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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007

It's like you triggered something lmao.

That was a very painful game I just experienced as Shaco. Everything that could have went wrong, went wrong.



I don't understand why people focus Tryndamere/Singed

it makes me want to cry inside when I see that happen


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Besides a few minor buffs, Gragas has been the same he has always been. He's risen up to the top recently because of a shift in the meta. I think the same is true of Malphite actually. Even after their buffs, they weren't considered top tier, but they both have in common that they can harass without taking harass back (or heal off / shield incoming harassment). That means even though they are pretty much just utility characters in the late game, they disrupt the hell out of the "carry sits in a solo lane and farms for 25 minutes" style of play made famous by CLG.

So now poor carries have to deal with harassment from champions that can soak up harassment back and have to leave the lane, get killed, etc. Under half health and sitting in the lane to keep farming? Too bad. My jungler popped his ghost and I just used Explosive Cask/Unstoppable Force so you can't scurry back to your tower safely. Whoops.

See? People complained about the meta and said it was too passive, but once players figure out how to screw up your farm with hulking jerks that won't leave the lane and harass the carries... BOO HOO... Gragas and Malphite are OP.

This is another case of strong early game vs weak end game. I can't speak to Gragas, but once characters get magic resist and a respectable amount of health the utility of Malphite plummets. All Malphite has to offer is a good initiating move and an AOE attack speed debuff. The buffs to Malphite were significant. Pretty much all his cooldowns were reduced including the refresh rate of his passive and the damage of his q was buffed. He is a MONSTER early game and against the right team comp that rolls into mid game as well. However, he will never have the utility of Galio/Rammus/Amumu in the late game.

Mogwai has a good point about Pantheon. Pantheon was a character who was nerfed because of his early game dominance. Now he is mediocre early game and has poor scaling into late game while characters like Malphite and Gragas were buffed and fill that early game roll in a much more extreme degree.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
This is another case of strong early game vs weak end game. I can't speak to Gragas, but once characters get magic resist and a respectable amount of health the utility of Malphite plummets. All Malphite has to offer is a good initiating move and an AOE attack speed debuff. The buffs to Malphite were significant. Pretty much all his cooldowns were reduced including the refresh rate of his passive and the damage of his q was buffed. He is a MONSTER early game and against the right team comp that rolls into mid game as well. However, he will never have the utility of Galio/Rammus/Amumu in the late game.

Mogwai has a good point about Pantheon. Pantheon was a character who was nerfed because of his early game dominance. Now he is mediocre early game and has poor scaling into late game while characters like Malphite and Gragas were buffed and fill that early game roll in a much more extreme degree.
Malphite's an initiate, and a reliable one at that. Currently, I'd rate him as either number one or number two center simply due to what his lane presence causes all through out the game.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I would still rather have Amumu Galio, than Malphite, but the point of my post was that Malphite is better early game than pre-nerf Pantheon. Panth's early game lane presence was the reason they nerfed him, but then they turn around and make Malphite's laning game ridiculous. They need to buff his tanking stats and nerf his q's damage.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I completely agree about his Q being too buff, but I also find the fact that he negates most if not all poking damage done to him a bit over the top. He's like Mord, except without creeps being nearby.

Taking reduced damage- good.

Taking no damage at the cost of nothing- bad.

Characters that play themselves are bad.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I completely agree about his Q being too buff, but I also find the fact that he negates most if not all poking damage done to him a bit over the top. He's like Mord, except without creeps being nearby.

Taking reduced damage- good.

Taking no damage at the cost of nothing- bad.

Characters that play themselves are bad.
Morde can replenish his shield during a fight. Malphite cannot.

The only reason Malphite is so good right now is his poking and level 6 burst. Tone that down and his shield won't be as big of an issue because he won't be as dangerous.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Sure during a fight but not during poking sessions, which seem to be the current super-trend from what little 5s play I've gotten lately.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Waiting for locket to get nerfed. In the meantime, locket + visage + IE + GBlade = pure sex on Pirate.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
no wriggles?

didnt locket get nerfed or reworked or something a while back?
Well, the entire point of wriggles is for massive lane stayability (+ other benefits), and that is just as easily accomplished with Locket + Strength of Spirit mastery. Now that I'm starting to run flash over teleport, some of the biggest benefits of wriggles are a moot point (like a ward to tp to, or a ward to protect me from ganking after I tp to farm, etc). That said I'm still in love with wriggle Pirate. Its just not as good as locket :X

And locket's AoE got nerfed while the self-heal got buffed. More or less locket is OP as **** on any and all melee (say hi to the EU metagame), as well as some ranged supports (Janna/Sona come to mind).


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
i saw wickd streaming a while back when he put locket and visage on xin zhao and was like "new build lets see if this works" and i was like wtf he doing and then i was like oooooohhhh


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
I've seen Annie's running Locket alot too. but they might just be bad.
Might be? More like 100% are.

i saw wickd streaming a while back when he put locket and visage on xin zhao and was like "new build lets see if this works" and i was like wtf he doing and then i was like oooooohhhh
Yup. Xin is a great example of how OP locket/visage can be and is used quite often in the EU meta. Irelia is also extremely good with locket so I hear (wickd's Irelia is absurd and he rushes locket iirc).

I never got around to trying it with Pirate because I figured with his item-dependant DPS, buying non-DPS items just makes him meh at all points in the game. Then I randomly decided to try it out after buying the wrong starting item while I was experimenting with all crit runes (+MR glyphs). Turns out the crit runes supplement my early-mid game damage enough to make locket an awesome item to rush.

I'm currently trying out 1/8/21 with exhaust/flash and all crit chance runes + MR glyphs. I start with sapphire crystal (saph + strength of spirit give me nearly a doran's shield of hp regen at just level 1 <3). Then I rush locket, zerks, and decide on either GB, IE, or SV depending on the game. This build is FAR from optimized since I just started doing it, but its been working shockingly well thus far... I haven't lost a game with locket critplank, side or solo lane, since I've tried it.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Irelia with Locket seems so... Situational. Abilityspam only really happens with her ult or when a creepwave is low. I guess it has great synergy with her W's passive, though.

@Earlier Gragas / Malphite talk: Early game is the big factor, though. Malph's ult used to towerdive for a double kill at level 6 gets you a tower and two people who can roam and pressure other lanes / jungle / gank. Gold deficits are hard to overcome.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Not gonna lie, the only character's lore I've read is Gragas' and that was AFTER 800 games with him. This coming from a guy who grew up reading super thick fantasy novels no less :p

So I'm torn now. I want locket to get nerfed so I can play Graggles again... but I don't want locket nerfed because now I **** with Pirate from a very early level (which shouldn't happen). Seriously, I just played a game where I forced a Heimer with tear and THEN a Gragas with locket (they switched since Heimer couldn't do it anymore :p) out of my lane as Pirate without going back, and all I had was locket + zerks.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2009
Dallas, TX
^^ lesson to be learned...rush locket with every champ in the game for maximum lane staying power. Forget recall, just buy locket. :teemo:


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Besides a few minor buffs, Gragas has been the same he has always been. He's risen up to the top recently because of a shift in the meta. I think the same is true of Malphite actually. Even after their buffs, they weren't considered top tier, but they both have in common that they can harass without taking harass back (or heal off / shield incoming harassment). That means even though they are pretty much just utility characters in the late game, they disrupt the hell out of the "carry sits in a solo lane and farms for 25 minutes" style of play made famous by CLG.

So now poor carries have to deal with harassment from champions that can soak up harassment back and have to leave the lane, get killed, etc. Under half health and sitting in the lane to keep farming? Too bad. My jungler popped his ghost and I just used Explosive Cask/Unstoppable Force so you can't scurry back to your tower safely. Whoops.

See? People complained about the meta and said it was too passive, but once players figure out how to screw up your farm with hulking jerks that won't leave the lane and harass the carries... BOO HOO... Gragas and Malphite are OP.

The problem with Malphite is Q's range more than anything else. Basically no one can actually retaliate to his harass because it's at 700 range, travels retardedly fast and gives him a speed boost to dodge anything you could send at him. Oh yea, and if he actually does **** up, who cares? He has a shield vs. all damage that recharges without cost every 8 seconds.

700 range point and click nukes are a rarity (only one I know off the top of my head is Kassadin) and they're just a complete ***** to play against, Malphite's just has other properties and aspects of his character that make it impossible to play against and well 100% idiotproof. If you just cast your Q on every cooldown and then run away, you will leave them low enough to burst kill with plenty of mana, it's really ********.

Pantheon's a good example of what we need in terms of counterable characters that stop ranged carries from free farming. Malphite is a ******** ******* who is just a free WIN THIS LANE button. I get your sentiment M3D but you're really not considering how ****ing ******** Malphite actually is atm. And I was complaining about how he hard counters a counter-carry ffs. I wasn't *****ing about not getting my farm as Ashe or Corki or Kog or w/e, I'm taking about how no matter much I outplay a malphite as Pantheon, I 100% lose the lane. There isn't even room for player skill to assist the matchup, it's strictly an assraping every time based on him using his nuke that's stronger, has extra utility and longer range on every single CD and that's just dumb.

Gragas I can sorta deal with because at least it's a damn skillshot, but he's still over the top right now.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
That skin should be Udyr's default. And should cost 975x4 RP :p

Also, I even surprise myself at how well I lane against Gragas. I counted last game, prior to level 6 I was only hit by 3 barrels the entire time. And I have NEVER been knocked back into Gragas from his ulti during the laning phase. I dunno, it kinda solidifies in my mind how Grag didn't magically get better just more popular. Although I know Im in the minority of how well I know how to fight Gragas. 1000+ games with a character will do that.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
WOW. okay. i never buy 3150+ champions on impulse, i always have to test them first. but i bought kennen today because i was bored and i've heard good things about him

holy **** kennen *****. he's as fun as anivia and possibly better. i got a quadra kill during my second kennen game ever and went 16/2

you can COMPLETELY deny people in mid lane by leveling up your w with a point in q. when they get 2 marks you've gotta hit w and throw a shuriken during the stun, then they still have a mark on them and you can keep going. kennen is ridiculous


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
@patch notes:

Good changes overall. HATE the doran's ring change (idiotic). Picking up Blitzcrank again since now he's super viable (and probably pretty damn good). Overall pirate is better in comparison so w/e.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I really really like how my school had a fire drill during that game with DanGR DMG and Virg.

I like even more seeing that we have a victory screen good **** guys!


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Their Poppy had Wriggles and Hextech revolver. Ryze only had a RoA, no boots or anything else.

I would have been disappointed if we had lost lol


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Their Poppy had Wriggles and Hextech revolver. Ryze only had a RoA, no boots or anything else.

I would have been disappointed if we had lost lol
We also 3v5'd them as Heimer, Malphite, and Olaf underneath their turret and aced them.
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