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how do you approach women?

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Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia

lol j/k.

Umm...be yourself?

XD I was approached by my GF. She approached me, not the other way around. It was at an Anime Club meeting for my school, and she was all, "I love your Hellsing T-Shirt!"

We hit it off from there.

Also, she's a furry, too.


But seriously, be yourself, and if she can't handle the way you are, leave the ***** alone. Start a simple conversation about something happening at the time, or something that she seems interested in, and give your input on it. When she responds, LISTEN.

Once you stop listening, she stops being interested.

They're people, just like you and I.

When all else fails, tell her to get you a beer n' a sandwich.
i got advice from yiff


mikeg lock this.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Oh, I forgot. It's Atlantic South. Where the mods are probably the ones with alt account who are just in here trolling and bashing SWF.

**** it. Infract me if you want Mike.

I don't understand people like this. What possible enjoyment do you get out of making an alt just to try and anger people? How is that even fun? You're the lowest kind of person, sir. And whoever it is behind that account, I'm sure it's one of our normal trolls, if you'd like to take this up with me man to man and actually discuss my reasons for hating women, I'll gladly explain it to you.

I will not post again after this, but I wanted to say I find it pretty terrible that **** like this goes on un-attended. Even if it is the social room. I've been in this community too long, too friendly, to let trash like that roam around and do what they want. I'm out, whatever. Have fun.

Carry on.


lmao a "man to man" with someone that hates women and bashes their own community

the rest of you can learn a thing or two about how to attract women by taking the opposite of this individual's stance

women won't like you if you don't like them
your community won't like you if you don't like them

"man up"
explain to atl south why you don't like women, and i will explain to you how your attitude is that a defeatist victim of a self-fulfilling prophecy

lol the rest of you User CP -> Options -> lose that v-card


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
we are all socially inept.
Whooaaa naw son naw.

Your about to be taught a quick 101 on approaching a woman.

Now, first off, who you choose to approach is up to you.

Their are two main girls you approach in public.
A. The ones that have given you a sign that approaching her would be a good idea.
B. You being a boss an approaching a girl that hasn't given you **** yet you go in there like a champ expecting the worse but reacting efficiently if shes giving you a chance after the initial line or first 10 or 20 seconds of 1 on 1 exposure.

Lets talk about A. I get mad at guys that, after realizing shes giving you signs that say talk to me I have interest in you, they still have doubts an are still nervous.

This is an outrage. Why be nervous? She has been either:
1. Looking at you. Either staring(may be a no no, might be alil off the rocker), glancing(you catch her looking than they glance away this is the best), The 'ol you catch them looking an they dont look away yet they give a friendly facial or body expression. ORRRR you over here her talking about you or she clearrrly has been talking about you. You must not be naive about these things. Have to pick up on this fast. Dont ****ing say you guys are good at this. Most of yall suck at this.
Also, if her friend or a random girl says in any way that your target digs you(might not even be your target) than hop on the hint.

So how you approach these girls? Easy as cake. Just approach an make sure you arent dull.
I walked up to this girl thats been eyeing me down.(she has a boyfriend)
"So, I saw you looking at me...Got me thinking, I think Ive seen you before..."
girl"No, i dont think so. An yea, I was (smiling)"
"Well my name is Michal Kopij. An if your going to be eyeing me than I guess you should know my name"
girl"Im ....., nice to meet you Michael"
"Ok girl, I gotta fill up this cup. If you get bored dont be scerred to talk, cuz thats better than lookin anyway(wink)"
An i walked away. This happened recently so i remember it clearly. Its all about delivery, an mine is pretty good if I really want to lay down the game.
Oh I got her number, an her BF knows but Id beat his *** so...he knows best. Hopefully i can pull her away.

So, onto the second girl. The girl that hasnt given you the time of day. But you cant pull your eyes off her, an cant stop thinking about "what if"...

Type B...is a *****. Its the hardest. The most pressure. Every single word is a lunge into something you cant control. Everything you say could be perfect, but not perfect for her. Its a game in which the only way you win is...well, you get lucky. In all honesty, you get lucky. Someone might have hella game, but...She might not want game. Someone might be the coolest most honest person, perfect candidate for a boyfriend or sexual partner...But, she might want the opposite...or somthing else...

Ugh...but here it goes.

In smash, There is two main styles of play I like to think of.
1. Is the "Play by the book" style. Everything you do is carbon copied from the best of the game and your character. You take the best from them an apply it. Every situation has its counter...ect.
2. You have this knowledge due to studying, but, unlike type 1, you rely on instinct and reaction time.

To pick up type B girls, you must play the game like type 2 styles. All on quick, efficient an amazing reactions.

The way you approach, the need to analyze quickly who they are on the surface atleast an what they are into...And exploit it. You see, the art to this is the guys who do this best are the ones who go into it with nothing...But once in the situation, they excel. Being quick on your feet, ive stressed this enough.

Thats it, it cant be taught. Practice makes perfect. I truly advise you to go to the mall, with a wingman or two or three or a whole group. An split apart or keep sorta together an practice wingmanning and spitting game. You will get denied alot but...you will get better. Why not practice? You dont want to lose that girl at school, work,ect. due to a lack of confidence due to you not knowing how to approach an talk in this intense game of flirtinng an such.

Next tourney, if you want me to do a "Forward" moment, I will. Ill get lucky or get denied by whomever around the venue. But youll see a expert work.
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