Here's the TvC ruleset being tossed around on SRK. Might want to add in something about Wii Remotes considering how much of a hassle they caused at IC2 for Brawl. It'd probably just be best to require the batteries to be removed while your remote isn't being used or just set two remotes to be used for each Wii.
-2 out of 3 games, winner must keep characters.
-Handicap 3, default game settings.
-If you pause the game, you are at your opponent's mercy. He can take a free win on that round, or let it play. If he wants to take the round, he must not continue playing after the pause. Doing so forfeits your right to contest the pause.
-Performing any glitch that keeps the game from being played is banned. Its pretty obvious what these are. Most of them thus far make a rainbow character fly away to the moon! If you do one of these on purpose or on accident and cant recover from it quickly, you forfeit the round.
-If the Burning Ruins stage comes up, either player may opt to reroll the stage selection at any time before the round actually starts. If the round actually starts, the game must be played. This stage has huge issues for colorblind players, and even non-colorblind players in mirror matches. It is also the only stage with slowdown.
-If both players with to select Yatterman-1, they must agree on which color/mech they wish to use. If an agreement can not be reached, a coin will be flipped to see who gets to select their color first.
Click here to find out why this is a needed rule.
-You can run your tournament in either 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio, but make sure that you announce which you are using before the event, and make double sure that EVERY station you are running it on is set to the same aspect ratio.
-(Optional Rule) "The Grego" - Accidentally changing point characters as the round starts doesnt mean you get to reset and reselect your characters. You have to play it. Remember, holding either the DOWN direction or the PARTNER button will cause this.
Smash 64 should look something like this:
•Double Elimination
•All matches are best of 3, with finals best of 5.
•5 stock
•Team Attack On
•No excessively STALLING a match! If caught doing so, you will be asked to stopped with a warning. If you continue to do so, you will forfeit the match.
•Ties broken by lives/percentage
•Items OFF
•Stages: Hyrule and Dreamland are neutral stages. The first match must be on one of these stages, if the players don't agree then the first stage is Hyrule. Counterpick stages are Peach Castle and Kongo Jungle.
•All other stages banned
•Advanced Slob Picks - Loser may choose the next stage or elect to go to random, then winner may choose to change characters, then loser may change characters
•Double Blind may be called in the first match