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Q&A How to Wreck *****es with Ganon?- Linguini Q&A Thread


Smash Champion
Oct 25, 2007
Miami, FL (Ives Dairy)
Fair enough. =] haha.

So I'm not sure if anyone's discussed edge-cancelled aerials yet.

I don't see a lot of Ganons try them (probably because they're highly situational), but they look fierce. I guess I'm just curious to know if anyone has found any decent applications for them. =]

My only contribution in that regard would be that I've had marginal success with edge-cancelling a fair or dair on the the edge of the stage (or outside platform depending on the stage) and following up with another aerial to edge guard. I hope there's some viability to this and that I don't come across as a scrub. haha. =]
It's very situational like you said, but I've done it on seldom occasions where I'd dair on top of the platform, then PC into a uair.

Bizzarro Flame

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2005
San Francisco
edge-cancelled aerials should work best on yoshi's story where the platform height is the lowest out of all neutral stages.

i use edge-cancelled d-air on the left or right platform to a reverse up-air (which jab resets) then a f-tilt on falcons and furries.

i also double edge-cancelled my u-airs on mango's falcon to edgeguard him (making it a total of three reverse up-airs in less than a second) in a tournament. you can also edge-cancel your reverse u-airs into a ledge grab to cover all options when you're unsure for some reason.

edge-cancels are too much fun


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
stare at him. watch him come. retreating fair.

stare at him. watch him dash dance. perfect waveland ftilt.

stare at him. get on a platform. drop down/runoff bair/uair.

if he gets on on a platform, don't let him off without a bair/uair.

stare at him, watch him nair, powershield grab techchase (my techchase of choice is dair, after you understand their patterns)

this is my renewed view of the fox matchup. i now put up decent fights against the likes of pp's little brother, twitch. i didn't get to play pp at last weeks tourney though.


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2008
Saint Louis, MO
stare at him. watch him come. retreating fair.

stare at him. watch him dash dance. perfect waveland ftilt.

stare at him. get on a platform. drop down/runoff bair/uair.

if he gets on on a platform, don't let him off without a bair/uair.

stare at him, watch him nair, powershield grab techchase (my techchase of choice is dair, after you understand their patterns)

this is my renewed view of the fox matchup. i now put up decent fights against the likes of pp's little brother, twitch. i didn't get to play pp at last weeks tourney though.
I can't do a perfect waveland out of SHFF =(

I practiced for days but it's just too hard.

And it's tough to consistently powershield grab. I feel he can follow up any shielded aerial with a shine.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
buffer your roll through with the cstick. it gets you out of most shield pressure. if they're persistent/overaggressive, then they'll probably try to nair you after you roll. you should have time to do a runaway bair to prevent that.

as its been found, if you have to, double jump before the waveland. it makes it significantly easier for the waveland. the only drawback is, if the fox sees this, you won't have your double jump if they run in and uair you. and then they'll combo you.

if you see the nair coming, it takes some purposeful getting used to, but its possible to get consistent. its usually better to try to err on the side of caution. too early, and you just have yourself in a shield pressure situation that you have to buffer the roll out of. but too late, and you end up getting nair waveshined usmash uair or something along those lines.

i only roll with the cstick and shield now. sometimes its funny, cuz it causes me to fsmash at oddly opportune times when i mess up.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2003
Close to Trenton, NJ Posts: 4,071
It's also a little easier to waveland if you do the backwards jump animation when SHFFing it. You only need to tilt a tiny bit backwards to get it so if you want you can still do the backflip jump while moving forward.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
lol i was gonna post that too, when i thought about it at work.

i feel like the hardness is something like

double jump forward waveland back
double jump forward waveland forward
single jump back waveland forward
single jump forward waveland back
single jump backwards waveland forward
single jump back waveland back
single jump forward waveland forward

i never really find myself wavelanding on the ground after using my second jump backwards. usually that involves a retreating fair, or a platform waveland.


Smash Ace
Jan 25, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Weird. I always feel better at wavelanding with the front jump animation, u know, when dorf starts kind of like rolling in the air. In backflip animation, i sometimes get the timing messed up even still.

And also imo, I feel its harder to do full single jump wavelands, opposed to short hop wavelands, even though there is less time to do the waveland.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
oh, my list was easiest to hardest. so the front double jump is the rolling animation, the easiest.

and yeah, a fullhop waveland does feel harder for me as well. its just a weirder timing cuz you have to fastfall more, so a normal quarter circle doesn't really work quite right.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2007
Just wanna let you guys know, most of my crew from north florida came to my house a couple days ago. I ***** everyone but the spacies, and i went even with the marth. I tried my hardest to make walls with my fairs and what not. This post has def updated my ganon metagame. Now i think the only thing i have left to do is to watch about an hour worth of vids of linguini and his likes ****** falco and fox. And I only lost a handful of times when i played gannon in doubles.

Also i pulled off a ledge hop uair. so F*CK WIT ME! LOL


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
unfortunately i'm not goin to APEX. wish i was though. TO6 is gonna be my first national too. HERB3 was the biggest thing i've been to so far. watchin pp eff up hbox live was pretty awesome. still wish i wasn't like the one ganon main there though...

kage, you better rep ganon well at APEX. i know you will man. you got this!


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2010
I wish I could go to some of these bigger tourneys just for the experience. =[

I've only been to two small tourneys in Nebraska and my last one was over two years ago. haha. Our scene is getting close to being dead.


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2010
I'd already have enough to travel it's just tough for me with college. haha.

I'll have to see though... maybe I could make it. That'd be sick. =]


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2007
glad the ganon boards could help u bro.

hope to see u at a tourney someday. Tipped Off 6???

That would be about a 6 hour drive for me, but i might be able to go to this. I gotta check and see who would be willing to go with me. That'd be right around midterms for most of my crew.


Smash Champion
Oct 25, 2007
Miami, FL (Ives Dairy)
I need to understand of fighting shieks? Whenever I get an edge guard, but I do something simplistic like grab the ledge and force a recovery onstage. Her up-b seems to always hit me, or I'll roll away but she'll have enough time to go straight up and I can't make it back to her to punish her. Also when is crouch cancel d-tilt safe? I seem to get countered with a uptilt then grab and that's never pleasant, especially since the ***** can just chaingrab.

Marth and Shiek seem to be my bane matches. Just can't do it. lol I wanna use Ganon and not have to rely on my Marth for those two match ups.

Bizzarro Flame

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2005
San Francisco
i don't think you are timing your regular get-up from the ledge correctly.

crouch cancel d-tilt should be safe below 30-40%. anywhere above that is asking to get ***** since you either plop straight to the ground or get lifted up.

speaking of regular get-up... is anyone having the problem of accidently ledge-jumping when you flick your control stick up? this has been annoying me and has been costing my matches against sheiks (m2king makes me sad face).


Smash Champion
Oct 25, 2007
Miami, FL (Ives Dairy)
i don't think you are timing your regular get-up from the ledge correctly.

crouch cancel d-tilt should be safe below 30-40%. anywhere above that is asking to get ***** since you either plop straight to the ground or get lifted up.

speaking of regular get-up... is anyone having the problem of accidently ledge-jumping when you flick your control stick up? this has been annoying me and has been costing my matches against sheiks (m2king makes me sad face).
Yeah I've been doing that alot lately, just gotta chill and adjust your fingers make sure you're doing the (quarter circle motion while holding a down) to get up safety on the ledge.


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
I need a little bit of help with a match-up, so I figure this would be the thread to ask it in. This is my first time posting here in a Melee board since I don't usually ask questions on how to solve problems, I tend to want to solve it myself. But I figure a little advice from better players doesn't hurt.

I'm having trouble with the Falcon matchup. A friend of mine mains him and I can't seem to win. Our matches are always close (usually down to the last stock), but I can't seem to take a win. I'm having trouble in particular with his nairs, is there a solid way to stop his nair approach? I usually jab but I find that it doesn't always seem to work. Shielding usually leads to me getting grabbed.

One other thing, what's the best way to DI when you're getting combo'd by him? I usually DI up/away when I'm getting aerials thrown at me, which seems to work most of the time, and I mix it up when I get a down throw or up throw. This seems to work but I'm wondering if there's actually a better way? Just thought I'd ask.

Those are specific problems I'm having against Falcon. Any other tips would be appreciated as well, of course (although I could just look at the match-up thread).



Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
down and away is usually better against those uair combos. as for the nair approach, cc jab is useful, as well as a solid retreating fair. bair and uair also beat the nair, but you have to know its really coming or else he can run in and grab. up angled ftilt also hits him out of the air, but for me, its hard to use.


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
Thanks for the help. I have tried ftilt before but I found it a little bit too slow when compared to the jab. CC'ing seems like a good option, I always tried to interrupt his nair. I'll give your other suggestions a try next time I play against him, thanks.



Feral Youth
Sep 27, 2006
Cbus, Ohio
The only thing I can imagine is you were beginning the up-b TELEPORT GRAB on DK as he grabbed the edge / became invulnerable so it just reset, kinda like when two people grab each other, but completely different.

or maybe we just couldnt see you edge cancel your up b because of DKs fat *** :O

Bizzarro Flame

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2005
San Francisco
i heard ganon grab the ledge though since only ganon makes a weird loud sound when he ledge grabs.

my answer would be that one of Mexican's up-b hitboxes phantom'd me. then i grabbed the ledge with my own up-b, and i let go of ledge within a few frames.
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