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Guns are f******broken.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
Link to original post: [drupal=1148]Guns are f*cking broken.[/drupal]

Since the dawn of time, combat has been one of the major methods for human survival. Over time, this method has been turned into pure art, with sparks flying as our Swords danced a deadly dance from hell. Such technique and awesomeness can be brought from swordplay, and it doesn't even stop there! We could use things like clubs, hammers, gardening tools, etc to beat down and utterly pwn our enemies. But of course, mastering these weapons took practice, practice and patience. Heck, we didn't even have to use weapons, we could go with good ol' fisticuffs and still stand a chance.

But no, those Chinese had to go and f*ck up everything.

So instead of actually putting effort into fighting, now we just use guns. Now why do I hate guns so much?

first off, with a sword, you needed practice, power, skills, the whole cha-cha-bang-bang. It took work, but it payed off. In order to get a man down with one, you needed precise technique. But no. With guns, you just do 3 things:


That's all it f*cking is. Looking, pointing, and killing. With such insane range, and easy use, you'd assume real life would nerf it somehow, right? But no. They contain a lot more power than any human could ever exert with a sword, and if someone just gets it to point in your general direction, you can kiss your sorry butt goodbye, cuz despite what those movies would have you believe, there's no way you're dodging that sh*t. You could be the fattest, laziest piece of lard in the world, and you'd still be stronger than an extremely experienced swordsman.

I swear, if the next update in human evolution doesn't give us the ability to dodge bullets, or at least let us absorb more bullets like we SHOULD HAVE DONE A LONG TIME AGO, I'm never getting reincarnated on earth again. F*ck it. If real life is going to be this broken, hopefully the planet of samurai fire-breathing penguins in the 9001th dimension will be more balanced.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Link to original post: [drupal=1148]Guns are f*cking broken.[/drupal]

I swear, if the next update in human evolution doesn't give us the ability to dodge bullets, or at least let us absorb more bullets like we SHOULD HAVE DONE A LONG TIME AGO, I'm never getting reincarnated on earth again. F*ck it. If real life is going to be this broken, hopefully the planet of samurai fire-breathing penguins in the 9001th dimension will be more balanced.

Hahaha. QFT Also kids could even sadly take their own life if they happened to pick one up.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
I agree. The Last Samurai is a sad/funny example of this. swords vs chaingun doesn't work. Besides, it's almost cowardly to bring a gun to a knife fight, or whatever the saying is. It's much more respectful to die by the sword than by the gun.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
first off, with a sword, you needed practice, power, skills, the whole cha-cha-bang-bang. It took work, but it payed off. In order to get a man down with one, you needed precise technique. But no. With guns, you just do 3 things:

Until you become a sniper. They have to account to wind, proper calibration of their scopes, the right ammo, the right rifle.

But Swords>Guns in a CQC battle.


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
Y'know, humans should have the ability to withstand bullets. But first, we need immunity to radiation poisoning. Now we don't have to try and escape that last mile of radiation from nuclear weapons. I'm serious, BTW.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Actually to be at minimum decent with a gun it will take a lot to get to the point of...


You'll need quite a bit of practice. Like I've had hardly any in my whole life and the last time I shot a gun I missed the bloody thing that I was suppoed to be shooting by a mile.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 2, 2008
fort worth
i do agree with you but just think about it...

War now isn't about honor and respect, its about who lives and who dies.

We dont wanna send our men out there so many of them can die, but still win.

We want to win with the least amount of casualties on the side u are on.

It's like using mk at tournies, youll feel like a b*tch , but you do what it takes to win..


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
Agreed: Guns are F*ing broken in Human vs. Human.

However, there are a few situations where a Human with a sword > Human with a gun.

Case and point, against extradimensional cyborgs made from an unholy mesh of otherworldly technology and harvested organs and tissue from humans born and raised in concentration camps for the sole purpose of providing said organic materials (Sol's Children).

Any gun weaker than a .50 caliber rifle won't be enough to take down the Myrmidons (as the biggest ones are called), and even if you had one you'd draw too much attention and get ganked by the half-metal, half- meat *******s.

However, swords inlaid with a precise pattern of gold-wiring could disrupt the complex bioelectrical current within the Myrmidons. In short, gold-runed swords were super effective when obscenely powerful guns were not.

Of course, this is a niche example. I'm just saying that if we aren't limited to Human vs. Human, swords and other non-gun weapons might have a fighting chance in specific situations.

El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
Since the dawn of time, combat has been one of the major methods for human survival.
As opposed to, like, farming and foraging. And, also, running. Our ancestors did a lot of running.

But no, those Chinese had to go and f*ck up everything.
The Chinese didn't invent guns, just gunpowder. They did have cannons though.

first off, with a sword, you needed practice, power, skills, the whole cha-cha-bang-bang. It took work, but it payed off. In order to get a man down with one, you needed precise technique. But no. With guns, you just do 3 things:

Those three things are harder than they seem. To do them effectively, you need practice, power, skills, the whole cha-cha-bang-bang. And even more bang. It's hard enough to hit a sitting target from a distance, but it takes a lot of practice to hit a moving one. Then there's basic gun safety. Cleaning, loading and unloading. Even then, having guns still fails to protect a lot of people in a lot of situations.

I swear, if the next update in human evolution doesn't give us the ability to dodge bullets, or at least let us absorb more bullets like we SHOULD HAVE DONE A LONG TIME AGO, I'm never getting reincarnated on earth again. F*ck it. If real life is going to be this broken, hopefully the planet of samurai fire-breathing penguins in the 9001th dimension will be more balanced.
I think nuclear weapons are broken.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
Nuclear weapons are self-defeating, really.

Whichever country is hit by a nuclear assault may seem utterly annihilated, but once the fallout settles, the ragged band of survivors will undergo vicious mutations giving them superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and I dunno, the ability to vomit up acid and/or telekinesis.

So in the long run, the country that feels so smug about having nuked another country to oblivion before any guns could be loaded or swords be unsheathed will be screwed when they realize that they are being invaded by a gripload of superpowered and most likely disgusting-looking mutants out for blood.

However, connecting this to my last post here, a nuclear sword would most likely be the best weapon ever.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2003
Out of my Mind... Back in Five Minutes
It seems you've not played much FF VIII.

I'm not a gun person. I want one, more for protection. For now, I do have swords here in the house if I need it. I own a few Katanas, (Real nice ones too. I practice, though I use more fake ones then to keep from killing anyone) Couple broadswords, a Master Sword, and such. I could use a couple more of course.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2009
Between a rock and a smog place
Sorry dude, superior technology. That's like someone saying, "WTF computers are broken! Writing letters was a great way of communication then computers came around and messed that all up. Seriously it used to take skill to write a letter, mail it, and wait a few days for a response. Now all people need to do is three things:
get a response instantly

They type something, which they can even use spell check if they're too stupid, click "Send" and wait a few minutes to get a response. That's just lazy."


Smash Cadet
Oct 2, 2008
I agree. The Last Samurai is a sad/funny example of this. swords vs chaingun doesn't work. Besides, it's almost cowardly to bring a gun to a knife fight, or whatever the saying is. It's much more respectful to die by the sword than by the gun.
Nail on the head.


Smash Capitalist
Mar 28, 2008
Switch FC

Lots and lots of Kevlar.


Mar 16, 2007
It's not really about skill, honestly. Both sword and gun require training and practice in order to use them properly. Honestly, it's more about being smarter and faster in thought. I've been taking a fencing class, and I told a friend of mine that it's just like 2D fighters; swordplay is all about spacing and timing, and outsmarting your opponent. If you can outsmart someone, you could win in a duel.

But I have yet to meet someone who can outsmart bullet.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Fencing isn't real fighting, though. Real sword fighting was generally men in metal banging what started out as sharp but then became lumps of iron against each other. Swords wouldn't hold edges, they became pushing matches. At least, this is army combat, not like one on one.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Look at the bright side.

We have broken/cheap wepons to use against Aliens if they ever invade our planet.


Mar 16, 2007
Fencing isn't real fighting, though. Real sword fighting was generally men in metal banging what started out as sharp but then became lumps of iron against each other. Swords wouldn't hold edges, they became pushing matches. At least, this is army combat, not like one on one.
Well, yes, but there's far less nuance to the common soldier's work in a battle situation anyway. Your primary concerns are: follow orders and don't die.

And yes, weapons tended to get blunt along the blade, for sure. This is why you didn't kill with the blade, but with the tip, which didn't get blunted so easily. Foil and Epee reflect this aspect of the rapier, at least. On top of that, modern fencing is actually a fair amount like a real duel. The primary differences are that it's more efficient and less dependent on surroundings.

Look at it this way, imagine that the tip of a foil is actually sharp, and that the steel gives a little less. Your purpose in that situation is still to avoid getting poked at all costs, while still making every attempt to poke your opponent. In both cases, there are things you should and shouldn't do. That most fencing schools give these things names doesn't make them any less useful, it just makes them easier to teach.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Well, yes, but there's far less nuance to the common soldier's work in a battle situation anyway. Your primary concerns are: follow orders and don't die.

And yes, weapons tended to get blunt along the blade, for sure. This is why you didn't kill with the blade, but with the tip, which didn't get blunted so easily. Foil and Epee reflect this aspect of the rapier, at least. On top of that, modern fencing is actually a fair amount like a real duel. The primary differences are that it's more efficient and less dependent on surroundings.

Look at it this way, imagine that the tip of a foil is actually sharp, and that the steel gives a little less. Your purpose in that situation is still to avoid getting poked at all costs, while still making every attempt to poke your opponent. In both cases, there are things you should and shouldn't do. That most fencing schools give these things names doesn't make them any less useful, it just makes them easier to teach.
Oh, I wasn't talking about rapiers. Yes, a rapier duel is pretty cool duel, i meant like, medieval era. Rapiers weren't used too often in battles, and when they were there weren't really individual duals going on. I think fencing is cool, I took a class in it once a really long time ago, I've always wanted to do it again.

In medieval era, before Rapiers existed, swords pretty much became lumps, which created heavier armor, which was then discarded due to gunpowder, and because of the lack of armor swords became narrower and thinner, which wasn't what I was talking about since honestly when most people think sword they think longsword or something similar. In medieval times, a "soldier" was pretty much just given an area to fight. His orders where pretty much "hold", "charge", "take prisoners", "take no prisoners" (which rarely happened since prisoners would be ransomed for money and every soldier wanted money), and "retreat".


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2007
In that ruined tower, atop a mountain.
Last time I went skeet shooting (spelling?) was when I was about 15. It was the first time I ever even touched a gun. On the second set, I shot 9/10 birds. Yet I've been practicing swordsmanship since the age of 6, and I still have things to learn, tactics to practice, strength to build and such. I don't know how long it takes to make a great sniper, but I'm guessing 7 years at tops? Japanese (?) legend Musashi did not consider himself a master of swordsmanship untill the age of 52. So through my personal experience, the sword is much more honorable than the gun, and so I've dedicated myself to never using a gun, whatever the circumstances.

I also don't hear too often about stories of "the Excalibur of guns" passed through hundreds of years, or great gunners paying respects to their guns.

As for Nuclear weapons.... 0_0; No comment necessary.

EDIT: Except for in videogames. Landing a headshot on someone in SOCOM is just too good.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
we humans will obtain unnatural reflexes and speed in the future and bullets will once again be obsolete


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
I want all of you to learn what an exhibition shooter is.

People can do crazy **** with guns, the amount of practice and what not is way bigger than that of a sword.


Tom Knapp is insane.
Quoted for ignorance.

You need more practice for a gun? Are you kidding? It takes tons of practice just to be able to wield a sword intelligently--much less to be able to do crazy things with it. And who cares what crazy things you can do with a gun? The point remains the same. A 500 lb. guy who has never exercised a day in his life can still point a bullet at your head and kill you. Game over. No extra lives.
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