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Impact Clash III: Tournament Now with SF4 and JWONG January 24th and 25th

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
hey can there be brawl team battles
Yeah, doubles are first.

The schedule is confusing. By the looks of it, there's going to be two GNT4 tournaments on two different days.
What do you mean by GNT4? You mean Naurto 4? That's ran on Saturday.

So when is this? I can't find a date anywhere in the OP.
its January 24th and 25th. It took me forever to find it too but its there. someone needs to at least bold the important **** like time and dates and locations...
Nicaboy can you add the date in the title. Just put Jan 24th & 25th. Thanks for the support Nicaboy.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Great, guys also remember that there is a Impact Clash 3 shuttle thread that you guys can post in if you need a ride from the train station. Make sure you post there so we can have an idea of how many people we need to pick people up with.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Yes, only twelve days left. Hope to hear from you guys soon about if anyone needs a ride. Unless I know otherwise I can't make proper preparations so make sure you guys post up in that other thread.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Also I need a ruleset for TvC, Super Smash 64, and Naruto 4 asap! I'd be gracious if someone could provide the rules


Smash Apprentice
Aug 7, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Hoping to make it to this. Not sure, but I might have SATs that Saturday. If I'm free, count me in for Brawl, SFIV and SF Alpha 3.

Might be able to bring a couple of others, too.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Remember on Sunday I am silently holding a Halo 3 tournament. It won't take from the pool of TVs we have available to us. We're going to be using LCD monitors to hook up the TVs to since we have VGA adapters for Xbox 360 that will allow us to hook up these Xboxes to Computer monitors which are already available in the room. So, it won't take from the pool of TVs we'll have for the other tournaments since those will only work through VGA which as far as I know of Xbox 360 is the only system that has VGA cables available to them so you don't have to worry about it interrupting any other tournaments.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Birmingham, AL
Is there some kind of secret promotion code for the $51/night at the hotel? Right now it's showing $59.49/night. Not a big deal since it's going to be split four ways, but I was just curious.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
I just acted as if I was reserving a hotel. If you try to reserve it for one day it's 53/night. If you try to reserve it for two or more days then it's 51/night.

If you do more days the price is slightly cheaper. If you guys want more options just click on distance and go through each hotel. There are some cheaper hotels than the one I suggested on the front of the thread but they are just a little further away. Like the Howard Johnson is 8.5 miles away and it costs 44.99 a night for two queen size beds. It's slightly further away however.

Just go to the front of the site and do a serach by the venue address. Then, when it comes up with different hotels sort it by distance and you will see the Days Inn hotel. There is a bit of taxes and the like which will bring the final price up by a few dollars though.

Lastly if you plan on riding the train/bus out to the venue and you are renting a hotel the hotel will pick you up from the train station and shuttle you to the hotel but of course you must be staying at the hotel. They will also offer a shuttle to the tournament room as well.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Birmingham, AL
I just acted as if I was reserving a hotel. If you try to reserve it for one day it's 53/night. If you try to reserve it for two or more days then it's 51/night.
So I tried to see why our prices were coming out differently. Apparently, if you reserve a room for only one guest, the price is cheaper than if you book it for four, despite there being no difference (I would assume) in the rooms. I guess that's just business.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Birmingham, AL
Here's the TvC ruleset being tossed around on SRK. Might want to add in something about Wii Remotes considering how much of a hassle they caused at IC2 for Brawl. It'd probably just be best to require the batteries to be removed while your remote isn't being used or just set two remotes to be used for each Wii.

-2 out of 3 games, winner must keep characters.

-Handicap 3, default game settings.

-If you pause the game, you are at your opponent's mercy. He can take a free win on that round, or let it play. If he wants to take the round, he must not continue playing after the pause. Doing so forfeits your right to contest the pause.

-Performing any glitch that keeps the game from being played is banned. Its pretty obvious what these are. Most of them thus far make a rainbow character fly away to the moon! If you do one of these on purpose or on accident and cant recover from it quickly, you forfeit the round.

-If the Burning Ruins stage comes up, either player may opt to reroll the stage selection at any time before the round actually starts. If the round actually starts, the game must be played. This stage has huge issues for colorblind players, and even non-colorblind players in mirror matches. It is also the only stage with slowdown.

-If both players with to select Yatterman-1, they must agree on which color/mech they wish to use. If an agreement can not be reached, a coin will be flipped to see who gets to select their color first. Click here to find out why this is a needed rule.

-You can run your tournament in either 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio, but make sure that you announce which you are using before the event, and make double sure that EVERY station you are running it on is set to the same aspect ratio.

-(Optional Rule) "The Grego" - Accidentally changing point characters as the round starts doesnt mean you get to reset and reselect your characters. You have to play it. Remember, holding either the DOWN direction or the PARTNER button will cause this.


Smash 64 should look something like this:

•Double Elimination
•All matches are best of 3, with finals best of 5.
•5 stock
•Team Attack On
•No excessively STALLING a match! If caught doing so, you will be asked to stopped with a warning. If you continue to do so, you will forfeit the match.
•Ties broken by lives/percentage
•Items OFF

•Stages: Hyrule and Dreamland are neutral stages. The first match must be on one of these stages, if the players don't agree then the first stage is Hyrule. Counterpick stages are Peach Castle and Kongo Jungle.
•All other stages banned
•Advanced Slob Picks - Loser may choose the next stage or elect to go to random, then winner may choose to change characters, then loser may change characters
•Double Blind may be called in the first match

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
So I tried to see why our prices were coming out differently. Apparently, if you reserve a room for only one guest, the price is cheaper than if you book it for four, despite there being no difference (I would assume) in the rooms. I guess that's just business.
Ah, I see, you are right. Although that is pretty silly since it's the same room anyway. It says 2 queen size beds. I'd just reserve it for one person anyway. It makes no sense why they'd charge extra if you are using the same room. It shouldn't really matter how many people are staying in the room anyway. But thanks for pointing that out.

Yeah those rules are official. Unfortunately I don't think the original post can be edited since it's way to long as it is so everyone should know this is the official rule list.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Something I wanted to address as this has happened at the past Impact Clashes but it will no longer happen. You are not allowed to not play your final match and split the pot with someone else. You CAN however state that at the beginning of final you both are going to split the pot no matter the outcome (this must be told to whomever is in charge of the tournament) but you still must play the finals in order to receive your prize money so we can declare someone the winner. Again, I don't care what you do with the money but we have to give people a finals to watch. People travel far away and take time off to see a full tournament. Not to be cheated out of a finals. And you must play the finals with your best performance. It's the last match of the tournament so it's not asking that much of you guys. I hope you all understand! :)


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
Here's the TvC ruleset being tossed around on SRK. Might want to add in something about Wii Remotes considering how much of a hassle they caused at IC2 for Brawl. It'd probably just be best to require the batteries to be removed while your remote isn't being used or just set two remotes to be used for each Wii.

-2 out of 3 games, winner must keep characters.

-Handicap 3, default game settings.

-If you pause the game, you are at your opponent's mercy. He can take a free win on that round, or let it play. If he wants to take the round, he must not continue playing after the pause. Doing so forfeits your right to contest the pause.

-Performing any glitch that keeps the game from being played is banned. Its pretty obvious what these are. Most of them thus far make a rainbow character fly away to the moon! If you do one of these on purpose or on accident and cant recover from it quickly, you forfeit the round.

-If the Burning Ruins stage comes up, either player may opt to reroll the stage selection at any time before the round actually starts. If the round actually starts, the game must be played. This stage has huge issues for colorblind players, and even non-colorblind players in mirror matches. It is also the only stage with slowdown.

-If both players with to select Yatterman-1, they must agree on which color/mech they wish to use. If an agreement can not be reached, a coin will be flipped to see who gets to select their color first. Click here to find out why this is a needed rule.

-You can run your tournament in either 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio, but make sure that you announce which you are using before the event, and make double sure that EVERY station you are running it on is set to the same aspect ratio.

-(Optional Rule) "The Grego" - Accidentally changing point characters as the round starts doesnt mean you get to reset and reselect your characters. You have to play it. Remember, holding either the DOWN direction or the PARTNER button will cause this.


Smash 64 should look something like this:

•Double Elimination
•All matches are best of 3, with finals best of 5.
•5 stock
•Team Attack On
•No excessively STALLING a match! If caught doing so, you will be asked to stopped with a warning. If you continue to do so, you will forfeit the match.
•Ties broken by lives/percentage
•Items OFF

•Stages: Hyrule and Dreamland are neutral stages. The first match must be on one of these stages, if the players don't agree then the first stage is Hyrule. Counterpick stages are Peach Castle and Kongo Jungle.
•All other stages banned
•Advanced Slob Picks - Loser may choose the next stage or elect to go to random, then winner may choose to change characters, then loser may change characters
•Double Blind may be called in the first match
im cool with the tvc rule set and i might enter smash 64 with ness

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
If anyone needs to contact anybody within the tournament room our direct line to the room is 404-567-5946. Remember, this number is only for the day of the tournament. It's a line for someone directly in the room in case you need to call and find out anything the day of.

Nicaboy can you update the number on the front from the 404-518-2540 to that number instead. Remember, that number only works for the two days of the tournament and that's it. That is not my personal phone number or anything and you will only get in contact with us through it during the days of the tournament and that's it.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
If anyone needs to contact anybody within the tournament room our direct line to the room is 404-567-5946. Remember, this number is only for the day of the tournament. It's a line for someone directly in the room in case you need to call and find out anything the day of.

Nicaboy can you update the number on the front from the 404-518-2540 to that number instead. Remember, that number only works for the two days of the tournament and that's it. That is not my personal phone number or anything and you will only get in contact with us through it during the days of the tournament and that's it.
im on it captain

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Sorry to have confused everyone. Gears of War will not be there on Sunday. Instead (to please my sponsors) we are going to be having a small 2v2 in Halo MLG rule style settings. I'm not publicly advertising it on the first thread because I don't want people coming specifically for Halo 3. I only want to pull from the crowd that is already there for fighting games so the competition shouldn't be too fierce. This tournament will be on Sunday. Keep in mind this is a if we have enough time to do it tournament.

Also it won't take away from our resources for the tournament either. We're going to use LCD monitors for the TVs via the use of VGA adapter cables. Therefore, there won't be any TVs being taken up that could be used for the tournament since the other systems do not natively hook up to VGA. These monitors are being provided to the person renting us out the room.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
If you got anymore space for equipment, I can bring a copy of brawl and a Wii. I'm planning to get some stuff recorded while there, so if I can't get a TV during the tourney, would you mind if I get one overnight or is that asking too much?

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
If you got anymore space for equipment, I can bring a copy of brawl and a Wii. I'm planning to get some stuff recorded while there, so if I can't get a TV during the tourney, would you mind if I get one overnight or is that asking too much?
During the night if there are no tournaments going on I really don't mind what you do with the TVs (So long as you don't break them. :p) We should have room for the equipment you need though. And we will be recording stuff ourselves as well and I promise it will be posted. Also remember there is high speed internet in the room so if you bring some type of computer you should be able to upload some stuff yourself that night while at the venue. That is what I plan on doing this time to ensure at least all the finals and semi finals are up. Hope to see you there and I hope you have fun.

Also, one thing I want to tell you guys that will make the ride very easy to the venue. When you guys turn onto Bankhead Highway (the final street to your destination) keep riding it and it will become Highway 78. As you are going down that road you'll keep riding until you see one water tower on your right hand side. You'll pass the first water tower but before you do you should see another water tower in the background. You will pass the first water tower but before you pass the second one the venue (The Greystone Power Corporation) will be on your right hand side. This piece of advice will help all of you since I know myself I have passed the venue and didn't realize I did. The building itself will say "GreyStone" on it. If you guys have any problems just call the number on the first page in the thread. These directions are assuming you are coming from I-20 (Which most of you will be.)

Can someone Tell me where to go to register for the Naruto4 tourney Please
This is the pre-registration page here. This is just so me and the staff will have somewhat of an idea of who is coming to this tournament. Secondly, the true registration will be the day of the tournament. That game will run as long as it has 8 players (which last I checked it did).


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I just noticed that there's no Brawl teams.

I don't suppose we could squeeze it in if we have enough of a demand for it, could we?

Also, as of now, sign me up for Brawl, Naruto 4, and TvC.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
As of now reflex you got the brawl tourney on lock.
Cuz i cant make it :(
I have mixed feelings about that.

I was looking forward to playing you again, but at the same time, I need funding to go to CotT4 in February, XD. You were a major contender for the money here, but that's one less, really steep step to victory for me.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
I have mixed feelings about that.

I was looking forward to playing you again, but at the same time, I need funding to go to CotT4 in February, XD. You were a major contender for the money here, but that's one less, really steep step to victory for me.
No problem son, go to CotT4 and wreck.

Make dat money homie.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
I just noticed that there's no Brawl teams.

I don't suppose we could squeeze it in if we have enough of a demand for it, could we?

Also, as of now, sign me up for Brawl, Naruto 4, and TvC.
Teams are going to run first, then singles. The same like the next day for Melee. Many people in the community told me that it would be best to run doubles first since that's how it is usually done. It MAY be different if a crazy amount of people show up for smash and it may seem like the singles may be impacted. I highly doubt that though. As long as you guys are able to stay there pretty late in case it does run into the late hours I'll gladly run the doubles first.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2007
Two things:

First, a question - Battle Fantasia is listed as both Day 1 and Day 2.....is it just undecided when it will be because we don't know about times of tournaments? If so, that's ok, I'll be there both days anyway, just wanted to see what was up.

Second, an aside - As an SSB competitor, Saffron City is usually a legal stage in tournament play. Ness's can ban it as a neutral, but not as a counterpick (wouldn't be an issue anyway if first stage is Hyrule/Dreamland, which I am ok with).

Third - hype hype hype


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Also, I didn't say it earlier, but I would like to enter Brawl singles and teams, as well as N64 Smash.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Also, I didn't say it earlier, but I would like to enter Brawl singles and teams, as well as N64 Smash.
Great! hop to se you there and let's see if you can a repeat of what you did at Waba. :)

Two things:

First, a question - Battle Fantasia is listed as both Day 1 and Day 2.....is it just undecided when it will be because we don't know about times of tournaments? If so, that's ok, I'll be there both days anyway, just wanted to see what was up.

Second, an aside - As an SSB competitor, Saffron City is usually a legal stage in tournament play. Ness's can ban it as a neutral, but not as a counterpick (wouldn't be an issue anyway if first stage is Hyrule/Dreamland, which I am ok with).

Third - hype hype hype
Battle Fantasia is on day 2. I am sorry about the confusion.
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