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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
It does make a difference because it impacts team construction, lane organization and build order to boot. Also, transfusion is supposed to return a % based on the damage dealt. So what percent of ZERO is he healing back now?

Against a Vlad, you could pick a champ with some kind of spell shield (Morgana, Mordekaiser, Sivir maybe) and when Vlad jockeyed into position to transfusion, you could get your shield up and harass him back. So there was this little mini battle in the lane around the transfusion hits that determined who got harassed and who was really doing the harassing. Now it doesn't matter. You can harass Vlad, but he's always got an answer. It reduces the skill needed to play as him or against him because if you are Vlad, you can hit anything with transfusion and know you are getting that life back regardless. If you are against Vlad, you are thinking less about positioning and timing and more about just farming... YAY! Just what this game needs more of, mindless farming.

It's not as big a change as the buff to Kog Maw back in the summer or anything, but its a frustrating, silly change that takes skill out of the game and makes it even less about thoughtful, competitive play and more about WHO CAN FARM THE HARDEST FOR THE FIRST TWENTY MINUTES! Woot!


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
One thing KevinM DRILLED into my head when I first started playing was that you had to watch the mini-map. You NEED to have map awareness, especially as a jungler. If your lanes are getting pushed, saving your teammates/towers and getting kills are usually more important than anything else you are doing. Since you are free to switch lanes a lot as a jungler, you need to be aware every time the enemy team coordinates a gank someplace. Either you are close enough to turn the tide, you are close enough to defend the lane if they fall OR you can run your own gank in another lane since the enemy champs are out of position to help.
As a game designer, I consider the UI of this game flawed in some ways, one of which is the mini-map. The mini-map is so important to this game that I don't know why it's not bigger or entirely different.

Jungling is a good way to practice map awareness however. Here's a suggestion: (This is directed at Zac obviously)

Since jungling is very static; you know when you're going to use a potion, you know what camps you'll be at and at what time you'll be where etc, you should try to play some games without actually looking at your character. Watch your health bar instead of you hero. Left-click on an enemy and watch that health bar instead of watching it beside your hero. Watch the map, constantly be aware of your allies positioning and your enemies. Think to yourself: "I just hit level 3, after red I'll be level 4. What should I do next?" (I'm not too familiar with Udyr's jungling but I jungled with Nunu quite a bit before. As I'm writing this post I'm going over in my head the path I would take, the smite and pot timings. I had to figure out when Nunu could do Dragon (if he had blue and/or red and at what level) etc.

Don't be afraid of dieing to minions or doing random stuff. Don't be afraid of suiciding 1v2 and giving their carry double buffs. It's not ranked, nothing matters. I've had so many noobs feed my lane enemies double buffs, it's just extra practice against **** that will happen in "legit" games.

But yeah, map awareness is basically everything in this game. The next step that so few people understand is the dynamic strategy and timing based on map awareness. If you play with my Sivir you'll notice that I don't really participate in team fights that often if my team is bad. This is less to do with the fact that they're all going to die anyways and the teamfight is pointless, but more to do with the fact that fighting at that area is giving up map control, buff control, allowing lanes to push in ways I don't want, the fight is usually in a terrible position, etc.

I lost a game yesterday, I had 300 CS, fully farmed Sivir (I've never lost a game like this). We were up 6 dragons and I did a slightly below-average job at keeping buffs up on me. We lost so bad it was pathetic. My team did not understand map awareness at all. They would be in the most ridiculous places at the most ridiculous times. Absolutely absurd how we lost a game where our team score was 15 kills higher and we were up 6 dragons. But that just shows you how important proper map control, timing, and positioning is.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
It does make a difference because it impacts team construction, lane organization and build order to boot. Also, transfusion is supposed to return a % based on the damage dealt. So what percent of ZERO is he healing back now?

Against a Vlad, you could pick a champ with some kind of spell shield (Morgana, Mordekaiser, Sivir maybe) and when Vlad jockeyed into position to transfusion, you could get your shield up and harass him back. So there was this little mini battle in the lane around the transfusion hits that determined who got harassed and who was really doing the harassing. Now it doesn't matter. You can harass Vlad, but he's always got an answer. It reduces the skill needed to play as him or against him because if you are Vlad, you can hit anything with transfusion and know you are getting that life back regardless. If you are against Vlad, you are thinking less about positioning and timing and more about just farming... YAY! Just what this game needs more of, mindless farming.

It's not as big a change as the buff to Kog Maw back in the summer or anything, but its a frustrating, silly change that takes skill out of the game and makes it even less about thoughtful, competitive play and more about WHO CAN FARM THE HARDEST FOR THE FIRST TWENTY MINUTES! Woot!
are you sure you're understanding the change correctly? the way it reads is this:

- Transfusion will now heal Vladimir even if the target is spell immune

now, this is really stupidly worded, but basically, as far as I can tell, the only thing that makes anyone "spell immune" is Black Shield. I mean, I might be misunderstanding the change, but the way I read it was that this was 100% another way to nerf black shield and to be quite frank, that won't change the dynamic of morg vs. vlad at all, (morg runs up, shields, 1 shots creep wave while vlad free farms). They both just farm their balls off while they wish they could do anything to hurt the other, but they are the 2 hardest people to gank top so they really just encourage insanely passive farming play.

Again, I don't really know what the change actually means, but I didn't take it to mean anything with regards to standard damage shields like Morde/Malph/Sion or BVeil/Sivir SS. Who knows though *shrug*, guess I'll just have to wait until later tonight.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006

Irelia very well may be OP because her numbers are ****ED UP. Her Hiten Style gives 26 HP and 75 true damage every autoattack. She scales so stupidly well with attack speed its ********. Stack attack speed, grab red buff, gg.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Is this the beginning of a Recurve Bow stacking Metagame?


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Hotfix coming in 2 days, after you've all bought the champion and her skins. Thanks for your money... I mean support...


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
And the verdict is: She sucks. Or rather, she'll need time for builds to be found to see if she can be good or not. But as it is now, she's meh at best.

Hexdrinker also sucks.

And surprisingly, not Lux. She's actually somewhat decent now. Probably a solid mid tier character that is outclassed by other champs but is can be pretty good if you're really skilled with her.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to

Irelia very well may be OP because her numbers are ****ED UP. Her Hiten Style gives 26 HP and 75 true damage every autoattack. She scales so stupidly well with attack speed its ********. Stack attack speed, grab red buff, gg.
And the verdict is: She sucks. Or rather, she'll need time for builds to be found to see if she can be good or not. But as it is now, she's meh at best.

that is all.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
And the verdict is: She sucks. Or rather, she'll need time for builds to be found to see if she can be good or not. But as it is now, she's meh at best.

Hexdrinker also sucks.

And surprisingly, not Lux. She's actually somewhat decent now. Probably a solid mid tier character that is outclassed by other champs but is can be pretty good if you're really skilled with her.
Hexdrinker is just underwhelming. For the same amount of gold, most people would simply get a BF sword and be that much closer to IE instead of pony up for less damage and a magic damage shield that's pretty low. That's not really a fault of Hexdrinker though: rushing IE or that first big item your champ needs is just too good to pass up right now.


Smash Cadet
Jan 16, 2005
We played against Bigfatjiji on Lilballz' account with his premade today and slaughtered him when he jungle irelia'd. He did some weird tank build (randuins banshees merc starks???) and got owned by ours who went a typical dps build and just burst the hell out of him.

Then the second game he laned with her and did a dps build which pretty much slaughtered us in conjunction with his eve.

Third game he was on poppy and ghostwalk was on irelia, we pretty much smashed them because our irelia was stomping again.

I wouldn't call her overpowered but her burst is ******** and if she gets the stun off it hurts pretty badly.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Bigfat likes ******* around alot, and I guess you could say he's a tad bit overrated by people who think he's an unstoppable force. Jiji is actually not too hot early game but tends to shine as a player late game (thus pulling out those "just won the game" plays late game that make people cream their pants). I've beaten Jiji in lane quite a few times (on his main account and on other people's accounts), the most recent time being where I stomped on his Corki early game. But Jiji's early game strength comes in last hitting. Man farms like a machine. Point in case, I very rarely beat him in the games where I beat him in lane since he always carries in the end (all I can do is delay when he can start carrying).

And like I said, red buff on Irelia + Hiten style can be pretty massive. I'm fairly sure she'd fare better with exhaust over ignite as well because it just gives her a few more hits on them. Her main utility comes early/early mid game when teamfights are small and fragmented. Late game she's just as useless as every other melee DPS that isn't named Olaf or Xin. Also, exhaust >>>>>>>> her. Surprise surprise, a melee DPS completely shut down by exhaust.

I think Irelia would be better if there were more (or any) tanky attack speed items in the game. Melee DPS have to transition from damage to tankyness with their builds just because of how the game works in general, and transition items (my own term) make this faster and more effective. Right now Irelia probably fares best rushing Yomu and maayyyybe one other item, then building durable. Just like every other melee DPS.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Lol Im reading all the QQ about Hexdrinker on the boards. I don't understand how people think it's OP at all.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
@mogwai: please update the first post to show that i play mostly Malzahar, Miss Fortune, Shen and Evelynn now


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
Ha, sometimes this game is too funny. Been playing with 3 friends and we've tried a lot of champions and combinations now. Level 21 so far.

My favourite combination has been team sunfire. Probably not the best strategy but sooooo fun, especially against AD heavy teams. We have rough starts, but by endgame the opposition literally melt against blitz, shen, garen and singed. Once you pass ~9 sunfires things get ridiculous. The collective blob of lame disables + burning is truly a sight to behold.


Smash Ace
Jan 4, 2010
Connecticut USA
@mogwai: please update the first post to show that i play mostly Malzahar, Miss Fortune, Shen and Evelynn now
@mogwai: please update the first post to show that i play LoL at all.

IGN: Brotodile
Mains: Kennen, not sure who else yet, still trying champs.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove

1. Decided to pick up Kennen with that IP I had saved up. Lots of fun.

2. Not impressed at all with Irelia. Will pass up buying her for now and save my RP for a better champ. There is really no reason to play her in the jungle over WW/Udyr/Rammus or in the lane over Xin/Garen/Morde. None.

3. I used Dekar's Cho'Gath build tonight in 5s and had a jolly good time. I had three kills on the enemy Vlad with feast. OMNOMNOMNOM...


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Malphite is a godlike solo and he is an ABSURDLY strong early/early-mid champion. His tower diving capability is through the roof.

But I don't think I've seen many characters that fall off in effectiveness as fast as Malphite. As soon as your team starts grouping up and keeping splayed (i.e. not bunching up together when moving as a team) he can't do much. If Malphite scaled slightly better with items, he'd be one hell of an OP character. Thank god he's just annoying right now.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Want to know the best way to fight a Cho in lane that is guaranteed to work 100% of the time?

Switch lanes :/


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Yeah, league is so focused on farm its kinda ridiculous. As a carry, just practice staying safe and last-hitting every creep you can. Once you master farming like a champ, you can start to mix in harassment and learn how to balance it to be effective in your lane. Ashe is a really good carry to learn on because her attack animation is pretty fast, which lets you last-hit a lot, and she is really, really safe. Multiple slows, a stun at level 6, good range. Ashe will also help you learn map awareness (staying safe from ganks AND using your ECA into lanes that might need a little help) as well as positioning for team fights. If you can use your arrow for initiation and then enter the main fight after your tanks have initiated, you'll figure out real fast how far forward is too far in team fights.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Ashe's attack animation actually isn't that good. I mean, it's better than Trist's, but like, you put her next to Kog/MF/Corki and it's frustratingly slow. She is the most consistently valuable carry in the game though and is only 450 IP to boot, so she's pretty much the best bang for your buck in the entire game.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
question about last hitting: when i go mid as anivia, i find it somewhat difficult to last hit due to her low attack damage and slow attack animation. when i hit level 6 though, i use my ult to take out entire creep waves, and let the creeps alone push to the tower. they end up either harassing the enemy champion or doing a bit of damage to the tower. this method allows me to almost always get a higher creep score than the opponent. a few people have told me in game that i'm doing it wrong and that i should keep last hitting so i don't push the lane. i do the same thing with morgana's soil, because it's difficult to last hit with her as well. does this method work at high level play, or is there a way to counter it?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
there's basically nothing you can do to stop people from 1-shotting creep waves and it's pretty effective, but pushing the tower alone or harassing alone will get you ganked. The standard follow up to 1-shotting creep waves is to just go mia to become a potential threat all over the map.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
You can just practice more at last-hitting so you don't push the lane. Or you could Let the creep waves clash for the little while and once a couple of your own units are dead, THEN you could pop your ult and finish off the rest of the wave. That way you are pushing it a little more slowly. The problem is not necessarily pushing the tower, but basically you make their carry safe since they are farming at the tower and you are making yourself very unsafe, unless you want to kill creeps and then sit at your tower while their carry kills your creeps and comes back to the middle. You might miss some vital experience in that case.

Mogwai has a good idea though. Anivia, despite being slow, is a pretty good ganker. You could push hard, then leave lane and look for opportunities to gank. You could also support dragon kills and go get blue buff if your jungler doesn't need it while the creeps are pushed. If you are feeling really ballsy, you can go into the brush, then circle around and kill the enemy wraith camp for more gold/exp and to hinder their jungler. Just make sure that if you meet their jungler, your Flash/Wall combo is up so you can escape.

Fun trick: If you get caught against a carry/jungler in a bad spot and you don't think you can correctly position a wall between you, just put the wall in front of yourself and then flash over it.

EDIT: ROFL MOGWAI http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=348185

calling the man out on the forums. So hilarious.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
you don't even have to go gank or something, it's just about being outside of the enemy line of sight. The simple state of being MIA to the other team changes the way they have to play, and that in and of itself is very powerful.

and yea, I don't **** around. Riot could pay me $10 an hour for 2 hours/day and I guarantee you that tournies like this would be roughly 500 times better run than they currently are. So why is the "eSports Manager" who theoretically speaking should be spending 8 hours/day at a much higher pay failing to do the most simple ****. It's quite frankly... completely mindboggling to me.
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