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If you guys were ACTUALLY serious about that 2k tourney...

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Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
maybe you can beat US dekar, m2k, but you can't beat the australian dekar
the real dekar
the best dekar
see you in the finals zimmerman


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
Australian dekar also has the adv. of being super sexy. his looks tend to put people off, put players in trances etc etc.
<3 dekar


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
actually american dekar is crazy good and hes a mad dog.
but yeah aus dekar is probs better.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
oh u gaiz <3
yeah m2k something like:

dear america
aus thinks they're better than me (dekar prob is)
please sponsor me to go over there and crap on them (except dekar he prob jv5 me)
love your hero

instant 2k c u in october


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
m2k once you attend robocop and beat everyone and take your money come to perths eastern invasion 3 in January if you can we should have a high prize pot so you can win that aswell.



Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
Yeah can someone ban Alzi from this topic.
I'm willing to donate my 4 infraction points to him because I'm that generous.

Umm anyway...
Aus dekar > all other dekars.
Even the Lufia one...


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Well if i was m2k i would actually come down to every Australian Major tournament that is on it's just free money for him basically.

Even for melee. I saw this **** combo you did with fox on a peach in a video m2k it was like such a big combo think it was vsing armanda's peach this was in melee btw.


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
To be honest, I love the idea of international attendance, but I'm opposed to sponsoring them if it means they'll get a free flight AND prize money... I really don't think it makes sense for M2K (or anyone for that matter) to get paid a pretty much guaranteed $1000 or whatever that expected amount was WITH free flights ($1500 worth apparently?) and accommodation for coming to Australia and playing video games (with Australia only really getting his presence in return - massive corporations with that kinda money at least get advertising out of it?)... I'm much more in favour of adding these donations to the pot, which will ultimately attract more people over all (and thus further increasing the pot size :p)... Obviously my opinion is mine alone, and what other people do with their money is up to them, but I'm just putting in my two cents (hah hah, pun) to try and help get more people to this thing...

If they get the flight free in return for giving back the winnings to the people who paid for his flight, then I'd be more willing to donate since he's still getting a free trip to Australia (seriously, these kinda prizes are TV game show worthy) and playing video games with awesome people while he's here, but no one's gonna be that much outta pocket... It's a little greedy to want free flights + practically guaranteed massive pot winnings IMO...

This being said I'm MUCH more partial (obviously :p) to the idea of adding to the pot size instead :D I think that, if the pot does become massive (like 2k :p) then M2K wouldn't be too hesitant about initially paying his own way xD I mean, heck, when he saw the joke post, he seemed more than happy to, much like other international players xD???

inb4 someone misinterpreting my post as flaming and getting flamed for it :D


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
M2K says it in the OP of this thread, but "2) pay my flight" doesn't stipulate whether or not he gets the winnings... The idea he uses the winnings to pay back the people who bought him the flight was mentioned a couple of times IIRC, but it seemed the overall vibe of the thread was that people didn't care :p Plus, from what I gather CAO and M2K discussed matter privately already...

If any deal was agreed upon already, I either missed it or completely forgot I read it - uni johns :D Either way disregard my previous post then ^^


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
i think the plan should go like this
m2k flies here on others money
i get all pot money(reguardless of my placing in the tournament/s)

everyone will be happy


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
The point isn't about winnings imo, let's be honest there are only a handful of people who are likely to win that in the first place. If you're playing this game for money you're not doing it for the right reasons. This is about bringing out the world's best player in order to further our scene, attract maximum local attendance and add a massive drawcard to our major tournament. Increasing the pot size won't necessarily attract anyone else, particularly if they see that M2K will be there likely winning anyway. This is a fantastic opportunity for our scene, and if you are opposed to the idea of sponsoring Jason to come out here, fine, don't pay anything to the fund. But there are plenty of people willing to bring him out here on their own money, and the integrity of the pot will be exactly the same as it was if M2K wasn't here.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
yeh nobody should feel obliged to donate to m2k
also i was pretty much guaranteed to win rocky before this, and i still support it, so.... idk this is just an arrogant "i'm the best" joke lol


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
This is a fantastic opportunity for our scene, and if you are opposed to the idea of sponsoring Jason to come out here, fine, don't pay anything to the fund. But there are plenty of people willing to bring him out here on their own money, and the integrity of the pot will be exactly the same as it was if M2K wasn't here.
Not sure if you were directing that at me (if you weren't, ignore this and blame the internets :p) but I didn't say I was opposed to bringing him out here; in fact, I did say the exact opposite ^^ That's beside the point (only stating because I don't want to sound biased when I say the following)...

I'm not too sure that increasing pot size would have no effect on the attendance... I haven't been in the Brawl scene for long enough to apply direct knowledge but from other tournaments I've attended in other things, there has been a direct and notable correlation between prize pool and entrants... I can't say that anyone I know plays the game specifically for the money, however you can't disregard that as being a major factor in people's minds regarding tournament level play (see how much interest Vyse's April Fool's joke stirred up, for instance)... Basically I'm saying that increasing the pot size should almost guarantee a better local attendance (given it's advertised correctly of course ^^), and an increase in local attendance is what perpetuates the scene (after all, we can't get international players over here for every tournament, as awesome as that'd be)... And international attendance, whilst not guaranteed, is still a very viable situation (unless top players aren't considering to come down here at all unless their flights are paid for them, regardless of pot size, which IMO is a statement that no one's really backed)...

The major bad thing about increasing pot limit instead is that it's not a guarantee for M2K to come, which is understandable... There really is no logical rebuttal to this, so I'm not going to bother... It all depends on a choice the people wish to make - guaranteeing the best player coming down and hoping for more local attendance, or probably having the best player in the world and making the pot size a lot more attractive... It's very possible that whichever the path, the result would be the same or not vary too much ^^ It's really all about how/what you want to advertise really, which is a decision the TO/community has to make ^^"


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
I think its not so much that people care about and want to win money though dude, but rather that a bigger pot has been asociated with a better tourney.
because a bigger pot means a more people, which means fiercer competition and more varity and people love that.

also any tourney run by cao is gonna be good no matter what the pot is.


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
That's a reasonable explanation too - psychology win xD Whatever goes on in people's minds prize pools do affect attendance in a similar fashion that notable personalities do :p


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Again I'll reiterate - my main point is that pot size does not necessarily correlate to greater attendance, as most of the people who attend know they are very unlikely the receive any of the winnings. They come for the enjoyment, the community, the atmosphere and experience. IF we fly M2K here out of our own pockets, the prize pool will be exactly as it would have been prior to any of this hype, and still large enough to attract anyone motivated by that factor. The thing that is more likely to draw people to a tournament is the attendance of the world's best player rather than the $ sign in front of 1st prize...


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
It's very possible for that to be the case, however I think both our points apply equally in a general tournament scene (not taking into account what's being played - basing this on my previous tournament scenes) - what really would determine whether it'd be better to take one option over the other is the community, both past, present, and the people you want to attract to the scene... I'm definitely gonna admit that I am by far in a much worse position to judge the Brawl scene compared to the rest of you, which is why I'm not coming in preaching about what should be done, but rather just trying to get people to not dismiss the other option simply because I feel it hasn't been discussed well enough on the boards (my own observation, and I don't know what has been discussed behind the scenes obviously :p) ^^

In the end, whichever route is taken, I'm sure it won't detract any players who are already looking at coming along, so it's really a case of maximising win :D

EDIT: My apologies for the terrible, terrible sentence structure xD


Oct 29, 2004
(This info is on the first post of the Robocop thread - direct all future discussion there)

Ever since one of the world's best Smashers, Mew2King, expressed his desire to attend an Australian tournament through a sponsorship organized on our behalf, the Australian Smash Community has thrown in support to try and bring him over here. However, as much as people are excited with the prospect of having a player of his calibre to come and play, the goal cannot be achieved unless certain conditions are met -- and that a level of organizational competence is demonstrated by the selected sponsored person. These conditions have been drafted to protect you, members of Australian Smash Community.

Below, I have created a list of pre-requisites that the sponsored person will need to complete before May 31, so that the deal is legitimized:

The sponsored player will need to present before May 31:
- A proof of Passport
- Proof of a commitment to purchase travel insurance before the fly out date (this may be covered by sponsorship money)
- Written expression that Robocop do not conflict with any significant events in the sponsored person's calendar (this includes any contractual agreements with MLG, school deadlines, or significant personal events), and that they are able to attend.

Donor information

Firstly, for the donators, I need people to make a PayPal donation into an account I will be setting up within days (WATCH THIS SPACE). Donations will primarily help Mew2King to attend Robocop in Melbourne, however, I will endeavor to ensure that any significant interstate pledges will have to right ownership of his presence in their city. It it my assumption that the visitor will be able to visit both Sydney and Melbourne.

If Mew2King is able to comply with the above pre-requisites within the alloted time period, his flight purchases will be processed with the funds, or the funds will be funneled completely into the 1st place pot of every single Melee and Brawl event in Robocop, whichever the Smash Community decides as a majority. If he fails to comply within the May 31st deadline, we have three options: a) to refund all of the donation money to those who have pledged, b) create an open tender through Smashboards, globally to invite other expressions of interest from other professional players - sponsors would then vote on who to sponsor, and c) extend the deadline at our own risk. Option b) would take place during the month of June. This early deadline is necessary to avoid a surge in international flight costs.

In the event the raised funds does is not enough to sponsor a player over, even if amalgamated with the existing estimated $3500 offered at Robocop, all donations will be returned to the pledgers in full.

Pledging is encouraged to be ongoing, but the faster, the better. A sizeable contribution before July 1 is most preferable.
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