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Hype VS. Tinman Interview/ Q&A thread

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Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Your goal is holding you back.
ok my walls of text are done but seriously...

if you beat someone big in a MM people will notice and you will get recognized (ambrose vs. SG)
your goal being recognition is hurting you, as SG said. why?

you are playing to get noticed, not to play well.
if you play to get noticed, you will try to get noticed, and not get better.
though it follows that better players get noticed, it is also true that people who put themselves out there more get noticed more. this is you preaching your win over hype as opposed to getting better and winning again.

you ask for examples. i say they are unnecessary. if this many people think that you overstated your win, it is meaningless whether you did or didn't. the signified is of more import than the signifier in this case (and in most i would argue...poststructuralism anyone?). you made people feel that your win was the ****. it was sick no doubt. but i will tell you again that people felt like you were mad boosting yourself, regardless of what you said. so in future consider not just the words you use, but how people will react to what they think you're saying.

edit: sorry to sound so didactic, but i think this is the root of your issue. take what you want to from it.
I've been misunderstood again. If I wanted to be known, I could just stop playing right now. Let me also say that I want to be good. It may sound corny but I want to be the very best.

tin alot of people think you have potential, but you have to realize how hilarious it is to die to a 68% marth fair
Ok fine tinman, I understand why you dont wanna MM people that could be a gamble for you, but maybe its just me but only taking money matches you know youll win is pretty gay imo. I mean obviously I wouldnt MM allys snake or anything, but yeah whatever. also, "That should put me at enough of a disadvantage (the biased commentary in your favor, the pressure on myself not to lose with odds such as these, etc)." LOOOOOOOOOLLL you think your at a disadvantage? are you ****ing serious whatever man I can't wait to take that $5.
You could never really tell how much those factors affect me

That being said, I dont think I am at a disadvantage.

As for me MMing people that are worse then me, fine, I'll take that hit.

Is there anything else I can clear up for u?

Being confident, and legitly thinking you can beat certain people is different btw.

I'm confident about facing Ace, and if I play balls to the wall and he slips up, I could win, it's not going to be a three stock, but I could win.

I legitly think I can beat Cruxis, because I have in the past, and our matches are often too close to call.

The way you speak about other players is not indicative of confidence as you say, but smacks of legitly thinking you will beat them. Culex for example. I would bet every dollar in my pocket that he would beat you, if not blatantly beat you. And yet you legitly think you will beat him if you play.

Hype is the best example of this. You could (and possibly still can) beat his MK. But you couldn't beat his Marth. So... You could (and possibly still can) beat Culex's falcon. But that does not mean you will be able to beat the plethora of characters he has to choose from that beat people like Mikey, Nickcam, Fool, Ray Kalm, myself, Jaske and others.

I think I'm getting a little convoluted, so here's the major message. Know who you are likely to beat and who you are not likely to beat and weigh yourself. You're def an U&C Tinny, but you have a ways to go. Don't preach as though you're this top dollar brawler who no one gives any credit. Credit where credit is due sir.
I really, honestly have a lot of trouble seeing my ego. I don't feel like I did anything wrong. Can someone please offer me quoted proof so that I may have a chance to put some input here. I'm most likely misunderstood once again.

Whats wrong with believing I can beat culex? I don't see the problem with this. I'm just a boy with an ambition/dream/goal

Tin man, wanna MM? :D

brawl ofc, $5 bo3?
why are you offering me this?


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Go, go power rangers! (*Guitar rift*). Go Go power rangers, Mighty morphin power rangerrrrs!


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Iliad, JustNoOne, and Warchamp ruined it by posting more then 1 line of the song
Yo tinman do u gotta ruin everything with ur blatantly obvious posts. Jesus, what is clutch? And legit no one knows the words to the dk rap.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Yo tinman do u gotta ruin everything with ur blatantly obvious posts. Jesus, what is clutch? And legit no one knows the words to the dk rap.
lol it was ruined already, everybody knew, it was so obvious :p

What's irony?
like I said, it was ruined already ;)

Shut up.

PS. Shut up.
just statin the facts :laugh:


^Rare footage of Tinman getting hit by Hype's fair IRL.
someone likes failblog, but that video was :lol:
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