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Hype VS. Tinman Interview/ Q&A thread

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Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
:laugh: little girl and ur rumors

I do play friendlies
I do play Mk's
I do DI
Well at ur second point that's not what i've heard from credible sources. At ur third point u do di its just the complete frame perfect opposite to the di that causes you to live. It makes me wanna cry at how bad it is. Pro insult as well.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
I credit the character, and not nick, any wario main could do that, even u gi :)
It's not just about the character, have you seen m2k DI a fresh d smash from sk92s falco on the very edge of FD at 144?

Watch it.
sorry tin, i agree with doc. it's in large part the person.

i don't know any other olimar that could di a marth fair and die at 68%.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
even me....you're cool. Wario isn't the ehaviest character in the game buddy, I just have good reflex to DI, I practiced it like crazy and just have it. One of my strengths, and I can most definitely DI with other characters...including Olimar.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
yo tin i tried to go into training mode and purposely tried to die to a marth fair at 68%. I couldnt do it. Not even if i hit the sticks the opposite way


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
yo tin i tried to go into training mode and purposely tried to die to a marth fair at 68%. I couldnt do it. Not even if i hit the sticks the opposite way
Try frame by frame, you might be able to using every hitlag frame by using QCDI and then DI Down a bit and towards.

You MIGHT reach it. Can't garantee it yo, that shiz was some crazy DI.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
even me....you're cool. Wario isn't the ehaviest character in the game buddy, I just have good reflex to DI, I practiced it like crazy and just have it. One of my strengths, and I can most definitely DI with other characters...including Olimar.
I wasnt chirping/insulting u. Its amazing how people interpret things :laugh:.

I legit think u can DI the way a wario is expected to DI, like joe said earlier, wario's momentum cancel is ridiculous, if it was all in the person, i would like to see a jigglypuff survive a utilt at 160 (is it even makes it that high :laugh:)

You won't do mms.
I only mm certain ppl ;), other wise, no, I dont mm, its like gambling to me, in which case, I would rather not potentially lose my money.

yo tin i tried to go into training mode and purposely tried to die to a marth fair at 68%. I couldnt do it. Not even if i hit the sticks the opposite way
It doesn't surprise me that Nickcam would say that. Clearly ignoring the fact the DI didn't kill me. I survived that hit, however i know that I wouldn't make it to the edge, therefore, i killed myself

Watch the video, I broke out of hit stun. After this, anyone who still believes that the DI killed me is no smarter then Nickcam.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
tinman, spittin' that frame data. Watch out Nickcam.

Forget iliad vs tinman "they're just free to me" rivalry. Nickcam and Tinman "school boy antics" rivalry is on up and comers now.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
tinman, spittin' that frame data. Watch out Nickcam.

Forget iliad vs tinman "they're just free to me" rivalry. Nickcam and Tinman "school boy antics" rivalry is on up and comers now.

You already have another rivalry to settle.

My ******* are looking forward to cging you.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
I credit the character, and not nick, any wario main could do that, even u gi :)
so this isn't a chirp...

I wasnt chirping/insulting u. Its amazing how people interpret things :laugh:.

I legit think u can DI the way a wario is expected to DI, like joe said earlier, wario's momentum cancel is ridiculous, if it was all in the person, i would like to see a jigglypuff survive a utilt at 160 (is it even makes it that high :laugh:)

I only mm certain ppl ;), other wise, no, I dont mm, its like gambling to me, in which case, I would rather not potentially lose my money.

It doesn't surprise me that Nickcam would say that. Clearly ignoring the fact the DI didn't kill me. I survived that hit, however i know that I wouldn't make it to the edge, therefore, i killed myself
so you only mm people that you think are worse than you. nice. that's pretty cold man.
also if you mm lom its not gambling, its throwing your money away. man's a beast.

and also on the note of you DI'ing to kill yourself.
i know we've been joking about it a lot and stuff but really if you had said that on the day of i'd have believed you, but since you only brought it up after the fact i gotta say..

fail is fail.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Tinman, u know if u fly off the side of the screen u die. U didnt even get out of the hitstun animation which is the saddest thing ive ever seen.
Also on the fact of my 160 uptilt di it was mad lucky and i probably could never replicate it again cause i got a frame perfect reation due to me downairing when fools was invincible and him uptilting exactly at the first hit when i was behind him (Uptilt hits behind) and me going the right way getting sent on some weird *** angle directly toward the corner. If you think thats normal then it proves the fact that u know absolutely nothing about di


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
I only mm certain ppl ;), other wise, no, I dont mm, its like gambling to me, in which case, I would rather not potentially lose my money.

So what your saying is, your admitting you'd lose to me? It's understandable.

Nickcam vs Tinman 50$ mm bo9 :)
I'll even pitch in 5$ towards It If I have to.


2:07-2:08 = Wtf?!


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
LOL I just watched the video of tinman vs hype 1
Im not even trying to rip on tinman anymore than he already is but LOL man i think that DI is even worse then mine


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
LOL I just watched the video of tinman vs hype 1
Im not even trying to rip on tinman anymore than he already is but LOL man i think that DI is even worse then mine
O ****!
There needs to be a di off between tinman and ace. Also id do that $50 mm in a heartbeat culex.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
Lmaoooo I Love This Thread Haha

btw doc ur forgetting my DI, i still remember how that diddy could never kill me at the top of the stage ;)


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
As you see tin, it seems others interpreted it the way I did to. I don't know what you mean by that.

Ok so tin is getting ***** here too much, at york he DIs pretty **** well, his DI is sometimes as good as decoys. But it isn't consistent, maybe he wasn't trying at that time or whatever. Just that set...was ridiculous don't know.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
so this isn't a chirp...
i'm serious, when I said that, it meant that whoever mains wario shud be able to survive well, it was a chirp at nickcam I suppose, Gi is the only other Wario main in canada thats gud, and I'm saying gi could do it to, therefore saying nick aint anything special, the character is, iunno how this cud be interpreted differently

so you only mm people that you think are worse than you. nice. that's pretty cold man.
also if you mm lom its not gambling, its throwing your money away. man's a beast.
w/e, its what I do, and regardless of everyone elses opinion, I take it as a gamble vs Culex

and also on the note of you DI'ing to kill yourself.
i know we've been joking about it a lot and stuff but really if you had said that on the day of i'd have believed you, but since you only brought it up after the fact i gotta say..

fail is fail.
if u watch the videos, i break the hitstun

DI so good that you can survive the hit and die simultaneously
:laugh:, that isnt DI u troll

Tinman, u know if u fly off the side of the screen u die. U didnt even get out of the hitstun animation which is the saddest thing ive ever seen.

I only mm certain ppl ;), other wise, no, I dont mm, its like gambling to me, in which case, I would rather not potentially lose my money.

So what your saying is, your admitting you'd lose to me? It's understandable.

Nickcam vs Tinman 50$ mm bo9 :)
I'll even pitch in 5$ towards It If I have to.


2:07-2:08 = Wtf?!
no and no

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
As you see tin, it seems others interpreted it the way I did to. I don't know what you mean by that.

Ok so tin is getting ***** here too much, at york he DIs pretty **** well, his DI is sometimes as good as decoys. But it isn't consistent, maybe he wasn't trying at that time or whatever. Just that set...was ridiculous don't know.
Decoy uses snake, nuff said

Edit: not a chirp on decoy (before this gets taken out of hand)

Edit2: which it already has


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
**** tinman. You are like, programmed to not realize you're being ****ing insulting.

"Any wario main can DI, even Gi" is interpreted as "It's the character not the player, even someone who's not known for good DI can do it, like Gi"

"Decoy uses snake, nuff said" is interpreted as "Decoy only has noticeably good DI because he plays snake"

like **** bro, you're being mad insulting and you don't even realize it. You need to go back to english or something.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
"They see me trolling, they hating, they tryna catch me riding dirty, tryna catching me riding dirty"



This is deliciously ironic, especially because Tin Man said to my face I wasn't a threat, then dies at 68% without even making it out of the hitstun animation.

Too good. :yoshi:


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
**** tinman. You are like, programmed to not realize you're being ****ing insulting.

"Any wario main can DI, even Gi" is interpreted as "It's the character not the player, even someone who's not known for good DI can do it, like Gi"

"Decoy uses snake, nuff said" is interpreted as "Decoy only has noticeably good DI because he plays snake"

like **** bro, you're being mad insulting and you don't even realize it. You need to go back to english or something.
And everyone dissing his DI over and over again isn't insulting?

I mean, I love all yall and you know that, you guys are like my family away from home, but I most certainly am not one to take sides.

But in this scenerio, you cannot say tinman is being insulting when all of you are insulting his DI, and if its not insulting then you're pissing him off intentionally on purpose because you know he will take it the wrong way.

So, it is indeed very hypocritical to say that he is insulting decoy or nickcams DI when they are insulting his.

So Jon, you are wrong this time bud, ttyl. :bee:


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
like **** bro, you're being mad insulting and you don't even realize it and u say stupid crap. You need to go back to english or something.
This is the main reason why the what is clutch? started in the first place. Real talk. Also doc its impossible to not make fun of tinman di as it has now officially been dubbed as the worst in the universe.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
And everyone dissing his DI over and over again isn't insulting?

I mean, I love all yall and you know that, you guys are like my family away from home, but I most certainly am not one to take sides.

But in this scenerio, you cannot say tinman is being insulting when all of you are insulting his DI, and if its not insulting then you're pissing him off intentionally on purpose because you know he will take it the wrong way.

So, it is indeed very hypocriticAL to say that he is insulting decoy or nickcams DI when they are insulting his.

So Jon, you are wrong this time bud, ttyl. :bee:
Fixed for EXTREME accuracy


Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
"They see me trolling, they hating, they tryna catch me riding dirty, tryna catching me riding dirty"



This is deliciously ironic, especially because Tin Man said to my face I wasn't a threat, then dies at 68% without even making it out of the hitstun animation.

Too good. :yoshi:
doc, ace joe, culex, etc, dont see me as threats, dont take what I said so seriously, just prove it, I called joe a pretentious ***** last time I saw him, but it was just a joke, what can I do if he doesn't see me as a threat, i'd just have to show him, but i'm not gonna go around finding opportunities to chirp them, chillax dude

btw I did break the hitstun, there is something I want to know, how u do come to the conclusion thta I didnt break the hitstun when I said myself I did, if anything I have more of a say then nickcam because I was directly invloved, therefore my say in this weighs more then his, and there is a video that even proves I broke out of the hitstun animation

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
This is the main reason why the what is clutch? started in the first place. Real talk. Also doc its impossible to not make fun of tinman di as it has now officially been dubbed as the worst in the universe.
well i guess it takes someone like you to determine when something stupid is said

ur also saying that asking "what is clutch" is a stupid question, why?

and who dubbed my DI as worst in the universe?

u? :laugh:


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
lol docs kinda right tinman obviously will take it the wrong way, but at the same time tinman just show everyone how good your DI is in tournament, I know I've been practicing my DI and im confident I will place that much higher because I won't die from stupid **** thats not supposed to kill me anymore. although, tinman you are wrong in saying "decoy uses snake, nuff said", when I play him he always usually ends up in the top corners, if it were just his character he would of died on some ****.

tinman wanna $5 mm my snake vs your rob? I start with 2 stocks on each match and you can have 3.
or my mk 1 stock vs ur rob 3 stocks ;)
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