Yeah, I'm of the few that made a thread about this, not knowing people already posted this one. Sorry for that, but at least it was for a good cause.
I'm one of the many who knew him in real life, and he was definitely one of the most amazing people I've ever had the privileged of meeting. Only talking Smash terms, he taught me how to play the game competitively with two simple words- "Don't suck." He repeatedly nailed me down with Falcon and Link, forcing me to learn myself, which is a way of teaching that does truly work. I live about twenty minutes from his mother, so whenever he would visit her, he'd drive down to my house and we'd play for hours. He'd stay for days, even. He came to my birthday, which was the day Brawl came out, and played with us all night long at the party, even though he didn't care for the game. He even volunteered to play online for my old clan just a year ago, again, even though he hates Brawl.
He was one of the most down-to-earth-while-still-positive people in my life. I last saw him when he randomly drove down here, found out I was at my church lock-in, and then chaperoned the entire night without an overnight back or anything. All he had was a game cube controller and an extra copy of the game that brought us together.
I currently have the graduation ring he left at my house that belongs to a member of his family, John Roberts. I'm not sure if that's his father or something else, but I know I need to return this back to his mother. I'm also in full support of a donation and a tournament in his name.
I love this man. May we see him again in heaven. <3