if you want to argue power rankings stick to recent tournament results and tournament scale and a lot less on educated guesses and opinions

again fizzle dont go underestimating bowser!!!!lol


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
If we don't count Kel:
1. AZ
2. Nope
3. YbM (Apex performance...holy christ)/Capem (consistently 4th place)
4. Capem/YbM
5. Q


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2006
Columbus, OH
If we don't count Kel:
1. AZ
2. Nope
3. YbM (Apex performance...holy christ)/Capem (consistently 4th place)
4. Capem/YbM
5. Q
Alright we've wasted enough threadspace as is, we can argue about this in person later. Any ideas for a date I could try to set up a tourney on? I should have a ton of free time in the summer and might be able to host something for Dayton. Hopefully I see you tomorrow, all.

Flawless Fan

Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2009
Alright we've wasted enough threadspace as is, we can argue about this in person later. Any ideas for a date I could try to set up a tourney on? I should have a ton of free time in the summer and might be able to host something for Dayton.
Me and Peppy were actually messing with the idea of having a tourney in July for dayton/huber. I don't know where any venues are, so I looked online.
Dayton Convention Center was all I found :[

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
@ clowsui

I sandbag really hard in friendies. dayton can attest to this
i beat ybm in a mm (fromundaman can tell you I will NOT lose to kirby), Ive been to two tourneys ever and got 2nd (at the field I have consistantly beaten nopes snake or go even at least. I won the last time we played at c4. He got a purple name since he is a great TO and knows his stuff in other smash subjects. I did beat os best two out of three when we were both sandbagging (lots of dc lol). Ive even beaten anther (once =p) I had a really hard bracket at c4 or i would have placed higher. I can understand why i may not be high on the list as i havent been to alot, i plan on going to things as much as possible when i get a car (again)
I am the best in dayton and if you dont think im that good, id gladly take your money. (for the third time)
And i cant say if it will be close or not, as your the only falco i ever played. And even taking that into account, i still wont lose. also i may not have three stocked you...but I NEVER TOOK A SINGLE HIT your whole last stock

how about $5 or $10 next time?

plus there is already a ohio power rankings. so no need to make one fizz

also.....<3 for infern since no one else will XD
not going to the next circuit event gotta work/no ride, will see you at champs

Flawless Fan

Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2009
Therefore Ike in a box is double sexy?
Do want.

More on topic. My stepdad's being a butt and isn't gonna give me a ride anywhere for any reason. However, I supposedly get out early tomorrow, so I might be able to smash longer.
Wish me luck in not getting lost.

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
so your still going? Im may be there a tad late but i will be there before noon (at the latest but that late isnt likely) shooting for 11 tho

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
well ill be there for a while so youll still get to play when you get there
also fizz, sliq would DESTROY you in a awesomely large ball of bowser fire and claws
plus he was the ON LY bowser i have EVER played EVER. wakka come down so i can learn the match-up.

just off the top of my head id say (given i have the chance to prove myself as i will in the near future)
1: AZ
2: Capem
3: nope
3: me (yes tie)
4: Q
5: YBM
6: Smash64
7: infern

not too much thought (just a five min list) so dont hold me to it

Flawless Fan

Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2009
IIRC I live about 20 minutes from downtown. If we are getting out early tomorrow, then I'll be getting home about two hours early. If I don't get lost, I should be there no later than 2:00, maybe 2:15.
Jan 11, 2006
Ohio / Michigan
I really want to go tomorrow but I think it's like a 2 hr drive for me. If no one plays around here...I'll really consider it.

Just like taunt me into coming. T_T I'm way tooo stingy on driving...


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2007
Athens, OH
im kinda iffy on money so driving to dayton hasnt been feasible option=( and i can try and help lol but sliq and i are totally different in playstyles and skill =/ plus bowser is slipping as a main ooooo sadface

imo get a car and more tournaments Lol xD


Smash Rookie
May 1, 2009
i cant come till summer vacation, if my mom lets me anyways, but only if its for ppl not in the college too, when are tournys?

FB Dj_Iskascribble

Nov 25, 2008
Smash Today

meet at building 13 on teh second floor at the back of the IT lab. just ask someone they will direct you to it

building 13 is directly connected to the parking garage A so its easier to find


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
@ clowsui

I sandbag really hard in friendies. dayton can attest to this
i beat ybm in a mm (fromundaman can tell you I will NOT lose to kirby), Ive been to two tourneys ever and got 2nd (at the field I have consistantly beaten nopes snake or go even at least. I won the last time we played at c4. He got a purple name since he is a great TO and knows his stuff in other smash subjects. I did beat os best two out of three when we were both sandbagging (lots of dc lol). Ive even beaten anther (once =p) I had a really hard bracket at c4 or i would have placed higher. I can understand why i may not be high on the list as i havent been to alot, i plan on going to things as much as possible when i get a car (again)
I am the best in dayton and if you dont think im that good, id gladly take your money. (for the third time)
And i cant say if it will be close or not, as your the only falco i ever played. And even taking that into account, i still wont lose. also i may not have three stocked you...but I NEVER TOOK A SINGLE HIT your whole last stock

how about $5 or $10 next time?

plus there is already a ohio power rankings. so no need to make one fizz

also.....<3 for infern since no one else will XD
not going to the next circuit event gotta work/no ride, will see you at champs
lol skribble just hand off your controller to someone who's going to the circuit so that i can give them the money PLEASE, i need this controller so bad lol

take note that at dayton i was STILL garbage...the only tournament that counts in my opinion is c4. but a loss is a loss, so i really don't care.

i really don't care what you do in friendlies, i just decided to address what paradigm said since he's so keen on using extremely casual games LOL i tried to do some better spacing in friendlies so that you wouldn't think i was completely braindead since last time, and it worked, i obv. didn't play my best in those friendlies @ c4 because they were just friendlies

also remember that in our MM at c4 i didn't get destroyed, i just lost by a small margin. though 1$ MMs don't exactly elicit high levels of play. i'm not MMing you, i'm too bad at this game. you get to play at least once or twice every week, even if it's against the same people...i get to play once or twice a month against the same two people.

w/e, this is going no where + all i'm going to make is a bunch of "johns". you're a better player than me but you haven't placed at enough tournaments to be considered one of the best in ohio. RANKINGS are always based off of tournament performance and maybe a small amount on MMs...and you understand that so there's nothing more to say.

did you play nope in a friendly or an MM or a tourney match? how about anther?
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