Thats how I said the homing attack could be useful before. And I thought you hated the spin dash?
oh no, it's great... I mean it's weak but it has potential... what I hate is that he has two B- button moves which do essentially the same thing... I mean, granted, they have their slight nuances, but they might as well be identical... it's a waste of a slot if you ask me.
@ -shion- fox din;t have weak moves in melee... did you SEE his Usmash, or Uair?
other comments:
-it's too early to tell if there will be more secret techniques, but sakurai looks like he did his very best to remove all of them, so characters that look bad probably will be bad, and visa versa... or at least, their ranking won't likely change from nift secrets.
-The game's more balanced... expect 3 teirs at the most I'd think... and since sonic seems to be in the bottom 3rd of characters with Captain falcon, DK, yoshi, etc... I mean it just seems likely. It might not be set in stone yet, but early impressions are better than no impresions at all.
- the scary thing about fighting marth is that you HAVE to rush him. you have no projectiles, and your attacks don't have range, so you can't snipe or poke and run. you have to wait for an opening and stig relentlessly close to him. Luckily, marth's recovery sucks hard, so off the edge kills aren't impossible, but it's definitely an uphill battle.
-And don't get me wrong about his downsmash guys, it's great, it's just hard to hit with... however, it has a GREAT sending angle... almost straight sideways and with high power. if only it had more priority... lamesauce.
-I suppose it's good that his spin dashes parry most projectiles and attacks, but sonic tends to be prone from the pary longer than his oponent, so it's not much of a gift since he normally eats it in the face promptly afterwards.