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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
I swear, queueing up with 5 feels worse than solo queue for me

Ezreal (me, AD), Soraka, Galio, Xin Zhao, Master Yi (AP built)

Ezreal: 7/3/1
Soraka: 0/3/2 (legit, it's Soraka)
Galio: 1/7/2
Xin Zhao: 1/6/2
Master Yi: 1/5/1

Galio player had never picked him before. Xin Zhao player pretty much mains Xin Zhao, and among other things, died at level 3 to Golem, ended the match at level 12, missed the steal on Baron with Smite, and pretty much didn't help at all. Master Yi... tried, but he was focused down every fight pretty much since Galio died instantly, Xin Zhao never participated, and I, being Ezreal, pressed E and suddenly I couldn't be focused.

It was pretty pathetic. This was in normal games, but is the source of many of my issues with ranked games atm :(
i personally wouldn't be all that frustrated with this mainly due to all the stupid internet issues i've been dealing with....i'd just like a game where i don't go moonwalking during half the laning/jungling phase...

:mad:I missed lvl 2 lizard for an easy double gank in a lane because of a lag spike and then couldn't come back at all kuz i would reconnect and then be back to moonwalking everywhere before i would completely dc again....:mad:

i really can't wait until i get back to school and not have to deal with shitty internet.

really, it's pretty awesome that schools have amazing internet haha...


big sigh.....

g'night ppl


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Just watched Dyrus **** all over Hotshot and his team in solo q ranked tonight. Dyrus is too good.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Well, that's funny, because last night I saw HotSHotGG and company **** over Dyrus. They completely shut down his Singed.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Well, in the game I watched, he was obviously good, but he got caught way out of position a few times (he got three man ganked at least twice). He laned top against SYDTKO's Kennen and didn't do too well.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
It's anyone else having trouble with the update from last night? I get to "Copying 19%" and the program has to close because of some error <_<


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
It's anyone else having trouble with the update from last night? I get to "Copying 19%" and the program has to close because of some error <_<
if you use any of the recommended item customizers, you need to restore the defaults.

again, I don't watch streams so I only have opinions of those players from playing with them and what they post on the forums.
TreeEskimo seems like a real nice guy
Roku pounded me with Mundo back when I was just starting to get good and I haven't seen him since
DD has ruined games for me by going Eve and ending up worthless because you just can't pull that **** on my level
Dyrus is the ****ing man. He can be a little bm sometimes, but mostly he just shuts up and plays really ****ing well.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
I started playing this and I'm trying out Annie. I definitely suck though. If people are looking to queue up with a noob just ask me on aim. I can use vent.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I'd play if I could get it running :mad:
Try uninstalling and redownloading the app from the website.

Also, I have been having a blast on my smurf.

So Arc if you want to play just message me on CosmicHippo and I will switch to my smurf, ILikeMacGyver


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
??? Item customizers???

ok so let's say i did use those, how would i restore defaullts and why would that interrupt an update?
well, all of them have options to restore defaults, so if you don't use league tools or w/e there's no possible way you effed it up. they're basically just tools to make you change your recommended items so that you can have your build as recommended rather than needing to dig through the inventory.

I'd say just reinstall as Pakmang suggests.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
I finally decided to just use a different cpu.. lol. Thanks for the help tho.

Arc, post up your info for the OP. I'm on now so I'll add you.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
I just played a "crazy builds" game amongst all lv 30's (I was the only 17 effff)

anyway, I got tanking teemo and we still won hahaha.

if anyone's on right now, i need some practice. add me 'Flariados'


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I actually think Kennen is pretty good now. even with the jacked up AP ratios, I think you should be building him AS/AD and just playing him like a carry with somewhat reliable stuns. That's how Azen has always played him and I think the 2 big things from the patch notes that I saw for that style of playing him were the armor/mRes increase on the ball thing and the extra stun potential on his ult. I just think everyone's too willing to kamikaze in with Kennen.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I posted this in another thread. Just a random dump of stuff I have been thinking about.

I kind of want to write a Nasus guide. So here are some random thoughts. I think getting triforce is a bad choice considering is doesn't help your tanking ability very much. Nasus is much better at tanking than he is at DPSing. I prefer sunfires and GA because his ult and sunfire's unique still do damage when you activate GA's unique. Siphon strike is barely useful in a teamfight because it is a single target melee attack on a pretty long cool down for a weak move. It barely counts as a nuke. Nasus' utility comes from his ult and his wither. In a teamfight you blast your ult and wither their dps and run into their team. If they target you, good. your carries should be able to pick them off. If they don't target you, good, they take ******** aoe damage from your ult/sunfires and spirit fire. Either way, the longer you survive the better for your team.

Knowledge dump

Guardian angel: The bonus armor and magic resist you get from spending the extra 1200 on after you have all its parts is very little. That 1200 is pretty much entirely for the unique part where you get another life (and consolidating 3 tanking items into one slot). I know everyone is thinking "Duh I know that", but the reason I bring this up is that playing foolishly and running around by yourself with GA is not only asking the other team to kill you for free money, but is also wasting that 1200. Everyone has been killed right after being resurrected from GA. When you die right after using GA you are wasting the extra gold. So if you have an aggressive playstyle and like to solo push late game away from the team, I really think GA is a bad tanking item for that playstyle. Think of it this way GA is much better for the guy who dies first in a teamfight rather than the guy who dies last.

Catalyst is an awesome item for mages. I love this ****ing item for Kassadin. Mages run out of mana and are squishy so getting an early catalyst makes spamming and playing aggressive a little more forgiving and allows you to lane longer. Every level gets you a decent mana and HP boost. You also get a flat health and mana bonus which is awesome. But the real beauty of this item is what it builds into. If you are destroying *****es and can grab an early Rod of Ages, that is just gonna make you a powerhouse later in the game. If you aren't doing so well you can hold onto catalyst a little longer for the leveling unique and grab some ability power items. Then at or around level 18 when the unique is useless build it into banshees which is a fantastic item for any character.

I am going to start compiling ward strategies.

"M3D said:
I tend to put wards near dragon/baron, in the brush near the golem/lizard spawns and on the slopes down into the river near the wraith camp. With those 8 wards, you have near complete map awareness and can easily catch single players off jungling or trying to clear creep waves by themselves. If the whole team isn't warding, then I just focus on warding near where I think the action is going to be so we can see them incoming. For instance, if they have been pressing our base, I'll ward the little patch of grass between the middle lane and the wraith camp or if we are grouping up to get baron I'll drop them either in the opposite team's wraith grass or the snaking grass on their approach to baron, depending on which side we are fighting from.

Laning phase with no junglers:
Gets wards(2) for the bushes in mid, and the single bushes(1 per side lane) next to the river in each lane.

Laning phase with junglers:
Same as with junglers, but get a few extra for dragon/golemn.

I guess using a chart like that as a starting point is alright, but really what you should be noticing is how the ward placements affect your play and wean yourself off of a chart of placement and instead learn to adapt your ward placements to what the game needs.

Just some general **** about wards:
1. Up against Nidalee/Garen/Corki who knows what they're doing? Don't ****ing put wards in the obvious places (you know, dead center of dragon opening, slightly into the river).
2. Know when not to buy wards. This really bugs me. A lot of players discover wards at some point and are like, ZOMG, wards imba and then start buying way too many and spamming "we need moar wards" in teamchat. Really think about wards and what you need them for. Is that ward you're placing worth 90 gold? If you're ward obsessed and buy 3 on every trip back, you're dropping a lot of gold from your build. If this isn't resulting in failed ganks by opponents, successful ganks by your team or improved farming/pushing due to understanding where the opponents are, you're just flushing that money down the toilet.
3. Hard pushes > warding. If you're winning, but the opposing team seems to have warded, just hard push them. 5 man push typically negates the advantage of warding by saying "you know what? we don't care that you know where we are, we're all here, deal with it."
4. Magic Wards last 1 minute less than non-magic wards. Most people don't seem to know this.
5. If you're kicking *** and the opponents are warding, just buy oracles and eat their wards. Even if the oracles doesn't technically pay for itself in the gold you get back, counterwarding will frequently ruin the composure of teams that are overzealous on warding.


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2005
Minot, ND
Some of the people I play with use this for ward placement. I feel like it's a bit overkill, but having a ton of wards can definitely have its uses.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I guess using a chart like that as a starting point is alright, but really what you should be noticing is how the ward placements affect your play and wean yourself off of a chart of placement and instead learn to adapt your ward placements to what the game needs.

Just some general **** about wards:
1. Up against Nidalee/Garen/Corki who knows what they're doing? Don't ****ing put wards in the obvious places (you know, dead center of dragon opening, slightly into the river).
2. Know when not to buy wards. This really bugs me. A lot of players discover wards at some point and are like, ZOMG, wards imba and then start buying way too many and spamming "we need moar wards" in teamchat. Really think about wards and what you need them for. Is that ward you're placing worth 90 gold? If you're ward obsessed and buy 3 on every trip back, you're dropping a lot of gold from your build. If this isn't resulting in failed ganks by opponents, successful ganks by your team or improved farming/pushing due to understanding where the opponents are, you're just flushing that money down the toilet.
3. Hard pushes > warding. If you're winning, but the opposing team seems to have warded, just hard push them. 5 man push typically negates the advantage of warding by saying "you know what? we don't care that you know where we are, we're all here, deal with it."
4. Magic Wards last 1 minute less than non-magic wards. Most people don't seem to know this.
5. If you're kicking *** and the opponents are warding, just buy oracles and eat their wards. Even if the oracles doesn't technically pay for itself in the gold you get back, counterwarding will frequently ruin the composure of teams that are overzealous on warding.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Honestly, wards are ridiculously underrated in low Elo, and ridiculously overrated in mid Elo. You only really need 2 or 3 up at any time, including Dragon/Baron. Other than that I just ward my lane if there's a Shaco or a good jungling ganker, and towards mid/endgame I just ward bushes near where we're pushing if a few opponents are MIA.

Oracle's is amazing to put on your tank if you're ahead, as wards are a common way for teams to pull a comeback.

Mogwai, what do you think of Kayle now? The patch hit her tower pushing hard but she's still one of the best solo queue picks imo


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
yea, she's still great, she's just no longer absurd about ripping towers down. I think it was a great nerf and was exactly what I suggested about 1-2 days after picking up Kayle and seeing how ****ing stupid Kayle vs. Tower was. like, she'll still maul **** on a solo push, but she can't BD or 5v5 Siege nearly as well as she used to and I think that's a good place for her to be.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I dunno, she's still the only non-Ez physical carry that I want on my team. This patch kinda shook up what people will generally be accepting of in the way of tiers, but I've never really been a fan of what tier lists look like because in my opinion, this is what the current metagame looks like:

worthwhile carries: Ezreal, Kayle, Shaco (maybe, I dunno quite how hard that nerf hit), MAYBE trist
worthwhile casters: Morgana, Kassadin, MAYBE Anivia
worthwhile non-tank support: Janna, Zilean, MAYBE Soraka
TANKS WHO DO WAY TOO MUCH DAMAGE: Amumu, Garen, Nasus, Sion, Singed, Warwick, Udyr, Xin, Olaf, Rammus, Mordekaiser, Gragas, MAYBE EVEN cho gath, nunu, and now Malphite

Like, the way everyone plays around my elo is anywhere between 3 and 5 characters from the last 2 lists there and the rest from the other lists and if you have anyone not on those, they're a liability unless they're really a master of their character (Azen on Kennen, MartinLooserKing on Kog' Maw, Dyrus on Jax, etc). So like, when I see these lists like:
* Tier 1: Ezreal, Shaco, Heimerdinger, Amumu, Morgana, Taric, Shen, Kayle, Soraka
* Tier 2: Sion, Annie, Xin Zhao, Udyr, Janna, Nasus, Vladimir, Warwick, Tristana, Alistar, Garen, Ashe, Sivir, Zilean, Veigar,
* Tier 3: Nidalee, Poppy, Twitch, Kassadin, Gragas, Twisted Fate, Anivia, Singed, Akali, Olaf, Katarina, Yi, Pantheon, Galio, Rammus, Gangplank, Nunu, Karthus.
* Tier 4: Ryze, Mordekaiser, Jax, Malphite, Blitzcrank, Corki, Fiddlesticks.
* Hard to place on a team: Kennen, Eve, Teemo, Mal'zahar, Kog'Maw, Tryndamere, Cho'Gath, Mundo
It just drives me crazy because it seems to be oblivious to how teams are being built nowadays. Characters like Kat, Panth and Akali are all bottom tier IMO because they're all about blowing up squishies, of which there are currently NONE who don't have absurd escaping/surviving capacities, whereas characters like Cho and even ****ing Mundo have gained a lot of stock just by being generally beefy as hell and putting out reasonable damage. Characters like that used to be useless because they couldn't force the opposing team to fight them and would just let their carries die, but now... there is no carry, it's just a bunch of *******s with 2.5-3K HP, 200/200 Armor/mRes wailing on each other, which lets previously garbage tanks like Mundo, Cho and Mord start to shine because they can put up those sorts of defensive stats and still hit hard.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
In defense of Elementz's tier list, first of all that's the list from before the most recent patch.

Next, he may have the champions ordered into tiers, but it's not the same as you'd expect from a fighting game. He does explain what each tier means, and in the case of Kat, Panth, and Akali they're tier three because they fulfill a very specific role well. But they can be counter-picked or useless based on the enemy team. Tier 3 are basically considerations for picks 4 and 5 to handle certain team comps.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
and what I'm saying is that that's useless because of how the metagame has shifted. certain roles are useless and as such I could not possibly care less about whether you're the best at killing squishy characters or doing AP Burst because you're just not going to kill tanks and meanwhile you'll get rolled unless you yourself are tanky or at least in someway provide yourself with survivability.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Tl;dr current metagame is almost as bad as the last one

And after 3 games vs Shaco, I can say he's a lot easier to kill. However, only one of those 3 was notably good at playing Shaco, and the sample size is still too small to really tell yet. However, as far as first impressions go, he seems a lot worse. He's not really that scary anymore.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
at least in this metagame we get to have big epic fights, even if they're a stupid cool-kids-only club for tanks.

Nothing was worse than that poking-siege your tower bull**** besides maybe the quickdraw AoE fests of the end of 2009. Who's tank is better at initiating!?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
nerf their base damage.

Garen's judgement with no items at level 18 is like 800

Pantheon's heartseeker won't do that much damage until he has 97 extra damage from items. And that's just to catch up to Garen's base damage.

*shrugs* that's just an anecdotal comparison, but it sorta sums up the problem. There wouldn't be an issue with tanks if they had legit consequences to stacking tanking items, but at this point, they simply don't need anything offensive to hit hard enough to kill non-tanks who have roughly equal farm invested in offensive items.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
^ that's always been my problem. I've said this a million times, mainly with characters like Taric.

Imagine how much more balanced Taric would be if he had to build AP to get such an amazing heal, lol.

Nerf base amounts, buff ratios if necessary, and the game would be a lot more balanced. Force the majority of characters to actually choose a role.

Edit: Also, do you not consider Sion a viable caster? I always thought he was a really good choice after Morgana :\

Edit 2: Oh nvm I see, he's under tanks lol


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Excuse me, noob question lol

what exactly do you guys mean by "siege"? I saw mogwai use it a lot when describing kayle's attacks and such. And then again in the previous post haha

Could someone please explain?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
lol, yea, I just don't think AP Sion is really viable anymore so I don't consider him a caster. I think you're supposed to get like 1 hybrid/DPS item and stack tanking **** with him to max out his stupidtacular EHP from all the bonus HP from both Enrage and his Shield then you just turn on your ult and voila, your team has now won the attrition teamfight.

EDIT: when I refer to sieging, I'm talking about setting up shop outside of an opposing turret and then slowly chipping away at the tower and opposing champs via attrition.


aka Logan
Aug 27, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
I still do AP, but hella tankier now. Usually Randuin's or Banshee's Veil is my first item. I don't know, never tried AD/tank Sion, I'll have to try it out. Guinsoo's a good item for him? Seems like with its indirect nerf from this patch it'd be a lot less enjoyable.

I just love the AP build's synergy with some of the gay characters like Ezreal and Garen <3
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