I kinda feel bad for ******* atm.
I'm done here. I've got my reasons for doing this, but revealing them would ruin the effect. Teran, you know what kind of person you are if you didn't mod that message. That's all that matters.
No really, though... wtf is w/this Teran hate I've been reading lately? Teran, you making enemies? Who is this cat that thinks he knows what's up? It was so obvious he was just calling you out, what up w/that mang
OT: I agree with Teran and those who agreed with Teran. I also agree with the OP, and never thought of it like that, but it totally makes sense.
As for changing your brother's mind, I kept thinking at all the "it'll take something forcible" like, what, like he'll have to be gay *****? lol! nah, but seriously, it'll just take time, eventually he may mature and realize the error of his views, but it may never happen.
I'm curious, though, what did you mother think of all this?