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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
If you haven't seen it on Facebook, here it is for your amusement.

A Whole New World from Aladdin meets Devon/Tyser/Shawn on a rode trip.
It's pretty damn random but that's why it was so hilarious when we wrote it.


I can show you my dick,
Shining, glistening, splendid,
Tell me baby, now when did you last let your cunt decide?

I will fuck you like Thor,
Thundering, ravenous, glory!
Fucking crossways and some ways and in ways I can't describe!

My righteous cock!
Will make you wish you had no clue,
I'm gonna fuck your ass, you'll beg for death,
It'll leave you limp and screaming.

My pulsating co
Feeds its need to be amused,
Gripping your every breath,
while smoking meth,
Why the fuck's my cock smoking meth?

The walls are closing in tight,
I am fiercely exploding,
Uncontrollably without warning,
Discharge all I've got inside!

My monstrous cock!
Don't you dare close your eyes.
A hundred thousand loads to take!
(Hold your breath, it gets better.)

I'm like a shooting star!
I've *** so far!
Won't let you escape my fantasy!

My throbbing c
Every times a surprise,
With new positions to fuck in,
Every moment gets better,

Gallons are everywhere,
Left none to spare,
Let me share this godly co
ck with you.

My epic cock,
On it you'll sit,
Here on my di
I'll make you sick,
For eternityyyyy.
Lawlz to this kudos.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
edit: stuff happens when you're trying to retreat lasers and phantasm but you push a little too far on the control stick and you sideb off the stage.
SuicideMachine222, I know what you are talking about. Most of the time I Wolf myself off the stage it's because I'm trying to do a laser while moving forward/backwards, bad idea. GG222 you were doing well against Greg outside of the whole you killing yourself twice thing.

When is the crew battle getting posted?


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
Hey joker what time do you want me to come over?

Also do you have a copy of tvc or do I need to bring mine? Do you still have your psp? If so we should totally play stuff on that lol, dbz tenkaichi tag team just came out, and gundam vs. gundam next plus is always fun, or we could play co-op mgs peacewalker.
O.O.... GVGNP..................

I may not be the best in IA anymore.. (not saying a lot but I like to give myself titles such as these)

I have NEVER played Ad Hoc because the first GVG Ad Hoc Arcade mode was terribad.

Kamig, do you play Yatterman2 in TVC? I know Blake played my friend and my friend Dominated him and his friend. I thought maybe you were Blake's friend that played TVC with "us" even though I didn't get to play against Blake or you ^o^

But yeah, the next event I'm going to is Brainshock. please go to that : D

I would love to get some Ad Hoc Party down with GVGNP. if we don't have enough players I can team with com level 3 Newtype The O ; )

does Joker play GVGNP o.O? dude, you guys are officially my loves for playing this game! I seriously thought I was the only person who spent time on this game.

also who do you use? question is to all who play GVGNP
I would say I use 00 Raiser but he is omega OP cheapness squared.
I guess I wouldn't count the port units... they seem to be just little add-ons with little thought put into. So I use Freedom or Strike Freedom. Strike Freedom is a horrible unit but he is fun to me.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Kamig, do you play Yatterman2 in TVC? I know Blake played my friend and my friend Dominated him and his friend. I thought maybe you were Blake's friend that played TVC with "us" even though I didn't get to play against Blake or you ^o^
Lol dominated.

Let me play him again and we'll see how the runback is.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA

oh, you're him?
well I failed.

lol dude I'm sorry but a 20 win streak is a 20 win streak / :, I don't mean to come off as conceded
but a more even match would be me Vs. you or blake. I played Blake weeks prior but I was undertrained and I just didn't play the game because I thought nobody played it. also I main karas and casshern and they are kind of hard to use. But I trained up and played my friend a lot and I did well and learned some awesome combos! but well, I sorta haven't played that game in a LONG time. since Labor Day weekend actually.

Are you going to Brainshock? maybe if I feel like getting good at that game again WE can play ; )
I use to just feel like that game was hella broken. Because it was very and maybe still is..
but Naruto Shippuden: UNS2 is SUCH a broken game it's ridonkulous. but I feel like it might get better as the meta-game improves. I hope....
just like TVC has before it.

otherwise, Blazblue, Smash are it. okay UNS2 is too fun though. OKAY! I'll play more TVC...
too much games to play!!! Dx


Smash Cadet
Feb 19, 2010
cant you shut up please! your posts are just you talking about how much you play these games that no one cares about. please get better at smash then you could talk up a storm of different games. thats how it works.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008

oh, you're him?
well I failed.

lol dude I'm sorry but a 20 win streak is a 20 win streak / :, I don't mean to come off as conceded
but a more even match would be me Vs. you or blake. I played Blake weeks prior but I was undertrained and I just didn't play the game because I thought nobody played it. also I main karas and casshern and they are kind of hard to use. But I trained up and played my friend a lot and I did well and learned some awesome combos! but well, I sorta haven't played that game in a LONG time. since Labor Day weekend actually.

Are you going to Brainshock? maybe if I feel like getting good at that game again WE can play ; )
I use to just feel like that game was hella broken. Because it was very and maybe still is..
but Naruto Shippuden: UNS2 is SUCH a broken game it's ridonkulous. but I feel like it might get better as the meta-game improves. I hope....
just like TVC has before it.

otherwise, Blazblue, Smash are it. okay UNS2 is too fun though. OKAY! I'll play more TVC...
too much games to play!!! Dx
Lol no.

We went back and forth beating each other up, he adapted afterwards, and I didn't but I know I could if I tried. I was going through entire matches with just Saki, and I know how to keep yatter-2 alive against his gimmicks. If we did a run-back now it would be different.

TvC is a mediocre and shallow game, and all I could think about playing was Melty at the time. I'm sorry but we would probably not be an even match, because you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

Also I think I'm just going to put you permanently on my ignore list. You don't seem to have a clue about what you're talking about half the time and post your shitty two-cents anyways. You also have the most faggotry way of typing possible on the internet. This was all obvious like a month ago but now you incite salty rage and now there will be no mercy.

Give me like 30 minutes to learn whatever bad game you wanna play with me next time we meet so I can pubstomp you please.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 26, 2010
someone translate that post, i reaaaaaaally don't want to have to decode it, but for some reason im very curious as to what it says.......even tho its tyser king of trolls and probably says nothing all that important .......
You can just mouse-over each of the little icons and they have letters.

And either that's what he was trying to say or that was a MAAAAAAAD coincidence


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Stop speaking childish Soran and talk with intelligence, you will have less problems that way.



Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
i have no idea what blank and soran are talkin about, but i can't believe im hearing someone say some OTHER game is broken on a brawl forum lol.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA

okayy.... I really wonder if you have these feelings, Tyser. stating that my life may be in danger and all. I can only imagine you looking at me and that would be the end of it.

I absolutely cannot understand how people can get so butt-hurt over the internet seeing how another types. Maybe if this was some college course over the internet and typing normal is required I would do so. But seeing as it doesn't matter I will continue with my fun runs over these threads.

I try to be affable to everybody. It seems to only increases your antipathy towards me.

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever that you people get pissed off at virtually nothing.

kheh, I said virtually ; P because we're on the internet xDD

good pun is good.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008

okayy.... I really wonder if you have these feelings, Tyser. stating that my life may be in danger and all. I can only imagine you looking at me and that would be the end of it.

I absolutely cannot understand how people can get so butt-hurt over the internet seeing how another types. Maybe if this was some college course over the internet and typing normal is required I would do so. But seeing as it doesn't matter I will continue with my fun runs over these threads.

I try to be affable to everybody. It seems to only increases your antipathy towards me.

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever that you people get pissed off at virtually nothing.

kheh, I said virtually ; P because we're on the internet xDD

good pun is good.
Its not just about how you type. You're simply worthless and meaningless to every conversation and idiotic in the things you say. In a small community this should be frowned upon and cleansed out. Simple as that, and because of that I will be ignoring you like most ignorance deserves. Tolerance at best.

Feel like this thread went to 4chan.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Yes it is. There are also vids of him playing DSP and whatnot.

Hes also played Juicebox and a few others I believe randomly.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
haha, that's hilarious. What luck to get on The Excellent Adventures! :D
amazes me just as much xDDD

and you guys are all meanie head poo faces / :<
except a select few of you *glaring around*

but seriously? I don't contribute? I'm not sure how would anybody contribute to a discussion thread?

besides, I was talking to Kamig and some people are just like, YOU SUCK GTFO!
it's liek, I wasn't talking to you? maybe that is why what I was saying seemed useless.

besides that, why do you have to get mad anyway? like I said, you get pissed at virtually nothing. I'm done with this conversation.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
amazes me just as much xDDD

and you guys are all meanie head poo faces / :<
except a select few of you *glaring around*

but seriously? I don't contribute? I'm not sure how would anybody contribute to a discussion thread?

besides, I was talking to Kamig and some people are just like, YOU SUCK GTFO!
it's liek, I wasn't talking to you? maybe that is why what I was saying seemed useless.

besides that, why do you have to get mad anyway? like I said, you get pissed at virtually nothing. I'm done with this conversation.
Lol alright guy. Your posts are garbage and most the times you sound idiotic and ignorant. If you are trying to be apart of a community and don't wanna accept said feedback then its your choice but I will continue to ignore and not associate with you. You learn from the community or you never learn and ultimately split with absolutely no loss on our part.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
So I will like to thank everyone that showed up for games pretty fun weekend indeed. Crews where just ridiculous Greg's awesome mind games made Gamegenie kill himself twice >.<
Hope to see you guys this weekend. Which by the way Brendon are you going o.0

Holy crap, is this THE NGAMER3K on The Excellent Adventures of Gootecks and Mike Ross?!?!?!!?

This is amazing mainly cause is someone I know lol Sakura is a trap XD


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
Jesus christ, you kids are mean. I'd be more offended/shocked if it wasn't because I've lurked 4chan for the past 5 years, though.

Anyway, shout out time to some of the newer people:

Stop using MK. You're not better because you use him; you're just hurting yourself and looking like a tool. Y'all do better with the people you claim you main in the first place; why not stick it out and actually do decent in the long run? MK's OPness can't carry your weight forever, so you should either practice/do some research or cut the middle man and just quit Smash now.

I mean, don't take this the wrong way. I'm not upset that you're using MK and certainly not butthurt--I eat n00b MKs for breakfast with ROB (which should say something in and of itself.) I'd just like to see more diversity; I think MU experience is something we're really lacking around these parts, and if newcomers stopped flocking to MK to try and bypass the part where you actually work to become decent, we'd have less issues when we go OoS, etc. Not to mention it'd just make tournaments/crew battles/friendlies more interesting. No one enjoys watching a down smash/b button mashing war; even legit MK matches are ********.

If you're uncertain about which character you should use, why don't you tell me what it is you think you like about MK? Besides the raw, gay power, of course. I'm sure people can give you a decent recommendation on whom to pick up. Like I've heard someone say they like MKs air game--if you want an actual air game, check out Wario. If you like being a flaming homo, check out Falco.
jk but not really
If you're good at reacting and want to be really technical, give Diddy a try. If you're feeling really brave, feel free to check out the rest of the cast.. you know, the ones not listed in god/great tiers.

Obviously we can't have everyone just drop MK (not that that'd ever happen, anyway), since we'll need the experience, but I don't think anyone's benefiting from playing unskilled MKs.

....phew, that was a good rant.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I think learning how to play MK is a good thing, but using him as your primary character is pretty lame, IMO2. But other than GG222's MK, MK is Thugz and BPOW's best characters. Thugz tries to play Pika/ZSS/Fox, but fails at all of them other than Pika. No one plays MK in Nebraska since Tyser doesn't play Brawl
(and he's salty cause my wolf beats his MK
:rotfl:), so I don't mind having 1 person in our state as a consistant MK.

Also I don't think being THIS mean to Soran is appropriate, I mean, he's like 13, when I was 13 I had no idea how to talk to young adults, hell, I think we are all lucky his posts aren't "My pen15 loves Brawl" or something dumb like I would have posted when I was 13.

That being said, limit your single sentence paragraphs to things that are important.

New Old Topic: Crew battles need to be posted online so I can post it to the wolf boards.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
I approve of this post yet another reason why I miss Razor we used to give each other MU experience since we can play just about every char but now I try giving people MU experience like I was helping Trent out with some MUs and teaching Colin(not sure how to spell it) how to smash DI and some useful tactics so yeah <(^.^<)

And about Soran it's the interwebz so shouldn't take anything serious but he's ok in my book >.0


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
@Rob: That's just it.... you're proving my point. They're not BETTER with MK, it's just that MK himself is better. Obviously they'll fair a bit better on average with a ******** character like him--the others require effort. Thugz' Pika was the only one that could even try to keep up with me; his MK was pretty bad, and Brandon's isn't good either. No offense to either of them because they're cool guys, but MK isn't the right choice. They're relying on his power to fair decently in the scene, and as seen in crews, that didn't work very well.

There's nothing wrong with working on MK, because like I said, we'll need legit practice anyway...but new kids maining him like they are is pathetic and benefiting no one.

Also, what you said about Thugz is rather irksome and shows a bit of immaturity. I'll reiterate, as that's a statement that stood out to me; you have to WORK on other characters to do well with them. Confirming their beliefs that they can only succeed if they resort to MK is just hurting them. If he does some reading up on Fox and ZSS's technical shit and their match ups, I can see him fairing well enough down the road once he's more practiced. Like I said before, his Pika is already legit.. it just needs some more work and practice time.. which he won't get if he just pulls out MK.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
@Everyone I reserved the club house, so everything is set. Crew battle will probably be posted whenever Joker gets the videos from me and posts them. I MIGHT try to do them but, I can't guarantee anything.

@Joker: Bring your component cables so we can see how much lag that big TV has. Also bring your harddrive so I can put those videos on there.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
u people know becca is right, MK isn't the best way to go when you are new to competetive brawl, you won't really get far playing MK in the long run, everyone knows exactly how to play the MK matchup. if anyone wants to learn other chars hit me up, i don't play as many chars as i used to but i still do very well with probably half the cast. i can't really add on to what u said becca, u pretty much said everything i was thinkin lol. soo yeah


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
u people know Becca is right, MK isn't the best way to go when you are new to competitive brawl, you won't really get far playing MK in the long run, everyone knows exactly how to play the MK matchup. if anyone wants to learn other chars hit me up, i don't play as many chars as i used to but i still do very well with probably half the cast. i can't really add on to what u said Becca, u pretty much said everything i was thinking lol. so yeah
U should teach me about Peach's pros and cons and give me matchup experience against my Falco. The reason is just in case I had to play Nicole at her tourney so I want to be prepared or used to match at least cause I find playing against Peach very weird along with Diddy.

Edited for correctness as well.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
ahhh well i could kiiiiiiiinda prepare u for nichole, we have pretty opposite playstyles tho, falco vs peach is a pretty dumb MU on both sides, peach has almost no solid approaches on falco, SHDL completely shuts down her air game and his deflector, when timed correctly, makes a glide toss approach non existant, but on the other hand, she is one of the chars who has an easier time knocking falco out of phantasm when he tries to escape, a ground float Bair or Nair will knock him out every time if spaced, which leads to very hurtful combos/gimps on falco. its basically a long and boring match and all you're really trying to do is try and make the opponent make a mistake u can punish him for.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
And about Soran it's the interwebz so shouldn't take anything serious but he's ok in my book >.0
hah, awwww. now I really want to see you guys this weekend. A friend of mine who has a very high chance of taking me to brainshock(he also wants to get involved in more smash scene) is going to Iowa City this weekend and if he wasn't I'd have to tell him to go see you guys ; )

I've never brawled him before but I'm going to this weekend. I know you guys wouldn't take my word for scrap metal but I'll let you know if he's good ^o^ i mean, it might not be saying much but I legitimately topped QRS and am able to beat blake high percentage of the time.

weefee training ftw!

But I know a lot of the time people will hand out tips on how to get past tricks of theirs to help improve other peoples' game. I would like to know how to do this o.O?

I can DEFINITELY point out my personal faults but as for my character, I got nothing. the only thing I can say is, watch out for my sword? and I said that. At the labor day brawlfest I brawled a Fox and he was sorta beginning so I beat him pretty badly. I wanted so bad to tell him how to deal with Marth because he even said he had MU troubles. I was blank though .-.

W/e somebody wants tips I have nothing. How I get better is just play more. that is what I see at least. I tell people to do the same though it probably doesn't help much. I usually find things out on my own as well because nobody really tells me things.

an example of somebody tipping their opponent would be Blake at animeIowa.
Blake and Silver were brawling and blake was pretty much winning. Silver asks how to get past the eggs and Blake was able to give out a reasonable answer that helped even me with my Yoshi MU. I just wish I could do the same for somebody else.


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
ahhh well i could kiiiiiiiinda prepare u for nichole, we have pretty opposite playstyles tho, falco vs peach is a pretty dumb MU on both sides, peach has almost no solid approaches on falco, SHDL completely shuts down her air game and his deflector, when timed correctly, makes a glide toss approach non existant, but on the other hand, she is one of the chars who has an easier time knocking falco out of phantasm when he tries to escape, a ground float Bair or Nair will knock him out every time if spaced, which leads to very hurtful combos/gimps on falco. its basically a long and boring match and all you're really trying to do is try and make the opponent make a mistake u can punish him for.
Either way me playing you helps me get rid of my nervousness towards her even though it's going to be a while before I get completely used to playing against Peach and I need to now what stages that are good for her also are u going to Nebraska monthly this Saturday Gantrain.?

Edit: this is probably because I like white girls.
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