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Inactivity: Jigglypuff's Anime Club


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
I doubt itl help, people don't really fight on ledges anymore. Usually they fight to get someone on the ledge and themselves under.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2007
I doubt itl help, people don't really fight on ledges anymore. Usually they fight to get someone on the ledge and themselves under.

I've been trying to push a shielding opponent off of a platform to do a jab lock for ages, but the fact of the matter is no one ever fights on the platforms, they just camp under them. That technique is only viable when someone is on a platform, thus is almost useless to us.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2008
Lawl, her metagame peaked about 2 months after the game came out.
Scaracsm related to the group -.-

You're really exaggerating. Jigglypuff learned quite a few tricks from Veril, so it really peaked a bit before he left.

However I can safely say it has stopped and may never continue to climb.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
*joins self trolling group*

I'm now full of spirit in the advance of Jigglypuff's metagame.
However I can safely say it has stopped and may never continue to climb.
You just joined, and you gave up. This is why I should be in the SBR: they NEED a self-loathing masochist like myself to sway their opinions on a given topic.

JigglyZelda003 said:
i miss Veril
He's not gone; he just won't leave the B+ forum.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2008
her metagame isn't advancing because no one has the motivation to attempt to find things.
The part about motavation is true, were not even trying anymore lol. The part about the possibility of advancing is false. After the jump renewal discovery, we lost a lot of momentum and nothing is happening.

So stop thinking positive thoughts! You're ruining our spirit! :mad:


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
he's been inactive lately even there.

Guess I'll take this lovely oppurtunity to inform you that I just swung the banhammer on you at the Puff Xat, as all what you do is post smilies/incorhent nonsense on it.

Read: Spam.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2008
Guess I'll take this lovely oppurtunity to inform you that I just swung the banhammer on you at the Puff Xat, as all what you do is post smilies/incorhent nonsense on it.

Read: Spam.
Hmm? Is this the old one we're talking about, or did I miss something when I was in brawl hibernation?


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
Scaracsm related to the group -.-

You're really exaggerating. Jigglypuff learned quite a few tricks from Veril, so it really peaked a bit before he left.

However I can safely say it has stopped and may never continue to climb.
I'm not exaggerating at all. Bowyer's jiggs was pretty much as far as the metagame got lol. The rest stuff is nice to know but it's highly improbable of occurring in a tournament match, so it's pretty much useless. It'd be more probably if there were true combos like melee, at least it was blatantly obvious when a falcon was gonna combo into the knee so that if he wasn't frame perfect, he got rested.

And B+ sucks. It's an easy melee lol. I saw some recent footage of Glick vs some PT, **** takes no skill. They weren't reading, they were just getting one hit down and then stringing attacks together because of the hitstun.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
YOU guys aren't attempting to advance her metagame. I am. I'm busting her out more and more in big tournies and playing super defensively, campy. So you pessimists can go say what you will, but you're just dragging everyone down. There are people out there actively working with her, even if YOU aren't.

You guys are giving up on her because you don't have the skill to succeed, YOU guys are dragging the character down. There's always room to get better and play smarter, you impose your own self limitations by refusing to accept the fact that she has positive traits that she can bring to the table.

So basically, I'm sick of your guys attitude about this because you're all johning and taking the "easy way out," blaming the character for player shortcomings.

Yes, she's not a great, or even good, character. But she's much better than what you guys are saying.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
I'm not exaggerating at all. Bowyer's jiggs was pretty much as far as the metagame got lol. The rest stuff is nice to know but it's highly improbable of occurring in a tournament match, so it's pretty much useless. It'd be more probably if there were true combos like melee, at least it was blatantly obvious when a falcon was gonna combo into the knee so that if he wasn't frame perfect, he got rested.

And B+ sucks. It's an easy melee lol. I saw some recent footage of Glick vs some PT, **** takes no skill. They weren't reading, they were just getting one hit down and then stringing attacks together because of the hitstun.
Brawl+ is ******** . No stale moves? Great I'll just spam b-air as Kirby with a little f-smashes thrown in there.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2008
YOU guys aren't attempting to advance her metagame. I am. I'm busting her out more and more in big tournies and playing super defensively, campy. So you pessimists can go say what you will, but you're just dragging everyone down. There are people out there actively working with her, even if YOU aren't.

You guys are giving up on her because you don't have the skill to succeed, YOU guys are dragging the character down. There's always room to get better and play smarter, you impose your own self limitations by refusing to accept the fact that she has positive traits that she can bring to the table.

So basically, I'm sick of your guys attitude about this because you're all johning and taking the "easy way out," blaming the character for player shortcomings.

Yes, she's not a great, or even good, character. But she's much better than what you guys are saying.
Gah! Noobicidal's sexy style of enticing me into a supportive slump is making me speak out in ways I normaly would not!

I came to a realization when Sniper was talking to me in the chat. Shes dropping Jigglypuff for Kirby. I've always felt dignified maining bottom tiers, and thats why I said I wouldn't give up on Jigglypuff, no matter how little her potential is.

Noobicidal dosn't even main Jigglypuff and hes endorsing a 'Jigglypuff is a useless character' movement. Thats coming from a Ganondorf main :urg:. I was getting so into it too...

Since the Metaknight ban poll results... since Alex's absence... since Veril left us for brawl+, there has been no attempt (from the most of us... including me) to advance Jigglypuff's metagame.

Jigglypuff has a huge chance of passing Samus in the next tier list if things start getting productive here. PND (and the Jiggernaut... wherever he currently dwels) have/has been positive dispite all of this.

I feel akward leaving this slump at the sight of PND's post, but I don't care. Jigglypuff has a but more air left inside her, so I want to help squeeze it out.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
Gah! Noobicidal's sexy style of enticing me into a supportive slump is making me speak out in ways I normaly would not!

I came to a realization when Sniper was talking to me in the chat. Shes dropping Jigglypuff for Kirby. I've always felt dignified maining bottom tiers, and thats why I said I wouldn't give up on Jigglypuff, no matter how little her potential is.

You forgot to include the word "might" after "drop." Makes the statement completly different.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
YOU guys aren't attempting to advance her metagame. I am. I'm busting her out more and more in big tournies and playing super defensively, campy. So you pessimists can go say what you will, but you're just dragging everyone down. There are people out there actively working with her, even if YOU aren't.

You guys are giving up on her because you don't have the skill to succeed, YOU guys are dragging the character down. There's always room to get better and play smarter, you impose your own self limitations by refusing to accept the fact that she has positive traits that she can bring to the table.

So basically, I'm sick of your guys attitude about this because you're all johning and taking the "easy way out," blaming the character for player shortcomings.

Yes, she's not a great, or even good, character. But she's much better than what you guys are saying.
Don't make yourself out to be some jigglypuff prophecy. It won't work lol. We did try, it's just whenever there was a common scenario jigglypuff simply didn't have the move to handle it. The ROB's accepted their fate, accept yours. There are better characters for aircamping, and jigglypuff isn't even that good at it. She can plank, and that's about it. A lot of top players actually use jigglypuff (DSF uses her in low tiers) and the results are still the same. Don't tell us we suck, especially when your results aren't proving anytihng.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2008

You forgot to include the word "might" after "drop." Makes the statement completly different.

You forgot to include the word "might" before "drop"

Either that or you wanted to tell us that 'you drop might Jigglypuff'.

Don't make yourself out to be some jigglypuff prophecy. It won't work lol. We did try, it's just whenever there was a common scenario jigglypuff simply didn't have the move to handle it. The ROB's accepted their fate, accept yours. There are better characters for aircamping, and jigglypuff isn't even that good at it. She can plank, and that's about it. A lot of top players actually use jigglypuff (DSF uses her in low tiers) and the results are still the same. Don't tell us we suck, especially when your results aren't proving anytihng.
You main Pikachu. Just like Noobicidal, you're here to watch what happens rather than support.

Someone besides Meta and myself finally get it.

Welcome, dear friend...
^ Proof of concept ^


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Lawl. Meta..... you are the most pessimistic Pikachu I know.

Here's the thing:

If you are going to play gay with Jigglypuff (EG: Plank) why not play Meta Knight and plank better?
If you are going to air camp with Jigglypuff (EG: Play like Wario) why not play as Wario?

Those are the two ways to win with Jigglypuff (and they go hand in hand) so why not play a better character and do so and do better?

Jigglypuff is a fun character. That's what it comes down to.

This ain't Melee and there won't be a Taj of Jigglypuff because of that. :p

Lawl.... this coming from a Mewtwo main.

Best group ever, help me revive it. :)


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008

You forgot to include the word "might" before "drop"

Either that or you wanted to tell us that 'you drop might Jigglypuff'.
Yea, I said I was going to drop her... but after considering next to no one is using her, I'm a bit hesitant about it now.

But srsly I might as well drop her, she requires constant practice to be good with. I don't have that kind of time anymore. Kirby is so easy to use I don't need to practice with him to be good. Also, playing as Jigglypuff is awfully hard on my wrists. Kirby takes less input than she does.

Point is, disregarding what decison I make, it's ****ed either way. I drop her, that's one less puff user. I stay with her, I will never be at my prime again or will be able to surpass my prime. :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2008
Meh, was gunna join that a while ago, but i'm not too fond of All is Brawl.

It's only use to me is the ladders and the news. (and the beachballs... ohh how I dream of hitting one :))

Yea, I said I was going to drop her... but after considering next to no one is using her, I'm a bit hesitant about it now.
You made a typo... I don't think you understood it. xD

But srsly I might as well drop her, she requires constant practice to be good with....
Also, playing as Jigglypuff is awfully hard on my wrists.
:colorful: The word is skillz :colorful:


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
:colorful: The word is skillz :colorful:
***** please, I've won plenty of matches with Jigglypuff. If you're going to pull that on me then I will drop her for the lulz of it.:mad: And you know what, Metatitan's Jiggz is the most skilled one here and even that isn't enough. =/


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Gah! Noobicidal's sexy style of enticing me into a supportive slump is making me speak out in ways I normaly would not!
I should start a religion.

Noobicidal dosn't even main Jigglypuff and hes endorsing a 'Jigglypuff is a useless character' movement. Thats coming from a Ganondorf main :urg:. I was getting so into it too...
Two things: I split-main both Ganon and Jiggs, and the "Jigglypuff is a hopeless character" social group was in response to all of the happily unaware, blissfully ignorant Jigglypuff mains who think otherwise, NOT to the character itself.

Since the Metaknight ban poll results... since Alex's absence... since Veril left us for brawl+, there has been no attempt (from the most of us... including me) to advance Jigglypuff's metagame.
I try to start discussions and to sway Alex's usual trolling into productive, useful threads, but either the thread receives no interest, dies, or gets subsequently locked. I even tried starting discussion in the JBR again (not that it matters, but still).

I feel akward leaving this slump at the sight of PND's post, but I don't care. Jigglypuff has a but more air left inside her, so I want to help squeeze it out.
Nah, Mike just played the pity card and you fell for it.

You main Pikachu. Just like Noobicidal, you're here to watch what happens rather than support.
I call BS on that one (at least in regards to myself).


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Lawl. Meta..... you are the most pessimistic Pikachu I know.

Here's the thing:

If you are going to play gay with Jigglypuff (EG: Plank) why not play Meta Knight and plank better?
If you are going to air camp with Jigglypuff (EG: Play like Wario) why not play as Wario?

Those are the two ways to win with Jigglypuff (and they go hand in hand) so why not play a better character and do so and do better?

Jigglypuff is a fun character. That's what it comes down to.

This ain't Melee and there won't be a Taj of Jigglypuff because of that. :p

Lawl.... this coming from a Mewtwo main.

Best group ever, help me revive it. :)
By that logic, you'd be a scrub for NOT playing Metaknight. Why even play Snake, when Metaknight is the superior choice?

Logic like that doesn't work, and that's the sole reason we have diversity. Wario's better at aircamping, Metaknight's better at planking. Jiggs is better at planking than Wario, and better at aircamping (Arugably, due to her way faster speed) than MK.
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