Well, Trent was driving with Nick (BoredPeanut), Yulai (Uli), Tyler (BeeS?) and me (resTy) and we were following Greg to Ames. Greg was going about 90 MPH and we were going about 80MPH. He exited and we over shot it because he didn't allow us to follow him. We had to go all the way to the next ramp which was another 2 miles and then come back. Anyways, once we were on the correct road, about 5 minutes later we arrived at the venue. It was a large, gated, appartment-like complex area. We arrive at the gate and there is a silver Honda in front of us. We are sitting there hella confused. Well, two seconds later, the person driving the silver Honda seemed to have slammed on the gas and rammed directly into a pole that had the numpad to open the gate. After that, everybody in Trent's car started to laugh hysterically. We continued to laugh and make funny comments towards the driver saying "He has to be either a woman or Asian" and other pretty hilarious remarks. Yulai said "Holy shit! Is that Ngamer?" and then the rest of us looked with a ******** amount of focus at the driver. He turns and it is indeed Ngamer. The fuckin car explodes with unstoppable laughter and it continues for a full minute. After this, things got boring and we played Brawl and stuff.
tl;dr: Ngamer hit the pole that opens the gate. We laughed. He became a legend.