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Hype VS. Tinman Interview/ Q&A thread

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Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Alright guys, time for a new interview to keep this thread fresh. This time we got one coming from none other then Joe "The Price" Fool :falco:

Nickcam says:
Question 1: Gimme your comments on the Directional influence used during the set by tinman

Joe says:
I think his DI was perfect, or at least it would be if his sticks were turned 180 degrees.
You know, like up instead of down.

Nickcam says:
So kinda like full circle di

Joe says:
I don't know what kind of DI he was attempting, but he definently acheived something spectacular.I couldn't DI that wrong if I tried.

Nickcam says:
Definitely. Okay question 2: Who did you predict was gonna win the set, and how good is tinman at blind select

Joe says:
I was pretty confident that hobbs was gonna win, since I knew of his plan to cp with marth, but the fair kill at 68% pretty much sealed the deal for me.As for the blind selecting, my theory is that blind character selection has to do with clutch, since Tinman seems to have completely no idea what it is.

Nickcam says:
Wow good connection, i never thought of it like that. So in summary, no clutch, no di, no idea what blind select is.Alright lets jump to the next question: Hype's di wasn't so godlike during the set, Do you think that was cause of his nervousness or cause of the z-axis

Joe says:
Well Hobbs had earplugs on so he has no crowd related johns, leaving only the z-axis to be the cause of his weak DI. I actually think that he didn't abuse the z-axis enough. Iliad has proved to us that constant down dodging is a very pro technique; If Hobbs used the z-axis as well as Iliad does, maybe his DI would have been better.

Nickcam says:
On the subject of iliad Question 4: Who do u think will win, iliad a.k.a Mr. Mother ****ing tippz son or Tinman a.k.a Mr. What is clutch

Joe says:
I think that the match would go something like this: Iliad down dodges 10x in a row, while Tinman stands beside him spamming, but constantly missing fsmash. Then, with his perfect spacing, Iliad will tipper Tinman, who ends up perfectly DIing down and away from the stage, dying at 0%. This same thing happens 6 times in a row, and Iliad will win with 2 jv4's. You can quote me on that.

Nickcam says:
Okay final question: What is your own personal definition of clutch

Joe says:
Clutch is when you pull off an amazing 0 - 50% combo, like dthrow to dthrow to dthrow to dthrow to dthrow to dthrow.


Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
hmmm, i would think people would understand what happened after reading my interview, but joe still answered questions the way he did

how do u get the fact that i don't know what a double blind pic is, i asked hype to do so, and he refused, and nickcam told us to start the match?

also here are some conflicting ideas, i know what clutch is, prove to me that i dont (meaning that u have to prove on a knowledge basis that I dont know what it is, not a performance basis, cause i know what all yall bast@rds are gonna use) prove to me that I cant define it, if i cant show it, doesnt mean i don't know what it is, and how does it make sense that players worse then me know what it is?

if u can find 2 other recent sets where i had bad, then I'll admit to having bad DI, otherwise, if it happened in 1 set, its not enough to influence a whole thing where I automatically have awful DI

and finally, its not that I didnt want to fight hype at all, just not that early, if I lost to him later on, then it would have been fine with me.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Tin Man, I'd take the bad DI as a compliment of sorts. If you have terribad DI and still managed to place 4th at Powns and have close matches with players, well, that speaks volumes about your game. Work on your DI and **** **** harder for next time. Then will you finally understand "What is Clutch?"
baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
LOL tinman takes lanowen's statement as an excuse to not find clutch. Pretty dam pro. Anyways tinman i dunno what to tell you, you either know clutch or u dont. It's clear by trying to prove u know clutch that u actually have no clue what it is. Clutch is godlike but getting mad over not knowing what it is a freakin hillarious.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
LOL tinman takes lanowen's statement as an excuse to not find clutch.
no I dont, get better interpretation skills

Pretty dam pro. Anyways tinman i dunno what to tell you, you either know clutch or u dont. It's clear by trying to prove u know clutch that u actually have no clue what it is.
how did i try to prove that I know clutch?

Clutch is godlike but getting mad over not knowing what it is a freakin hillarious.
this is where the flaw in ur intelligence really shows, because u simply dont understand that i know what clutch is


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005

Nickcam says:
Okay final question: What is your own personal definition of clutch

Joe says:
Clutch is when you pull off an amazing 0 - 50% combo, like dthrow to dthrow to dthrow to dthrow to dthrow to dthrow.

Wow, I pull that combo off like every game. Does this mean I'm clutch O.o


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Yo tin man ur mad funny even though ur probably not trying to be. Sorry man, I dunno if you'll ever find clutch. Also swordguard beating ally in a set is pretty clutch....


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Yo tin man ur mad funny even though ur probably not trying to be. Sorry man, I dunno if you'll ever find clutch. Also swordguard beating ally in a set is pretty clutch....

Nope, the only time il be clutch is if i win both lbt and bisb nan, I have yet to be clutch.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Yo tin man ur mad funny even though ur probably not trying to be. Sorry man, I dunno if you'll ever find clutch. Also swordguard beating ally in a set is pretty clutch....
I c. No point in arguing with someone so ignorant and so delusional, talk to me again when u smarten up.

no, because you need two people to do it. not clutch.
joe does it with one bird.
Yannick can do it with 1 ******


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Tin man, ur in denial. Theres like clinics and places you could go to help you find clutch. Its okay if u need help, you'll figure it out eventually.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
I was once like you Tinman. It was tough but all you need to do is accept you don't know clutch. Only then will things start to look up for you.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Tin man, ur in denial. Theres like clinics and places you could go to help you find clutch. Its okay if u need help, you'll figure it out eventually.
I was once like you Tinman. It was tough but all you need to do is accept you don't know clutch. Only then will things start to look up for you.
I c. No point in arguing with someone so ignorant and so delusional, talk to me again when u smarten up.
man, I shouldnt have even hoped for u guys to smarten up, at this rate looks like there is no hope for the both of u.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Lol tinman you really want me to explain why you played hype so early? Its because hype ****ed up and got 2nd seed in his pool, whereas you were a first seeder. IIRC you were one of the weaker first seeds compared to the rest, so naturally we cant put hype who got 2nd seed vs a strong 1st seeder, even though we could. so thats why it happened, if i had put hype vs a stronger 1st seed then there would of been more complaints coming.
Phil, I 2-0'd every single person in my pool and had to fight hype in winners quarters, just a thought to reflect on.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Helping tinman find clutch part 1.Tinman, cheer up bro, I went from having the 2nd WORST DI (next to kingace, or maybe even tied), to having top 7 DI in ALL of Canada and everyone here will agree.

I also single handedly take people on 2 vs 1 or 3 vs 1 and end up WINNING, I went from placing top 3 with no first placings ever for my first 5 months to getting 8 straight first place finishes.

I get owned by joe in winners finals, basically clutch abandoned me, so I had to go outside and find it again, no seriously I did, and guess what? I 3-0'd kingace in LFS with a 3 stock, and 3-1 joe first set of GFS and 3-0 2nd set.

I went from rank 6, to 3, to 2, to 1 in my first 4 updates on the PR.

I beat Ambrose 3 sets to 1 back when I didn't know what a "mindgame" was

Oh, one more thing, I'm the first African American to be first on the GTA pr in history..

Now that is clutch... Wasn't that hard to find, Sauga, PND, and Iliad helped me find it btw :)


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
I'm the first African American to be first on the GTA pr in history..
I have a dream that my four little children will one day brawl in a region where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character...oh wait.

that top 5 needs 5 straight mks down the line

nate copy paste this

SilverDoc :metaknight: + various
Kingace :metaknight:
Toronto Joe :metaknight:
Hype :metaknight:
Mikey :metaknight: + various
Cruxis :snake:
Nickcam :wario:
Culex various
Raidos ICs
Fool :falco:


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I have a dream that my four little children will one day brawl in a region where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character...oh wait.

lolololol, too good hype.

Doc is clutch, that is for sure. Now the question is just how clutch is he? Enough to beat ally? This is what we shall see at LBT : )

EDIT: Talking about character content, I was looking at some old GTA posts and i just realized something
This EXACTLY. Back home from Niagara, I felt like just dropping Brawl altogether, ask Hype, Fool, Nick about my 30 minute long rant (all this while looking for more drink at McDonalds), and its because of these MKs. HES SO BROKEN, holy crap. After Kingace and Ambrose in teams, Nick turned to me and said, we're done in teams, we can't beat double MK, and I knew I had just played the best I would ever play in teams...didn't really feel like playing Brawl for the rest of the day after that

Teams was my favorite part of the day for Brawl tournies, I'd go there, have lots of fun, then just chill out in singles, do whatever, etc. Now, its like ok, teams pisses me off, then when I go to singles EVEN MORE MKs

This is what happens when people pick up MK:
1) hes better than your original main - THIS INCLUDES ME. MY MK IS BETTER THAN MY MARTH OR DEDEDE, and I don't even play this character.
2) easy wins because he has unlimited tools and can counter every character. Yes, you didn't read that wrong.
3) you go from average player to ****

People pick up MK, then all of a sudden theyre contending with me, from a once close, fun set to a Marth vs MK rapefest.

Disgusting. He's too good. Sad to see this once great, diverse scene dying because of MK
Tinman should go MK just like mikey. Apparently it helps you find what is clutch.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
I dunno about top 7 di in canada lol ; )

Oh and Rae was first black guy on pr lol

everything else pretty clutch though lol

edit: just out of curiosity who are these top 6 lol because myself, nick, fool, carter all ridiculous di lol


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
I dunno about top 7 di in canada lol ; )

Oh and Rae was first black guy on pr lol

everything else pretty clutch though lol

edit: just out of curiosity who are these top 6 lol because myself, nick, fool, carter all ridiculous di lol
Ally, Mikey, Nickcam, PND, SG, Fool/Doc, Decoy/Hype

Are you like... Asking me to prove my DI is worthy to you?, cause' I will ^.^ <3

And to be COMPLETELY honest, and I know I'll get flamed for this, my DI is sometimes on par with nickcam, and usually above SG and fool, in fact, SG has fantastic SDI, but DI I think he's actually below fool and I, we live till like 160 + with light characters, nickcam lives till ridiculously long with heavies, as does mikey/ Ally, but top 3 is pretty clinched for now, I believe I'm 4th, 5th, or 6th and I'll prove it.
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