- that's true for me in general, but in this video there's not much time spent edgeguarding and mango actually screws up a few of them
- no rests in this video
- safer thing is also generally true for me, but mango is really aggressive here
- isai advice is always correct though =P
yeah, actually, watching it again...there are no rests or gimp kills in this match. everything mango's doing is 'legit' onstage stuff.
so he's just outplaying zhu overall. and i don't know what that means.
side note: one thing i see him doing is falling upair on the front of someone's shield. can't figure out a reason for that except to throw them off.
edit: i just remembered something. in grade 11 or 12 english, we had to do an in-class essay, but we were given the topic and allowed to bring in a 'cheat sheet' with point form notes. on the bottom of mine i drew a bunch of ascii robots with red eyes. pretty sure we also had to hand this sheet in with it (though it wasn't being marked).