So, any advice on lead transference as a midlaner? Always been my biggest issue except when I was maining eve season 2 and kass season 3. Basically I'm dealing with a repeated scenario where I'm able to arbitrarily kill the opposing mid but another lane and/or jungle is doing well so having trouble pushing out and getting sufficient vison to allow me to make roams. Generally on non-mobile midlaners, not comfortable with anything high mobility for mid this season, think anivia and malzahar.
Why not run flash + TP. TP to make up for any gold/exp deficit you will get when you go back to lane after a gank. Is your problem early or late game? If you end up winning lane, but losing game on non-mobile champions then I would assume the problem is more macro game elements where TP helps a lot in compensating. I assume that you're mechanically above elo if you win lane, so the question becomes can you TP gank/flank bot lane/top lane and understand how matchups work against top laners, supports, and adc's.
If your problem is roaming then why don't you consider going with an assassin champion with burst + high objective damage like an AD mid or someone like Diana who has burst and has some nice tower shred capabilities. If you destroy the enemy tower, then that means your minion waves should naturally get stronger and be able to push out the enemy minion waves when their laner is dead or is roaming right?
As for lead transference who are you planning on transferring that lead to? Isn't the problem with this season the fact that with Thunderlord's Decree / Deathfire Touch any champion can nuke another champion within a couple of autos making burst oriented AoE damage oriented champions the meta definition champions? Feel like the most macro game impact you can make as a mid laner is to buy wards and throw a ward down river for bot lane and try to interrupt the enemy team with roams from time to time. Other than that you just need to get fed as fast and as soon as possible to cause the enemy team to give up.
Isn't there some rule that most meta mid laners are mid lane because their power spike comes from their ultimates which is most quickly achieved with having the fastest minion wave in the game giving them the massive gold leads? If that's the case then it only makes sense that the safest bet is to put all the gold on to yourself, get items, and pretty much create picks so that the enemy team ends up forfeiting at 20.
I'm only a silver scrub so I would like to know if there is a long-term established meta game for carrying from mid lane other than picking your fav. waifu and dominating the game with their move set before top lane, jg, or tank support gets enough gold to tank like six or seven of your hits and the rest of your team is potatoes.