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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Runnan feels clunky and doesn't do its job half the time from the bolts, not saying bad on koggles but yeah been testing the item on twitch on PBE since 7% ms buff and noticed the bolts barely procing on multiple champs, only happens basically when attacking minions lol (most of the time)

Also just go Bork or mercurial on koggles, nashor's prolly a better on hit item that'll give AP too since his flat 2.0% damage is no longer AD and focuses on AP only. (this change/buff was most likely directed at kog'maw cuz rito knew that all kog builds had guinsoo's)


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
After a series of terrible games that were unfortunately decided in champ select, I decided to make an in depth guide on how to win Pick/Ban, lemme know what you guys think:

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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Isn't Brand largely neutralized by split push champions with good wave clear and assassinations with high burst?

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Splitpushing won't matter when he destroys the entire team with FQC only cause he pressed W and R. And that's just a possible 4v4 scenario, not sure what you mean cause brand support or mid isn't gonna be the one dealing with the splitpusher anyways lol


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Splitpushing won't matter when he destroys the entire team with FQC only cause he pressed W and R. And that's just a possible 4v4 scenario, not sure what you mean cause brand support or mid isn't gonna be the one dealing with the splitpusher anyways lol
In low elo, split pushers aren't dealt with until they hit inhibitors. If they are, then they can hide in the enemies jungle because it is never warded and use recall as a timer to judge when the enemy is recalling. Then push again when the enemy champions back and keep pushing all over again. The concept I had for split pushing was that Brand's AoE and teamfight potential is through the roof, but his mobility is potatoes. So disengaging whenever you see him try to nuke you in a team fight and banking on a split pusher or possibly two seems to be the best counter because the enemy team's win condition with a Brand is to group and siege.

As for assassins AD or AP, if they can chunk him out before his spread damage and DoT factor in then there is not much to worry about. Granted if he's leading he's going to have a ton of health and if the team is good they will peel for him, but in that case I wouldn't keep engaging them in team fights because they clearly will just pull away with the lead if there is no one that can reach him and then nuke him before he can get all rotations of his spells off.
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
So disengaging whenever you see him try to nuke you in a team fight and banking on a split pusher or possibly two seems to be the best counter because the enemy team's win condition with a Brand is to group and siege.
Brand is like Soraka. Stays way back in teamfights, But difference being instead of healing he can just poke with pillar of flame or press R on someone walk back and let the ult do its work. Plus cause FQC and rylai's is standard on BOTH mid and support (lol fqc is silly) you'll be slowed either way to take the brunt of his damage

As for assassins AD or AP, if they can chunk him out before his spread damage and DoT factor in then there is not much to worry about. Granted if he's leading he's going to have a ton of health and if the team is good they will peel for him, but in that case I wouldn't keep engaging them in team fights because they clearly will just pull away with the lead if there is no one that can reach him and then nuke him before he can get all rotations of his spells off.
He can poke almost a 1000 range away,with the radius of pillar though it might as well be 1k. You're not catching him even if you're zed ahri fizz etc. and if you're focusing the support instead of the mid or ad, there's a problem here. You choosing the support isn't the problem, just the fact brand is such a high priority in teamfights before the fed mid or AD that you need to get rid of the brand before he can somehow someway do more damage in the game than the 10/0/7 assassin mid.

Brand is almost as bad as rammus players/fotm ****ters right now just going top or regular jungle with rammus and first item rush is thornmail.
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Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
My counterplay so far to brand being popular is to just play a champ that can stop the ult completely, or build an early zhonyas. Yas, braum, morg, someone who takes themselves out of the map like Elise or fizz or lissandra self ult.

Or just hope the brand is bad and you can catch him out. Split pushing with baroned up minions and banner of command buffing up the Canon works pretty well. 3&2 splits with baron (or 1 2 and 2), keep the adc or ranged mage with the buffed canon, if the tank or adc goes to stop that split the other lane gets dove, if not its a free tower.

Hate brand "support" so much though.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
Laning against Brand in bot lane is disgusting. If there's any chance I'm going bot lane, I ban him. I just can't.

On the other hand, I've had success against him if I don't face him in bot lane and will leave him open. He provides dumb amounts of damage but doesn't particularly protect his team; he can't stop champions that create picks or assassinations. My teams normally aim to burst something down, disengage (unless it's free kills galore), then do something on the map depending on situation and team comp.

E.g. thresh fizz can 100-0 a target then walk away.

I play Lux a lot - I just outseige Brand. I can clear waves to stop my team taking harass at turrets and eventually I'll get picks.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
Woah there buddy.
statik shiv thresh is secret op yo.
(I meant fizz thresh together can kill a target and leave safely if the team don't blindly all in following the assassination.)

Brand is great and all in 5v5 team fights but it's still solo queue. A lot of Brands are overconfident too. Someone will play the map poorly or be out of position and get caught. There's always that one guy who will **** it up on the enemy team.
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Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
I mostly just play customs or 5s with friends and like, half the people I play with play Brand, so I know his bull**** all too well since he's literally picked/banned EVERY game I play lol


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I mostly just play customs or 5s with friends and like, half the people I play with play Brand, so I know his bull**** all too well since he's literally picked/banned EVERY game I play lol
The new dynamic queue makes solo Q fun for pre-made teams and solo-Q'ers alike. You can play with your friends and play with yourself, fun times regardless with the new dynamic queue created by Riot Games.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
"You all love playing ranked and draft pick right summoners? Well we're disabling all modes except normals draft so we can test our new pretty look for ranked/normal draft, be sure to send feedback on that and all our changes we've made summoners, HAVE FUN~!" -Rito Gaymes

As of right now 75 minute queue time and unable to test the changes to fiddle or mess with masteries/items for champs I wanna test it all on. Only 2 games show up every now and then to spectate and max amount of players I've seen so far is 3.

Why is there no normals...
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Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
"You all love playing ranked and draft pick right summoners? Well we're disabling all modes except normals draft so we can test our new pretty look for ranked/normal draft, be sure to send feedback on that and all our changes we've made summoners, HAVE FUN~!" -Rito Gaymes

As of right now 75 minute queue time and unable to test the changes to fiddle or mess with masteries/items for champs I wanna test it all on. Only 2 games show up every now and then to spectate and max amount of players I've seen so far is 3.

Why is there no normals...
i'm assuming this is pbe, the reason the queue is so long is because no one plays pbe.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Yes it's PBE, no you're wrong about people not playing PBE.

A lot of people treat it as the normal server and quite literally have gold and up on their account.
The joke was that nobody is playing cause riot is forcing us into one mode that's not fun to test and takes literally 15+ minutes to even find 9 others even on days people are on.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
Yes it's PBE, no you're wrong about people not playing PBE.

A lot of people treat it as the normal server and quite literally have gold and up on their account.
The joke was that nobody is playing cause riot is forcing us into one mode that's not fun to test and takes literally 15+ minutes to even find 9 others even on days people are on.
15 minutes already sounds like an improvement over the current implementation of TB to me. i'm all for this change.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
So, any advice on lead transference as a midlaner? Always been my biggest issue except when I was maining eve season 2 and kass season 3.

Basically I'm dealing with a repeated scenario where I'm able to arbitrarily kill the opposing mid but another lane and/or jungle is doing well so having trouble pushing out and getting sufficient vison to allow me to make roams. Generally on non-mobile midlaners, not comfortable with anything high mobility for mid this season, think anivia and malzahar.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
So, any advice on lead transference as a midlaner? Always been my biggest issue except when I was maining eve season 2 and kass season 3. Basically I'm dealing with a repeated scenario where I'm able to arbitrarily kill the opposing mid but another lane and/or jungle is doing well so having trouble pushing out and getting sufficient vison to allow me to make roams. Generally on non-mobile midlaners, not comfortable with anything high mobility for mid this season, think anivia and malzahar.
Why not run flash + TP. TP to make up for any gold/exp deficit you will get when you go back to lane after a gank. Is your problem early or late game? If you end up winning lane, but losing game on non-mobile champions then I would assume the problem is more macro game elements where TP helps a lot in compensating. I assume that you're mechanically above elo if you win lane, so the question becomes can you TP gank/flank bot lane/top lane and understand how matchups work against top laners, supports, and adc's.

If your problem is roaming then why don't you consider going with an assassin champion with burst + high objective damage like an AD mid or someone like Diana who has burst and has some nice tower shred capabilities. If you destroy the enemy tower, then that means your minion waves should naturally get stronger and be able to push out the enemy minion waves when their laner is dead or is roaming right?

As for lead transference who are you planning on transferring that lead to? Isn't the problem with this season the fact that with Thunderlord's Decree / Deathfire Touch any champion can nuke another champion within a couple of autos making burst oriented AoE damage oriented champions the meta definition champions? Feel like the most macro game impact you can make as a mid laner is to buy wards and throw a ward down river for bot lane and try to interrupt the enemy team with roams from time to time. Other than that you just need to get fed as fast and as soon as possible to cause the enemy team to give up.

Isn't there some rule that most meta mid laners are mid lane because their power spike comes from their ultimates which is most quickly achieved with having the fastest minion wave in the game giving them the massive gold leads? If that's the case then it only makes sense that the safest bet is to put all the gold on to yourself, get items, and pretty much create picks so that the enemy team ends up forfeiting at 20.

I'm only a silver scrub so I would like to know if there is a long-term established meta game for carrying from mid lane other than picking your fav. waifu and dominating the game with their move set before top lane, jg, or tank support gets enough gold to tank like six or seven of your hits and the rest of your team is potatoes.

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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
I'm not entirely sure how to answer that question except warding a bit deep in enemy jungle and tp to roam if you're somehow incapable of leaving your lane after clearing a minion wave.
I play Anivia and that's basically what I do, clear wave roam/ward, kill opponent, back and get item powerspike to hopefully kill again then roam.

Here's how backs work, if you do it before enemy laner does or die while they're still in lane and you make it back. Force their back since you have more items to do more damage and maybe even possibly kill them depending on what summoner's they blew. Even if you come back to lane with a dring and amp tome only cause you died 1v1, you still have 40+ ap over them and full health/mana so scare them back and try doing roaming or ward.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Why not run flash + TP. TP to make up for any gold/exp deficit you will get when you go back to lane after a gank. Is your problem early or late game? If you end up winning lane, but losing game on non-mobile champions then I would assume the problem is more macro game elements where TP helps a lot in compensating. I assume that you're mechanically above elo if you win lane, so the question becomes can you TP gank/flank bot lane/top lane and understand how matchups work against top laners, supports, and adc's.
Early game into midgame. Dealing with snowballs other lanes. Like the TP idea.

If your problem is roaming then why don't you consider going with an assassin champion with burst + high objective damage like an AD mid or someone like Diana who has burst and has some nice tower shred capabilities. If you destroy the enemy tower, then that means your minion waves should naturally get stronger and be able to push out the enemy minion waves when their laner is dead or is roaming right?
Been trying, no luck getting one to click with me though. I like champs like zed, yasuo, and diana. I just play awfully at them, hence I'm looking for ways to turn my existing champion pool into something better.

As for lead transference who are you planning on transferring that lead to? Isn't the problem with this season the fact that with Thunderlord's Decree / Deathfire Touch any champion can nuke another champion within a couple of autos making burst oriented AoE damage oriented champions the meta definition champions? Feel like the most macro game impact you can make as a mid laner is to buy wards and throw a ward down river for bot lane and try to interrupt the enemy team with roams from time to time. Other than that you just need to get fed as fast and as soon as possible to cause the enemy team to give up.
Turning it into kills and objective wins, creating a win basically.

Isn't there some rule that most meta mid laners are mid lane because their power spike comes from their ultimates which is most quickly achieved with having the fastest minion wave in the game giving them the massive gold leads? If that's the case then it only makes sense that the safest bet is to put all the gold on to yourself, get items, and pretty much create picks so that the enemy team ends up forfeiting at 20.
When I try that I end up with 10/1/13 quins coming from bot lane come the start of midgame.

I could use more veigar in my life.
I'm not entirely sure how to answer that question except warding a bit deep in enemy jungle and tp to roam if you're somehow incapable of leaving your lane after clearing a minion wave.
I play Anivia and that's basically what I do, clear wave roam/ward, kill opponent, back and get item powerspike to hopefully kill again then roam.

Here's how backs work, if you do it before enemy laner does or die while they're still in lane and you make it back. Force their back since you have more items to do more damage and maybe even possibly kill them depending on what summoner's they blew. Even if you come back to lane with a dring and amp tome only cause you died 1v1, you still have 40+ ap over them and full health/mana so scare them back and try doing roaming or ward.
Ya that's what I've been trying to do, I guess my question more along the lines of how to tell when I can. Having a lot of issues with getting caught by the jungler or a roaming other laner when I try to do this. Usually the jungler or other laner is snowballing to do this but they're clearly making better use of their lead and therefore clearly have better macro game sense, so I'm trying to look for options to fix this.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Merry Christmas Rito. Thank you for giving me Thunderlord's Decree MF to fill up the hole Jinx rockets left from all that unbalanced AoE crit damage.

RIP Gold V elo Lulu. Died to toxicity at elo disparity. All hail new matchmaking algorithm our new god and saviors.
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
I thought I was the only one getting slightly annoyed at preseason, but apparently even top players like qtpie and sneaky are venting a lot more than usual.
Most surprising factor being qtpie since he's a "**** it all lel" kinda guy. This preseason is breaking people man, where's the next patch mang...

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Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
^love it.

Matchmaking really really sucks though. I've been playing on a smurf (with a very low MMR because I play dumb stuff) with a friend in gold elo. For some inexplicable reason, every single game in the last 10 have had the enemy team with majority Plat 4/5 players while all my team (including me and my friend) are gold 4 to 1. It's soooooo dumb. I checked my MMR on op.gg and it's nothing to do with my account.

All my games have been clown shows lately. Somehow I consistently come out on top though. Had an amazing moment yesterday on Lux, but replay.gg is down :urg: I really want to submit it for a top 10 "Dumb Moments" in league.
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Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
No, poor form and lack of proper stretching ruins people's hands. I started doing so a while ago and am finally back to the point where I can play two games without much issue.

I'd assume claw grip is HORRIBLE for hands, but I don't do that because it was never comfortable for me to begin with lol.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Not sure why anyone would go that deep into gaming (wrist injuries) when there are no over crossover skills to be gained from it. Most professional players always rehash that going HAM into their games was ultimately a bad decision because if they were half as serious with their education from a competitive perspective they would probably have been better off.

I think the regret applies doubly for players that basically have the base set of skills to become professionals, but are stuck in semi-professional status within leagues like Master/Challenger queue and aren't making any salary from just burning time in Solo Q.

Then again even getting a diploma in STEM fields are largely over exaggerated in their utility considering how saturated the educational market is getting and how staffing agencies are taking over the science HR employment, there is a reason why Hungrybox isn't designing drill cranes to look for petroleum after he finished whatever engineering degree he got from whichever university. Which is sad because I think he actually got his degree from a really notable school iirc it was Carnegie Melon or some other school considered to be "top 25".
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Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
You make it sound like people plan on getting injured from playing games. Generally, you don't realize it until it happens. I've injured my wrist from playing computer gaming due to having my mouse at a bad angle. Everything feels fine until suddenly one day you can barely lift anything with it.



Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
You make it sound like people plan on getting injured from playing games. Generally, you don't realize it until it happens. I've injured my wrist from playing computer gaming due to having my mouse at a bad angle. Everything feels fine until suddenly one day you can barely lift anything with it. :059:
Well, I know that players like Westballz and Bjergsen were aware that they needed to stretch or exercise their wrists because they knew or noticed that constantly gaming for the amount of hours they do was bound to put stress on their wrists or already have begun to impact their ability to play the game on a competitive level. I'm sure if "just happens" for certain people, however because the nature of the wear and tear is gradual and not instantaneously degenerative like in the case of a physical fracture most players do notice the symptoms before it impact their ability to actually play.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Wait, people actually fracture stuff from playing games? Nevermind then. That's completely different. :059:
Actually it's usually tendinitis or carpal tunnel which involves inflammation of muscle/bone e.g. tendon or pinched nerves respectively. Although both have warning indicators that should be noticed before symptoms become uncontrollable.
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Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Carpal tunnel isn't degenerative when you're 20, you're just going to get pain from straining your joints repetitively in bad positions or it's just the tendons that get swollen from work overload and compress the nerve.

You get the same problems with gamers that you find with instrument players aka terrible life conditions (messed sleep schedule and no nutritional hygiene) and people paying more attention to what they can see/hear than to how they're treating their body while performing.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Carpal tunnel isn't degenerative when you're 20, you're just going to get pain from straining your joints repetitively in bad positions or it's just the tendons that get swollen from work overload and compress the nerve. You get the same problems with gamers that you find with instrument players aka terrible life conditions (messed sleep schedule and no nutritional hygiene) and people paying more attention to what they can see/hear than to how they're treating their body while performing.
Long term CTS: segmental demyelination with secondary axonal degeneration. Potential atrophy of the muscle if long term lack or loss of exposure to the peripheral nerve due to repeated cases of ignoring / working through "numbness" (myopathy). A career as a professional gamer / streamer puts you in a tentative decision and puts on mental strain / burden which pressure people to continue despite reoccuring symptoms.
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