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Q&A How to Wreck *****es with Ganon?- Linguini Q&A Thread


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
Me and jason play purpledorf, and g. Vice plays brownondorf. Dunno where the blue is at.

On that note zane, I had spaceballs compare us while we were playing. If nothing else, you certainly know how to fight him better than I do. They were just fun friendlies, and he noted how its hard to compare waveland heavy ganons like you, me, and jason, but he also said you hold the edge in their matches, which I definitely did not lol. We didn't do a ton of ganon/samus though cuz we were mostly goofing off, but even in the matches I was playing to learn what he was up to, he held the advantage.

We gotta play someday man.

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
Me and jason play purpledorf, and g. Vice plays brownondorf. Dunno where the blue is at.

On that note zane, I had spaceballs compare us while we were playing. If nothing else, you certainly know how to fight him better than I do. They were just fun friendlies, and he noted how its hard to compare waveland heavy ganons like you, me, and jason, but he also said you hold the edge in their matches, which I definitely did not lol. We didn't do a ton of ganon/samus though cuz we were mostly goofing off, but even in the matches I was playing to learn what he was up to, he held the advantage.

We gotta play someday man.
I've played Jack alot, so I guess I'm pretty good vs Samus, and against him. He said you did some interesting tricks. I definitely wanna play you as well bro. Jack's better than me overall without a doubt, I just have a habit of holding an advantage in our matches. I dunno, it's kinda like how Chamberlin does to me.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
That's only until I get good. I'll define a whole new generation of purple ganon mains. Then I'll become really good, and ditch Ganon to start winning international tournaments with Yellow Kirby. Then I'll be like Chris, and realize I'm truly a Ganon main, and go back to being the King of Purpleness.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
looshkin go to FC.

we need more ganons for the takeover.
I wish I could attend FC, due to the recent trip to PA and brothers wedding and what not. The amount of money I have is negative and then some. I however can say I have been playing on and off with pittsburgh and its great to see so many new faces and young blood in the community.


Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2010
Saskatoon, SK
Since we're on the topic of colours I'd like to say I'm the only Red Ganon. Also that sucks to hear Eikelmann, who was in your pool?


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2011
Champaign, Il. Chicago in summer.
You know Looshkin? How is this possible? I played Loosh at a tourney about a year ago. Yeah I think he's still playing here and there. He caught my eye in team friendlies for sure.
Looshkin is an absolute MONSTER in teams. And in crew battles.

He usually beats me 1 on 1 as well, but not as bad as trail haha.
Nick, don't you play mostly falco now?

I wish I could attend FC, due to the recent trip to PA and brothers wedding and what not. The amount of money I have is negative and then some. I however can say I have been playing on and off with pittsburgh and its great to see so many new faces and young blood in the community.
Renth, if you find a way to come to FC, you are welcome to stay at my house. Battlecow will be happy to see you I'm sure. We need another blue ganon as it is.

Also, Geen: Jim/Pyrostormer plays red I think.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
The general level of Melee is much higher than before, you have to surpass these people if you want to do good! ;)

If there was Rainbow Ganon, I'd probably play him, combined all styles together ftw.


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2011
Champaign, Il. Chicago in summer.
The general level of Melee is much higher than before, you have to surpass these people if you want to do good! ;)

If there was Rainbow Ganon, I'd probably play him, combined all styles together ftw.
I see a texture hack in the near future...

On a semi-related style note, I'm really curious as to see what my style will be when I get good. Smooth like G. Vice and Renth? Fast like Linguini (who posted like twice and then fell off the face of the earth again lol) and Spidey? Or a bunch of hard reads like Kage and Trail?

I wonder... maybe ALL of them combined. Super ganon.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
If I was doing wavedash-Jab right at the beginning, does that mean my style is based around Ganon's jab?

It probably isn't, given that my style seems to work as effectively on Kirby as it does on Ganon.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Renth, if you find a way to come to FC, you are welcome to stay at my house. Battlecow will be happy to see you I'm sure. We need another blue ganon as it is.

Also, Geen: Jim/Pyrostormer plays red I think.

If you guarantee housing.

I will guarantee my attendance.

assuming you live close to the venue ect.ect.


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2011
Champaign, Il. Chicago in summer.
If you guarantee housing.

I will guarantee my attendance.

assuming you live close to the venue ect.ect.
Really? I'd really like to play you! Hmmm... I can guarantee you free housing only the night before. Unfortunately, I live a little less than 2 hours away, so it's good for a one-time drive, but not really doable once in the morning, then once at night for 3 days.

The plan is that me, eikelmann (whom you know very well), kage, and ripple are sharing a room at $70 a night for 2 nights. If you joined in (and the rooms fit 4, so that's like 6 in smash talk), it would be $28 total per person plus food, tournament fees, etc.

I know money's tight, and this isn't exactly optimal, but I'm guaranteeing free food and housing (and beer and whatever else we may need) the night before. Just think it through man, we'd love to have you. If not, that's totally understandable. But there's gonna be a lot of us ganons there!


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
I'll be coming with Pittsburgh smash scene who were planning on going straight to the venue and getting a place at the hotel with Ohio players. If you live 2ish hours away I think I'll just roll with them and sleep on the floor w/e


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2011
Champaign, Il. Chicago in summer.
I'll be coming with Pittsburgh smash scene who were planning on going straight to the venue and getting a place at the hotel with Ohio players. If you live 2ish hours away I think I'll just roll with them and sleep on the floor w/e
Can't say I'm not disappointed, but honestly that seems like a better plan. I live in Chicago, so it would be an extra 2 hours out of your way.

No worries, man. At least you're going, right? We'll play at the hotel then for sure. Just note that, as a ganondorf main, you will be required to stop into the ganondorf + ripple room at least once.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Can't say I'm not disappointed, but honestly that seems like a better plan. I live in Chicago, so it would be an extra 4 hours out of your way.

No worries, man. At least you're going, right? We'll play at the hotel then for sure. Just note that, as a ganondorf main, you will be required to stop into the ganondorf + ripple room at least once.
absolutely, It'll be nice to meet all of you.

like you said Eikelmann knows me extremely well so I won't be hard to find.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
Well at this point, my style is running into attacks and getting hit a lot.

So I hope my style changes a little bit from that:cool:
That sounds a lot better than giving props to people...

I mean, what use is a prop in Smash anyway? Is Kage trying to tell me to quit and go into the theater business?


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
RockCrock isn't interested in FC
Linguini fell of the planet
I haven't heard from Chaddd in a long while

I'm pretty good friends with all of these guys so if they were coming i would know about it.

Spider_Sense is going? Jason and I will out sexy everyone.

Is this the most ganons in one place..


edit: vudujin and i will also take $2 teams MMs


can we have a side ganon gauntlet / like a round robin for all ganons? I'd love it
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