Interesting. I haven't been able to waveland out of anything other than a rapid jab (yet), but I could see it being extremely useful in some situations.
EDIT: Also, I don't think I've remembered how to play smart yet. I'm just running up to people and taking advantage of my speed (L-cancelling and wavedashing) and Ganon's range. It worked against the scrubs and my high school, but I actually need to play smart (e.g. Spacing, not just running forward and attacking, etc) against him. It's taking me a while to get back into the habit of doing that, for some reason.
Also, my Uair shouldn't be trading with Link's Nair, right? I'm fairly certain I'm screwing up the spacing on that, but just thought I'd double check.
Also, that Samus player definitely doesn't know much about Ganon, despite considering Ganon one of his best characters (The recording shows one Ganon ditto, during which I get a two-stock lead, become overconfident and fail at the rest of the game. Usually our dittos are like that, except without the overconfident part, and me winning easily). He believes BF and YS are absolutely terrible stages for Ganon, while FD is amazing (especially against Samus). He also believes that the movement of platforms on FoD has absolutely no influence on Ganon or the game in general. Obviously, I disagree with pretty much all of this.