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Q&A How to Wreck *****es with Ganon?- Linguini Q&A Thread


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Well I hope I made you all happy. Ganondorf is far from being the best killing machine ever. In the sense that, there's still things that can be done better or upgraded.

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
You made me very happy. But it makes me want to be better than you, seeing you beat kels the way you did. I'm going to be nomading it up hardcore since CFL can't provide the required training. Montreal, Atlanta, Miami, and New York are on my future itinerary.

But first, a job is needed...


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2011
Champaign, Il. Chicago in summer.
There are still things kage is doing better than any of us. His platform drop throughs really are impressive.

Edit: and the pleasure was mine good sir. Hopefully me, pp, and the crew will head back up to the big house 2. Hope you can make it also.
I'm going dude, for sure. Maybe heading up with bert and jackmaster, heard you guys had a good time at FC.

God, pp would molest me witth falco...



Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
He's already touched me gently in fox dittos earlier today. And classes haven't even started...

Its gonna be a long year lol.

And indeed, a good time was had. So good I got dqed out of project m singles lol. But it was worth it.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
I really want to play melee, but League of Legends has consumed everyone that used to play melee here. I'm ready for online melee to come out so I can play all you guys.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
I literally have no idea what league is, although my guess is that it's like world of warcraft. I don't ever really play video games but melee and occasionally quake 2 on the comp.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Quake, too? Dave why are you so perfect?

Ganondorf mains are the best.
I rather prefer RPG's myself. I pretty much only play melee and classic RPG's that I grew up on. The RPG's that come out today are pretty much crap imo, besides Xenoblade Chronicles which btw is AMAZING.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
quake 2 is like the melee of 3d shooters. you have so much agility. Strafe jumping almost reminds of wavedashing, although it is a tad more essential to strafe jump in quake (3x your run speed). And its so old any comp can play it lightning fast.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
I have actually never played UT or CS but know what they are. I am terribly unfamiliar as far as first-hand experience. I just played 2 ffa games in q2 (first to 30 frags) and got accused of hacking the second match lmao. *****. But yeah like joe said my brother is beyond good at q2.

edit: no, don't know CAL.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Jesse is incredible at quake.

Also, I'm with you, GV. Chrono Trigger ftw.

Possibly the best RPG of all time. Final Fantasy 3 aka 6 is amazing as well. FF2 aka 4, Lufia 2, Phantasy Star, Legend of Dragoon...I could go on.

But if you are into RPGs and have not played Xenoblade...I highly highly recommend it. It's the best RPG I have played since Final Fantasy 10.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Damn, tight. With an antartica connection, too. Drossy and/or Dave let's 1v1 sometime if you play quake live!
Usually he pings like 40, either that was on an eastern EU server or something was really up with the connection that day. But good god, that is the best air rocket I've ever seen... to predict when/where your opponent will jump, predict exactly when he will be where you're aiming (no jump sound, he just ran off), and he had already been falling for a while so his fall speed was significantly increased... on that ping. WTF.

I have never played quake live but Jesse would play you sometime. Maybe one day I'll install it but I'm basically anti-new video games lol. When I want to play something i go for melee or q2.


Jesse created the name "Dorsey" because of an old homeless guy named Dorsey that lived in (not kidding) a Teepee in our neighbors yard. At one point he lived in a hearse. Lmao I'm hot kidding. It's a good thing there were trees blocking our view hahha


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
I'll go on the condition that I somehow learn to play doubles


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Random, but... I recall talking to pseudoturtle about the falco matchup... and I told him the best thing to do vs falco when you are shined, especially if you are hit by the back of his shine, is DI behind falco. Just eat the bair (which is surely coming) and DI it properly so you can get the edge (or possibly land on stage) safely. Does everyone do this? I have for a while and I think you should. DI'ing in front of falco often paves the way for ABC combo death lol


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
Now that you've all seen how good Kage's Ganon is, you should watch http://youtu.be/iO6AyN2RC2s in 55 minutes (When it finishes processing) to see how bad my Ganon is. And tell me how badly I'm screwing up against Samus.
if you were playing seriously(i can't tell), then you really need some work with the basics man. Several patterns even in the first 10-15 mins of you doing the wrong thing again and again... bthrow when you should have dthrowed(giving up kills in the process), your nonFF'd full jump fairs are predictable EVEN for those dudes you were playing lol(giving up kills). You need to react more with ganon's fast aerials(front hitbox of his uair, and bair, spaced and FF'd when needed reacting to options[see samus airdodging through your fair repeatedly]....and actually approach at the right time). If you're not confident with spacing the reverse uair(the EDDIE) with ganon, then don't do it yet(and don't give up a kill). Just space a bair off-stage, or just dair them. Speaking of which, if I was playing some people new to smash I would be dairing them off-stage with ganon probably every stock. That NEEDS to be fun to you.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
if you were playing seriously(i can't tell), then you really need some work with the basics man. Several patterns even in the first 10-15 mins of you doing the wrong thing again and again... bthrow when you should have dthrowed(giving up kills in the process), your nonFF'd full jump fairs are predictable EVEN for those dudes you were playing lol(giving up kills). You need to react more with ganon's fast aerials(front hitbox of his uair, and bair, spaced and FF'd when needed reacting to options[see samus airdodging through your fair repeatedly]....and actually approach at the right time). If you're not confident with spacing the reverse uair(the tipman) with ganon, then don't do it yet(and don't give up a kill). Just space a bair off-stage, or just dair them. Speaking of which, if I was playing some people new to smash I would be dairing them off-stage with ganon probably every stock. That NEEDS to be fun to you.
Yeah, I was playing seriously. I just haven't played in the past few months, so I'm messing up basic stuff. Like missing a few wavelands/L-cancels, and hitting the Cstick the wrong way on a Throw. Some of what you mentioned I'd noticed myself, but hadn't worked out how to fix yet (e.g. Samus air-dodging through my Fair). I'm confident with my Uair spacing (or at least, I used to be), but have no clue how to edgeguard Samus. Also, the Samus player isn't new to Smash. He's been playing for a few years.

Thanks a lot for the advice.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
raph: my bad if the are 'you playing seriously' thing came off harsh haha. But I really wasn't sure. I mean I try in like.... 1/10 of my smash matches maybe(but I'm still not really missing the 'basic' examples i listed above). flashy/fun things in smash and even l-cancels/wavelands(etc./etc.) that you just mentioned, are only truly useful if they're a part of good habits. of course you don't want to miss an l-cancel or a waveland as ganon, but you're likely putting a little too much emphasis on that(this is something i've picked up from your past posts too). the air dodge through your fair is apparent, he is reacting to the fact that you're going to wait until he is typical full jump fair height for ganon and then he's just going to air dodge through it..because he knows that you aren't going to try to bait the obvious air dodge, and that you're going to keep using ganon's slowest aerial without FF(i'm sure he doesn't "know" that, he just knows it's working). In your specific scenario, that samus doesn't know the safe distance to stay while off-stage v. ganon. Some situations you could have just jumped off stage with a uair or bair and likely caught him off guard or a drop zone aerial(you need to do these things anyway if you want him to improve also).

as for the samus not being new, I stand corrected. I meant people playing like they are new to smash ;) ...

what kage said is applicable on any samus, but not necessary on the one in the vid.

haha @ eddie spike... sorry, I'll change it.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
I don't think it came off as harsh. If I hadn't been the one playing, I'd look at those videos and wonder if I was playing seriously.

I agree that I'm placing too much emphasis on that stuff. It's something I'd picked up on as well, and I think it's fairly obvious when watching myself play. I rely too much on those two techniques and not enough on spacing, reads, etc.

I'll try to stop doing the Fair so predictably. The problem I have is I keep forgetting air dodge is an option, which is something I really shouldn't do.

Drop zone is where I just run off the stage and do an aerial, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe I can only Uair and Bair that way. Uair should be good for this situation, though.

I agree that he plays like he's new. Not like a scrub, but like he's new. With a bit of work I shouldn't have any trouble beating him.
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