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Impact Clash III: Tournament Now with SF4 and JWONG January 24th and 25th


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Ryan you should come with us to Tipped Off 4.
John said he really wants to go and team with you because there's gonna be pools and you could definitely make it really far in singles with a positive attitude
But this has brawl and ssb64 too. :(


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
Sure thing, just come around 8 a.m. or so and help set up and during the overnight session I just need you to make sure there is order in the room while I am sleeping. That's about all. Just come talk to me when you get there in the morning. Lastly, I needed you to possible help sell some snacks to people there during the overnight. I am going to have food items for sale during the overnight for people to buy as well. There will be a camera setup in the room around the beverage/food sells area to make sure no one is stealing anything (not that I am calling you guilty until proven innocent) but if you could help during that time I'd give you free entry and a few energy drinks to keep you up. :)

It's official, TVC is going to be at the tournament. Nicaboy you can go ahead and add it to Saturday. I think we're going to move Naruto 4 and Battle Fantasia to Sunday to accommodate for this game. I myself haven't played the game so we are going to have to come up with some type of rule list. What did you guys have in mind?
you got it boss :laugh:


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
Ok, so I'm confirmed to go to this over TO4.

Nica, if you need help with the melee brackets, I'm coming by just to help out with stuff, so I'd me more than glad to do the brackets if you need an extra hand.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Alright, well I sent out a ton of media kits out to companies to try to get this event sponsored a while back ago. And a few responded. Here's the deal though, one group (the Konsolekingz.com) want to come and do interviews and coverage at the tournament. Not only that but they have their own channel on IGN.com and their own channel of Xbox Live. So, if they come and do coverage, we'd basically have videos of us on Xbox Live and IGN.com via their channel. Here's the only thing though, they want to come in and hold a Madden 2009 and NBA2k9 tournament. They told me they will bring in two flat screen 42 inch plasma TVs to run both games on and their own staff will run both games without my intervention at all. I just have to provide them with the space and two Xbox 360s (Which I have myself) to run the tournaments. Secondly, I'd just have to create the brackets for them and they will run them. Honestly, I don't think they are asking for too much out of me for what they are potentially offering.

Then there's this other company (I don't want to say their names yet because we've not finished in finalizing our talks yet but they are well known in the gaming industry.) and they want to come into the tournament and set up three game stations for test marketing. Basically they will come in and allow you guys to try out some of their new games or soon to be coming out games to see how you like them. In exchange they will hand out T-shirts, towels, head bands, gift cards, etc. But they ask that I provide them with three televisions, two Wiis, and one Xbox 360 for the day so they can allow you guys to test market these games.

The only thing is the company does not make fighting games. However, I want everyone to understand one thing. Them coming in, in no way will alter or take my attention away from fighting games. It's just that the Konsole Kingz and this company is really pressuring me to have more Xbox 360 games in my tournament. Konsole Kingz wants to get Microsoft to sponsor the tournament by giving me Xbox Live cards and other accessories and perks but they keep pressuring me to have more Xbox 360 games at the tournament.

They (the Konsole Kingz) want me to have a Gears of War 2 2v2 Execution tournament on Sunday. Here's the thing though, the person renting out the room to me say he will allow me to use 20 LCD monitors he has at the facility free of charge. He also has Xbox 360 VGA cables which will allow you to hook up an Xbox 360 to an LCD monitor. If I were to use his LCD computer monitors and I bought in the four Xbox 360s (I have two of them and I've already got a few friends who have the games and will bring them in.) then it shouldn't take away from any potential resources the tournament could've had access to since after all there is only one game (Virtua Fighter 5) that uses Xbox 360s and that game is on Saturday and it is very small.. Secondly, we can use the monitors for the Wiis or PS2s since they (as far as I know) do not have VGA capabilities. The only thing is getting sound since if you hook them up to a monitor there's no sound. But the best solution I can think of is getting a Y audio to mini headphone jack and just bringing some head phones for sound for everyone. And everyone would have their own screen and own Xbox, not split screen even if you are on the same team.

But yeah, nothing is official but I'm not sure what I am going to do as of right now. But as I stated Gears 2 may happen and if it does it shouldn't be much more of a burden also considering that it's on Sunday and there's no Xbox 360 games on Sunday and the only huge game on Sunday is Melee. I was just giving everyone a heads up with what was going on right now (and what could potentially happen).


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
The Konsole Kingz stuff sounds okay, since it doesn't really take away from any of our resources.

I don't like the idea of the other company, though. I don't want things potentially getting in the way.

Besides, screw 360's. :D


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
i lov how cash mooney lived in fl for years and barely goes to ny says he's not fl..ur too funny only u can pull this off..on the other hand i am born and raised in ny for 18 years and go to ny every 2 months or so and i still rep ga....mooney = funniest guy in smash


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
i lov how cash mooney lived in fl for years and barely goes to ny says he's not fl..ur too funny only u can pull this off..on the other hand i am born and raised in ny for 18 years and go to ny every 2 months or so and i still rep ga....mooney = funniest guy in smash
Dude, you have NO idea what you're talking about, so just stop lmao

I've lived in NY for all my life too. I just recently moved to FL, and it ****ing sucks balls, so in no way do I consider myself a part of FL.

You need to seriously stfu man. You say I'm annoying. LOL ok. I only hope you'll grow up some day.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
fl is cool..i was in florida for three weks and had fun so i dont know what u do with ur time...maybe if u spent more time making friends then posting stupid things more people would hang out with u..which equals more fun in fl...dnt rock the boat if ur in it and im much older than u young'n so dont tell me to grow up...i live by myself..can u do tha..anyway not trying to be rude to u because yur use to it just think about posting and saying things before u do and u will have more friends..peace

fl is great

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
The Konsole Kingz stuff sounds okay, since it doesn't really take away from any of our resources.

I don't like the idea of the other company, though. I don't want things potentially getting in the way.

Besides, screw 360's. :D
I'd love to tell you guys what company this (they are one of the biggest companies in the gaming industry) but I don't want to get anyone's hopes up until after I have something solid and confirmed. They just really want to do test marketing for some of their games and get you guy's opinion on them so they can use this for research in developing newer games and what direction their games should go. Basically just market research.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I'd love to tell you guys what company this (they are one of the biggest companies in the gaming industry) but I don't want to get anyone's hopes up until after I have something solid and confirmed. They just really want to do test marketing for some of their games and get you guy's opinion on them so they can use this for research in developing newer games and what direction their games should go. Basically just market research.
Is it Electronic Arts?

Be careful; they might buy your tournament series, run a ****ty IC4, and burn it whenever that goes badly.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
i think its EA. i wish an EA rep would come..id tell him how ****ty online madden STILL is


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
Ok, so I'm confirmed to go to this over TO4.

Nica, if you need help with the melee brackets, I'm coming by just to help out with stuff, so I'd me more than glad to do the brackets if you need an extra hand.
sound great i need all the help i can get

sorry i was not on much guys im in cali now so ya get ready ic3 is gonna rock hard

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Is it Electronic Arts?

Be careful; they might buy your tournament series, run a ****ty IC4, and burn it whenever that goes badly.
i think its EA. i wish an EA rep would come..id tell him how ****ty online madden STILL is
Dang you guys are so smart. Yeah, it's EA. They want to come in but they want to make sure to that Madden is ran there. I am kind of torn as to whether or not I want to do it. They won't even provide me with the equipment. I have to provide it to them. I don't think I am going to do it honestly. You'll find out soon by the New Year's time.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
By the way does anyone have a laptop they are willing to bring with TIO tournament maker on it. That way we can run the brackets on computer and have this computer strictly dedicated to TIO tournament maker for that Brawl for the day. That way we don't have to worry about messed up brackets and the like. Is there anyone willing to bring one? Remember the room will also have fiber optic internet in it so you'll be able to access the web as well with your laptop through wired ethernet. This would greatly help if someone is also willing to bring one for the second day of the tournament for Brawl as well.

Also, you can bring a desktop as well if you'd like. You don't have to bring the monitor. The person renting out the room will allow me access to some LCD flat panel monitors so we can hook up your computer to that as well. A laptop would be easier but a desktop would do as well.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
By the way does anyone have a laptop they are willing to bring with TIO tournament maker on it. That way we can run the brackets on computer and have this computer strictly dedicated to TIO tournament maker for that Brawl for the day. That way we don't have to worry about messed up brackets and the like. Is there anyone willing to bring one? Remember the room will also have fiber optic internet in it so you'll be able to access the web as well with your laptop through wired ethernet. This would greatly help if someone is also willing to bring one for the second day of the tournament for Brawl as well.

Also, you can bring a desktop as well if you'd like. You don't have to bring the monitor. The person renting out the room will allow me access to some LCD flat panel monitors so we can hook up your computer to that as well. A laptop would be easier but a desktop would do as well.
I bring my laptop everywhere I go; I suppose we could use mine.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
as the runner of brawl-brackets, imma make sure all of it is done on saturday :laugh:

but yea, im sure i can bring a laptop to run the brackets. i had planned to anyway.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Ooooohh....yeah.....Stick with Computer brackets xD

On topic: my friends and I are gonna try desperately to get to this. If I can't make it, then I blame my friends for not getting a ride.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
Yeah, doing it on paper was a pure mess. Look at the way that bracket looked at Impact Clash II.


Also there is a very slim chance now I'll have EA, NBA2k9 or Madden 09 there. I think that I will be straying a bit to far away from this tournament's roots. Which is fighting games. You'll find out by New Year's time my decision.
omg :laugh: anyway hey if they can offer equipment i say go for it its all on you though

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Yeah, definitely on computer. I don't want that monstrosity of a mess again. GameDragonX are you familiar with running the TIO Touranment software?


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
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