Lol at me just learning the ways of multiquote.
Very nice swoops we need more great ganons other than you Flying dutchman Sliq Bizarro and me
BTW funny and awesome idea for rating of how effective moves are when it comes to .5 make it ganon
EX. (4.5)
Really...cold blooded Dragmire. Jekyll's feelings are hurt. Plus, Bizzaro hasn't been around in forever and is a really old Granondorf. He was just good for that time.
...I think dorf rather than Ganon >_>.
Woot, 4/5 for U-Smash, and 3/5 for Fsmash O_O I rarely use U-smash, while reatreating SS FSmash is my main Ko move, with Stomp.
Seriously, USmash is not that great, and as a fake out - when it works - this will work 3 times maximal on the same personn. :s
I do love f-smash a lot, but U-Smash is definitely better. I'll admit I have problems working it into his game more than f-smash, but his u-smash has less lag than his jab, d-tilt, f-tilt, all his aerials, and really most of his moves. Plus the fact that it does tons of damage, kills fairly well, and is Ganon's best fake out on the ground. I have frame testing to do and stuff but have you seen the shield pushback on u-smash? It's as much as f-air or f-smash.
I love f-smash to death, but don't let personal preference get in the way of fact.
No idea if this is common knowledge or not, but I didn't come across it so I didn't mention it. Ganon can't hug the edge like MK or someone similar can, but if you just run off the edge and time it right about when his chest is near the ledge (I think? not at a Wii right now) and side B, the edge will glow purple for a split second and you'll instantly edge hog.
It takes a little bit, but I'll put it up. I usually stick to Gerudo over the side>quartercircle into the ledge. Yea, risky as hell, but it's fast.
The question I had was how often, when you predict your opponent's air-dodge-into-the-ground and either do gerudo, wizkick or the like when they touch down, do you get the timing right? It's really hard for me, and I don't even play online.
Usually once I've forced the airdodge, I have to have a hitbox on top of them the exact frame they land, or it's a no-go because after a couple games, they've adapted to holding shield as they land or:
air dodging into the ground ---> immediate spotdodge to dodge both -->B and and any hard hitting move.
I hope that made sense, I'm not the best at explaining things in-game. Basically, is it a guaranteed hit if they land while air-dodging into Wizkick/Dash attack/Gerudo?
It's really just a "get the feel of it" kind of thing. There are specific frames/timings where Gerudo/Wizkick/DA/etc. are guaranteed. But most of the time with air dodging into the ground it's just hard for them to get out, not guaranteed.
If you're having problems with their air dodge into the ground, Gerudo obviously beats shield, and Wizkick will destroy spot dodge most of the time. I use dash in grab a lot now too. Just play more and more people and you get the hang of the timing and options they use.