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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
You guys make it seem like you don't give a **** about brawl so that's why they are going to travel to Niagara. To play with people who are also taking brawl seriously and attend a ridiculously fun tournament ;)
That's why we made rule changes that enforce no anti-brawl environment. That's also why we're defending out point, because we "give a ****" about brawl. I'm sure you guys are running your biweeklies well, but don't put yourself in position to judge how other people run their events just because you've had one well-run event. For the record, they're people that take Brawl seriously in Sauga so kindly stfu and don't make quick assumptions :]

As far as the biweeklies go, the last one was just on an inconvenient date, whatever. But the distance/traveling crap makes no sense.

Sauga is closer to Toronto than Niagara, and for the Niagara people, it's a ****load easier to get to Sauga than Toronto, especially since Matt lives in the West region of Sauga. The location of the place is not bad, but that's not the point.

lol @ "turn-out won't be good" nonsense. Sauga has like 6-7 Brawl players + say 4-5 in Ambrose's car and others that travel there to the tournament through bus and other rides. It looks like it could be 13+ turnout. But hey! that's a bad turnout.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
it wudnt be nothing if everyone who got a ride to niagra jus went to sauga, then the turnout wud be good and u save time and gas

lol y'all lack unity... word...
Easy for you to say because you're sitting in sauga. As I said why don't you just get a ride to niagra? You know... to unify things.

That's why we made rule changes that enforce no anti-brawl environment. That's also why we're defending out point, because we "give a ****" about brawl. I'm sure you guys are running your biweeklies well, but don't put yourself in position to judge how other people run their events just because you've had one well-run event. For the record, they're people that take Brawl seriously in Sauga so kindly stfu and don't make quick assumptions :]
Oh stfu Adnan, you were one of the biggest **** talkers of brawl and now the damage is done, there is no going back. Don't hate because someone else is running **** right and they're not from sauga, he can judge your **** all day. You assume he's only ran one tournament well and then tell him not to make assumptions in the same paragraph, way to put your foot in your mouth.

As far as the biweeklies go, the last one was just on an inconvenient date, whatever. But the distance/traveling crap makes no sense.

Sauga is closer to Toronto than Niagara, and for the Niagara people, it's a ****load easier to get to Sauga than Toronto, especially since Matt lives in the West region of Sauga. The location of the place is not bad, but that's not the point.

lol @ "turn-out won't be good" nonsense. Sauga has like 6-7 Brawl players + say 4-5 in Ambrose's car and others that travel there to the tournament through bus and other rides. It looks like it could be 13+ turnout. But hey! that's a bad turnout.
Sauga is almost just as far as Niagra, hell I think I could probably get to Niko's house before Matt's depending on my timing. The journey for us to Matt's house is retartedly long no matter how you slice it.

Niagra also has a better tournament setup, more people, more brawl competition, and fun *** partying times. Which tournament would you rather go to?

And don't bull****, sauga has 6-7 brawl players on your BEST day (and half of them are noobtastic) meanwhile Niagra has a flourishing scene of players who actually take **** seriously and provide dope competition. You're some of the same dudes who laugh about how little sauga cares about brawl, so don't turn around and say something else now cause it looks retarted.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
In fairness Sauga has traveled much more in terms of distance for Smash then the rest of us. Like every other week, or more... compared to us going to Sauga once a month, sometimes twice. Especially Adnan, he works so hard in terms of traveling organizing to support the community; even for Brawl which he doesn't like.

QQ More. Use them Nate, they're absorbent.

Deleted member

In fairness Sauga has traveled much more in terms of distance for Smash then the rest of us. .
o rly??

Toronto, CA


Los Angeles, US

Miles: 2168.17
Kilometers: 3489.23



Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
You're right, I am/was one of the biggest "**** talkers" of Brawl. But I told you personally and Jake that my opinion of what I think of the game isn't gonna stop me from hosting/running tournaments for both games. I don't like the game, therefore I won't play the game. But as far as running tournament I do care about having our biweeklies run successful Brawl tournaments.

This is why I commented on Niko.

Also, when did I say "guys, don't go to niagara. come to ours!". The only thing I said was that it makes no sense that you/Jake complain that Sauga is too far and inconvenient to get to, but you guys are talking about "Going to Niagara" instead. It's true, that biweekly schedule if I were a brawl player, I would rather go to Niagara too if I had the opportunity. But it makes no sense that you guys think Sauga is far but aren't saying much Niagara.

You also must've failed Grade 9 Geography pretty miserably, multiple times. Your Metaknight looks good, and your Jiggs was good, but your traveling/map skills are terrible.


But umm. I'm interested to see you get to Niko's quicker than you would to Matt's, seriously.

And maybe you guys should come to one of our events and play before you make a judgement on how good Brawl players are here. =/

Especially Adnan, he works so hard in terms of traveling organizing to support the community; even for Brawl which he doesn't like.
Thank you for noticing my efforts. Much appreciated.

pound 3


tos4 (josh and ambrose drove)

sauga drives a ****load pplz
Rofl in respect I didn't go to 2 of those. 1 that I couldn't go to last second and the other one I just got ****ed over with. But Josh drove people @ ToS4, Imadh's dad drove people @ Pound 3 and Matt's mom drove us to SFF3. As a whole Sauga has done a SHITLOAD for the Smash community thus far.

It's kinda hard to take if you're a tournament host and people refuse to come out to your event because of distance, when you put a lot of ****ing effort to convince the household to expand in space and have the place available more often. But then they mention another tournament that's even farther with such ease.


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2007
Brampton ON
wow this is ***** fit central. does it really matter? the only i know for sure is that b-town makes next to no effort to get anywhere relativly not across the street. even when dehs has like 8 pple over for freindlies sum pple are like. 'naw. to far.'



Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
i think if he had done that correctly it would have looked something like
"I like Super Smash Brothers Brawl."
which is one of those gimpyfish-type things. as if to say, screw all this complex arguing.

or maybe i'm being too generous and his post made no sense.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
I'm going to keep this as short as I can.

1. This isn't really supposed to be an arguement about distance, because I said distance vs turnout/quality, and there's no doubt Niagra is better quality. If you factor getting to sauga via the erratic bus system which takes so long that your transfer can almost expire while waiting for the next bus then you'll feel what I'm saying about distance. And you know its true about the buses.

2. You didn't refute any of my other points so we can hold them as true. I'm sure you can understand why I'd start to say something when someone makes fun of brawl, then right afterwards asks why nobody wants to go to his brawl tournament.... Then say other people are 'distance johning' while he has No plans of travelling to any other brawl tournament, ( Expressed no interest in C 3's)
You know I'm in the right about this.

3. You guys yourselves (Adnan, Matt, Mdk) tell me all the time about how there is no sauga brawl scene..... So don't turn around like thats not true.

4. Mike should stop recycling my jokes, If you look up through my posts long enough you'll probably see I've said the same thing to him at least twice. Also if you're extra bored, look up how many of Mike's posts are him whining about things, its the only thing he does other then get gay with people.



Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The hell? Didn't Adnan express interest to go C 3? To help and to hang out? I don't know you're right about that.

"In fairness Sauga has traveled much more in terms of distance for Smash then the rest of us. Like every other week, or more... compared to us going to Sauga once a month, sometimes twice. Especially Adnan, he works so hard in terms of traveling organizing to support the community; even for Brawl which he doesn't like." The hell did you say any of this to me?



Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
I was talking about Matt in that paragraph, read it again and you should catch that.
Also I have no idea what the second part of your post is trying to say, when did I say Adnan doesn't travel?


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Then say other people are 'distance johning' while he has No plans of travelling to any other brawl tournament, ( Expressed no interest in C 3's)

Right about there. Even if you meant Matt, he travels just as much as you anyways. He expressed early interest in C 3's until he played Brawl.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
well w/e lol i jus want to play brawl w/ pplz. i dont mind too much as to where i go to play it, as long as i can get there and back home safely. markham is jus mad far and leaves me alot less time to play friendlies cuz of the huge amount of time it takes to get back home in time.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2007
Toronto, ON
lol seriously **** if i had to ******* and dont even get me started on ******, which goes back to what i was saying before ******** , if this ******* ever ******* i would honestly just ******** and holy ****, can't we all just get along and play some smash without ****** trying to ******* and **** and *****, seriously ppl start ***** ******


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
I wonder if half of that was actual swear words.

Can you guys believe jap is a swear word?

In response to Nate:

1. Like I said, in our last biweekly cycle I can understand why you guys went to Niagara, that's cool you quality/distance **** is right. But we're not always scheduled over theirs, but I'm not forcing you guys to come. ftr from Islington to SquareOne in the morning takes about 30 mins to get to, longest is like 45 mins. The tranfers you get last 2 hours, leaving you with a lot of time. Don't make up stuff lol.

2. Is point 2 directed just @ Matt?

3. Back then it was true, but the numbers are slowly rising. It's all about them getting a good ***-kicking. I know they should travel to other events true, but we host Brawl events nonetheless so the **** can happen to them in their hometown lol.

4. okay nothing to do with me.

I hope you guys aren't gonna hold my opinion of the game against me and my tournament hostings/management. 'Cause that'd just be stupid. THE End.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Actually on the bus back from Josh's tournament it took me more then 2 hours to get on the final bus going to Islington, the driver just let me on anyways though, so I'm not making this up. Also, you forgot to factor in the time transferring between buses, because they come so infrequently you can almost spend half an hour just waiting for another one.
Thats all I have to say about that nightmare.

Also if you guys just wanna have some brawl fun then I greatly encourage you to get a ride together and come to the Niagra event coming up. It'd certainly help with your case.


Smash Rookie
Apr 28, 2008
wow this is ***** fit central. does it really matter? the only i know for sure is that b-town makes next to no effort to get anywhere relativly not across the street. even when dehs has like 8 pple over for freindlies sum pple are like. 'naw. to far.'

i r let u b corrected.
YOU dont put much effort into goin places xP.
andy gets his own rides. i get rides for everyone when i go (unless its liek to grmos while im not in woodbridge)
you dont even come to my place much anymore and we live a few blocks away D=.

NOW. as for this practice shtuff.
Me and andy are be in fo sho. I dunno about anyone else...but if i can get a ride im gonna try my best to get andy there (not very hard)

so liek where is we be practicing and when? sauga? toronto? im up for anything i can get to. i quit my job so i dont have much busy time on the weekends =/.

bren too maybe... i think he plays melee now and then =/.

also i dont know why u guys are arguing over something so obvious xP

[indirect arguementitive statement]
belly > crawl
[/indirect arguementitive statement]


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2006
right behind you o_o
2. You didn't refute any of my other points so we can hold them as true. I'm sure you can understand why I'd start to say something when someone makes fun of brawl, then right afterwards asks why nobody wants to go to his brawl tournament.... Then say other people are 'distance johning' while he has No plans of travelling to any other brawl tournament, ( Expressed no interest in C 3's)
You know I'm in the right about this.
k let me make one thing clear I've wanted to go to C 3's AND I've wanted to go to even Niko's bi weeklies a few times. hell me and Dzenan tried to find a way to get to niagra a few times only to end up failing due to money.

I couldn't go to the first c3's because of the horrible weather at the time, i think u all remember this one because it was the first and last time we all saw ichida. the following one i couldn't go to because of family stuff so it was beyond all of my power in going. then every one after that I couldn't go to because I had a biweekly that conflicted with everyone after that. So don't you DARE even make such an assumption and say I had no interest of going.

And I don't think you know this Nate but I make fun of everything. I make fun of brawl AND melee AND everything else, just the brawl ones seem to be more clear on the boards because I talk badly of everything AS A ****ING JOKE. we've talked several times about brawl and you of all people should know that there are times where the game aggravates me but I still play it anyway. I have Rae come over for friendlies because I know Adnan doesn't like the game and he's the biggest challenge i have. And the only reason that we've even been trying to maintain alphamale as a brawl/melee biweekly is because I'm sick and tired of **** like this ****ing around with the community.


Smash Rookie
Apr 28, 2008
btw, does andrei still smash? D=
and...what is he playing? brawl or melee? =/

[just curious]


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2007
Brampton ON
LOL yeah dehs, i was refering to me =P

I got us a ride once..... and ive come a few times when i could. im tryin really hard to be able to coem to combo breaker, and acualy pay to join sumthin xD

and im coming to your house today, with my wii most likley. cuz i don't have archery until next week. then next week and teh week after i can't come. week after that i prolly can. =)




k...im done.


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2007
Brampton ON
yeah. when i get nervous i do many odd things... a few of them are old English and confuzing giant predators for other giant predators.

but hey.

t rexs are like dragons without wings.

and how would YOU know they can't breath fire?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006
D-throw to D-air... A combo truly symbolic of Brawl.
Speaking of,
http://youtube.com/watch?v=X8FSTUrp98o (end)

I also believe down-throw to dair is a staple ICs move (in melee and brawl), and Ambrose is quite the fan.

/devil's advocate

Personally with Falco I prefer chaingrab to dash attack instant usmash instead of dair regrab but whatev. >___>;
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