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Ike : A Detailed Matchup Guide; #33 - Ness


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
FSmash is most definitely a kill move, but USmash isn't particularly powerful, if I recall correctly; Ike should be able to survive past 110% with good DI.
110% is a very low percent to die at. Usmash actually kills at 110-150 with out DI so I think it's safe to say that Ike can survive it at 160% with good DI.

BAir is very fast, but it is not as powerful as you make it out to be; you should be able to survive it past 100% from the middle of any stage easily if you DI properly. The same is the case for UAir; it's nowhere near as powerful as Fox's.
I'm pretty sure you can survive well over 150% from the center of any stage what makes it a reliable kill move is that it's hitbox stays out for ever and that Falco's whole body becomes a hit box. It's also much more dangerous off the stage which is how it usually is used.

Well the stage guide against Falco finally got finished so here it is if you want to read trough 3000 words. I recommend looking into the good and bad stage I listed at least. http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=4991106#post4991106

If you just won with Ike there is a good chance that you will be counter picked Falco. He has to be 1 of Ike’s 3 worst match ups, Falco’s way of fighting is just Ike’s kryptonite.
His laser is probably the 2nd most annoying projectile against Ike. SHL (short hop lasers) stop most of Ike’s approaches so you’ll have a hard time approaching. They are also a save way to edge guard Ike if used well. It is very hard to get around this as shielding/ side stepping will only block the 1st laser and get you hit by the one following it. Something everyone should be well aware off is the chain grab. Now good Falco’s won’t go out for it and for get about everything else but it is there and if given the chance it will be done against you. D. throw isn’t just a chain grab though it is like Ike’s jab. It can set up a variety of moves like U. smash U. tilt. D. air. The chain grab can be done to Ike up until 45% if it gets done more than that it’s your mistake, close to the ledge it can lead very easily into a spike so spam your tap jump if you use it or Aether as it can break out of it and get you back to the ledge fairly well. Falco’s main kill moves are D. air, U. smash, F. smash, and B. air. D. air is done after a chain grab usually so you already know how to take care of that. B. air is a sex kick which means that it has a stronger hit box at the start of its move then a weaker one that sends you in the other direction the rest of the time. Falco’s boost smash has insane distance in it but the good thing is Ike is one of the heaviest characters in the game so you don’t have to worry about that killing you. F. smash is done when there is an opening so watch out for that and watch out for its sweet spot.
Match up I wrote and now I'll just add a few other things that haven't been said yet and that I didn't mention on my guide for some reason.

Flaco's laser is not only a good camping tool it also allows for moves to regenerate. Which keeps his kill moves popin fresh. I actually suggest turning on tap jump during this fight because it will get rid of one of his main kill moves.

Falco's hypen smash actually sucks his boost smash is the one that has a huge range and he has 2 of them like Snake does. Super slide one and dash attack cancel to Usmash. This can be used to punish people on platforms along with Nair so don't think Battle field means save from lasers and nap time.

Falco's aerial game is actually excellent his aerials are all faster than Ike's and Nair can lead to jabs just like Ike. Falco is actually an excellent juggler thanks to them which is why Brinstar is a great falco stage. It is basically chain grab > spike > aicd > spike > acid > Bair > laser spam. The platforms in it also aren't any good for Ike but Falco's speed and huge jump allow for him to punish you if your standing on them. He can just shoot you off them as well with out the need to approach since they are from one side to the other.

Norfair is a good counter pick how ever because of the different structure of the stage. Jab cancels can lead into D tilt spikes a lot easier here because of the room and the platforms are better for Ike punishing under them unlike brinstar. How ever just because a few things aren't as efficient and others gain a boost should not decided your counter pick. You have to remember a lot of things go on in this stage lava just doesn't come from the floor here it comes in every direction. Falco's juggling can lead to some devastating combos when the wall covers half of the stage. The lava spurts coming from the background limits Falco's movement but can also help him keep a distance depending on where they are coming from. The wave will probably help him since you have to watch out for his long range attacks and the wave.

If you are counter picking norfair you have to make sure it is a stage you know better than the back of your hand. If your opponent knows this stage better than you you might as well forfeit the match now.

Battle field is actually a good stage for Falco as well. He can punish people who are on the platforms fairly well and since its smaller than FD chain grab to spike can happen if your grabbed at higher percents. This stage does involve more close combat but Falco's close combat even though not as great as Ike doesn't fall behind.

Lylat cruise is actually a great counter pick and is usually banned by Falcos and other the other spacies. The tilting how ever not only gimps Falco from time to time it also blocks projectiles/ makes them go to high. If the stage tilts at certain times Falco's chain grab can be escaped, it can also cause the Dthrow spike to miss if he throws you at a low end tilt then it suddenly raises and Falco jumps to high. Platforms as high as battle field's and even smaller so Utilt now covers the entire thing I believe. This is the stage to go for in a counter pick if you don't know how to take advantage of Norfair like I do with alone time.

Green Greens is another good counter pick I believe. Very similar to the reason that Luigi's mansion is thought to be a counter pick except better because you have more room to move around since the blocks are in the middle and you aren't trapping your self near the ledge. Chain grabs don't lead to spikes at the center (usually). This whole stage is nothing but close combat as well even more so than battle field. The 2 edges are super small your jab piratically takes up the entire area there and you can potentially pull off an infinite if you spaced well with your jab and throws. Just remember what happens when Ike throws an opponent into a bomb block. People also worry about projectiles being able to blow up blocks from far away but honestly you shouldn't be that close to them. Ike's moves can blow up the blocks with out him being hurt so if you blow up its your own **** fault. Stage also generates Items so hurray for Ike + projectile.

Most people counter pick this stage because of the close boundaries but I didn't even mention them lol, they are a boon after all though since jab can potentially kill at 100% with bad DI. (but why would anyone DI jab the wrong way seriously don't count on it)

Corneria is another good stage but I don't feel like listing why since it should be obvious. If not go read my guide.

Over all this match up is 7-3 falco or 7.5-2.5 falco I think yagami is giving Ike to much credit again. Sorry dude but you over rate Ike.

side note: I think metroid is known for IASA frames more than large posts need to pay more attention to what he writes.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Over all this match up is 7-3 falco or 7.5-2.5 falco I think yagami is giving Ike to much credit again. Sorry dude but you over rate Ike.
Oh, I just don't think it's as terrible of a match-up as some say it is. As far as overrating Ike goes, I just think he's a good solid character, really.

In any case, that's a fantastically written stage list. I'll be sure incorporate it.

Edit: To be fair, Falco probably IS Ike's worst match-up, not Dedede. It's stupid to deny that Ike doesn't have at least one 7-3 disadvantage, and Falco is probably it. I think 70-30 Falco, 65-35 Dedede and Olimar is an appropriate measure. Everything else is either a slight advantage, neutral, or advantages for Ike (Unfortunately, Ike's main advantages arise versus the bottom half of the tier list, similar to Marth's advantages). I won't be posting match-up numbers until the VERY end of the guide, so let's just not discuss those anymore.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Nice addition with the character Strength/Weaknesses Light, may I suggest that for Zelda you add "multiple hitboxes/disjointed hitboxes" for strength or something of the like?


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Martinsburg, WV


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Over all this match up is 7-3 falco or 7.5-2.5 falco I think yagami is giving Ike to much credit again. Sorry dude but you over rate Ike.

side note: I think metroid is known for IASA frames more than large posts need to pay more attention to what he writes.
Also agreed.

Edit: To be fair, Falco probably IS Ike's worst match-up, not Dedede. It's stupid to deny that Ike doesn't have at least one 7-3 disadvantage, and Falco is probably it. I think 70-30 Falco, 65-35 Dedede and Olimar is an appropriate measure. Everything else is either a slight advantage, neutral, or advantages for Ike (Unfortunately, Ike's main advantages arise versus the bottom half of the tier list, similar to Marth's advantages). I won't be posting match-up numbers until the VERY end of the guide, so let's just not discuss those anymore.
I still think Dedede is the hardest but that's just me. I can wait for the match-up numbers because I'm not so great at it.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Nice addition with the character Strength/Weaknesses Light, may I suggest that for Zelda you add "multiple hitboxes/disjointed hitboxes" for strength or something of the like?
Sure thing.

I found a few Olimar pictures on youtube you might like.


I know we're discussing Falco currently, but what do you guys rate Ike's matchup with Wolf? I've found him to be one of the hardest matchups (moreso than Olimar).
I especially like the second picture, I guess that works, thanks. And as for Wolf, I think it's a disadvantage for Ike, but not by much. The spacies go: Fox-5-5, Wolf-4-6, Falco 3-7, in terms of difficulty.

Edit: Olimar is up. Stupid peer pressure.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
It's your fault for picking him. :p Anyways, this is in the top 3 of Ike's hardest fights.

- The pikmin are a pain in the a**. Kill them when you get the chance but don't use a move that has it's full damage and knockback. If you've been using n-air a lot for a while, kill a ikmin with that.

- From the Olimar's that I've played, they usually jump when throwing ikmin so avoid it.

- Down-B has SA frames. If they get lucky with perfect timing, they won't die even though they are at killing range.

- Gimp him any chance you get when he's off the stage.

- I don't think he has grab SA frames so try hitting him when he goes to grab you. His throws can still kill you though with the fatso purple pikmin.

Some of this is common knowledge but it can still be useful.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
I'd say it's Ike's second hardest opponent, and I have almost zero experience with this match-up, as I don't know anyone who uses Olimar, let alone use him well.

The only thing I can think of to add is that if you edgeguard him, he might throw a purple pikmin at you in an attempt to knock you off, then grab the ledge. I'm not sure how to counter this well, maybe aether stalling the ledge, so that the pikmin die when they hit the spinning blade? I honestly don't know......

He can rack up damage quickly with his pikmin. In the right (wrong for you) circumstances, he can rack up 50% damage in about 5 seconds between thrown white and red pikmin, and his quick, multi-hitting moves. You'll be using Nair a lot this match in attempts to keep the little suckers off of you. Thats basically all I got.....


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Welp time to argue against the OP.

Counter picking norfair against snake is a pretty bad idea. He has all his stage control things combined with all the lava coming from everywhere your dead. He could put his C4 at the top platform and when the lava rises you have no where to go either get juggled by the melted stones or get hit by something as strong as Ike's U smash.

Thats not the only scenario though he could cover 2 platforms with his bombs and when the wall off fire comes from the side you would have no where to go. The fire columns limit your movement leading you to get blown up once again by his mines or his U smash if he sees you in the air.

The last thing Snake has in here is that the whole stage has nothing but platforms Snake's Dthrow will own you here because it is very easy to tech chase since you have no room to move around.

there actually aren't many stages that snake isn't good at because his mines and projectiles allow him to take control of the stage pretty easily. Halberd was recommended by Kirk, silven, and versatile when I was making my stage guide against him but even so there aren't many reason to use that stage. The biggest reason they gave me on that would be that you can be risky about edge guarding there since you can come back trough the bottom of the stage. you can take advantage of the hazards as good as he can too but I seriously don't recommend NorFair as a counter pick Ike doesn't have many things going for him against snake there since snake isn't about gimping.

Now for Falco. There is no reason to counter pick luigi's mansion on here. Inside the mansion his Dthrow can lead into a dash attack > utilt combo which will have you bouncing off the roof back into his attack. The only reason listed was that if you go all the way to the end of the stage he can't shoot you with lasers. Being at the end of a stage does not give you an advantage over your opponent. It is the whole reason Corneria wasn't banned by the SBR. I also don't believe that the pillars stop his chain grabbing.

This stage actually seems pretty good for Falco on second thought I kind of rushed trough this in my guide but the narrow halls don't give you any room to dodge Falco's lasers. This means that really your only option is to get closer to bottomless pit.

I'd honestly go for Lylat against Falco it is one of there to ban stages http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=172023&highlight=stages pretty out dated but a reason lylat wasn't chosen as a starter was because it gimps the spacies' recoveries. I listed a lot of reason to use it as a counter pick above as well anyone mind telling me why luigi's is considered one of the best stage to use against him and not lylat?


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Welp time to argue against the OP.

Counter picking norfair against snake is a pretty bad idea. He has all his stage control things combined with all the lava coming from everywhere your dead. He could put his C4 at the top platform and when the lava rises you have no where to go either get juggled by the melted stones or get hit by something as strong as Ike's U smash.

Thats not the only scenario though he could cover 2 platforms with his bombs and when the wall off fire comes from the side you would have no where to go. The fire columns limit your movement leading you to get blown up once again by his mines or his U smash if he sees you in the air.

The last thing Snake has in here is that the whole stage has nothing but platforms Snake's Dthrow will own you here because it is very easy to tech chase since you have no room to move around.

there actually aren't many stages that snake isn't good at because his mines and projectiles allow him to take control of the stage pretty easily. Halberd was recommended by Kirk, silven, and versatile when I was making my stage guide against him but even so there aren't many reason to use that stage. The biggest reason they gave me on that would be that you can be risky about edge guarding there since you can come back trough the bottom of the stage. you can take advantage of the hazards as good as he can too but I seriously don't recommend NorFair as a counter pick Ike doesn't have many things going for him against snake there since snake isn't about gimping.

Now for Falco. There is no reason to counter pick luigi's mansion on here. Inside the mansion his Dthrow can lead into a dash attack > utilt combo which will have you bouncing off the roof back into his attack. The only reason listed was that if you go all the way to the end of the stage he can't shoot you with lasers. Being at the end of a stage does not give you an advantage over your opponent. It is the whole reason Corneria wasn't banned by the SBR. I also don't believe that the pillars stop his chain grabbing.

This stage actually seems pretty good for Falco on second thought I kind of rushed trough this in my guide but the narrow halls don't give you any room to dodge Falco's lasers. This means that really your only option is to get closer to bottomless pit.

I'd honestly go for Lylat against Falco it is one of there to ban stages http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=172023&highlight=stages pretty out dated but a reason lylat wasn't chosen as a starter was because it gimps the spacies' recoveries. I listed a lot of reason to use it as a counter pick above as well anyone mind telling me why luigi's is considered one of the best stage to use against him and not lylat?
Hm...seems logical. I'll update the Snake and Falco stage guide soon then.

Many thanks for the help.


All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
Lets see, Light owns my Olimar, guess thats because his 1337 Ike is 3x better then me :O
But yes, Olimar has a huge advantage in this match up. Pikmin can stop your side B, Olimar can easily combo you due to your heavy weight and speed, olimar should'nt be getting hit by ike too much
(Guess I should take my own advice)
And Ike is gimpable if your recovering horizontally.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Welp time to argue against the OP.

Counter picking norfair against snake is a pretty bad idea. He has all his stage control things combined with all the lava coming from everywhere your dead. He could put his C4 at the top platform and when the lava rises you have no where to go either get juggled by the melted stones or get hit by something as strong as Ike's U smash.

Thats not the only scenario though he could cover 2 platforms with his bombs and when the wall off fire comes from the side you would have no where to go. The fire columns limit your movement leading you to get blown up once again by his mines or his U smash if he sees you in the air.

The last thing Snake has in here is that the whole stage has nothing but platforms Snake's Dthrow will own you here because it is very easy to tech chase since you have no room to move around.

there actually aren't many stages that snake isn't good at because his mines and projectiles allow him to take control of the stage pretty easily. Halberd was recommended by Kirk, silven, and versatile when I was making my stage guide against him but even so there aren't many reason to use that stage. The biggest reason they gave me on that would be that you can be risky about edge guarding there since you can come back trough the bottom of the stage. you can take advantage of the hazards as good as he can too but I seriously don't recommend NorFair as a counter pick Ike doesn't have many things going for him against snake there since snake isn't about gimping.

Now for Falco. There is no reason to counter pick luigi's mansion on here. Inside the mansion his Dthrow can lead into a dash attack > utilt combo which will have you bouncing off the roof back into his attack. The only reason listed was that if you go all the way to the end of the stage he can't shoot you with lasers. Being at the end of a stage does not give you an advantage over your opponent. It is the whole reason Corneria wasn't banned by the SBR. I also don't believe that the pillars stop his chain grabbing.

This stage actually seems pretty good for Falco on second thought I kind of rushed trough this in my guide but the narrow halls don't give you any room to dodge Falco's lasers. This means that really your only option is to get closer to bottomless pit.

I'd honestly go for Lylat against Falco it is one of there to ban stages http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=172023&highlight=stages pretty out dated but a reason lylat wasn't chosen as a starter was because it gimps the spacies' recoveries. I listed a lot of reason to use it as a counter pick above as well anyone mind telling me why luigi's is considered one of the best stage to use against him and not lylat?
The Snake/Norfair was my fault... xD

Like I said before, I don't have too much experience with the stage... I just figured that lava blowing up explosives + no mortar dashing = really nice... I forgot that Snake could chase you with his Dthrow...

After reading your stage discussion thread, I changed my mind... Halberd probably is a better stage for this match up...


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Martinsburg, WV
When it comes to battling an Olimar, I actually don't find it all that hard. Now I've never been to a SWF tournament, but in my opinion I have played a few good Olimars.

My strategy for fighting Olimar is to abuse the spot dodge and grabs. Whenever he throws a pikmin at me, I always spot dodge the first one, and then if he throws a second one I'll roll towards him. At this point if I'm close enough I go for an AA into grab (which usually means getting hit by a third pikmin) and throw him towards the closest edge. From here I usually try and pressure him to the edge with more grabs and quick attacks (AA, AAA, N-air, B-air). Then once he's at the edge, I usually go for an F-throw, and if he's at a decent amount of damage, I'll instantly try an F-air off the edge, and then grab the ledge. The majority of the time, he can't even make it back from the F-air. If you she he's going to make it back however, just drop from the ledge and re-grabe if you have time, or use counter to stop his tether.

However, this does not always work, obviously. If I'm ever thrown into the defensive against Olimar, spot dodge and distance become my best friends. I stay far enough away from his D-smash, but still in range of his pikmin. When he throws pikmin at me, I usually spot dodge them. Then if/when I notice some kind of opening, I go for a grab, and try to throw him into the defensive.

I'll try and get a few videos of me fighting against two or three different Olimars, and see what you guys think.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
I listed a lot of reason to use it as a counter pick above as well anyone mind telling me why luigi's is considered one of the best stage to use against him and not lylat?
Lugi's Mansion is posted because the pillars can stop the lasers and reflector. But once the mansion is destroyed, Ike is screwed. So fighting on this stage is 50-50 for Ike and Falco. It's an okay counterpick but not the best against Falco.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
It sounds like a horrible counter pick to me. In order to avoid the lasers you have to get right next to the ledge. The roof in it makes it very hard to dodge lasers as well.

Projectiles shouldn't be such a problem that you base your entire counter pick stage on that.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
It sounds like a horrible counter pick to me. In order to avoid the lasers you have to get right next to the ledge. The roof in it makes it very hard to dodge lasers as well.

Projectiles shouldn't be such a problem that you base your entire counter pick stage on that.
What about Pit? xP


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Man Olimar is probably just as hard to approach as Falco, (d*** slavedriver) he has his Pikmin Throw, he has his F-smash, he has his D-smash, he has his throws, he has his Up-B, his Down-B has SA framers if timed right (What was Nintendo thinking with some of this stuff?!) he has his Uair, god is tehre anything Olimar has going against him?!


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Man Olimar is probably just as hard to approach as Falco, (d*** slavedriver) he has his Pikmin Throw, he has his F-smash, he has his D-smash, he has his throws, he has his Up-B, his Down-B has SA framers if timed right (What was Nintendo thinking with some of this stuff?!) he has his Uair, god is tehre anything Olimar has going against him?!
His recovery isn't it obvious?

Also grabs don't have SA frames they just out prioritize attacks making it seem like it has SA. Almost exactly but if you wanted to be technical if you shoot them with lets say a charged shot a grab won't protect them but why the hell would anyone try that?


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Martinsburg, WV
What you guys face an Olimar, what's usually the hardest thing in fighting them? I'm rather curious, because I find Olimar rather easy. I went looking on youtube for Olimar vs. Ike battles, and I found more with Ike winning than loosing. We have a few good videos in the video library of Ikes owning Olimars. I went to the Olimar forum, and their Olimar vs. Ike matches are to laugh at. There really doesn't seem to be all that much evidence that Olimar is a mad match-up for Ike, other then you guys saying he's bad.

So basically what I'm asking is, why is Olimar a bad matchup?


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Because getting to that ****** is like trying to get around an impenetrable wall, have you FOUGHT a good Olimar? They will space accordingly to keep you out of range and Pikmin become a real hassle to deal with, I find myself having to use aerial approaches a lot, but then again I really can't help with this matchup since I haven't fought a lot of Olimars really.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Martinsburg, WV
I have fought a few Olimar's, who in my opinion, were good. But I found it too easy to get them on the defense. Good spot dodging and rolling helps out great in this match-up. And sometimes taking a pikmin latching onto you could be good. It give you the option to use the counter whenever, and it'll counter the pikmin on you. And if you can get in close enough, abuse your grabs, and get him towards the edge. If you can make the entire match on the edge, it'll go if your favor by far. If you can get him to the edge, he's gonna go defensive in fear of you trying to hit him off the ledge, out of his tether distance- which is what I waouldtry at this point. A B-throw of the edge into a F-air or B-air, or even an N-air would send Olimar a good distance away, In the event that he can make it back, you can easily grab the edge before he does and cliff-hang him.

I want to upload some videos, but my computer isn't reading the Wii SD card.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Ike vs Olimar:

You have a lot of moves that have high knock back. Dash attack is a blessing in this battle, but he can grab you out of it.

Ike vs Olimar, i went against a really good Olimar, and well it wasn't hopeless. I lost, but thats cause he was a better player than me. But i brought him down to 1 stock. This battle. YOU IGNORE THE PIKMIN. The pikmin is BAIT to have you do a laggy attack then he'll grab you and combo you out of it. Now the reason dash attack is good. It will do wonders when he is spamming pikmin throw. and at higher % it puts him into gimping position. Grab the ledge and make sure you predict when he'll use Up B or you might either get staged spiked and die with him or you get off the ledge too soon and he recovers anyway. Aether spike equals death at any % against Olimar if it sends him below the stage. If Olimar likes to try to spike your attempt off the ledge. AETHER of the ledge and see if he gets caught. Spike him to oblivion.

Now the moves to watch out for are:

Grab, Dmash, and Usmash. Fsmash is not that big of a deal, his main killer is Usmash.

You can predict what he'll do by the order of the pikmin. Blue pikmin has the longest grab range and strongest throws. Red pikmin can spike and are more powerful and are very resistant to your eruption.. Yellow arc in pikmin throw and are good at faking out an opponent. White flies really far and poisons you for damage. Common thing to do is throw the white then grab the person and let the white pikmin do his work. Purple pikmin are the power house pikmin. Everything they do is strong and has more knockback. But at the cost of range.

Now keeping off the pikmin is still important. But you don't make it your life mission to destroy them. Instead try to attack olimar at the same time. Or use nair, cause there is no lag in that move and its an aerial. You need to make this an air battle, cause your ground game is beaten by Olimar's grab game. Your air game completely out ranges Olimar's. Your dair also can stop his uair but be careful otherwise you're taking alot of damage if you mess up.

Being aggressive will get you no where. A max spaced fair will still get your shield grabbed. Wait for him to spam pikmin and attack him out of it. short hop nair to kill pikmin as he throws them at you. short hop nair is great when he dash grabs too.

But how to fight Olimar is dependent on what they rely on. If they use pikmin throw alot. Nair once 3 are on you then dash attack while he's plucking. Dash attack is great cause of its amazing reach to attack Olimar from that distance. Quick Dash attack also is a big thing to use since it out ranges his grab range. In fact it is fast enough to hit Olimar in his grab animation lag (...like he has any) You can bait Olimar to grab by walking to him, key term, walking, then slow down to stop as he grabs then quick dash attack. Sometimes that is. Otherwise they'll pikmin throw which you can dash attack too.
How is this too short?....


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
I think he meant "how is this, too short?"

@Cambriel: A defensive Olimar should actually be Ike's worst nightmare. Ryko has said that Olimar gains an instant advantage on Ike by just sitting on the ground and I believe its true the people your fighting probably aren't as good as you think. Video thread has olimar getting owned because I'm just kool like that.

O and you can't pass replays from an SD card onto a computer they aren't an .avi or any other video format. Someone should make something to be able to read it though that would be awesome. Hell nintendo should do that.

I think Olimar has a chain grab against Ike at low percents can anyone confirm this or tell me how to get out of it if its not supposed to be a chain grab. I think it was with down throw but I'm not too sure.

If your all wondering I'm waiting on my match up a bit again so this thing doesn't speed trough every match up.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Martinsburg, WV
O and you can't pass replays from an SD card onto a computer they aren't an .avi or any other video format. Someone should make something to be able to read it though that would be awesome. Hell nintendo should do that.

Well I just wasted a lot of time. I'll just record them with my camera. tomorrow.

@Cambriel: A defensive Olimar should actually be Ike's worst nightmare. Ryko has said that Olimar gains an instant advantage on Ike by just sitting on the ground and I believe its true the people your fighting probably aren't as good as you think. Video thread has olimar getting owned because I'm just kool like that.
It could be that they are not as good as I think, but I'm not so sure about that. I'm not very good at explaining things, so my explaination sounded kind choppy. But once I get my videos up, I'll let you be the judge.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
A defensive Olimar should actually be Ike's worst nightmare.
Indeed. Forcing Ike to approach gives a lot of advantages to any character, but Olimar is one of the characters that can easily captitalize. Not only his pikmin has a assload of priority, but his grabs have ridiculously long range. Going close up on an Olimar can get Ike easily punished.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
I think he meant "how is this, too short?"

@Cambriel: A defensive Olimar should actually be Ike's worst nightmare. Ryko has said that Olimar gains an instant advantage on Ike by just sitting on the ground and I believe its true the people your fighting probably aren't as good as you think. Video thread has olimar getting owned because I'm just kool like that.

O and you can't pass replays from an SD card onto a computer they aren't an .avi or any other video format. Someone should make something to be able to read it though that would be awesome. Hell nintendo should do that.

I think Olimar has a chain grab against Ike at low percents can anyone confirm this or tell me how to get out of it if its not supposed to be a chain grab. I think it was with down throw but I'm not too sure.

If your all wondering I'm waiting on my match up a bit again so this thing doesn't speed trough every match up.
For the replay to computer thing... To do that, someone would probably have to upload the entire Brawl game online to emulate the replay.... And if someone actually came up with something like that, odds are you'd be able to play Brawl on a pc... -_- And that'd be bad for Nintendo, leading to suing probably...

And just a though I had... If Olimar does have a chain grab on Ike, it probably only works with certain Pikmin...


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
I actually enjoyed Ussi's post, and I'll be certain to use it to the maximum extent for the write-up. It's fine by itself, but it can also use some fleshing out at parts.

I have no idea as to when I'll get the Olimar thing done as I've got some school work and such, but it'll be around within the same time frame as the other match-ups took (Except for Marth and Falco, which were unique since bucketfuls of information came in).


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2008
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Olimar has Dthrow-Fsmash-Dthrow-Usmash on Ike which deals about 40% and is inescapable (at least, I've never seen Empy escape mine unless I was stuck with a purple pikmin) so that works as a chaingrab, I think.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Isn't Ike sort of forced to go on the aggresive on Olimar knowing the fact that the longer you wait to kill off the Pikmin they only become more of a threat until they bloom into flowerheads?
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