I like Jigglypuff. I'd like to see more people use her, or for those using her now have some guidance. I just don't like the community. Oh and btw, I'm not the only one who thinks the Puff community has issues, need I remind you our old mod Air quit modding this board?
Oh, I completely forgot that Air quit modding our board! How silly of me!
I guess my initial glaring cynicism wasn't obvious enough. It's not that our community is bad, it's just that we don't ****ing care anymore. There's no point in updating any match up thread, stage discussion, or look into any seemingly odd game play mechanic. Minus a few select characters, our rendition of "Jigglypuff - The Board" is just the same as it was pre-March. This is the cast underneath their masks.
lol "our?" I had no clue people owned this forum....
MLG bought out Smashboards a while back.
Ambiguity aside, I'm referring to "our" in the metaphorical sense. The few people who come here on a regular basis could definitely say that they are a part of the board. These select individuals make up our collective whole. If it wasn't for these people, regardless of how "bad", "scrub(by)", or however much you hate them, they're still a part of our community, and should be regarded as such.
You know what I think?
I used copy pasta as well, therefore I'm right.