You should be disappointed in yourself, Thomas.
There are worser things than getting old.
Glass is half-full, etc.
I don't feel like typing out a long spiel of words because I am at work <3
You are most likely a journalist that works from home. No excuses.
I can't tell if it's sarcasm, though.
Like seriously, d00d.
this is one dumb thread.ur not a girl,ur a not a boy,im a man,but im not gonna make a thread about it so people listen to me vent.and fyi im not a man or a bird.look at my gf.
♡Congratulations Miss Heartz!
♡But I hope that doesn't mean you won't like tea parties anymore! ^__^;
Tea parties are much too elegant to put away, Madame Peachy.
I like deceiving/misleading thread titles.
No joke. It makes tons of thread lulz-worthy.
This is why you are smarter than most people in this thread.
ur still a girl at heart, my lulziegirl lol
lol. Kristoff.
Genders suck. Everybody should be the same gender. That way, gay people can't be ridiculed.
I thought you were going to come out and say "I'm an extremely effeminent man!"
That was the misleading part of it. xD
From what I've noticed, people often make their responsibilities larger than themselves and thus live lives that are too focused on the wrong things.
I hear that. I'm a member on Smashboards.
eh, Heartz I'd say a woman is all about how mature you are, most girls turn into women at around 25 IMO.
We've never really talked long enough for me to decide whether your mature or not thus I cannot pass judgment, HOWEVER I did enjoy the OP.
It's rather truthful and many people don't understand that, which is WAY sad because when they grow up they will know what you were taking about.
Most of the people in this thread aren't adults yet, so I am not so surprised at some of their nonchalant posts. But it will wail them anally if they aren't prepared for it.
Girls turn into woman when they have their periods no?
Or was it all just a lie?
You're losing smart points now.
Thread won.