Alright, well I sent out a ton of media kits out to companies to try to get this event sponsored a while back ago. And a few responded. Here's the deal though, one group (the want to come and do interviews and coverage at the tournament. Not only that but they have their own channel on and their own channel of Xbox Live. So, if they come and do coverage, we'd basically have videos of us on Xbox Live and via their channel. Here's the only thing though, they want to come in and hold a Madden 2009 and NBA2k9 tournament. They told me they will bring in two flat screen 42 inch plasma TVs to run both games on and their own staff will run both games without my intervention at all. I just have to provide them with the space and two Xbox 360s (Which I have myself) to run the tournaments. Secondly, I'd just have to create the brackets for them and they will run them. Honestly, I don't think they are asking for too much out of me for what they are potentially offering.
Then there's this other company (I don't want to say their names yet because we've not finished in finalizing our talks yet but they are well known in the gaming industry.) and they want to come into the tournament and set up three game stations for test marketing. Basically they will come in and allow you guys to try out some of their new games or soon to be coming out games to see how you like them. In exchange they will hand out T-shirts, towels, head bands, gift cards, etc. But they ask that I provide them with three televisions, two Wiis, and one Xbox 360 for the day so they can allow you guys to test market these games.
The only thing is the company does not make fighting games. However, I want everyone to understand one thing. Them coming in, in no way will alter or take my attention away from fighting games. It's just that the Konsole Kingz and this company is really pressuring me to have more Xbox 360 games in my tournament. Konsole Kingz wants to get Microsoft to sponsor the tournament by giving me Xbox Live cards and other accessories and perks but they keep pressuring me to have more Xbox 360 games at the tournament.
They (the Konsole Kingz) want me to have a Gears of War 2 2v2 Execution tournament on Sunday. Here's the thing though, the person renting out the room to me say he will allow me to use 20 LCD monitors he has at the facility free of charge. He also has Xbox 360 VGA cables which will allow you to hook up an Xbox 360 to an LCD monitor. If I were to use his LCD computer monitors and I bought in the four Xbox 360s (I have two of them and I've already got a few friends who have the games and will bring them in.) then it shouldn't take away from any potential resources the tournament could've had access to since after all there is only one game (Virtua Fighter 5) that uses Xbox 360s and that game is on Saturday and it is very small.. Secondly, we can use the monitors for the Wiis or PS2s since they (as far as I know) do not have VGA capabilities. The only thing is getting sound since if you hook them up to a monitor there's no sound. But the best solution I can think of is getting a Y audio to mini headphone jack and just bringing some head phones for sound for everyone. And everyone would have their own screen and own Xbox, not split screen even if you are on the same team.
But yeah, nothing is official but I'm not sure what I am going to do as of right now. But as I stated Gears 2 may happen and if it does it shouldn't be much more of a burden also considering that it's on Sunday and there's no Xbox 360 games on Sunday and the only huge game on Sunday is Melee. I was just giving everyone a heads up with what was going on right now (and what could potentially happen).