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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I still do AP, but hella tankier now. Usually Randuin's or Banshee's Veil is my first item. I don't know, never tried AD/tank Sion, I'll have to try it out. Guinsoo's a good item for him? Seems like with its indirect nerf from this patch it'd be a lot less enjoyable.

I just love the AP build's synergy with some of the gay characters like Ezreal and Garen <3
Rageblade was one way to go. Personally I prefer builds that slowly work up to Triforce through tanking items, like this:

merc treads
some other tanking item here.

This is really hybridy though, if you want balls to the walls right-clicking machine, here's another build:

Atma's Impaler
Last Whisper
some other tanking item here.

Essentially Sion has built in 65 AD, 50% AS, 100% Lifesteal from Enrage + Cannibalism, so the best things to get to improve his attack damage are Crit and penetration since his abilities buff you on all other fronts. He also really has HP covered by Enrage, shield and his massive lifesteal. Investing in HP is dumb, just going balls to the walls Armor/mRes yields better results because your effective HP pool is already so massive. The reason to go the triforce route is that the individual items are cheaper and easier to integrate if you're not owning as much face as you need to. It also retains some of the burstyness of AP Sion in case they have like an Ez or someone squishy like that that you really just wanna explode at the start of the fight.

EDIT: oh yea and ghostblade can be really nasty. I dunno really how to work it in, but on paper it's sick nasty on him.


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Anybody have thoughts on Urgot? I feel like building him with the recommended items is pretty lackluster unless you're fed to hell and people can't farm up the armor or damage to drop you. I've been going with a debuffing/off-tank build on him that's actually worked pretty **** well so far.

First main item: Tear of the Goddess. Urgot is worthless without his spells, this lets you spam them and become more capable of spamming them later. Mana regen will also assist with never having to leave your lane, so you can farm more and more.

Second main item: Merc treads. Tabi if the other team is heavy physical, but almost always Merc treads.

Third main item: Glacial Shroud followed by Frozen Heart, because putting that movement debuff after swapping into the middle of their team, plus the mana to synergize with your tear and the CDR to spam harder, is legit.

Fourth main item: Abyssal Sceptre. More debuffing, gives you the MR you need to survive caster nukes, and that extra AP benefits your shield.

Fifth: Finish the tear into an archangel's if for some reason the game is going on this long. You'll have around 3k mana at this point, which means a hefty chunk of AP for your shield and your AOE.

Optimally you'll be spamming shield and Q to slow people, swapping with the squishy into their team, giving them movement and MR debuffs, reducing armor and damage with your other abilities, and drawing fire while your team drops your swap-target. Early game Urgot's fairly strong and you won't even need to itemize, just harass if you have a lane advantage or last-hit with E+Q if you're being pushed. Shield + Q to help gank, then R to negate any escape abilities the other guy uses.

This build definitely relies on your team for the real damage output, but it benefits that output, lets you constantly debuff and harass, and you'll have over 200 armor and MR after your swap so between that and your shield you can still make it out alive. Still messing around with runes and masteries for it.



aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
I have yet to be impressed by an Urgot, Wobbles, but just some suggestions: tear is good, and as far as dps goes, a brutalizer is decent. Try guinsoo's too. Randuins is awesome, because he puts himself right in the middle of the enemy team and all. Other than that, I'm not sure xD

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
Went to a friends and played for ~8 hours. - 5v5. ****s so fun, except people leaving on you. Going to do the same thing tomorrow. Level 5 and lost a thousand times, lol. People leaving is never fun.

I'm playing Ashe / Zilian. He plays Veigar.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
That's good to know.

Whats up with Malphite? Also how does Ezreal play? I really want to main him but he's sooo expensive so I won't be grabbing him til late levels.


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Mogwai: You will chew through mana like a maniac if you don't have buckets of it. Right now I'm runed for seals and glyphs of scaling MP/5, mastered for extra regen, I buy a faerie charm (sometimes 2 then sell the extra later) and if I decide to use my skills to any effect I STILL run out of mana early game. The CDR is an absolute MUST if you want to put out any kind of damage or useful debuffing, and once you have that CDR you just chew through mana faster. Unless you have golem buff... but then you're stealing it from the caster or jungler who needs it.

Straight tank build (tried it) has the same problem as DPS except I feel like he becomes COMPLETELY negligible, barely helping the team at all after his swap. Hell, if your target has any kind of blink move (like a Kat or Ez, or they're packing flash, or god forbid both) then your ult will be worthless and you'll still be doing nothing for the team. What if it's a Kassadin that your team needs to focus? Ult -> Riftwalk. Now you're standing there doing almost nothing. Pure tank on him has no real use late game outside ulting people, IMO.

CABC: Just can't get behind Rageblade for him simply cause his autoattack is so underwhelming. I like the idea of Randuin's, but I keep running into Mana-gement issues. Brutalizer is nice, but once your mana is gone, what do you do? Get in there and autoattack with no survivability? Debuff spam seems to be the best way for him to have impact late-game, IMO, especially in conjunction with a solid carry or nuker.

Urgot's synergy with Anivia is fantastic, by the way. She can just lay down her ult on you as you start swapping, and then go for the spike -> wall -> stun -> spike combo without having to get into risky range of the rest of the other team. She's got the kind of damage output Urgot needs backing him for him to be effective.

I dunno, I really like him and want to make him work. Most people think he's UP and one-trick, but my build's been giving me decent results even in ranked.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
I don't know about his mana issues or anything, I was just saying what I've seen the ones who have done well do.

We should play some ranked sometime =)

Also Urgot/Anivia is sooooo fun, I did it with a friend haha


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Wobbles, he was still hitting relatively hard specced as a full tank. His Q spam with the shield up was just annoying as hell because even pre-ult he could poke like a champ and if you ever ate an E, you were in a world of trouble. It was a weird game though, not very tanky by current standards.

And don't underestimate that passive, it's a really huge beating.

Oddly enough, playing Pantheon is dragging me back into the 1600s. *shrugs* I guess there's no replacement for knowing all the ins and outs of your character... even if he's super underwhelming.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
Urgot just seems like a big gimmick to me. His ultimate isn't really that threatening. Course i play garen/kennen so im usually diving headfirst at people anyway, but i digress. It's range is kind of pitiful for what it does, but i did have a game where an urgot ulti'd a fed vlad over a wall which gave us a 5-0 team fight.


Can you clense out of his ulti?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Urgot just seems like a big gimmick to me. His ultimate isn't really that threatening. Course i play garen/kennen so im usually diving headfirst at people anyway, but i digress. It's range is kind of pitiful for what it does, but i did have a game where an urgot ulti'd a fed vlad over a wall which gave us a 5-0 team fight.


Can you clense out of his ulti?
I don't believe you can cleanse out.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I knew it got rid of crap like Mord's ult and ignite, but for some reason I didn't think Urgot's ult worked by applying a special debuff to do the switch... I mean, I guess it makes sense, but for some reason I didn't think it needed a debuff to be implemented so I figured you couldn't QSS out.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Anyone on right now that wants to play?

Edit: also, I think it would be great if we could organize some practice 5v5s. We've done it a few times with BRoom LoL players and we have an even larger number of players here.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Yeah, I have no idea to find the chat you're talking about :(

Also, had some one invite me to a normal game, I picked tryndamere and said I was jungling and they immediately dodged.


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
i just queued up for a game, but afterwards...maybe.


ruh roh, shouldn't have queued.

amumu, warwick (neither one has smite), urgot, akali, and poor old me as flava flav



Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
The chat channel SWF is where we you supposed to go when we log on if you wanna play with smashers.

Also, it is your responsibility to friend everyone in the first post when you first post your info in the thread. I don't think a lot of us are gonna go through and figure out who we have and have not friended.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
SWF channel on . . . ? LoL? Vent? If LoL, I didn't know there were channels. Nor can I find where thar is.

Also, I'm probably gonna friend you guys once I get on. Mostly people I know. I won't offer to play with anyone because I still blow at this point.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
I didn't find it that difficult to do.

Log in, look at the lower left corner of the client. Click on the word bubble. Click on the door icon that should now be right above where the word bubble is. Enter "swf" and press the plus sign. Profit.

Then sit around as no one is talking as they're all in game. Smile!


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
What you'll find is that people start talking more when there are more of them. LiquidParty used to be completely dead, then like we started consistently hitting 20 people and people were always talking. It's always fun to go in there and recap after I play a streamed game on CLG.


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
I'm being slow about getting windows back on my laptop.

I'm not really a huge fan of the way Riot is doing things, anyone wanna try and sway my mind? I mean, I'm not the most knowledgeable of this game but I feel like their priorities shouldn't be (ignoring business for 2 seconds) releasing nu champs but balancing. Isn't Eve still just a 1350 playable minion? Unless she got a buff in the last few weeks, but she's been "bad" since the beginning of the summer.
Also I'm not a huge fan of the draft system forcing you to essentially be able to play 14 champs (2 bans, last pick deal). In that that's how they defined "playing to win".

These are some of the reasons I'm not really motivated to play this game right now. It's fun but I don't think I want to take it seriously.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Well, especially if you're not taking it seriously, everyone's viable. I just got into an argument in teamliquid's LoL thread about how every champion is viable up until you start getting solidly into the 1600-1700 ranked elo range. I play this game pretty ****ing seriously and hell, as much as I try to stop it, I'm still a ****ing pantheon main despite him being nerfed into bordline unplayability. Doesn't mean I can't still climb past 1600 and do well. The level of play in this game has not gotten refined enough that people know how to exploit every champion to the point where playing a sub-optimal champion is necessarily going to impede your progress more than just general skill factors.

One of the things you have to understand about game design is that the people doing balance and the people creating new champions are two completely separate sets of people. While I agree that releasing new champions every 2-3 weeks makes balancing a little more difficult, I don't think that by halting new champion production, you're suddenly gonna see perfect balance. Add onto that that this is an ever shifting metagame (even sans new champions entering the competitive mix) and the issue of balancing becomes even more of a nightmare.

And ignoring business is silly. It's a ftp game, they have to get revenue from somewhere, so halting production of the thing that rakes in the most sales for them just isn't practical.

I don't really get what's wrong about the theoretical need to be able to play 14 champions... I mean, in regular play, you theoretically needed to be able to play 5. The fact that only having 2 was pretty much always enough should be a pretty good indicator of how often you'll be screwed by only being about to play like, 4 or 5 champs in ranked games. There are just so many characters out there that even though there is a worst case of "OMG ALL 5 OF MY HEROES HAVE BEEN PICKED!" the reality is that this basically never comes up because of the relatively low level of overlap between all the participating players. But I guess the real issue is that I just don't think heroes in this game are difficult enough mechanically to play for it to be unreasonable to expect competitive players to have a variety of champions they're competent with.
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