Going back in the previously in the topic Hedgedawg:
You can't properly debate someone if you aren't keeping an open mind. If people on the board are disagreeing with you, even when they see some light in your post, and I'm talking about not only a majority, but two major competitive players, it's kind of a big deal. And that's not to discredit you, that's to say that you're just shrugging off both Gimpy's and Lucky's post. Now then again, you DID say that you'd take Luck's post into account whether he were to post again, so that's far beyond my reach what you would have done and I could be just looking too far back into the posts...
But you seriously aren't. Sure, you'll admit one or two things, but literally, it's almost IMMOVABLE to prove you Sonic is a decent character. What's pissing me off is it's literally NOT a debate with you. Not to mention, you didn't even bother to take into account the two suggestions I posted when you asked for them. Nor Blue Terrorist(whose name is... interesting) who posted a pretty smart idea of how to look at the character in a progressive light but apparently, let's just IGNORE that and go somewhere COMPLETELY STAGNANT TOWARDS THE TOPIC!
We already have enough evidence in the game to make sure he isn't the worst character in the game. And every time you rebutt, it's just saying the opposite of what the other person said, which really doesn't make sense, because that would mean you're playing two completely different games-- and if that's the case, then when a majority of people who have the game arguing with you don't agree... INCLUDING Lucky, Gimpyfish, and Chibosemp, it kind of aggravates people, when you just go "Whatever" to what they say, and move on as if they weren't relevant to the topic in the first place.
There are multiple arguments you've stated here which I could just go "Nope. I've seen different" but I don't. Because if it's a debate you want, then you have to find some other way besides clearly Stop-blocking a person. Because that doesn't take the topic ANYWHERE.
And it's just getting to the point really, where I just think that you suck with him. Honestly, no offense. Really. It's seriously just getting to where every other post is "GOD, he suck so much..." "Well you could try--" "BUT HE SUCKS SO MUUUUCHHH!!!" "Well, why don't" "SUUUUUCCCCCKKK" "*SIGH*"
It's an argument. Not a Debate. A debate is two people contrasting ideas progressively to find some sort of solution to the problem . An argument, is two people comparing ideas stagnantly, unwilling to take the other's position into account, in favor of overcoming it and discrediting the other individual. This is becoming the latter.
From the way you right, you seem fairly intelligent, probably one of the more intelligent posters on this board. At least take what some of the other intelligent users are saying into account as well.
And a further note: Lets try to focus on how to improve the character if he sucks so **** much as you say. But please, don't complain literally every post forward. Because you do. And it makes it seem like you're just doing this for attention, which Is why I think a lot of people are snubbing your arguments as well from time to time.