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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
the vortex
im not one to break chains but i need to say this so DEAL WITH IT

i got this aim app on my phone and it never loggs me off so sorry that i "missed' everyones comvos so please send them again

trela send that picture over again
jerm dearhunter is broken
keith tell me more about ivysaur ;-;
pj ill team with you if pwii doesnt make it and if we do good we can try for apex
rt tho
illmatic im so ready for this saturday!!!!

that is all

Malice Chains

Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2011
Sonic CD "remake" out next week, hype

Playable Tails
Both Soundtracks
Can choose between original or Sonic 2 spindash


edit: tomorrow for 360 supposedly, yaaaaay


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Bio, Other M was by far the WORST metroid I have ever played in my entire life. Even the crappy Metroid 2 on the GB was better than that. Auto aim in OM literally picked whoever it wanted when there were multiple enemies on screen. You were FORCED to use the wiimote turned on its side like a NES controller in order to play....wtf. You had to stop moving and point the wiimote towards the screen if u wanted to use missiles. That slowed down gameplay badly.

Other things I hated:

You cant use anything unless ADAM allows it.

Though I understand why samus was emo(baby metroid dead, parents dead, chozo nearly extinct....ect), she didn't have to be a monotone robot voice.

Her suit was a VOMIT green/yellow color and mostly rounded.

Even though Samus looked hot and the cut scenes were very very nice, Overall it's a very bad game IMO.



Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Blame Nintendo, they wanted it to have a "good story." There's a right way of doing story and a wrong way, so they decided to go down the SUPER wrong path.


Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
Controls severely messed it up. I have no idea why'd they want to do WIIMOTE ONLY. That's why I didn't buy it and looks like I was right. I don't think the story would be that bad...but I didn't play it so can't say. They had good story telling with SS apparently so they can do it with metroid.

Btw, what did you guys think of DK64? I personally LOVED it. Allan HATES it (******). Thoughts?


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Honestly, I got bored one day and watched all the cut scenes from OM since I like Metroid a lot. The story really wasn't bad and some of the dumb stuff was over exaggerated.

Thinking back on it I think I didn't buy OM for the same reason as Razer and the controls sucked. Nothing will beat Prime controls on Wii.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
I'm curious Allan, why do you hate DK64? I never played, so I can't make any judgements.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Btw, what did you guys think of DK64? I personally LOVED it. Allan HATES it (******). Thoughts?
I love this game so much.
A lot of variety, a good amount of difficulty, tons of things to explore, and five characters to use.
Music was very nice, boss battles were awesome, and the characters had a lot of personality.

Plus, the game was actually SCARY.

I was scared of the huge dude locked in the big cage in the middle of the sea at first, but as the game progressed I actually started feeling sorry for him and wanted to get the bananas or whatever. At the end.. well... LMAO poor guy.

The water level (lagoon or whatever) was really really scary.. especially the boss.

All the water areas in the game scared the **** out of my because of the dark lighting elements and how quickly your enemies moved compared to you underwater as well as how hard it was to actually GET OUT of the water itself.

Everything was sooo big compared to you too.. the enemies were also fast which made things a bit more scary, and the usually chased you (see Jack in the Box boss at Frantic Factory.)

The game had a really soft sound / loud sound element going along with it (Crystal Caves) and it would always make me feel startled at certain points.
Not to mention the "GET OUT" guy in the pyramid / desert levels.. holy **** LMAOO

Idk, I just feel like the game evicted a ton of emotions in a way that most games don't while still keeping it's playful / child charm (but I was a kid so whatever).

Plus it had a really nice reward system (upgrading guns/watermelons/instruments) and you had a ton of variety of weapons to choose from. It was like a puzzle game with a really intricate combat system thrown into the mix.

Donkey Kong Games (In My Opinion)


also... it has begun



Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I'm curious, why do you hate DK64 Allan? I never played, so I can't make any judgements.
Though some of these reasons may almost be identical to illmaticism(the art of being a total and complete moron/fanboy), im gonna start off by saying this is my OPINION and not necessarily FACT.

1. I think the addition of the extra characters(lanky/tiny/fatty?) was just plain ********/not needed. Expand on Dixie Kong, Funky Kong, Cranky Kong, Kiddy Kong not those other completely made up(and forgotten) characters. IMO the new characters looked like the DK family liked to inbreed a lot.

2. IIRC The only animal buddies they brought back were the fish/rhino. Where is the spider or the BEST ANIMAL BUDDY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lulI2Lo6TAk

3. Music was decent. no complaints.

4. DK 64 went the rout of 3rd person view aka OOT/MM view. It doesnt fit DK imo.

5. MULTIPLAYER was decent and the 3rd person view most def fit it.

6. Final fight was K rool in a boxing ring..................u ****ting me? Thats almost as big of a let down and DKC3 final boss.

I know a lot of the n64 era kids will disagree but again. im just saying what i felt about the game.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I started with the SNES and played DKC/DKC2 before 64. You are direct illmaticism. FANBOY/BIAS ******
U may have started with the SNES but your majority of gaming was on the n64. thus u are a n64 era kid. so any attempt to hate on its games u will leap on me.

as i said, those numbers were my opinions. not facts


Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
Believe it or not, I played more games on SNES rather than 64. I really did.

Also Ill - That jack n the box ***** me. I think I barely beat it once.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I think I had more SNES games than 64 (which I shared with my bros). I remember more SNES games than 64.
i started with NES but spent most of my time on the SNES. Thus im a SNES era kid. I bet RT is the same.

Illmatic/smoom/razer are all 64 era kids.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Though some of these reasons may almost be identical to illmaticism(the art of being a total and complete moron/fanboy), im gonna start off by saying this is my OPINION and not necessarily FACT.
You're ********.

1. I think the addition of the extra characters(lanky/tiny/fatty?) was just plain ********/not needed. Expand on Dixie Kong, Funky Kong, Cranky Kong, Kiddy Kong not those other completely made up(and forgotten) characters. IMO the new characters looked like the DK family liked to inbreed a lot.
The new characters expanded on the puzzle element... hmm... let's see... five fold?
There were a TON of new things to explore and different aspects to view them in because you had such a variety of options to complete certain tasks.

This was the BEST aspect of the game, in my opinion.

Similar to how Pikmin 2 brought in Louie to progress puzzles.

If you disagree with me... refer to what I said after your first quote.

2. IIRC The only animal buddies they brought back were the fish/rhino. Where is the spider or the BEST ANIMAL BUDDY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lulI2Lo6TAk
I used this same argument against you in our DKCR debate and you dismissed it.. so umm lmao? You're being a hypocrite as usual.

This game isn't a sidescroller... if I'm getting on top of Rattly and jumping everywhere it could be extremely broken, and the same goes with Squitter. The animals they brought in fit perfectly.

3. Music was decent. no complaints.

4. DK 64 went the rout of 3rd person view aka OOT/MM view. It doesnt fit DK imo.
They were trying a different route, and it worked fine.
There were rarely any camera issues.

Just because YOU feel as though it doesn't fit doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad contribution to a game.

5. MULTIPLAYER was decent and the 3rd person view most def fit it.
The multiplayer was awesome.
Definitely a redeeming quality that they even allowed it to be in the game in the first place.

6. Final fight was K rool in a boxing ring..................u ****ting me? Thats almost as big of a let down and DKC3 final boss.
That's your opinion. Just because it's in a "boxing ring" doesn't mean it's bad.
I personally enjoyed having to go multiple rounds trying to "KO" King K. Rool within each round while using each character that I was given.

Once again it added to different approach / puzzle part of the game and did it in a creative way.

I know a lot of the n64 era kids will disagree but again. im just saying what i felt about the game.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
I got an NES in...1990? Something like that...my grandmother bought it and a Gameboy for me at the same time. NES came out 1985 and was officially discontinued around 1995, so I got it around the middle of its lifespan. I know I only had like 5 or so NES games.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
unlike you illmatic, i started off my rant saying this is my opinion not fact. you on the other hand did literally the opposite when it was time to discuss dkc:r. so im covered/do not have to defend myself.


Razer, tell me if you spent ample time with ANY of these games. Emulators/Wii eshop....ect do not count. Im talking you played the ORIGINAL.

Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles in Time
Super Mario World
Zombies Ate my Neighbors
Clay Fighter
Killer Instinct
Secret of Mana
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 2(or 4 if u go by japanese)
EarthWorm Jim
Kirby Super Star
Super Castlevania 4
Super Mario Kart
DKC 1/2/3
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Mega Man X/X2/X3
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo

There is obviously more gems but i feel these games DEFINED that system. Its STILL widely considered the best console of all time.



Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles in Time (idk if this was it, but there WAS a ninja turtle game I played and loved)
Super Mario World (loved this too)
Zombies Ate my Neighbors (no)
Clay Fighter (had this yes!)
Killer Instinct (bros loved this..dont remember it but I know what it is)
Secret of Mana (no sir)
Chrono Trigger (no sir)
Final Fantasy 2(or 4 if u go by japanese) (never played a FF in my life)
EarthWorm Jim (yes)
Kirby Super Star (no sir)
Super Castlevania 4 (no sir)
Super Mario Kart (yes! i remember buying this)
DKC 1/2/3 (all 3)
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (no sir)
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (yes!)
Mega Man X/X2/X3 (nope)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (first zelda was TP)
Super Metroid (no)

I had other different ones rather than on this list.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
unlike you illmatic, i started off my rant saying this is my opinion not fact. you on the other hand did literally the opposite when it was time to discuss dkc:r. so im covered/do not have to defend myself.
Wow, lmao.

Razer, tell me if you spent ample time with ANY of these games. Emulators/Wii eshop....ect do not count. Im talking you played the ORIGINAL.
Super Mario World
EarthWorm Jim
Kirby Super Star
Super Mario Kart
DKC 1/2/3
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

Those are the ones I owned / played frequently, as well as a ton of others like Joe and Mac (both of them) and that one Star Wars game / Aladdin.. I feel as though they were really good contributions to the system.

Why do you try to always dismiss us as "new gen" or whatever?
We were alive at this time and had a childhood too, as well as probably having A LOT more free time compared to whatever you guys had at that specific period of your lives.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles in Time (idk if this was it, but there WAS a ninja turtle game I played and loved)
Super Mario World (loved this too)
Zombies Ate my Neighbors (no)
Clay Fighter (had this yes!)
Killer Instinct (bros loved this..dont remember it but I know what it is)
Secret of Mana (no sir)
Chrono Trigger (no sir)
Final Fantasy 2(or 4 if u go by japanese) (never played a FF in my life)
EarthWorm Jim (yes)
Kirby Super Star (no sir)
Super Castlevania 4 (no sir)
Super Mario Kart (yes! i remember buying this)
DKC 1/2/3 (all 3)
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (no sir)
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (yes!)
Mega Man X/X2/X3 (nope)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (first zelda was TP)
Super Metroid (no)

I had other different ones rather than on this list.

n64 era kid confirmed

*plays victory theme*


You forgot Joe and Mac 1 & 2 btw.
2 sucked. 1 was awesome.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
*doesn't see Street Fighter II: Turbo*

I am serious disappoint in each and every one of you.
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