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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Who said it was terribad? You haven't met me yet but I'm pretty much the only person in Iowa besides ngamer3k that plays it, and I know quite a bit about the game...I've been playing it since the Japanese release too. If you want to learn stuff I can teach you. I tried to teach people stuff but most people just wanted to mash.

Speaking of mashing since you're all talking about mvc3 how many of you are actually going to consider taking it seriously? Everyone can keep calling out their mains and stuff, but when the game drops who will actually make it past the first 2 months of the game's life span? I'm calling it when I say this, but ngamer3k, Joker, and I are the ONLY I repeat ONLY ****ing players who will stick with that game and learn anything at all.

Not trying to **** talk here...just saying what it is.
I never tried out TvC but I really want to, would you help me nerd at it Kamig?

Edit: Can anyone help me find the fighting game community pic that was on this thread a few months ago, I want to place it on my background for my computer?


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
Who said it was terribad? You haven't met me yet but I'm pretty much the only person in Iowa besides ngamer3k that plays it, and I know quite a bit about the game...I've been playing it since the Japanese release too. If you want to learn stuff I can teach you. I tried to teach people stuff but most people just wanted to mash.

Speaking of mashing since you're all talking about mvc3 how many of you are actually going to consider taking it seriously? Everyone can keep calling out their mains and stuff, but when the game drops who will actually make it past the first 2 months of the game's life span? I'm calling it when I say this, but ngamer3k, Joker, and I are the ONLY I repeat ONLY ****ing players who will stick with that game and learn anything at all.

Not trying to **** talk here...just saying what it is.
My friend Antonio schools muthabitches at TvC. He beats Blake anyway.. He totally pwns me no big deal. I haven't played it in a long time since I mostly play BBCS now. But I know I wasn't bad either. I can actually beat Antonio about 10% of the time : P

Like, he is VERY good.

Back in an older post I mentioned it and everybody jumped on the chance to flame me.
oh well.


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
I actually have people on my shit list now. All three are on this page.
May your posts never cause me annoyance ever again!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2009
Des Moines, Iowa
I never tried out TvC but I really want to, would you help me nerd at it Kamig?
Well since I live in Iowa and you live in Omaha I can't really show you in person, so I'll just provide you with a few links.

If you have access to the game (which I'm assuming you do) watch this system mechanics tutorial and try all of it out yourself too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2iyi2pEwSY

You should also learn the "magic series" discussed in the video above, as pretty much every character starts their combos out that way.

This is a good place to read about character specific things: http://shoryuken.com/f281/


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Why are people posting old ass videos?

Keep up with the times. You're embarrassing right now.
Fine here u go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOvCbi_UUfQ&feature=sub u happy now.
Well since I live in Iowa and you live in Omaha I can't really show you in person, so I'll just provide you with a few links.

If you have access to the game (which I'm assuming you do) watch this system mechanics tutorial and try all of it out yourself too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2iyi2pEwSY

You should also learn the "magic series" discussed in the video above, as pretty much every character starts their combos out that way.

This is a good place to read about character specific things: http://shoryuken.com/f281/
Thanks for the info.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Des Moines, IA
Who said it was terribad? You haven't met me yet but I'm pretty much the only person in Iowa besides ngamer3k that plays it, and I know quite a bit about the game...I've been playing it since the Japanese release too. If you want to learn stuff I can teach you. I tried to teach people stuff but most people just wanted to mash.

Speaking of mashing since you're all talking about mvc3 how many of you are actually going to consider taking it seriously? Everyone can keep calling out their mains and stuff, but when the game drops who will actually make it past the first 2 months of the game's life span? I'm calling it when I say this, but ngamer3k, Joker, and I are the ONLY I repeat ONLY ****ing players who will stick with that game and learn anything at all.

Not trying to **** talk here...just saying what it is.
Blank plays too and he'll be playing MvC3- get gdlk and then move on to poverty like always. <3


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
WEEEEE! I'm God tier : D

But I'll actually play MVC3 seriously. If you played me in TVC: UAS you'd think I'm more than scrub material. Karas Casshern WEEEEEEE

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
If MvC3 has Marvel style air crushes(Without the tag-in BS) and keeps up with what they're doing now I'd be pretty interested. I'll at least play it as much as I played Marvel lulz.

I want a salty runback against Phoenix. With 10x more robot spam next time. Also once I implement yatter 3C your Soki 5A is done for son. DONE FOR!

I am currently dropping every game I play to play EFZ. MISUZU DA GAWD!


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Can anyone help me find the fighting game community pic that was on this thread a few months ago, I want to place it on my background for my computer? It was the one with describing each community like smash were a bunch of kids, KOF were Mexicans and the Capcom vs series were a bunch of black people, does anyone know what I'm referring to?


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
@Soran: Yeah I too play TvC I actually like the series and like Kamig mention I'll stick with MvC3 cause I want to pick up an actual fighter since no matter if MvC3 is bad or not people ARE going to play it since is the newer game and tourneys like EVO tend to move to the newer games so yeah, plus I just like how it looks and plays so playing TvC is like practicing for MvC ^.^
Also I love the chars they have plus my team is done:
Dante, Wesker and either Chris or Ryu that one is going to be tuff may just have a second team like Trish, Chris and Tron Bonne(lol Capcom fan).
So yeah I'm loving this game already. I also wanted to pick up King Of Fighters 13 but KOF games tend not to have that big of a community unless you live in Mexico XD

Can we have a tourney soon? Get Missouri to come up! Its been too long!
We saw them at HD :)
But yeah like I mention I won't be able to have an actual monthly for a while again I can still do a biweekly but that's more of a get together if anything cause no one wants to pay $5 for anything T.T
I love your avatar, oh and this is what I was talking about:

Just don't get

I am currently dropping every game I play to play EFZ. MISUZU DA GAWD!
There's no need for that kind of language >.<


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
Tyser Power Shit Rankings.
I really have no idea what it would turn out to be right now.
Soran just posts little kid posts and is a dummy.
Thugz is an ignorant mofo whose bad at games.
GameGenie just posts random crap without knowledge.
All three are pretty equal on the nothing scale.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
xD I love capcom too.

CAPCOM da bess!
I even like them on facebook. out of the 3 likes I have.
I am not interested in their feed... but I like to have them in my likes anyway.
Okay, I'm sure we've all heard of Gundam Vs. Gundam.. It's like the greatest game ever to grace the Earth with its existence. *hoping people sense the sarcasm* But CAPCOM is part of the dev team but Bamco advertises it. Probably why this game will never be outside of Japan.
I am serious in my opinion: this game is the greatest game. I love it so much. It isn't accessible like Brawl and slaps noobs in the face.
What I was getting at was if CAPCOM was advertising it, it would be a greater success than it currently is. I mean out of Japan. CAPCOM is probably my favorite company hands-down.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
CAPCOM make some pretty awesome games although I'll have to go with SNK when it comes to fighting games and really is the KOF series I love so if you where to make me choose from SF or KOF, I'll go KOF hands down. I still like some of SF chars which is why I love CAPCOM vs SNK 2 they just need to make a 3rd one.
There's also Konami they make some pretty good games Yugioh being one of them or at least they use to not sure about now, plus they have one of the GREATEST GAME EVER


Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
That's a dumb character. You deserve to be humbled for that BS.
You're right man Soki is so dumb, and so are megacrashes! We should just play Marvel there is less bull**** in that game and its 10x more fun. :laugh:

I don't own a wii, nor practice any game at all right now besides IaMP (Even Melty takes a backseat because I'm too lazy to grind). The next time I go to Joker's I'm using his Wii to play Tales of Graces and not practicing Brawl at all.

xD I love capcom too.

CAPCOM da bess!
I even like them on facebook. out of the 3 likes I have.
I am not interested in their feed... but I like to have them in my likes anyway.
Okay, I'm sure we've all heard of Gundam Vs. Gundam.. It's like the greatest game ever to grace the Earth with its existence. *hoping people sense the sarcasm* But CAPCOM is part of the dev team but Bamco advertises it. Probably why this game will never be outside of Japan.
I am serious in my opinion: this game is the greatest game. I love it so much. It isn't accessible like Brawl and slaps noobs in the face.
What I was getting at was if CAPCOM was advertising it, it would be a greater success than it currently is. I mean out of Japan. CAPCOM is probably my favorite company hands-down.
Play a real robot fighter like Virtua-on.

Or Gotcha Force because that game's dub is too hilarious.

Also this thread kind of went to trash. I don't even bother to read most the posts in here anymore and skim smash vid spam only to be disappointed.

Btw I'm serious about EFZ. This game is so amazing.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Who said it was terribad? You haven't met me yet but I'm pretty much the only person in Iowa besides ngamer3k that plays it, and I know quite a bit about the game...I've been playing it since the Japanese release too. If you want to learn stuff I can teach you. I tried to teach people stuff but most people just wanted to mash.

Speaking of mashing since you're all talking about mvc3 how many of you are actually going to consider taking it seriously? Everyone can keep calling out their mains and stuff, but when the game drops who will actually make it past the first 2 months of the game's life span? I'm calling it when I say this, but ngamer3k, Joker, and I are the ONLY I repeat ONLY ****ing players who will stick with that game and learn anything at all.

Not trying to **** talk here...just saying what it is.
If it turns out like TvC I'm not taking it seriously. Otherwise I may consider it.

You're right man Soki is so dumb, and so are megacrashes! We should just play Marvel there is less bull**** in that game and its 10x more fun. :laugh:

I don't own a wii, nor practice any game at all right now besides IaMP (Even Melty takes a backseat because I'm too lazy to grind). The next time I go to Joker's I'm using his Wii to play Tales of Graces and not practicing Brawl at all.

Play a real robot fighter like Virtua-on.

Or Gotcha Force because that game's dub is too hilarious.

Also this thread kind of went to trash. I don't even bother to read most the posts in here anymore and skim smash vid spam only to be disappointed.

Btw I'm serious about EFZ. This game is so amazing.
I pretty much only read half the posts in this thread.
Are you talking about Eternal Fighter Zero?


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
Play a real robot fighter like Virtua-on.
lolwut? xD

Gundam Vs. is 10X more popular than Virtual-on.

Gundam Vs. = Gotcha Force X10 to the extreme maxsquared.

I remember the good ol' days walking into Arcade X in Dez Moines and going straight to the Virtual-on machine. I was the only kid playing it but boy did I like it.

I went back and DL'd it from the XBL Arcade...
game is not what it use to be xP

I prefer Gundam Vs. > all else.
At least I can say I'm the best Next Plus player in IA xD

I <3 MGS so good. Game has a great, deep story and all the right themes.
Kojima is a Boss(no pun intended) for creating such a great game.
not to say Kojima single-handedly did MGS but I know his team is that of greatness.

I know what you all will say. "This game looks like trash." "Clunky" etc.
But if you played it you'd.... think the same. It is definitely the most noob-hostile game I can think of. That I play at least.



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Capcom haven't ever had 1 good game, let alone a decent one.

I really have no idea what it would turn out to be right now.
Soran just posts little kid posts and is a dummy.
Thugz is an ignorant mofo whose bad at games.
GameGenie just posts random crap without knowledge.
All three are pretty equal on the nothing scale.
You guys ***** the **** out of Soran a few pages back, so I'd probably put him at #1.
Gamegenie almost got Iowa in a car accident, so I'd probably put him at #2.
Thugz just wants to be on the PR list and argues dumb...so I'd probably put him at #3.

We should just play Marvel SUPER HEROES

Play a real robot fighter like Virtua-on.
If you are talking about the original with Dr. Doom/Thantos as secret characters, I'm down, that game is awesome.

And you know you meant to say "The Xenogears 2-player minigame from disc 2" as your example of real robot fighters. :psycho:


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
lolwut? xD

Gundam Vs. is 10X more popular than Virtual-on.
Your point is?

Tekken 6 is also more popular in Japan.

If you want a fast mecha action game with advanced tech then play Virtua-on. Just about all japanese players who still play the game are amazing and ridiculous at it, and it doesn't need combos to be advanced at all.

Also yes I am talking about Eternal Fighter Zero. The OTHER loli fighter.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN
Your point is?

Tekken 6 is also more popular in Japan.

If you want a fast mecha action game with advanced tech then play Virtua-on. Just about all japanese players who still play the game are amazing and ridiculous at it, and it doesn't need combos to be advanced at all.

Also yes I am talking about Eternal Fighter Zero. The OTHER loli fighter.
Next time I'm in Iowa we should play Virtual On :D. It was like the only game I played in 8th grade lol.


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
lol story?
From what I hear, Iowa was forced to take GameGenie home. In all realness, he shit gamed them by insisting himself to go to my place after Aura's tourney knowing that he wouldn't be able to get a ride. It was a dick move on his part but the past is the past.

Anyways, they took him to Dan's house where GameGenie, again, made an assumption that Dan would take him to his house. This didn't happen and Dan told Iowa to take him home. After this, it just got straight up ******** and I don't know all the details about it but I heard that Iowa drove around Omaha for an hour or more trying to find GameGenie's house.

He took them through neighborhoods and basically around the city of Omaha. Some people told me he wasn't really sure where his house was. Anyways, they eventually got there and that was that. Oh, and FYI, what took them over an hour should have only been 10-15 minutes but he didn't know where his house was.

As for the accident thing, I have no idea but I would not be surprised in the least bit especially with all the dumb detours they took.

tl;dr: GameGenie took them for a tour around Omaha. They didn't want the tour. Shit games occured.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2007
Pierre, SD


Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2009
St. Louis, MO
This is a visual that illustrates what really happened.

Blue dot: Dan's house (Starting location)
Green dot: GameGenie's house (Ending location)
Red path: The fastest, easiest route from Start to End.
Purple path: The route that was had. Yeah, it's awesome.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2007
Pierre, SD
I was gonna ask when you coming home dawg!
I'll be around thanksgiving weekend and for xmas. I should be able to pop up to Des Moines while I'm around.

I'm trash at Brawl but give me a minute with it and I'll be good again.
I've been on MvC2 Blazblue and TvC lately and I'm terrible at those games with no hope of learning.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
lol story?
It's like here let me point the direction even though you can't see it plus I'm not even going to say anything FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Dear Joker,

Ask and you shall receive.

Yeha-Noha (Wishes Of Happiness & Prosperity)

See also: http://ohiwantsundaes.ytmnd.com/

Fun Fact: In South Dakota, We have Native Americans instead of Mexicans!

Your friend,

:EDIT: **** skiz beat me to it i need to lurk more
Lol I love this song thank you both cause I couldn't find it I kept searching different things even sundae but nothing.
This song just reminds me of the drive we took with Andy just full of awesomeness and good times T.T

This is a visual that illustrates what really happened.

Blue dot: Dan's house (Starting location)
Green dot: GameGenie's house (Ending location)
Red path: The fastest, easiest route from Start to End.
Purple path: The route that was had. Yeah, it's awesome.
It's like man I thought I was bad with directions >.<

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
I think I did the same thing for Minnesota/Neomagic at like my 2-3rd tourney, but uhh I found my house within 10 minutes at least. :laugh:


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Well I apologize for all of that **** and I didn't know that Iowa almost got in a car accident cause of me. We kept on missing turns on the interstate and coming up construction signs through the neighborhoods cause I didn't speak up or I said something last second which I am sorry for as well. I make sure this doesn't happen again.:(


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA

Gundam Vs. Gundam Next and Gundam Extreme Vs. have fast written in their genes.

But lololol GameGenie bad at directions?
Me too. But at least I know how to get to my house from anywhere in CR xD

And I got *****? lolz more like wtf jerk much. But ya'll don't know me so I understand why you think I'm a "quiet child" .

made a fb note and everybody jumped on Tyser for being a shmuck. oh well. I still love you ; D
I mean, I love everybody and television ( :,

P.S. IHOP da bess.
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