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how do you approach women?

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Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
In a society completely based off of facebook and other online services. How does one approach people outside of their school ring?

This might sound anti-social, and i'm sure it makes me look bad. But for the past two years, i've made due contacting high school friends who recently graduating and dating them the same, but i'm getting out of that phase, and personally, meeting people off of facebook and trying to hook up with them.. eeeeh, not exactly trying to get into that.

So for you older folks or younger alike, how do you approach women outside of your school or job?


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
well if you want a serious reply then it all depends on the grounds where you are approaching a woman. if you are in a bar/club go up to them and throw out an icebreaker comment then ask if you can buy them a drink. if you are somewhere else then it depends on your location. usually i just come up next to them then after a few seconds i make some kind of remark that pertains to my surrounds and then that breaks the ice and you can introduce yourself.

e.g.- if you are at a baseball game standing in line and a girl is in front of you. i would stand next to her then say something like "i wonder how many dogs they go through a game" or "you know im not really a baseball fan but i tell you what, i love their pretzels."


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
well if you want a serious reply then it all depends on the grounds where you are approaching a woman. if you are in a bar/club go up to them and throw out an icebreaker comment then ask if you can buy them a drink. if you are somewhere else then it depends on your location. usually i just come up next to them then after a few seconds i make some kind of remark that pertains to my surrounds and then that breaks the ice and you can introduce yourself.

e.g.- if you are at a baseball game standing in line and a girl is in front of you. i would stand next to her then say something like "i wonder how many dogs they go through a game" or "you know im not really a baseball fan but i tell you what, i love their pretzels."
i guess that's my problem, i always feel that girls will end up macing me or they'll say **** you and walk away. it'll never be that extreme i'm sure of that, but regardless, rejection is a bother to me just as much as it is anyone else who has that problem. Plus i tend to beat around the bush so any ice breaker i have doesn't exactly make it less awkward if that makes sense o.o

plus, at this age alot of physical things come into play to wheterh conversatino can continue, like having a car, wearing clean clothes, cutting your hair on a regular basis. etc.

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
Just talk about whatever is going on at the second, seriously. If she's alone, nine times out of ten they'll want someone to chit-chat with, so just throw a stone at the ice and talk to them. If she's a ***** about it, then who cares? No one wants to date a ***** anyway.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Just talk about whatever is going on at the second, seriously. If she's alone, nine times out of ten they'll want someone to chit-chat with, so just throw a stone at the ice and talk to them. If she's a ***** about it, then who cares? No one wants to date a ***** anyway.
not even an attractive *****? :(


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Pull out your library card and say this: "Excuse me, this is my library card. Do I have permission to check you out?"

Seriously, just be yourself. Sooner or later you'll find someone you feel you can approach.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 1, 2009
Gainesville (GATORS SUCK!!!), FL
You could actually pretend to be interested in whatever she's doing. It's really irritating when guys approach and it's OBVIOUS your only talking to me because you like how I look.

I know, I know looks are what gets a couple together, but you could at least pretend to think I'm also an intelligent human being. :)

Say for instance.....If she's reading a book, say "Hey, that book looked interesting. I was thinking about picking it up......etc"

Also, when girls are sitting alone, it's usually because we want to be alone. So tread lightly there. If all you get is a nod on the first sentence, then just let her be. No use pissing her off.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Well, when I spot them, this theme seems to play, and I get all hot-headed and be like "Yo, girl! I'm the mother****ing Gary Oak. Git in my car!" And they do it, and I drive to where Ash is (cause somehow I know already) and I blurt out "WHAT A LOSER! laughathimtoo,girls." and the girls laugh as I drive off with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
You could actually pretend to be interested in whatever she's doing. It's really irritating when guys approach and it's OBVIOUS your only talking to me because you like how I look.

I know, I know looks are what gets a couple together, but you could at least pretend to think I'm also an intelligent human being. :)

Say for instance.....If she's reading a book, say "Hey, that book looked interesting. I was thinking about picking it up......etc"

Also, when girls are sitting alone, it's usually because we want to be alone. So tread lightly there. If all you get is a nod on the first sentence, then just let her be. No use pissing her off.
this guy sounds pretty legit.

Be technical around their shield.

sounds legit x melee

I hate smashboards


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
I totally thought this was going to be a thread about APPROACHING SHEIK AND PEACH BECAUSE THEY'RE ACTUALLY TRICKY TO APPROACH and figured it would have something useful because these region MIGHT BE GOOD but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo

Florida (or wherever this region is, I can't remember) must have some good Foxy Woxys to deal with them then.

Oh, and guy with the 'approach' IRL thing...

Get a put Foxy Woxy, so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

No really.

Almost everything is situational, but for the most part, people are nice on first impressions if you're nice to them first.

Just say hi, and smile.

If she says hi, and smiles or not, ask her if she's having a good day.

Go from there. Try it a few times to total strangers.

Don't even approach girls your age or girls that are extremely pretty or anyone in particular. The more people you talk to for the sake of cheering them up, hearing what they have to say or simply making you more comfortable, the easier it is for not only you, but the girls you approach to get to know feel more comfortable too.

Say hi, and smile

Best of luck

nub ;D

jkz hahhah


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
I totally thought this was going to be a thread about APPROACHING SHEIK AND PEACH BECAUSE THEY'RE ACTUALLY TRICKY TO APPROACH and figured it would have something useful because these region MIGHT BE GOOD but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo

Florida (or wherever this region is, I can't remember) must have some good Foxy Woxys to deal with them then.

Oh, and guy with the 'approach' IRL thing...

Get a put Foxy Woxy, so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

No really.

Almost everything is situational, but for the most part, people are nice on first impressions if you're nice to them first.

Just say hi, and smile.

If she says hi, and smiles or not, ask her if she's having a good day.

Go from there. Try it a few times to total strangers.

Don't even approach girls your age or girls that are extremely pretty or anyone in particular. The more people you talk to for the sake of cheering them up, hearing what they have to say or simply making you more comfortable, the easier it is for not only you, but the girls you approach to get to know feel more comfortable too.

Say hi, and smile

Best of luck

nub ;D

jkz hahhah


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
Okay, you're going to get a lot of lol-posts in this thread, just saying.

But honestly, there are classes taught on this subject. I am really honestly down to discuss this in depth if anyone wants...i've read literature and theory about this ****, just saying. I saw a video of Forward telling some dudes how to approach some chicks at a tournament one time, it was mainly a lol video but what he was saying was real ****

but if you simply mean how to approach a women, and just that...it's simple.

just approach them. They're just people like everyone else.

the key is, dont indicate any interest at first, dont use a pick up line, don't buy them a drink, don't compliment them. honestly don't even ask her name at first... All of those things immediately send of the signal 'OMG THIS GUY IS TRYING TO PICK ME UP' and the girl immediately is going to be hesistant to give you any shot.

I find it easier to approach girls who are with a friend because it makes them more comfortable because their friend is there. its also better if you have a friend or group of friends so you dont' look like some loser walking around by yourself

anyway, just walk up to a girl and start a conversation. Ask their opinion on something, that's what I find to be the easiest way to break the ice. say something like 'hey i need a female opinion on something" and make up some ****. even easier than that is if you can find something situational to talk about, like if they have on a Prince t-shirt, you can say something like 'hey you like Prince! yada yada.." just anything to start a convo

then work an introduction in, and then go from there etc.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Step 1: Cut a hole in a box.

2: Put your junk in that box.

3: Let her open that box.

Had to do it...

but honestly, I had a lot of trouble with the ladies and I figured out that you got to ACT ON THE SPOT. Corny but subtle pick up lines, like "How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice. My name is Cameron." work for me a lot when you're first trying to talk to the h03. DON'T SAY SOMETHING LIKE "Can I read your shirt in braille?", that will kill you. After that, ON THE SPOT you see something you can compliment. Attack it. And then you'll be talking like nothing. See, girls are guys with nice *******. We're basically the same, and it takes a while to accept it.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
i guess that's my problem, i always feel that girls will end up macing me or they'll say **** you and walk away. it'll never be that extreme i'm sure of that, but regardless, rejection is a bother to me just as much as it is anyone else who has that problem. Plus i tend to beat around the bush so any ice breaker i have doesn't exactly make it less awkward if that makes sense o.o
I'm going to tell you straight up that there is no way you're going to meet girls if you're too afraid of rejection to ever approach them. That's just how it is. There is no way no way no way. Sometimes people get lucky but waiting on that will just make you depressed and emo along the way. The thing is, rejection isn't even that bad. You'll be embarrassed for a day at most, and then after that you're like whatever. (Unless you've got psychological/self-esteem issues, in which case that's a whole nother can of worms that smashboards can't help you with) And if you play it right, your chances at being rejected go way down. But seriously you are going to have to get over the fear of rejection, the only way to do that is to do the old cliche and face your fear. Go to a place where there are a lot of people. Pick a girl and IMMEDIATELY walk up to her, don't even think about it, just do it. (Think of what you are going to say first...) Get used to approaching girls, and get used to being rejected at first until you build your confidence (which doesn't take a while, could only take one night)

plus, at this age alot of physical things come into play to wheterh conversatino can continue, like having a car, wearing clean clothes, cutting your hair on a regular basis. etc.
how old are you
Well, wear nice clothes and cut your **** hair. Get a job and buy a car. You're the one that wants girls to like you. You do what you have to do.

also this may sound lame but if you drink alcohol that helps a lot too :-D


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
It's your attitude not so much what you say. You have to just not give a ****. If you approach a chick and get rejected does that not feel better than wishing you had approached but not ending up doing it?

I can't help you with what to say I've always been mad shy so I'm pritty bad with approaching girls. But I've been getting better with "dont give a ****" attitude. Watching your friends use that attitude and get a lot of girls (xYz and Skrach) because of it definitely inspires you to be a ****ing man.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
Jamaal, I didn't know you had any problems with this man. You seem to be the big boss at our job xD. But yeah, If rejection is what you're afraid of just remember this: The worst she can say is "no"

I also don't think buying a car and all that is what you need to score a girl. Sure it helps but most of the points will come from your character....well depending on the girl and what you're looking for in a relationship. I say this because of your quote below.

not even an attractive *****? :(
would you really want to put up with a girl like that? I mean, I seen girls do it all the time but eh...=/ unless it's for something else other than relationship like shaggin' then w/e. :embarrass


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
You've been laid before, I assume.

Girls aren't f*cking worth it after that. Once you've been rejected by that one girl you think could get you somewhere, go after the lowest priority. After that's done, you're done. Live a happy life by yourself.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Uhhhh with my penus.


Honestly tho I DD around and if they don't approach I usually Pill them enough too break their shield and put them to sleep and then I just punish them with a bowser style down throw.


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
Uhhhh with my penus.


Honestly tho I DD around and if they don't approach I usually Pill them enough too break their shield and put them to sleep and then I just punish them with a bowser style down throw.
classic Peach Masta technique
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