Besides a few minor buffs, Gragas has been the same he has always been. He's risen up to the top recently because of a shift in the meta. I think the same is true of Malphite actually. Even after their buffs, they weren't considered top tier, but they both have in common that they can harass without taking harass back (or heal off / shield incoming harassment). That means even though they are pretty much just utility characters in the late game, they disrupt the hell out of the "carry sits in a solo lane and farms for 25 minutes" style of play made famous by CLG.
So now poor carries have to deal with harassment from champions that can soak up harassment back and have to leave the lane, get killed, etc. Under half health and sitting in the lane to keep farming? Too bad. My jungler popped his ghost and I just used Explosive Cask/Unstoppable Force so you can't scurry back to your tower safely. Whoops.
See? People complained about the meta and said it was too passive, but once players figure out how to screw up your farm with hulking jerks that won't leave the lane and harass the carries... BOO HOO... Gragas and Malphite are OP.
The problem with Malphite is Q's range more than anything else. Basically no one can actually retaliate to his harass because it's at 700 range, travels retardedly fast and gives him a speed boost to dodge anything you could send at him. Oh yea, and if he actually does **** up, who cares? He has a shield vs. all damage that recharges without cost every 8 seconds.
700 range point and click nukes are a rarity (only one I know off the top of my head is Kassadin) and they're just a complete ***** to play against, Malphite's just has other properties and aspects of his character that make it impossible to play against and well 100% idiotproof. If you just cast your Q on every cooldown and then run away, you will leave them low enough to burst kill with plenty of mana, it's really ********.
Pantheon's a good example of what we need in terms of counterable characters that stop ranged carries from free farming. Malphite is a ******** ******* who is just a free WIN THIS LANE button. I get your sentiment M3D but you're really not considering how ****ing ******** Malphite actually is atm. And I was complaining about how he hard counters a counter-carry ffs. I wasn't *****ing about not getting my farm as Ashe or Corki or Kog or w/e, I'm taking about how no matter much I outplay a malphite as Pantheon, I 100% lose the lane. There isn't even room for player skill to assist the matchup, it's strictly an assraping every time based on him using his nuke that's stronger, has extra utility and longer range on every single CD and that's just dumb.
Gragas I can sorta deal with because at least it's a damn skillshot, but he's still over the top right now.