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Hype VS. Tinman Interview/ Q&A thread

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is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
doc, ace joe, culex, etc, dont see me as threats, dont take what I said so seriously, just prove it, I called joe a pretentious ***** last time I saw him, but it was just a joke, what can I do if he doesn't see me as a threat, i'd just have to show him, but i'm not gonna go around finding opportunities to chirp them, chillax dude

btw I did break the hitstun, there is something I want to know, how u do come to the conclusion thta I didnt break the hitstun when I said myself I did, if anything I have more of a say then nickcam because I was directly invloved, therefore my say in this weighs more then his, and there is a video that even proves I broke out of the hitstun animation
I was trolling dude.



Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Tinny, in the video at the 68% kill. You didn't break the hitstun. Would you like me to explain why we know that? When you're hit and launched your character does an animation if you do nothing. Your character falls and spins. You can see your olimar blatantly do that just as he's dying, proving that moments before death, you did not break the hitstun.

Moral of the story is, people get ragged on for small things. My rolling left, hype's binder, phil's nado, nickcam's youthful looks, and in this case your one time bad DI. Take it as it is bro and stop flipping the **** out about it.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
lol docs kinda right tinman obviously will take it the wrong way, but at the same time tinman just show everyone how good your DI is in tournament, I know I've been practicing my DI and im confident I will place that much higher because I won't die from stupid **** thats not supposed to kill me anymore. although, tinman you are wrong in saying "decoy uses snake, nuff said", when I play him he always usually ends up in the top corners, if it were just his character he would of died on some ****.

tinman wanna $5 mm my snake vs your rob? I start with 2 stocks on each match and you can have 3.
or my mk 1 stock vs ur rob 3 stocks ;)
i'll 5$ MM my rob vs ur MK, I'm confident because doc tried this and failed so I shud beat ur 1 stock MK ;)

phil, don't get 3-stocked like joe.
<3 u Gi

Tinny, in the video at the 68% kill. You didn't break the hitstun. Would you like me to explain why we know that? When you're hit and launched your character does an animation if you do nothing. Your character falls and spins. You can see your olimar blatantly do that just as he's dying, proving that moments before death, you did not break the hitstun.

Moral of the story is, people get ragged on for small things. My rolling left, hype's binder, phil's nado, nickcam's youthful looks, and in this case your one time bad DI. Take it as it is bro and stop flipping the **** out about it.
-I'm clearly being ignored as I defend myself
-My DI is being insulted because of 1 instance, which is going to create jokes about it in the future so that when I do prove that I have good DI, it will just be regarded as a fluke

I have a reason to flip **** about it, so long as this continues

and yes I did break the hitstun because when u are in hitstun, ur frozen (the character) Olimar starts toppling in the video, meaning i did break out of hitstun, once u start toppling/tumbling, u can move again, in addition, if I chose to, i could have hit the sticks to break out of hitstun earlier, however I knew it was futile because I realized I wouldn't make it back.

since this point ^^^^ will probably be ignored, it causes me to lip ****, unless this is concidered, as well as the explanations I gave in my interview, then I can take it like a bro (or at least that would be the 1st step to doing so.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
2 instances game three u also went flying after a 70% marth fsmash across the level. Also sauga and many others have dubbed it the worse di in the whole entire universe. Thats kind of an honor in some twisted way i guess.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
Decoy uses snake, nuff said

Edit: not a chirp on decoy (before this gets taken out of hand)

Edit2: which it already has
don't worry tinman, i don't take offense to this. i don't mind.
but let me help you out with your apparent lack of understanding of DI. (this is evidenced by the above statement and not by your death at 68%. that will come later.)

moving on...
your statement implies that snake has good DI.
i would argue that snake has no DI.

Di is an input performed by the player not the character; as such the differences in DI come from the players. when someone says person A has good Di it does not meant that they live to some objective standard of "a high percent" but rather that they live to such a percent within the context of their chosen character. that said, the quality of Di is solely a product of the person using the character, and not the character itself.

to those that might argue that some characters have a broken momentum cancel, i would say that you can still differentiate based on how long other players that use the same character survive.

i apologize to those people who already understand how to assess the quality of a given person's DI. sorry if you had to read that.

-I'm clearly being ignored as I defend myself
-My DI is being insulted because of 1 instance, which is going to create jokes about it in the future so that when I do prove that I have good DI, it will just be regarded as a fluke

I have a reason to flip **** about it, so long as this continues

and yes I did break the hitstun because when u are in hitstun, ur frozen (the character) Olimar starts toppling in the video, meaning i did break out of hitstun, once u start toppling/tumbling, u can move again, in addition, if I chose to, i could have hit the sticks to break out of hitstun earlier, however I knew it was futile because I realized I wouldn't make it back.

since this point ^^^^ will probably be ignored, it causes me to lip ****, unless this is concidered, as well as the explanations I gave in my interview, then I can take it like a bro (or at least that would be the 1st step to doing so.
it is actually you who is not listening to anyone else.

let me show you how this 15 page debate has gone.

many people: tinman, you have bad Di.
tinman: no i don't.
many people: you died at 68% to a marth fair.
tinman: i broke out of hitstun and wasn't going to make it back, so i died anyway.
many people: you died at 68% to a marth fair.
tinman: i broke out of hitstun and wasn't goign to make it back, so i died anyway.

here is where the infinite recursion. the point is you failed to QCDI and SDI the fair. not that you failed to momentum cancel (which you did). had you not failed to DI, you might have lived. that is all.

the above has proven that you failed to DI and died. not that you escaped or didn't escape hitstun or w/e. the point was, no DI = death. that is the basis for all of the chirping. there is no argument for this other than lack of DI.

so really everything you're saying is replying to something that people are not talking about. now let us revisit the argument.

many people: you died when you didn't DI the fair.
tinman: i killed myself cause i knew i was gonna die.
many people : that makes no sense; you would have lived had you Di'd.
tinman: i killed myself...
many people: you didn't DI, then you died.
tinman: my DI is fine, i killed myself.
many people: wtflogic?

also note the **** semicolon use.

so yes. that is why it is actually you that isn't listening.

correct me if i'm wrong?


also sidenote: i honestly dont think things should have got this far, but here they are.

seriously though, this is a huge joke. that is all it is, a joke. you are a part of our community tin. truefax. everyone has got a thing...yours is the DI. mine is **** logic. iliad's is the rolling left. joe does that weird thing with his face. ambrose ****s people's sisters (namely joe's). see?

it just is. embrace it.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
i could have hit the sticks to break out of hitstun earlier.
Its funny that you say hit the sticks cause i asked you the question " Do you hit the sticks?" in the video. It is sad that you dont on reaction,thats what di is suppose to be. Also decoy pretty much said everything else possible.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Okay so, let me start by saying Phil, you won't win the MK vs ROB mm because tinman took my 1 stock and I only took 1 and got him to 160.

If you do 2 stocks on the other hand, you may get lucky.

And tinman want to know what I'm known for? Far worse than bad DI, wearing PANTYHOSE on my neck, cause' apparently my scarf looks like pantyhose, as Iliad said.

So please, stop freaking out.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
alright doc think what you want I think I know the matchup better than you though, just based off playing a ****load of tourny sets vs holys rob. tinman wants me to not hype the MM though LOL he must b scared hes gonna lose ;)


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
don't worry tinman, i don't take offense to this. i don't mind.
but let me help you out with your apparent lack of understanding of DI. (this is evidenced by the above statement and not by your death at 68%. that will come later.)

moving on...
your statement implies that snake has good DI.
i would argue that snake has no DI.

Di is an input performed by the player not the character; as such the differences in DI come from the players. when someone says person A has good Di it does not meant that they live to some objective standard of "a high percent" but rather that they live to such a percent within the context of their chosen character. that said, the quality of Di is solely a product of the person using the character, and not the character itself.

to those that might argue that some characters have a broken momentum cancel, i would say that you can still differentiate based on how long other players that use the same character survive.

i apologize to those people who already understand how to assess the quality of a given person's DI. sorry if you had to read that.

it is actually you who is not listening to anyone else.

let me show you how this 15 page debate has gone.

many people: tinman, you have bad Di.
tinman: no i don't.
many people: you died at 68% to a marth fair.
tinman: i broke out of hitstun and wasn't going to make it back, so i died anyway.
many people: you died at 68% to a marth fair.
tinman: i broke out of hitstun and wasn't goign to make it back, so i died anyway.

here is where the infinite recursion. the point is you failed to QCDI and SDI the fair. not that you failed to momentum cancel (which you did). had you not failed to DI, you might have lived. that is all.

the above has proven that you failed to DI and died. not that you escaped or didn't escape hitstun or w/e. the point was, no DI = death. that is the basis for all of the chirping. there is no argument for this other than lack of DI.

so really everything you're saying is replying to something that people are not talking about. now let us revisit the argument.

many people: you died when you didn't DI the fair.
tinman: i killed myself cause i knew i was gonna die.
many people : that makes no sense; you would have lived had you Di'd.
tinman: i killed myself...
many people: you didn't DI, then you died.
tinman: my DI is fine, i killed myself.
many people: wtflogic?

also note the **** semicolon use.

so yes. that is why it is actually you that isn't listening.

correct me if i'm wrong?


also sidenote: i honestly dont think things should have got this far, but here they are.

seriously though, this is a huge joke. that is all it is, a joke. you are a part of our community tin. truefax. everyone has got a thing...yours is the DI. mine is **** logic. iliad's is the rolling left. joe does that weird thing with his face. ambrose ****s people's sisters (namely joe's). see?

it just is. embrace it.

Man, out of all of this, there is one thing that was really important.

**** use of semi colon right thar.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia

I did DI the marth fair, just in the wrong direction, in a direction that would help me get killed rather then survive. Very well, I accepted that, and I explained why that happened. However, I refuse to admit to bad DI because of that, simply because of my overall record of DIing hits. Meaning that outside of that set, I believe that I do have good DI, because I have proved it to myself, before, and after that set in particular.

Decoy do u see the problem here, I'm being judged on one set, I don't think that's fair. Are u to say that this one set determines my DI ability completely? That I am officially dubbed for having bad DI because of this single set, I dont think you will. And now u see the problem. People are putting to much emphasis on a single set, while disregarding the others. I feel that is unfair, and therefore inaccurate.

Further more, u didnt us a fact, u assumed I didnt understand what DI was, based of me saying that the character influences the DI. Obviously I realize that characters have no DI, and its based off the player, when I made the comparison between Gi and nickcam, and then brought u into this, the initiation of my doing so was because it was said that nickcams DI is impressive because he survived a utilt fresh from snake at 160%. See what the person said, they said he DI'd the uptilt at 160, and survived, This is why I was misunderstood. At that point, I had to exploit the fact as to why that happened, and the key argument is because of the character, the character solves the percentage factor. When I used Gi as an example, it was simply because I know Gi is good, therefore proving that any good wario main can survive the up tilt at 160%, it was the complete opposite of chirping Gi, this proves that what I have been saying can be misinterpreted, also following that proof, i misinterpreted me when u thought I believed that a character has DI, you as well as the scene.

Now since I have proved that I can be misinterpreted, even by you, allow me to explain this to you. Realize that I am being known for this. I am being known for something that is not correct. Don't you realize the issue with that. Further more, I take offense to being known for something incorrect. Its comparable to a high school rumor. When someone goes around sayin (wow, Tin Man, you have bad DI) it makes me feel uneasy, unhappy, etc. No body should feel this way. There is a clear cut reason why I feel this way, and therefore, this is why ur so called "many people" (which now includes yourself) are not listening to me. If u all did listen to me, you would realize my concern, and stop this, simply for 2 reasons which I know u cant argue

reason #1: The rumor is not true, the spreading of the rumor is something I do not like, please stop everyone.

reason#2: The rumor is true, I dont like the message of this romor as it does not compliment me. Please stop.

In both cases, the impact that the rumor has on me is negative. Now this is where you are trapped. This covers both tru and false situations, therefore if people continue to diss my DI, either in public, or privately, they have not listened to me. Now what i can tell you is that in my point of view, I have been trying to convey this message the entire time, as you can see, I have shown that I am not happy with all of this (I hope u can see that, hopefully you also didn't misinterpret that, although it seems everyone is familiar with the impact this is having on me) also, are they listening if they realize that this has a negative impact on me, yet continue to spread and nurture this rumor? I have requested before that this entire thing simmer down. instead, it has grown, who really hasnt been listening to the other hmmm?

it is actually you who is not listening to anyone else.

let me show you how this 15 page debate has gone.

many people: tinman, you have bad Di.
tinman: no i don't.
many people: you died at 68% to a marth fair.
tinman: i broke out of hitstun and wasn't going to make it back, so i died anyway.
many people: you died at 68% to a marth fair.
tinman: i broke out of hitstun and wasn't goign to make it back, so i died anyway.

here is where the infinite recursion. the point is you failed to QCDI and SDI the fair. not that you failed to momentum cancel (which you did). had you not failed to DI, you might have lived. that is all.

the above has proven that you failed to DI and died. not that you escaped or didn't escape hitstun or w/e. the point was, no DI = death. that is the basis for all of the chirping. there is no argument for this other than lack of DI.
I will say this, I had bad DI at some instances in the set, overall I truly do not believe I have bad DI. I'm addressing this point because this is what you are using to prove that I am not listening. Therefore I am saying that no matter how much evidence you bring from this set, it will never be enough to make me believe that I have bad DI. If people were listening to me, then you would see that I made a post which nobody addressed. I said that if you can bring up 2 other sets that show that I have bad DI, then I will believe I have bad DI (although in reality, that will simply be the start to me believing I have bad DI, and will not 100% convince me, notice how my tru feelings were slightly different). No one addressed this, it is they who are not listening to me, you included. Not to mention that there are multiple was of dying for a Marth Fair at 68% even with DI, if u decline this possibility, something is wrong.

I will also add that dying at 68% also matters based on the character. If I was ROB, same positioning, and everything, I would have survived regardless of the DI, simply because of the character, therefore the DI did kill me, but only because I was Olimar, how ever I might also add that you are not listening to your so called "many people" because some have said that I didn't break out of hitstun, and I addressed their points, therefore u obviously missed this when u decided to post this

so really everything you're saying is replying to something that people are not talking about. now let us revisit the argument.

many people: you died when you didn't DI the fair.
tinman: i killed myself cause i knew i was gonna die.
many people : that makes no sense; you would have lived had you Di'd.
tinman: i killed myself...
many people: you didn't DI, then you died.
tinman: my DI is fine, i killed myself.
many people: wtflogic?

also note the **** semicolon use.

so yes. that is why it is actually you that isn't listening.

correct me if i'm wrong?
I am arguing stuff that ur so called "many people" have said. Do you know what it means when someone says that you died when u didnt DI the fair? Hitstun is a factor in this statement because it means that I had no chance to make it back simply because of the DI, however I did have a chance to make it back, and I chose not to take it. Basically what I am saying is. yes the DI was bad, however it didnt kill me. There are some extreme examples I could use however, it is enough to say that there are cases where I could have survived even with that DI, and that is one of the problems I have with what ur so called "many people" are saying. Now to address some more misinterpretation. I am not arguing that I have good DI because I killed myself, I am simply arguing that the DI didnt kill me.

I can however understand this much. In a realistic context where extreme situations can be deemed impossible due to the information we can gather from this scenario, I do agree that the DI killed me because we all have the knowledge that I would not have been able to make it back to the edge with the tether (or with many other extreme situations I can think of that I will choose to keep to myself). But to conclude on my argument on the main point. I have been listening , and it is in fact I that is being neglected

and finally to argue your side point, I should embrace the fact that I am being know for a rumor? Especially a demeaning one? wtflogic?


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
@ mikey - I just did, get at my 12th grade reading level.

Tin tin... If you don't mind me calling you that... We -have- been litsening. We disagree with what you say, we aren't ignoring it. And the fact of the matter is, the majority of us have been in the scene longer than you, and are better at the game than you, and likely know more about whats going on within the game than you.

Have you never had a circle of male friends? Honest question, because it's nothing but poking fun and jokes at one another, nicknames, fights, etc. This is a predominantly male community and almost like a fraternity of smash. -I DON'T LIKE BEING TOLD THAT I DO AWFUL MOVES WITH MARTH AND I'M PLAYING HIM INCORRECTLY- Do i flip the **** out on the forums, Tin-Tin? No, I improve my marth in the hopes that eventually it becomes something that cannot be argued. Do you think Joe liked being called a planking scumbag for like the first five to six months he picked up metaknight? No. Did he flip the **** out on the forums, Tin-Tin? No. He changed his name to TO-Plank and played up the meme.

You gotta understand **** Tinny, when I say **** to Phil like "I should slap the slant eyes off of you" it's meant for the shock value and the lols, not any sort of actual detriment. And we haven't even delved into race for you. lmao.

However... If you abolutely don't want it happening anymore, I'll knock it off. But it doesn't help that you open yourself up with a rather cocky posting style. One of the reasons everyone jumped on you is because of how much you bragged after beating Hype's MK.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
Do you know what it means when someone says that you died when u didnt DI the fair? Hitstun is a factor in this statement because it means that I had no chance to make it back simply because of the DI, however I did have a chance to make it back, and I chose not to take it. Basically what I am saying is. yes the DI was bad, however it didnt kill me. There are some extreme examples I could use however, it is enough to say that there are cases where I could have survived even with that DI, and that is one of the problems I have with what ur so called "many people" are saying. Now to address some more misinterpretation. I am not arguing that I have good DI because I killed myself, I am simply arguing that the DI didnt kill me.
debatable. had you DI'd better you would have lived. because you didn't Di you died.
yes your Di did not send you into the blast zone, but it sealed your fate.

I can however understand this much. In a realistic context where extreme situations can be deemed impossible due to the information we can gather from this scenario, I do agree that the DI killed me because we all have the knowledge that I would not have been able to make it back to the edge with the tether (or with many other extreme situations I can think of that I will choose to keep to myself). But to conclude on my argument on the main point. I have been listening , and it is in fact I that is being neglected

and finally to argue your side point, I should embrace the fact that I am being know for a rumor? Especially a demeaning one? wtflogic?
i believe we have finally arrived at the recognition that your Di in that set (or even just that instance) was bad. i would agree that your DI is not always bad. not at all. as raidos said, there are instances when you DI'd well.

but i really don't know what to tell you here. people aren't saying that you always have bad DI (cept maybe one or two) but rather that you did definitely have bad Di that time. because of that, all people who Di in that fashion will henceforth now be known as having "tinman DI".

this is not a rumor. it is fact. you failed to DI well that time. i would suggest it is now a gtan mime, similar to what is clutch?. and yes i do think you should embrace the fact that you are known for this. think of all the people who have not had a thread named after them.

but lets explore that further. why should you embrace it?

because you know its not true. that is the root of a friendly joke. for example if you make fun of a fat guy for being fat, that might be mean. but if you make fun of a clearly beautiful girl for being ugly, it's more or less okay, because she is actually beautiful (let's not here discuss the morality of making fun and the relativity of beauty. thanks). her beauty negates the hurtful aspect of the joke.

so in essence because you know that you don't have tinman DI all the time you should be able to accept this as a joke (imo). you can laugh it off knowing you actually don't have tinman DI. and you know this to be true, evidenced above. if you DI'd badly all the time then it might be more problematic. but because its just one occurence of fail DI, you can say it was a one time thing. you can say "yeah hahah i failed that time." it has only got this big because you were unable to take the joke. imo. again, iliad is at peace with his rolling left, etc.

so here you are the beautiful girl, not the fat man.

if after considering the above it still continues to hurt your feelings, however, i for one will be willing to drop it. still, i think you should really consider the above.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
K i looked at ur post tin guy and saw this sentence. "Not to mention that there are multiple was of dying for a Marth Fair at 68% even with DI." Im not quoting it cause im too lazy. If you think this then ur sadder then i thought and ur just ***. Only way to die from this is with ur terrible di. Ur also forgetting about the marth 70% fsmash


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
@ mikey - I just did, get at my 12th grade reading level.

Tin tin... If you don't mind me calling you that... We -have- been litsening. We disagree with what you say, we aren't ignoring it. And the fact of the matter is, the majority of us have been in the scene longer than you, and are better at the game than you, and likely know more about whats going on within the game than you.

Have you never had a circle of male friends? Honest question, because it's nothing but poking fun and jokes at one another, nicknames, fights, etc. This is a predominantly male community and almost like a fraternity of smash. -I DON'T LIKE BEING TOLD THAT I DO AWFUL MOVES WITH MARTH AND I'M PLAYING HIM INCORRECTLY- Do i flip the **** out on the forums, Tin-Tin? No, I improve my marth in the hopes that eventually it becomes something that cannot be argued. Do you think Joe liked being called a planking scumbag for like the first five to six months he picked up metaknight? No. Did he flip the **** out on the forums, Tin-Tin? No. He changed his name to TO-Plank and played up the meme.

You gotta understand **** Tinny, when I say **** to Phil like "I should slap the slant eyes off of you" it's meant for the shock value and the lols, not any sort of actual detriment. And we haven't even delved into race for you. lmao.

However... If you abolutely don't want it happening anymore, I'll knock it off. But it doesn't help that you open yourself up with a rather cocky posting style. One of the reasons everyone jumped on you is because of how much you bragged after beating Hype's MK.

Its so true, tinman you really do make some cocky posts after beating Hype. the one thing I dont get is why you only MM people that are worse than you by far, and your excuse is that it is "gambling" if you take a MM with someone better or on the same skill level as you. That is the dumbbbbest thing I have seen come out of anyone because if a MM like that is "gambling" to you, then wtf are tournaments? your paying money, and if you lose your going to be upset cause you lost, but if you win its you get money and your happy so id say tournaments are a gamble for you to? and dont say money isnt a factor for your tournaments because I remember at Pownz you really wanted top 5 to be paid out and even at the tourny you had to make sure with the staff that infact, top 5 were gonna get paid out. Anyways im gonna take my 1 stock your 3 stock rob MM, and you better hope you win LOL or its honestly pretty sad. I cant lie I had doubts that why I asked tinman on MSN if we could do like my 1 stock his 3 stocks 70%. Tinmans reply? No. 3 Stocks 0%.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Tin tin... If you don't mind me calling you that... We -have- been litsening. We disagree with what you say, we aren't ignoring it. And the fact of the matter is, the majority of us have been in the scene longer than you, and are better at the game than you, and likely know more about whats going on within the game than you.
I don't mind u calling me tin tin, I'm cool with that.
I'm sad that u honestly think I have bad DI (unless I interpreted that sentence of urs wrong)
As for the rest of your sentence, I strongly dis agree with that.

However... If you abolutely don't want it happening anymore, I'll knock it off. But it doesn't help that you open yourself up with a rather cocky posting style. One of the reasons everyone jumped on you is because of how much you bragged after beating Hype's MK.
I really need quoted examples of my bragging on beating hype.

also, I feel underestimated, therefore yes, I believe that people see me as worse then I actually am, as far as I know, only Doc, and Gi see my potential (correct me if I'm wrong you two).

Also, I think everyone has a problem with confidence. Let me come to some level ground with all of you. What is wrong with me believing that I can beat a top player. Does it hurt anybody? I don't believe it does. If I didn't think that way, I would never make upsets. I mean mindsets matter right? I need to be prepared to win, otherwise, I wont win, I would be wasting my time, and the time of my opponent. That's what I believe anyways.

Lemme address some of the top players in our scene. Lets say DOC, ACE, & JOE. Would you prefer that I believe I can beat u, or would you prefer that I believe I have no chance against you, please explain your reasoning. I myself would prefer that my opponent thinks he can beat me, simply because I can respect their confidence, their mindset, and their determination. Even if this opponent of mine is someone I know I can beat, I don't want them to be discouraged. In my specific case however, I am not at the top, so while I appreciate seeing others below me improve, I also want to see myself improve, and therefore I could show anger when it seems I am going backwards, but so far, so good.

K i looked at ur post tin guy and saw this sentence. "Not to mention that there are multiple was of dying for a Marth Fair at 68% even with DI." Im not quoting it cause im too lazy. If you think this then ur sadder then i thought and ur just ***. Only way to die from this is with ur terrible di. Ur also forgetting about the marth 70% fsmash
There are extreme and semi examples which I will chose to keep to myself, obviously u aren't considering these. If u continue to ignore these, there is no point in arguing this with u.

Its so true, tinman you really do make some cocky posts after beating Hype. the one thing I dont get is why you only MM people that are worse than you by far, and your excuse is that it is "gambling" if you take a MM with someone better or on the same skill level as you. That is the dumbbbbest thing I have seen come out of anyone because if a MM like that is "gambling" to you, then wtf are tournaments? your paying money, and if you lose your going to be upset cause you lost, but if you win its you get money and your happy so id say tournaments are a gamble for you to? and dont say money isnt a factor for your tournaments because I remember at Pownz you really wanted top 5 to be paid out and even at the tourny you had to make sure with the staff that infact, top 5 were gonna get paid out. Anyways im gonna take my 1 stock your 3 stock rob MM, and you better hope you win LOL or its honestly pretty sad. I cant lie I had doubts that why I asked tinman on MSN if we could do like my 1 stock his 3 stocks 70%. Tinmans reply? No. 3 Stocks 0%.
Once again, I need some quoted examples. Might I also say that I have proven that I can be misinterpreted, therefore my intentions may be different then what people think they are, therefore I would like to explain myself if people can surface some quoted examples of what I have said.

Now for the next part of your post. Allow me to explain myself. My goal isn't money. Money is a bonus. My goal is recognition (that's the immediate goal anyways) MMs don't get me recognition, they wont get me higher on the PR, therefore they are a waste of my time honestly. Furthermore, I have access to people that I can play no sandbagging friendlies with. Also, I understand the rewards of me playing a MM, but that doesn't compare to the loss of me playing a MM (at least to me it doesn't). That is why I don't like the idea of MMing. I will only do it if I know that the odds are so in my favor that I feel I know I cant lose. I can train without MMs, and winning only gives me money, which isn't my immediate goal in this game, just a bonus.

I go to tournaments because they satisfy my goal. I don't need to win money to satisfy my goal, winning money is a bonus. I mean yeah, come on, if I could get money, and complete my goal at the same time, then that would be amazing. So what I'm trying to make you understand is that I'm not going to risk money on something that wont help me, because I'll just end up possibly losing money for nothing, however losing money for tournaments is worth it for me because like I said, it satisfies my immediate goal.

As to the final part of your post, I did accept your MM, and if I accept a MM, you know what that means. & also, I agreed to the original terms of our MM, you also asked me on MSN if u want to have people watching, and sauga commentary. If u want that then fine. That should put me at enough of a disadvantage (the biased commentary in your favor, the pressure on myself not to lose with odds such as these, etc).

Tinman thats a gay move bro, do 70 % 3 stocks rob lives until like 140 at least give him that oppertunity.
no, i'll give him the opportunity of a hyped MM, I definately wont enjoy it, bu its worth 5$

i believe we have finally arrived at the recognition that your Di in that set (or even just that instance) was bad. i would agree that your DI is not always bad. not at all. as raidos said, there are instances when you DI'd well.

but i really don't know what to tell you here. people aren't saying that you always have bad DI (cept maybe one or two) but rather that you did definitely have bad Di that time. because of that, all people who Di in that fashion will henceforth now be known as having "tinman DI".

this is not a rumor. it is fact. you failed to DI well that time. i would suggest it is now a gtan mime, similar to what is clutch?. and yes i do think you should embrace the fact that you are known for this. think of all the people who have not had a thread named after them.

but lets explore that further. why should you embrace it?

because you know its not true. that is the root of a friendly joke. for example if you make fun of a fat guy for being fat, that might be mean. but if you make fun of a clearly beautiful girl for being ugly, it's more or less okay, because she is actually beautiful (let's not here discuss the morality of making fun and the relativity of beauty. thanks). her beauty negates the hurtful aspect of the joke.

so in essence because you know that you don't have tinman DI all the time you should be able to accept this as a joke (imo). you can laugh it off knowing you actually don't have tinman DI. and you know this to be true, evidenced above. if you DI'd badly all the time then it might be more problematic. but because its just one occurence of fail DI, you can say it was a one time thing. you can say "yeah hahah i failed that time." it has only got this big because you were unable to take the joke. imo. again, iliad is at peace with his rolling left, etc.

so here you are the beautiful girl, not the fat man.

if after considering the above it still continues to hurt your feelings, however, i for one will be willing to drop it. still, i think you should really consider the above.
I'll give it a chance, see where things go from here, and then come to a conclusion later on based on how far this meme is taken. None the less I don't think I can be blamed. I was receiving a lot of "crap" from everybody. One should be able to understand how I would snap like this.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I don't mind u calling me tin tin, I'm cool with that.
I'm sad that u honestly think I have bad DI (unless I interpreted that sentence of urs wrong)
As for the rest of your sentence, I strongly dis agree with that.

I really need quoted examples of my bragging on beating hype.

also, I feel underestimated, therefore yes, I believe that people see me as worse then I actually am, as far as I know, only Doc, and Gi see my potential (correct me if I'm wrong you two).

Also, I think everyone has a problem with confidence. Let me come to some level ground with all of you. What is wrong with me believing that I can beat a top player. Does it hurt anybody? I don't believe it does. If I didn't think that way, I would never make upsets. I mean mindsets matter right? I need to be prepared to win, otherwise, I wont win, I would be wasting my time, and the time of my opponent. That's what I believe anyways.

Lemme address some of the top players in our scene. Lets say DOC, ACE, & JOE. Would you prefer that I believe I can beat u, or would you prefer that I believe I have no chance against you, please explain your reasoning. I myself would prefer that my opponent thinks he can beat me, simply because I can respect their confidence, their mindset, and their determination. Even if this opponent of mine is someone I know I can beat, I don't want them to be discouraged. In my specific case however, I am not at the top, so while I appreciate seeing others below me improve, I also want to see myself improve, and therefore I could show anger when it seems I am going backwards, but so far, so good.

There are extreme and semi examples which I will chose to keep to myself, obviously u aren't considering these. If u continue to ignore these, there is no point in arguing this with u.

Once again, I need some quoted examples. Might I also say that I have proven that I can be misinterpreted, therefore my intentions may be different then what people think they are, therefore I would like to explain myself if people can surface some quoted examples of what I have said.

Now for the next part of your post. Allow me to explain myself. My goal isn't money. Money is a bonus. My goal is recognition (that's the immediate goal anyways) MMs don't get me recognition, they wont get me higher on the PR, therefore they are a waste of my time honestly. Furthermore, I have access to people that I can play no sandbagging friendlies with. Also, I understand the rewards of me playing a MM, but that doesn't compare to the loss of me playing a MM (at least to me it doesn't). That is why I don't like the idea of MMing. I will only do it if I know that the odds are so in my favor that I feel I know I cant lose. I can train without MMs, and winning only gives me money, which isn't my immediate goal in this game, just a bonus.

I go to tournaments because they satisfy my goal. I don't need to win money to satisfy my goal, winning money is a bonus. I mean yeah, come on, if I could get money, and complete my goal at the same time, then that would be amazing. So what I'm trying to make you understand is that I'm not going to risk money on something that wont help me, because I'll just end up possibly losing money for nothing, however losing money for tournaments is worth it for me because like I said, it satisfies my immediate goal.

As to the final part of your post, I did accept your MM, and if I accept a MM, you know what that means. & also, I agreed to the original terms of our MM, you also asked me on MSN if u want to have people watching, and sauga commentary. If u want that then fine. That should put me at enough of a disadvantage (the biased commentary in your favor, the pressure on myself not to lose with odds such as these, etc).

no, i'll give him the opportunity of a hyped MM, I definately wont enjoy it, bu its worth 5$

I'll give it a chance, see where things go from here, and then come to a conclusion later on based on how far this meme is taken. None the less I don't think I can be blamed. I was receiving a lot of "crap" from everybody. One should be able to understand how I would snap like this.
Your goal is holding you back.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
Ok fine tinman, I understand why you dont wanna MM people that could be a gamble for you, but maybe its just me but only taking money matches you know youll win is pretty gay imo. I mean obviously I wouldnt MM allys snake or anything, but yeah whatever. also, "That should put me at enough of a disadvantage (the biased commentary in your favor, the pressure on myself not to lose with odds such as these, etc)." LOOOOOOOOOLLL you think your at a disadvantage? are you ****ing serious whatever man I can't wait to take that $5.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
ok my walls of text are done but seriously...

if you beat someone big in a MM people will notice and you will get recognized (ambrose vs. SG)
your goal being recognition is hurting you, as SG said. why?

you are playing to get noticed, not to play well.
if you play to get noticed, you will try to get noticed, and not get better.
though it follows that better players get noticed, it is also true that people who put themselves out there more get noticed more. this is you preaching your win over hype as opposed to getting better and winning again.

you ask for examples. i say they are unnecessary. if this many people think that you overstated your win, it is meaningless whether you did or didn't. the signified is of more import than the signifier in this case (and in most i would argue...poststructuralism anyone?). you made people feel that your win was the ****. it was sick no doubt. but i will tell you again that people felt like you were mad boosting yourself, regardless of what you said. so in future consider not just the words you use, but how people will react to what they think you're saying.

edit: sorry to sound so didactic, but i think this is the root of your issue. take what you want to from it.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Being confident, and legitly thinking you can beat certain people is different btw.

I'm confident about facing Ace, and if I play balls to the wall and he slips up, I could win, it's not going to be a three stock, but I could win.

I legitly think I can beat Cruxis, because I have in the past, and our matches are often too close to call.

The way you speak about other players is not indicative of confidence as you say, but smacks of legitly thinking you will beat them. Culex for example. I would bet every dollar in my pocket that he would beat you, if not blatantly beat you. And yet you legitly think you will beat him if you play.

Hype is the best example of this. You could (and possibly still can) beat his MK. But you couldn't beat his Marth. So... You could (and possibly still can) beat Culex's falcon. But that does not mean you will be able to beat the plethora of characters he has to choose from that beat people like Mikey, Nickcam, Fool, Ray Kalm, myself, Jaske and others.

I think I'm getting a little convoluted, so here's the major message. Know who you are likely to beat and who you are not likely to beat and weigh yourself. You're def an U&C Tinny, but you have a ways to go. Don't preach as though you're this top dollar brawler who no one gives any credit. Credit where credit is due sir.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
I would just like to say, What the **** is clutch? Is it a marth fair kill at 68%. God I love this thread


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
rofl wtf is this thread about

Ace was told he had horrible DI for a longgg time, lol. And he still managed to get 1st repeatedly... Its no big deal... its just a JOKE. Youre taking it overly personal lol

There was some bad DI in that match. (from both you and hype)... But you had particularly HORRIBLE DI, in a couple instances... Just laugh and move on....
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