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Impact Clash III: Tournament Now with SF4 and JWONG January 24th and 25th


Smash Cadet
Aug 10, 2008
Marietta, GA
i went there and it was pretty fun, im musa

I got to play friendly doubles with +fire and blaze, with acorn as my partner (he's mad good with fox/ness)

I got to the singles tourney and played HRNut in the first round and he 3-stocked my with mk in the first match (i was snake), i picked falco and it was pretty close in the second, but i still lost.

i won two matches, one no show till i got beat by hth

still a good experience and shout out to all the people mentioned

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
The Melee tournament attempted to run. Only about eight people or so signed up. We ran doubles first but ran into trouble. Three people in the bracket left to go get something to eat and were gone for over an hour. This caused the bracket to not be able to move forward because they were gone. Finally, Dogysammich came to me and told me that we should just cancel the tournament since many of it's participants were gone, and it wasn't going anywhere. So, all of the participants agreed to end the Melee tournament and I refunded all of their entry fees. I didn't think anyone was upset about it. It seemed as if they all agreed that it should've been halted at the time it was. PB&J should be able to vouch for this story. Truly we could've just DQed everyone not present and kept it moving but that really wouldn't of been nice so we just decided to end it.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
The Melee tournament attempted to run. Only about eight people or so signed up. We ran doubles first but ran into trouble. Three people in the bracket left to go get something to eat and were gone for over an hour. This caused the bracket to not be able to move forward because they were gone. Finally, Dogysammich came to me and told me that we should just cancel the tournament since many of it's participants were gone, and it wasn't going anywhere. So, all of the participants agreed to end the Melee tournament and I refunded all of their entry fees. I didn't think anyone was upset about it. It seemed as if they all agreed that it should've been halted at the time it was. PB&J should be able to vouch for this story. Truly we could've just DQed everyone not present and kept it moving but that really wouldn't of been nice so we just decided to end it.
How disappointing....I was waiting to see if Dogy won. >_>


Smash Rookie
Nov 15, 2008
Yo Reflex, I got the guy to toss me the rom for 1 on 1 Government onto my thumb drive. Me and Metalmike are gonna play it on some p2p kaillera.

I'll toss it up on megaupload or somethin in the near future, haha.

Btw, Good games everyone. Wish I didn't scrub out so bad against Lou after startin off relatively strong.

Oh and Elev8 and Reflex, let me know if you guys plan on coming up to Kentucky for one of those Louisville tournies


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
Yeah, apparently it got posted that i went up and said "just cancel singles."

Long story short

We held the tourney for sleepyk, mars, and mike g. Marsfool shows up, sleepyk lives up to his name and falls asleep before leaving, and mike g is.... mia?

We start teams anyway, putting mars and sleepy on a team, mike g teaming with marty. Mars shows up eventually, sleepy never shows up. Mike G never shows up. Wes and I play against Soft and FMM, then PB&J and DashDanceDan. That's the end of the tourney. Our next match was Sleepy and Mars, but *points back up.*

So eventually we're like "**** it, lets just switch the teams mid tourney and put marty and mars on a team and lets go". Well, mars, marty and soft went ot an irish pub/resturant thingy to get food, and apparently irish people dont like black people cause they said it took them like, an hour to get waited on, and they didnt get back for like, 3 hours total. We couldnt get ahold of them during all this. Meanwhile, we got punted out of the venue because everything else was done and the 6 of us there for melee were sitting there looking like a bunch of clowns because we're somehow managing to be as big (if not a bigger) problem than brawl was running THROUGH THE ENTIRE ****ING NIGHT

btw, what time did brawl finish, cause that was just tragic.

So yeah, if you can put the pieces together, nothing was really Mag's fault, pretty much ours because well, that's how ALL OF SMASH RUNS TOURNEYS. Like I said at the venue, dunno why we were trying to act like we were on our time. But hey, it was still fun as ****, dont care what anybody says.

second btw, you guys all need to go download a mame emulator and this game called

1-on-1 Government.

That is going to be the new sidegame. Im going to start looking into it and takin money matches. Get at me.

*scrolls up and see's mag's post*

Yeah, in the end, everything was peaceful. Nobody's feeling got hurt or anything. I just think it kinda shows that we need to do what some of us have been *****ing about forever, actually start tourneys on time.


Like, for a closing statement; I will say that I am completely disappointed in what happened in melee, but it was our fault. But because I went for other games, I had a ****ing blast. So I would be more than willing to help try to make melee work out since I already have incentive to be there for other stuff. The tourney as a whole was not bad or anything. Saturday started late, but I think the only things I heard went kinda sour was brawl taking forever (No surprise), SF4 taking forever (which was kinda weird?) and whoever was running the SC4 brackets straight up walking up and leaving (but that actually only went bad for the SC4 people). Sometimes there were people looking to play a game with no copy of the game, but it didnt turn into a big dilemma or anything.

All in all, things went aight imo. Lookin forward to IC4.



The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
oh yeah, meant to pm you specifically.

yeah, they're at sleepy's right now. PB&J is going to take them to deal with their car 2morrow, cause firestone is trying to **** them. Trying to charge them like, 300 for a water pump, then 275 for labor.

We got them cover They got them covered, dont worry. (I just started it, but i cant really do anything else from here.)

They're good.

Rx is going to stab me if i make another "Amber fee" joke, I can feel it. >.>


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Sorry about not staying for Sunday, guys. Kismet and I really only cared about N64 Smash on the second day. I doubted that that tournament was actually going to happen, and I couldn't justify making elev8, Kismet, and Bob stay an entire day for me to play Melee for a couple of hours. So, I made a drive back home with no sleep.

Sorry, guys; I'll make it up at another Melee tournament. Promise. :/


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Hey, guys, can I get my Wii back? Seriously.
Surely this oversight is of more value than an OoS player needing to pay for a hotel fee, right?

Something should be done about this situation. George, if they screw you, I'll chip in to help you buy a new one when I can. :(


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Double-post for importance.

What arcade emulator was used to play 1 on 1 Government? It isn't in MAME's database, apparently. I have the ROM, and I'm eager to play it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Birmingham, AL
Double-post for importance.

What arcade emulator was used to play 1 on 1 Government? It isn't in MAME's database, apparently. I have the ROM, and I'm eager to play it.
It's playable in the latest release of MAME. I don't think there's a MAME32 build of it, but I could be wrong. You'll also need to download the TPS BIOS. I just got it working a few minutes ago.


Smash Rookie
Jan 26, 2009
I got some vids of SF4. Off Screen.

Also Its time we make a Smash Bro only tourny. At the same venue. 1 day event.

The 1 on 1 Govt runs fine on mame32. That was my Mame system you played.

Anyone skilled enough to find a moves list for 1 on 1 Gov?


Smash Rookie
Nov 15, 2008
Wonder if I could find an arcade board for it haha. Im doubting it because the internet hardly even knows about the game. Hell its not even on wikipedia.

I've been looking for any info (IE moves lists and what not)

and it doesnt exist.

Good looking out on bringing that setup, I had a lot of fun on it. You should mod that X-arcade sometime to HAPP buttons, that would be tons of fun for the next event.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
rx said hed post the entire story of the weekend in a new thread or something, so i'll honor him and not give any details of what happened. just know it sucked the most amounts of *** ive ever experienced in my life

i didnt finish with brawl singles/doubles until like 3am, but in my defense, we didnt start brawl doubles until like 4:30-5pm due to some technical difficulties with signups. No big deal though, everything was done. The tourney itself was pretty fun. SFIV was great, even though i had no idea what i was doing with c. viper, and i was forced to use a stick, which ive never used before in my life. Me and Rx- noobed it up together though and it was good. Cant wait to buy it

1vs1 government...the best game ever. To be honest though, the game wouldn't be as good if it wasnt on like some type of giant projector so everyone can see whats going on. Davy Crockett (guy with assist squirrel) and the angel are broken. It was so much fun watching it. And 1 street baby

i got 3rd in singles, losing to reflex in winners semis and nick in losers finals. Reflex gimped the crap out of me at like 10%, and he was still at 120% last stock on the 2nd game when he finally killed the monkey off. Imma get him next time :laugh: . As for nick, i might pick up a character to fight him that i know he wont camp. He camped the crap out of my diddy all 4 games out of our 3-1 set. I mean, i understand that he doesnt want to get tripped into a 70-hit combo, but i still dont like being camped even if its for good reason. Not johning about it though, just saying.

pretty much almost anything outside of the tourney was bad. The one good thing was that we learned a new game called mafia. Its one of the most pro games ive ever played. We have to gather up some people to play in a tourney one day. Gank all day

GA is too good with the help. SleepyK is a true man, and a good actor

im just happy to be back in my town. I havnt been to my actual house yet cause i drove straight to work. After long road trips like this, i don't want to drive anywhere for like a week.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
rx said hed post the entire story of the weekend in a new thread or something, so i'll honor him and not give any details of what happened. just know it sucked the most amounts of *** ive ever experienced in my life

i didnt finish with brawl singles/doubles until like 3am, but in my defense, we didnt start brawl doubles until like 4:30-5pm due to some technical difficulties with signups. No big deal though, everything was done. The tourney itself was pretty fun. SFIV was great, even though i had no idea what i was doing with c. viper, and i was forced to use a stick, which ive never used before in my life. Me and Rx- noobed it up together though and it was good. Cant wait to buy it

1vs1 government...the best game ever. To be honest though, the game wouldn't be as good if it wasnt on like some type of giant projector so everyone can see whats going on. Davy Crockett (guy with assist squirrel) and the angel are broken. It was so much fun watching it. And 1 street baby

i got 3rd in singles, losing to reflex in winners semis and nick in losers finals. Reflex gimped the crap out of me at like 10%, and he was still at 120% last stock on the 2nd game when he finally killed the monkey off. Imma get him next time :laugh: . As for nick, i might pick up a character to fight him that i know he wont camp. He camped the crap out of my diddy all 4 games out of our 3-1 set. I mean, i understand that he doesnt want to get tripped into a 70-hit combo, but i still dont like being camped even if its for good reason. Not johning about it though, just saying.

pretty much almost anything outside of the tourney was bad. The one good thing was that we learned a new game called mafia. Its one of the most pro games ive ever played. We have to gather up some people to play in a tourney one day. Gank all day

GA is too good with the help. SleepyK is a true man, and a good actor

im just happy to be back in my town. I havnt been to my actual house yet cause i drove straight to work. After long road trips like this, i don't want to drive anywhere for like a week.
I hope maybe you can empathize with my plight at the last Impact Clash, having to deal with a bracket that had cut names off and signups that exclude some dozen or so people.

I'm glad you've been shown the light of Mafia. That game is too good.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
1v1 government was amazing.
I wish I was able to go on sunday, but i probably should have slept on friday and saturday so i wouldn't pass out on sunday.

Magnacious, I sincerely apologize for not setting up the live stream, but from the looks of it there wasn't much of a melee tournament to stream to begin with....


Smash Rookie
Jan 26, 2009
We are going to host a smash only event. Keep your eyes open for time and date.

The issues with the brackets have been addressed and we will not have the same issues as IC3.
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