Labor Day BrawlFest/MeleeFest/DreamcastFest!!!!
Date: Sunday, September 5th
Location: Ames, Iowa (PM me and I'll txt you the address, directions and other stuff)
Time: 11 a.m. until whenever...
Relevant and Not-So-Relevant Information:
Venue Details: The location is the clubhouse for my apartment complex. It is fairly big and has enough room for approximately 5 - 7 extra setups. The room comes with a large relatively lagless LCD TV (~4ms, it affects me a little, but not too, too much and you know how finicky I am with tv's). I will need someone to help me setup, ala bring 3 of my own tvs (27in CRT, 20in CRT, 19in LCD) from my apartment and garage into the building. That means we will need 1-3 more TV's and a slew of systems. I am pretty sure I will have enough seating, but I will probably need help moving extra chairs into the club house also if a lot of people show up. There is also another room in the complex that could house 1 more setup, only catch is those guys in that room will feel like loners because it isn't connected to the other room (Maybe people can play KOF in there...hahahaha). The clubhouse is its own structure so we can be as loud as we want. There are two bathrooms in the complex along with a kitchen :-|. Speaking of food...
Food: I am about 5 min from Campus Town and Duff Avenue. Both have food options. Now my significant other said she would cook (lunch or dinner) for ya'll if you pay her...LOL. Looks like she is charging $8 a plate with 2 pieces of fried fish, dirty rice, a side of vegetables and a drink. Only catch is I think a minimum number of like 8 people have to promise to order, so she doesn't cook and lose her money. Her cooking is good, service depends on the time of the month (:-D don't tell her I said that).
Video: I should have a capture card working on my laptop by then, Joker has a DVD recorder, and I’m sure people have camcorders so we can record the action on screen and off screen.
Tournaments: I say Brawl/Melee Singles and Doubles. Depending on the crowd we could do random doubles for melee and brawl. I have MVC2, Powerstone 2, Rival Schools 2, and Naruto if you guys want to do a random tourney in something no one knows nothing about. Anyway, we could always just play friendly matches all day, doesn’t matter to me.
Rules: No eating in the clubhouse. We will have to eat outside on the patio. The weather as of today (8/29/2010) says 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms on that day. Both Saturday and Monday look clear, so it is a good bet there will be no rain. The patio has plenty of places to eat, and I have and extra fold out table if we need more room. If it does rain, I’ll make something up (Probably just eat, where there is no carpet.) Besides that, there are no real rules, just have common sense ala no fighting, stealing, etc (I'm saying this for the non-regular people who may show up). The clubhouse doubles as the rent office, so it actually a place of business. It is kept in IMMACULATE condition, so when we are done it has to look EXACTLY the way we got it. Meaning, we can move the chairs around, but not the tables, that are already in the room. When it is shut down time, I will need help with the big things, but the small stuff I will get the next day.
Questions?, Directions?, etc: PM me!