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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Lux is a very good support now, IMO. I'd say she's better than Morgana for that role, but outclassed by hard supports (i.e. Janna/Sona).

Why don't more people get Sword of the Divine? Its a super fun happy time AS item nowadays. I'm honestly surprised that Xin isn't considered OP yet, since I'm sure SotD + Ghostblade = pure sex. My guess is that as long as exhaust is around, Xin won't be considered OP (despite absolutely being way too strong).
If Xin builds Ghostblade and SotD, he's gonna be pretty squishy. I mean the SotD active is nice because it also works with his Ult, but he's gonna end up pretty fragile if you go that route.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
So, I wish they had made wards cheaper if they were going to make them AoE 1 shottable =/
you mean by dragon?

Just felt like dropping by and mentioning that I haven't played this game in 5 days (willingly) and now I don't even have the desire to patch my client.

Riot is killing this game. Its too bad, I really enjoyed it while it lasted *sigh*

I really don't understand the need for attack speed on Sivir, or why it's even a problem. What happened to getting Bloodthirsters?
err, I don't really have time to draw you a diagram, so hopefully someone else will. If it's left unanswered for a few hours I'll clear it up for you.

diagram plox!!

my current Pantheon build usually looks like 2 dblades -> ghostblade -> SotD. with the LW change SotD is sorta the default AS item, IMO, with Phantom Dancer and Starks both having their own niches.
so you dont get the new LW on panth?


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
old last whisper was better on Sivir -_-'... by a lot...

people still ban Gragas for the same reason they still ban Pantheon. we just need to sit here twiddling our thumbs until people learn to ban anivia and sivir. I actually do still think Gragas is incredibly strong, but Locket and Visage do bring him back down to earth.
gtfo off my bird ;-;
also sivir may be banned but everyone still sucks with anivia so i think she's safe for a while


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
you mean by dragon?
among other things... last I heard **** like Akali's E could one shot invis wards :p

only do so if you can hit hooks. no hooks = useless blitz.

diagram plox!!
sigh... ok, so sivir's W (main source of late game damage) scales off of just 2 stats, AD and AS. It cannot crit, nor can it proc on-hit effects. AD is a flat additive bonus, AS is a scaling multiplicative bonus. Without going into too much detail, you shoot yourself in the foot by not speccing for both of these. After you have treads + BT, you gain more DPS from a recurve bow than you do from a BF Sword, so it's necessary to spec towards that AS Item, which should either be SotD or Starks IMO (since Sivir's crit scaling is poor).

so you dont get the new LW on panth?
depends on opposing team, but I'm mostly just an assassin so my targets are typically low armor, which means that with my 45 ArPen off of GB + Runes, they'd need to have 110+ armor for LW's armor pen to catch up to SotD's armor pen. I also shun HSS for the most part still (because I don't like sitting there channeling), and thus I want an AS item badly.

gtfo off my bird ;-;
also sivir may be banned but everyone still sucks with anivia so i think she's safe for a while
I dunno. In high elo games, Anivia is literally impossible to push into past 35 minutes, it's really infuriating.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
AoE circle of chill with a Wall and a Slow Skillshot... All ready to slow and block you.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
Frostbite is dumb.

If Anivia is backed up by her team early game, she gains the ability to back up the whole team late game. She gets to decide the routes teamfights take and who on the enemy team gets to actually fight. Wall is brutal. I liked it when you could ghost through it.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
I usually build Sivir Manamune>Mercs/Swiftness>Warmog's>Atma's. From what you're saying about her am I building her wrong?
I only build Manamune on my smurf who doesn't have MP5/L Seals. Zerkers are basically a must now (which sucks, merc treads are so good on her), Atma's is vastly inferiour to BT, and Warmogs > your BF sword is only if you need to be tanky, otherwise mogs last so you never die in late-game team fights. LW's 40% APen is also core.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
i'm losing hope in cass. either she's twice as difficult as anivia and nidalee combined (and is really good), or she's just not as good as most other casters. i hope it's the former since i want a challenge.

even phreak failed with her in the spotlight lol...


Smash Ace
Jan 4, 2010
Connecticut USA
I played with a friend last night who was Cass. It seems like she takes a while to get started - she kept getting ganked and spent a good 1200 gold on Oracles to counter Twitch but once she started going she just kept going. She definitely needs a good team behind her to be good, and she gets ridiculous. Definitely not top tier, though.

I want it to be free Ryze week :3


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
I played against a sivir with Wit's End a while back.

it was pretty brutal, our team was always oom.
This struck me as odd. You do know that Sivir's extra hits on her basic attack don't proc items, yes? This means that everyone on your team other than whoever Sivir is initially hitting was OOM on their own accord.

sigh... ok, so sivir's W (main source of late game damage) scales off of just 2 stats, AD and AS. It cannot crit, nor can it proc on-hit effects. AD is a flat additive bonus, AS is a scaling multiplicative bonus. Without going into too much detail, you shoot yourself in the foot by not speccing for both of these. After you have treads + BT, you gain more DPS from a recurve bow than you do from a BF Sword, so it's necessary to spec towards that AS Item, which should either be SotD or Starks IMO (since Sivir's crit scaling is poor).
I'm not saying that you never need AS, just that LW is still a really good item on Sivir. It's really nice because it gives you some options on your early build, like if you're doing bad early and that BF sword is going to take too long. You can get a pickaxe instead to try and help you catch up faster and it won't mess up your overall item build.

The way I see it on the AD and AS thing is you get AD until the percentage increase from the AD is less than the AS bonus. So if you have 100 damage then any item that gives you 40 damage or more is better than a recurve bow because that will increase your attack speed by 40 percent. So essentially, after you get about 150 damage or so you should probably go all AS after that to maximize your DPS. This is, of course, not counting a lot of factors such as your opponent's expected armor and your crit percentage, and in the case of Sivir you can factor in the scaling to her Q. It also doesn't factor that a LW doesn't actually increase your AS by 40 percent, but that's a lot to get into.

With this in mind, I tend to like to go to about 200 damage or so before I start getting AS items on Sivir. 200 damage is a BT and a LW.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
been playing some poppy recently. HOLY **** she *****. has one of the best passives (basically causes everything worth anything to do half damage to you) and ultimates (6 second godmode/single target ****) in the game imo. all this time i've been playing tryndamere when there's a better alternative out there.

any poppy players in here? i start with shield, but i'm considering starting with mana crystal due to her mana issues. i rush sheen/triforce and swiftness boots, then either last whisper or ie.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
You're welcome Octave. I still want to see what Mogwai thinks about what I said since he studies the game more than I do.

I don't really play Poppy but I know enough about her to tell you this: Poppy is arguably the best character in the game dollar for dollar. What that means is that if she can farm as well as anyone else then she will be better than anyone else. That being said she is also the worst farmer in the game as well. You can use Q to smack one creep and then you're just autoattacking at melee range.

I think you get what I'm trying to say in terms of strategy, yes?

I would also consider AP Poppy over AD or Hybrid Poppy, but I'll let someone who plays Poppy comment on that.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006

No way. AP Poppy with Lichbane is OMG MY CARRY IS DEAD


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Oh ya, it's 5s, you ALWAYS get your items completely full.


Sheen > DFG > Trifroce


Sheen > DFG > Lich Bane

You don't want to finish LB before you have another AP item, which has been discussed in this thread before :O


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Poppy would honestly be the best character in the game if she was better at farming. She instantly makes fights into a 5v4. When she ults someone, as long as she has ghost, they are NOT getting away from her. She can guarantee a free kill on any squishy as soon as she is able to afford Sheen/Pen boots/DFG. Its just absurd.

I picked up Poppy for a little bit a looong time ago. I just couldn't stand how bad at farming she was though. Every time I played her I kept thinking about when she was first released on the TR, back when Tiamat worked with her Q. She was good at farming then :X

Hm... Maybe I should give Tiamat Poppy with maxing W first a try again, just for old time's sake. My ELO seems to keep getting lower despite how well I do, so I might as well have fun while losing more.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I've always wondered what it would be like to get a ton of spell vamp on Poppy. Her Q is single target magic damage, so DFG + 4 revolvers + pen boots = Lololol?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I just tried out the bloodthirster>LW>ASPDetc. in a practice game and holy ****, I like that build a lot better. Thanks lol
I would do BT > Recurve > LW > Starks > Warmogs/BVeil or something like that.

been playing some poppy recently. HOLY **** she *****. has one of the best passives (basically causes everything worth anything to do half damage to you) and ultimates (6 second godmode/single target ****) in the game imo. all this time i've been playing tryndamere when there's a better alternative out there.

any poppy players in here? i start with shield, but i'm considering starting with mana crystal due to her mana issues. i rush sheen/triforce and swiftness boots, then either last whisper or ie.
Poppy's a stupid and annoying character :p. Most good poppies I see open D-Ring into sheen into DFG into Lichbane/Triforce (which seems to be just preference, I've seen both be very effective). Your boots should be sorc shoes for insta-gibbing.

The other big thing I note about Poppy is that since she sucks *** at farming and bursts like a boss near walls most good Poppies I see spend a lot of time counter jungling and try to get their farm by picking off junglers.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I'm not saying that you never need AS, just that LW is still a really good item on Sivir. It's really nice because it gives you some options on your early build, like if you're doing bad early and that BF sword is going to take too long. You can get a pickaxe instead to try and help you catch up faster and it won't mess up your overall item build.

The way I see it on the AD and AS thing is you get AD until the percentage increase from the AD is less than the AS bonus. So if you have 100 damage then any item that gives you 40 damage or more is better than a recurve bow because that will increase your attack speed by 40 percent. So essentially, after you get about 150 damage or so you should probably go all AS after that to maximize your DPS. This is, of course, not counting a lot of factors such as your opponent's expected armor and your crit percentage, and in the case of Sivir you can factor in the scaling to her Q. It also doesn't factor that a LW doesn't actually increase your AS by 40 percent, but that's a lot to get into.

With this in mind, I tend to like to go to about 200 damage or so before I start getting AS items on Sivir. 200 damage is a BT and a LW.
well basically what I was trying to say is that previously LW was a top end Attack Speed item that also solved Armor Pen for you. Now it's a mid-range AD item that solves Armor Pen for you. The issue is that there isn't nearly as good an Attack Speed Item as Last Whisper was for Sivir, so now solving that niche is harder and solving the Armor Pen niche now comes at the cost of an otherwise suboptimal item. Defaulting LW is not wise btw. It's a reactionary item, not a core item, you get it when the opposing team starts to get noticeable armor and I think you should sneak a recurve bow in before it most games.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
i've never understood ap poppy since her q scales 1:1 off ad but only .6:1 off ap, and triforce gives you 1.5x attack damage compared to lich bane's 1x ap. i have seen ap poppys that instakill after 40 minutes though.

i'll give it a try i guess (maybe i'll rush kage's for faster cash and then go for lich bane).


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
i've never understood ap poppy since her q scales 1:1 off ad but only .6:1 off ap, and triforce gives you 1.5x attack damage compared to lich bane's 1x ap. i have seen ap poppys that instakill after 40 minutes though.

i'll give it a try i guess (maybe i'll rush kage's for faster cash and then go for lich bane).
The idea is mostly because of DFG and because her Q is magic damage so magic pen helps quite a bit. Use your ult for the damage % bonus, which applies for DFG.
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